101st Airborne Division - Order of Battle of the United States Army - WWII - ETO (2024)

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"Eagle Division"

The division insignia is a white eagle's head with a gold beak on a black shield. The design is based on an American Civil War tradition. The black shield recalls the "Iron Brigade", one of the forerunners of the 101st Division. One regiment of the brigade possessed the famous war eagle, "Old Abe", pictured on the shield, that went through 36 battles as a fierce, screaming mascot and was wounded twice. When the division was activated in 1942, the word "Airborne", in gold letters, was placed on a crescent-shaped black background and added to the top of the insignia.

[page 381]


Commanding General

15 Sep 43 Maj. Gen. William C. Lee
14 Mar 44 Brig. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor
31 May 44 Maj. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor
5 Dec 44 Brig. Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe
27 Dec 44 Maj. Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor

Assistant Division Commander

15 Sep 43 Brig. Gen. Don F. Pratt
1 Aug 44 Brig. Gen. Gerald J. Higgins

Artillery Commander

15 Sep 43 Brig. Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe
5 Dec 44 Col. Thomas L. Sherburne
27 Dec 44 Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe
9 Feb 45 Col. William N. Gillmore
1 May 45 Brig. Gen. William N. Gillmore

Chief of Staff

15 Sep 43 Col. Gerald J. Higgins
11 Aug 44 Lt. Col. Raymond D. Millener
21 Oct 44 Col. Raymond D. Millener
8 Dec 44 Lt. Col. Ned D. Moore (Acting)
28 Dec 44 Col. John H. Michaelis
10 Feb 45 Lt. Col. Ned D. Moore
8 Mar 45 Col. Ned D. Moore

Assistant Chief of Staff G-1

15 Sep 43 Lt. Col. Ned D. Moore
14 Dec 44 Maj. Frank R. Brower, Jr. (Acting)
28 Dec 44 Lt. Col. Ned D. Moore
10 Feb 45 Maj. Frank R. Brower, Jr.
16 Apr 45 Lt. Col. Frank R. Brower, Jr.

Assistant Chief of Staff G-2

15 Sep 43 Lt. Col. Ralph M. Neal
17 Apr 44 Maj. Arthur M. Sommerfield
7 Jul 44 Maj. Paul A. Danahy
11 Nov 44 Lt. Col. Paul A. Danahy

Assistant Chief of Staff G-3

15 Sep 43 Lt. Col. Raymond D. Millener
1 Jul 44 Lt. Col. Harold W. Hannah
30 Sep 44 Lt. Col. Col. Harry W. O. Kinnard, Jr.
8 Mar 45 Lt. Col. Charles H. Chase (Acting)
16 Apr 45 Col. Harry W. O. Kinnard, Jr.

Assistant Chief of Staff G-4

15 Sep 43 Lt. Col. Carl W. Kohls

Assistant Chief of Staff G-5

6 May 44 Maj. Glen C. Eberle
18 Jun 44 Maj. Charles H. Stephens
30 Aug 44 Maj. Ralph L. Blanchard
9 Jan 45 Capt. Robert S. Smith
7 Mar 45 Maj. George R. Dessaussure
7 May 45 Maj. Robert S. Smith

Adjutant General

15 Sep 43 Lt. Col. Edward Schmitt

Commanding Officer, 327th Glider Infantry

15 Sep 43 Col. George S. Wear
10 Jun 44 Col. Joseph H. Harper

Commanding Officer, 501st Parachute Infantry

1 Feb 44 Col. Howard R. Johnson
7 Oct 44 Col. Julian J. Ewell
9 Jan 45 Lt. Col. Robert A. Ballard
30 Apr 45 Col. Robert A. Ballard

Commanding Officer, 502d Parachute Infantry

15 Sep 43 Col. George V. H. Moseley
9 Jun 44 Col. J. H. Michaelis
23 Sep 44 Col. Steve A. Chappuis

Commanding Officer, 506th Parachute Infantry

15 Sep 43 Col. Robert F. Sink

[pages 382 (through G-5)-383]



Activated 15 August 1942
Arrived ETO 15 September 1943
Arrived Continent (D Day) 6 June 1944
Entered Combat 6 June 1944
Days in Combat 214

Casualties (Tentative)

Killed 2,043
Wounded 7,976
Missing 1,193
Captured 336
Battle Casualties 11,548
Non-Battle Casualties
Total Casualties
Percent of T/O Strength


  • Normandy
  • Ardennes
  • Rhineland
  • Central Europe

Individual Awards

Distinguished Service Cross 47
Legion of Merit 12
Silver Star 516
Soldiers Medal 4
Bronze Star 6,977
Air Medal 46

Prisoners of War Taken 29,527


  • 502d Parachute Infantry
  • 506th Parachute Infantry [assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]
  • 327th Glider Infantry
  • 401st Glider Infantry [disbanded in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]
  • 101st Parachute Maintenance Battalion
  • 326th Airborne Engineer Battalion
  • 326th Airborne Medical Company
  • 81st Airborne Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion
  • 101st Airborne Division Artillery
  • 321st Glider Field Artillery Battalion
  • 377th Parachute Field Artillery Battalion
  • 463d Parachute Field Artillery Battalion [assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]
  • 907th Glider Field Artillery Battalion
  • Special Troops@
  • 801st Ordnance Company
  • 426th Quartermaster Company
  • 101st Signal Company
  • Military Police Platoon
  • Headquarters Company
  • Reconnaissance Platoon
  • Band [assigned in 1 Mar 45 reorganization]

Headquarters Special Troops activated 1 Mar 45. Units previously directly under division.

[page 384]


Antiaircraft Artillery

1st Plat, Btry A, 474th AAA AW Bn (SP) 9 Jun 44-11 Jun 44
Br 502d Light AA Btry -14 Nov 44
2 plats, Co B, 796th AAA AW Bn (SP) 9 Jan 45-10 Jan 45
Btrys A, B & C, 61st Abn AA Bn 11 Jan 45-27 Feb 45
567 th AAA AW Bn (Mbl) 23 Feb 45-27 Feb 45
2d Plat, Btry D, 910th AAA AW Bn (Mbl) 5 May 45-9 May 45


Co D, 70th Tk Bn 6 Jun 44-16 Jun 44
Co F, 70th Tk Bn 7 Jun 44-
1st Bn, 66th Armd Regt (2d Armd Div) 17 Jun 44-26 Jun 44
759th Tk Bn 28 Jun 44-8 Jul 44
Br 44th Armd Regt (Br 4th Armd Bde) 19 Sep 44-25 Sep 44
Br 13/18 Hussars (Br 79th Armd Div) 18 Oct 44-22 Oct 44
Br 4/7 Dragoon Guards (Br 79th Armd Div) 2 Nov 44-11 Nov 44
2d Tk Bn (9th Armd Div) 19 Dec 44-30 Dec 44
CC R (9th Armd Div) 20 Dec 44-31 Dec 44
CC B (10th Armd Div) 20 Dec 44-18 Jan 45
CC B (4th Armd Div) 8 Jan 45-10 Jan 45
Co A & 1st Plat, Co D, 781st Tk Bn 26 Jan 45-28 Jan 45
Co A, 47th Tk Bn (14th Armd Div) 5 Feb 45-14 Feb 45
Co A & 3d Plat, Co D, 781st Tk Bn 6 Feb 45-7 Feb 45
1st Plat, Co D, 47th Tk Bn (14th Armd Div) 7 Feb 45-13 Feb 45
2d Plat, Co D, 47th Tk Bn (14th Armd Div) 13 Feb 45-19 Feb 45
Co B, 47th Tk Bn (14th Armd Div) 14 Feb 45-25 Feb 45
113th Tk Bn 5 May 45-8 May 45
774th Tk Bn 5 May 45-9 May 45


24th Cav Rcn Sq 29 Jun 44-8 Jul 44
4th Cav Gp 1 Jul 44-8 Jul 44
Br 53d Rcn Regt (Br 53d Div) 5 Oct 44-6 Oct 44
Sqs A&B Br Royal Scots Greys 6 Oct 44-7 Oct 44
Br 61st Rcn Regt 6 Oct 44-12 Oct 44
Sq C Br Royal Scots Greys 6 Oct 44-17 Oct 44
Sq C Br 61st Rcn Regt 10 Oct 44-12 Oct 44
Br 53d Rcn Regt (Br 53d Div) 13 Oct 44-19 Oct 44
101st Cav Gp 5 May 45-9 May 45
116th Cav Rcn Sq 8 May 45-9 May 45


Cos B&C, 87th Cml Mort Bn 11 Jun 44-12 Jun 44
Co B, 99th Cml Mort Bn 5 May 45-8 May 45


48th Engr C Bn 5 May 45-9 May 45

Field Artillery

65th Armd FA Bn 6 Jun 44-26 Jun 44
87th Armd FA Bn 10 Jun 44-14 Jun 44
188th FA Bn (155 How) 11 Jun 44-12 Jun 44
951st FA Bn (155 How) 12 Jun 44-15 Jun 44
14th FA Abn Bn 13 Jun 44-16 Jun 44
Br 4th Royal Horse Field Arty Regt (RA) (Mecz) 12 Oct 44-18 Oct 44
Br 147th Field Arty Regt 18 Oct 44-
Br 6th Field Arty Regt 8 Nov 44-
463d Prcht FA Bn 18 Dec 44-
755th FA Bn (155 How) 19 Dec 44-12 Jan 45
969th FA Bn (155 How) 19 Dec 44-12 Jan 45
775th FA Bn (4.5" Gun) 19 Dec 44-15 Jan 45
333d FA Gp 20 Dec 44-28 Dec 44
559th FA Bn (155 Gun) 1 Jan 45-3 Jan 45
559th FA Bn (155 Gun) 11 Jan 45-12 Jan 45
687th FA Bn (105 How) 12 Jan 45-18 Jan 45
770th FA Bn (4.5" Gun) 13 Jan 45-14 Jan 45
463d Prcht FA Bn 25 Feb 45-26 Feb 45
250th FA Gp 7 Apr 45-11 Apr 45
790th FA Bn (8" How) 7 Apr 45-11 Apr 45
942d FA Bn (155 How) 7 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
490th FA Bn (155 How) 10 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
805th FA Bn (155 How) 12 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
529th FA Bn (8" How) 14 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
791st FA Bn (8" How) 15 Apr 45-17 Apr 45
969th FA Bn (155 How) 5 May 45-7 May 45
522d FA Bn (105 How) 5 May 45-7 May 45
342d Armd FA Bn 8 May 45-9 May 45


506th Prcht Inf 15 Sep 43-becomes organic 1 Mar 45
501st Prcht Inf Jan 44-still attached 9 May 45
Br 5th Duke of Cornwall's Light Inf 5 Oct 44-
Br Sherwood Rangers 22 Oct 44-2 Nov 44
Br Sherwood Rangers 2 Nov 44
Br 152d Brig (51st Highland Div) 19 Nov 44-26 Nov 44
509th Prcht Inf Bn (Non-Div) 22 Nov 44-18 Dec 44
Task Force Higgins 3 Jan 45-6 Jan 45
193d Gli Inf (17th Abn Div) 3 Jan 45-7 Jan 45
193d Gli Inf (17th Abn Div) 14 Jan 45-18 Jan 45

Tank Destroyer

Br 304th AT Btry 12 Oct 44-13 Oct 44
Br 74th AT Btry 9 Nov 44-13 Nov 44
705th TD Bn (SP) 20 Dec 44-18 Jan 45
Co B, 811th TD Bn (SP) 3 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
Cos B&C, 705th TD Bn (SP) 3 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
Co C (- 1 plat), 704th TD Bn (SP) 4 Jan 45-6 Jan 45
Co A, 602d TD Bn (SP) 4 Jan 45-6 Jan 45
611th TD Bn 6 Jan 45-7 Jan 45
Co B (- 1 plat), 704th TD Bn (SP) 9 Jan 45-11 Jan 45
Co C, 609th TD Bn (SP) 11 Jan 45-12 Jan 45
807th TD Bn (SP) 20 Jan 45-25 Feb 45
813th TD Bn (SP) 5 May 45-9 May 45


Prov Abn Naval Shore Fire Control Parties 16 May 44-

[pages 385-387]


(Attached to)

Antiaircraft Artillery

Btrys D, E & F, 81st Abn AA Bn VII Corps 6 Jun 44-11 Jun 44

Field Artillery

377th Prcht FA Bn 100th Div 25 Jan 45-28 Jan 45


2d Bn, 401st Gli Inf 82d Abn Div 6 Jun 44-1 Mar 45
502d Prcht Inf 82d Abn Div 4 Oct 44-5 Oct 44
506th Prcht Inf 4th Div 2 May 45-3 May 45

[page 387]


Assigned Attached Assigned Attached
21 Aug 43 V ETOUSA
22 Oct 43 - First
22 Jan 44 VIII First
13 Mar 44 First -
6 Jun 44 VII First
15 Jun 44 VIII First
15 Jul 44 - - Ninth
12 Aug 44 XVIII Abn First Allied Abn -
18 Sep 44 Br XXX First Allied Abn Br Second
21 Sep 44 Br I ABN First Allied Abn Br Second
23 Sep 44 Br VIII First Allied Abn Br Second
28 Sep 44 Br XII First Allied Abn Br Second
9 Nov 44 Cdn II First Allied Abn Cdn First
17 Dec 44 VIII First Allied Abn Third 12th
21 Dec 44 VIII First Allied Abn Third 12th
26 Dec 44 III First Allied Abn Third 12th
29 Dec 44 VIII First Allied Abn Third 12th
19 Jan 45 - First Allied Abn Third 12th
20 Jan 45 XV First Allied Abn Seventh 6th
26 Jan 45 VI Opns First Allied Abn Seventh (Adm&Sup) 6th
28 Feb 45 XVIII Abn First Allied Abn - - -
1 Apr 45 XXII First Allied Abn Fifteenth 12th
6 Apr 45 - First Allied Abn 12th
17 Apr 45 XVIII Abn First Allied Abn Seventh 6th
23 Apr 45 VI First Allied Abn Seventh 6th
4 May 45 XXI First Allied Abn Seventh 6th

(-) Indicates relieved from assignment.

[pages 388 (through 26 Dec 44)-389]


15 Sep 43 Liverpool Lancashire England
15 Sep 43 Newbury (Greenham Lodge) Berkshire England
6 Jun 44 Hiesville Manche France
12 Jun 44 Carentan Manche France
27 Jun 44 St-Saveur-le-Vicomte Manche France
29 Jun 44 Cherbourg (5 mi S) Manche France
15 Jul 44 Newbury (Greenham Lodge) Berkshire England
17 Sep 44 Zon Nord Brabant Netherlands
20 Sep 44 St-Oedenrode Nord Brabant Netherlands
24 Sep 44 Vechel Nord Brabant Netherlands
5 Oct 44 Slik Ewjik Nord Brabant Netherlands
1 Dec 44 Mourmelon Marne France
18 Dec 44 Mande St-Etienne Luxembourg Belgium
19 Dec 44 Bastogne Luxembourg Belgium
7 Jan 45 Isle-le-Pre Luxembourg Belgium
21 Jan 45 Drulingen Bas-Rhin France
25 Jan 45 Hochfelden Bas-Rhin France
28 Feb 45 Mourmelon Marne France
1 Apr 45 Glehn Rhineland Germany
24 Apr 45 Merchingen Wurttemberg Germany
27 Apr 45 Memmingen Bavaria Germany
1 May 45 Kaufbeuren Bavaria Germany
2 May 45 Wolfratshausen Bavaria Germany
4 May 45 Miesbach Bavaria Germany

[pages 390 (through 27 Apr 45)-391]

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101st Airborne Division  - Order of Battle of the United States Army - WWII - ETO (2024)
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