All Boys University! - SmolAngstyWritings (2024)

Soleil & Lila's Group!

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Feel free to change anything at all!!))


"Imogen, my beloved elder sister, you're a genius! There's no doubt about it." I whispered to the redhead, smiling at her warmly. "No one will suspect us to be in a prominent all boys university." I hummed, looking in the mirror of the public restroom we were in. "I hope this won't be too difficult. ...We only need to keep this charade up until everyone stops looking for us, right, Imogen ...?" I frowned, readjusting the bandages that bound my chest before buttoning the men's shirt that I wore all the way. "It's not fair. Sure, father was a horrid man, but he's gone now. Why must they come after us? You would have been the best queen-!" I sighed. Our father - the king of ((this country? A far off country?)) - has wronged many people. Though he recently died, leaving the throne to my elder sister since he had bore no sons and never remarried. Imogen would have righted the wrongs! She would have been a splendid Queen, and I her assistant ! But ... Well, the anger brewing within the people overtook them , and my sister and I had to flee when we overheard that they planned to send us to the gallows or behead us at the guillotine. I applied a dab of make up in order to look as if I had the facial features of a man , then turned to Imogen once my hair was fixed up as well. "From now on, I shall be known as Leon, and you Yrian! Right? Let's hope we can get through this. ....It may even be fun. Just imagine! A prominent university! Ah... We were already accepted and given dorms... We should go separately, so people do not get recognize similarities or something... I hope to see you soon!" I gave my sister a hug before picking up my two bags and heading out of the restroom. The University was very close , so I easily walked there and stepped onto the premises. Once inside one of the large dorm buildings, I gazed down at a paper. "Room 303.." I mused. I wonder who I'd be dorming with! ((Oh! By the way, I choose Sinbad as my crush~))


Room 319. That was the room given to me in this new university. It was quite large, since the college was very well maintained. Many people donated to it; it was one of the best universities in the entire country. I was quite glad to have been accepted here, though.. I was very curious about my roommate. I hoped that he would not be noisy or disruptive. I enjoyed to read - quietly - and would be rather irritated if I had to deal with a party animal. Hopefully, he would keep his area organized as well. With a small sigh, I stood up, gazing at my room in the dorm. I had just finished unpacking , and I was quite proud of how I had done. ((Do you want them to share a room (a room with two beds) or maybe two different bedrooms with a shared bathroom?)) I left the dorm room after that, locking it behind me. Surely, my roommate would have a key , so I needn't worry. I would enjoy looking around the university , since it was very large. I looked around, seeing a black haired (short, much too ... girlish) male looking at a paper. Oh.. Was he one of THOSE males? I shifted slightly. Well, so long as he didn't try anything on me... "Er, are you looking for room 319?" I questioned , though the male shook his head. "303." He replied, causing me to nod. "That room'll be that way. Your roommate is a good friend of mine; he has long purple hair, you can't miss him." I said, pointing down the hall. The dark haired man nodded. "Oh. Actually, a friend of mine is assigned to 319. Perhaps you can help him settle in? He's a redhead named Yrian. He'll be coming soon. Thank you for the help." The male said, making his way down the hall. Huh... His voice was odd. But who am I to judge? "Yrian, hm..." I mused, looking down the hall. What would he be like?

2015/04/26 1:12:41 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((It's all good! And let me know if you want me to change Sin somehow~ And I dunno how you want to do the beds! I'm fine with either one... how do they usually do it in college? My sister had a tiny room, but it was all to herself (until she got an apartment with three other friends) so I dunno how this works xD))

Sinbad opened the door to his room- Room 303- and set down his large duffle bag with a sigh. He rubbed his shoulder- that thing was heavy! And Sinbad was strong, so the fact that he found that to be heavy really said something. He looked around the room; it was nice. Quaint, but it was bigger than he expected it to be, in all honesty. Oh well, perhaps the fact that this was a good and renown school meant that the rooms were also pretty good? Honestly, Sinbad was lucky to have gotten accepted into this college. His grades had just barely gotten him into the pool of students, so he was very thankful for getting into this top-school. He sat down on one of the beds ((either in the same room or in different ones, both work)) and ran a hand through his hair before retying it into a ponytail. The man wondered about his roommate- what would he be like? As long as he was friendly, Sinbad didn't really mind. After all, relationships were supposed to be strong between roommates, right? ((>:D)) Sinbad then forced himself to get up from the bed and he began unpacking, setting his clothes and books aside. When he was almost finished, the door opened ((I'm assuming, but you can change this!)) and in came a guy with black hair. Sinbad looked up and smiled a little, "Are you in room 303?" he asked in a friendly tone and set down the book he was currently setting aside, "It looks like we're roommates! I'm Sinbad, nice to meet you." He stood up and walked over to him, extending his hand with a grin. Looking at the man in front of him, Sinbad couldn't help but note his soft features- pretty long lashes and full lips. He didn't have a stubble either, so his cheeks looked really soft- did he shave at all? Still, with these thoughts, Sinbad didn't pay it too much mind; there were pretty males. Like Titus. It was uncommon, but who was he to judge?


[I'm going to refer to Imogen as a 'he' once she's Yrian... most of the time, anyway. And maybe they can be from another country; not neighbouring but still kind of close?]

Imogen grinned- she was rather proud of her idea, in all honesty. Her younger sister, Lila, had done a lot in this as well, and honestly, Imogen was just really glad that the two of them got out safely. After their (horrid) father's death and the rebellion, it seemed as though no place was safe for the two princesses. Imogen only hoped that things would calm down before too long... So this is how they ended up in one of the best all boys' schools in the world. Surely no one would think to search for two girls amongst only boys? Though that also meant that they had to play the part... So Imogen had cut her hair. Which turned out to be terribly lopsided so she asked Lila to even it out for her to make it actually look presentable. (1) She darkened her eyebrows and sharpened her features with makeup, as well as bound her chest. This was all very uncomfortable, and such short hair felt foreign on Imogen, but this was what was needed. She'd live with it. Now, they were pretty much ready. Imogen sighed a little, "Are you sure you'll be alright?" she asked her younger sister, "Make sure no one finds out your true identity." With a final hug, the two sisters parted, and Imogen made a mental note to call her "Leon" from now on. All of this was so foreign, but... Imogen looked down at her paper. Room 319. She made her way to her room, though... sadly got lost along the way somehow. She'd always had an awful sense of direction! With her bag with her, Imogen looked around for her room with no luck. Seeing a brown haired man not too far away, she decided to go up to him, "Sorry," she asked, trying to speak in a lower voice, "Could you point me in the direction of room 319?"

(1) I just like short hair >u< So don't feel pressured to cut Lila's hair or anything! And Imogen's hair is still relatively long, kind of like

2015/04/26 10:40:19 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Maybe different rooms then, since it'd be painful to sleep with bandages ? :L I dunno xD And okie dokie!]]


By the time I reached room 303, I was lugging my bags behind me and huffing. 'Oh geez... t-talk about being out of sh-shape.. I'll certainly be the worst guy around!' I thought to myself. Men were supposed to be strong! I pulled out my set of keys and opened the door, tugging my bags in with me. Almost as soon as I stepped inside, a tall man with long purple hair spoke to me. "E-Eh..?" I blinked, a little surprised. Oh God, no... Why was I given a gorgeous man to dorm with? Why, why, why-? God knows how easily flustered I am, and yet-! U-Urk... this must be a test of self-control. 'Don't blush, don't stare, don't blush, don't stare...' I repeatedly told myself. That would be my mantra. I just hoped that he wasn't one of those men who liked to walk around shirtless. "O-Oh! Ehem." I cleared my throat, standing up a little straighter, and shook the man's hand. "I'm Leon. Pleasure to meet you as well, roommate!" I smiled, forcing back a blush and making my voice sound a little deeper. Oh geez.. compared to this man - Sinbad - I still looked like a woman! I was much shorter and smaller than him. Urk.. At least he didn't judge me, or call me a 'pretty boy' or something. ...Surely there were other pretty boys out there! "I hope we can be friends then." I grinned. ...Maybe I should have said 'buddies' instead? Being a male was difficult... ! And now I had to dorm with this lovely man who'll certainly think I was.. er, gay. At some point or another, I'd blush around him.. Well, better to be called gay than to be beheaded.


[[Oh! Short hair works well~! I think short hair is adorable, but I also really love long hair :3 Like, Sinbad/Gakupo long hair X3]]

I hadn't been walking too far when I heard a (rather attractive I had to admit; it sounded like a husky woman's voice) voice. Turning around, I spotted a red haired male. To my surprise, he also looked rather... girlish. He had soft features, and I couldn't see a speck of hair on his face or arms. His skin was absolutely blemish free, he was .. small in stature, and, well, he reminded me of quite a few men. Kouha Ren - whom I had mistaken for a woman for a while - being the main. Then there was Titus Alexius, and Libra... They all had girlish features, so this wasn't too surprising. The part that surprised me, however, was the fact that I found this male /attractive/. ...Was that wrong? Just to think a male looked ... pretty didn't mean anything, right? I decided to push the thought from my mind altogether. "Room 319? Ah, you must be Yrian then, yes? A black haired man - a friend of yours, he said - passed by and informed me. ...We will be roommates." I gave a warm smile. For some reason, I was rather glad that this red haired man would be dorming with me. I held my hand out for him to shake. "I'm Frederick. Pleasure to meet you. I think we will get along quite nicely. ...Shall I lead the way, then? Allow me to aid you in carrying your luggage." I offered, taking one of his bags. It was surprisingly heavy. I led the way down the wide hall, finally stopping in front of room 319. "Here we are." I said, using my key to unlock the door. I took Yrian's bag inside.

2015/04/26 11:21:57 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Okay! All that is good~ AND CAN I MAKE SINBAD RANDOMLY UNDRESS AS HE SLEEPS SOMETIMES, AS HE DOES? :L And I'm replying to this one again because in all the others we have a love scene, and I'm still in school so I'd rather not start that o3o]

Sinbad smiled softly, though he was a little confused. Leon looked kind of out of place, in all honesty- not physically, but the man just looked rather flustered and confused. Well, Sinbad was also nervous! This was the beginning of university, after all, so it wasn't unnatural for anyone to be nervous and a little out of it. Though... as he saw a hint of a blush rise up on Leon's cheeks, Sinbad couldn't help but stare. S-so cute! He felt rather bad for thinking that, since men generally didn't like to be thought of as 'cute' or 'beautiful', so Sinbad decided to keep those thoughts to himself... He cleared his throat a little and forced his eyes to tear away from the cute sight, "Me, too," he said with a smile, "I'm sure we'll be great friends. And oh! I already took a room and bed; hope you don't mind." He gave a sheepish grin with those words, motioning to the mess he'd made in his small room of their dorm on his bed, "The other part is over there," he pointed. A door split the two rooms apart, giving them a small room of privacy. The bathroom was shared. "Hey, wanna check out the campus? Er, we can do it after you unpack, if you want," he suggested. It would be fun to go out somewhere with his roommate, if only to get to know him better. And it would also be a good idea to see how the campus was set out, even though they didn't start their lessons today. Maybe they could go and drink together, or something!


The redhead tilted his head a little when the man asked if he was Yrian. He nodded slowly, wondering how he could have known, but then quickly found out that a "black haired man"- must be Lila- told him. "Oh yeah, that's my friend Li- Leon," Yrian corrected himself just in time; hopefully such a small blunder wouldn't be caught! It also felt strange to refer to his sister as a friend instead. He smiled when the man said that they'd be roommates- he seemed nice enough, and, if Yrian dared admit this, he was also rather attractive. "Nice to meet you, then, Frederick," he said in reply and shook his hand. Like this, Yrian found himself comparing each other- compared to Frederick, Yrian was small and delicate. He sighed. Would that be a big difference? Hopefully not. He thanked the man as he helped him out with his bags, especially since the bags were rather heavy, so he was glad that someone helped him with his luggage. Yrian looked around as they entered, "This is a pretty nice place," he mused. It was small, but nice. Thankfully there were two separate rooms, albeit small, for them to sleep in. To Yrian's dismay, there was only one bathroom. He'd have to be careful duringthat timeof the month, so Frederick wouldn't suspect anything. "I'll take this bedroom, then," Yrian said, setting his bags down in the free room, the one Frederick hadn't occupied. "Thanks again," he smiled, "I'm afraid I get lost very easily."

2015/04/27 1:13:20 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Omg YES :L And "Leon" could walk in on him and get all blushy- omg X'D This is like the best ever :L :L ]]


"Oh, that's perfectly fine." I smiled, avoiding the gorgeous golden eyes of Sinbad. 'Don't stare, don't stare...' I thought. So I was basically trying to look everywhere except at him. "Yes, I'm sure we'll be great friends, Sin! ...Do you mind me calling you Sin? Feel free to call me Leo if you want. My friends call me that." Well... obviously, that wasn't true, but in this case I couldn't let my identity slip.. My sister was counting on me! I hoped that she had a good roommate... "Hey, that sounds great! I'll just toss my luggage in my room then, don't worry! I'm quite lazy when it comes to unpacking anyway." I laughed sheepishly, tugging my luggage into my room and leaving it there. "Alright! Let's go explore, hm?" I suggested, leaving the dorm with Sin. As we walked, I told myself to stay calm and act cool. As a man, I couldn't be all shy and stuttery..! Moreover, I could NOT stare at my handsome roommate. Ah.. even his voice was stunning, though-! Why was I given such a difficult test...? "Hey! Newbies! We're all going over to the club on the outskirts of the campus for a welcoming party. You'd better show up! It'll be crazy. Plus, there'll be sexy babes~" A black haired man with a braid called. [[I dunno why, but I totally see Judal acting like that :L ]] Oh God.. A club. With girls and alcohol. God must really want to test me. I was terrible with alcohol, and considering how I was a woman.. I-I hoped no girl tried to get with me. Urk... I'll just have to act cool! I couldn't say no, otherwise things will look suspicious.. "Well, guess we'll be going, right? It'll be fun." I told Sin, giving a small grin. [[You can timeskip to when they get there? xP]]


[["He'd have to be careful during that time of the month." :L :L I died XD]]

"Yes, it's quite nice. Cozy. ...I prefer it to larger places, in actuality. In any case, it's pleasant." I mused, then nodded as Yrian took his bag into his room. I briefly noticed his figure; it was rather.. curvy for a man. His hips were girlish and /attractive/. His bottom was curvy as well... 'Gods, why am I even thinking of the subject?' I thought to myself, frowning slightly and mentally scolding myself. "You're quite welcome. Unfortunately, I cannot offer to show you around, since I am relatively new here as well... though perhaps we can look around the campus anyway." I offered. "Shall we go?" When Yrian was ready to explore, we left the dorm and locked the door behind us. "Now, where shall we--" "Hey, Frederick! There's gonna be a party at the club on the outskirts of the campus~ You two should come!" A white haired male came over with a grin. "Sharrkan." I nodded, pausing. "..Perhaps." I agreed, glancing at Yrian. "Mm? Who's this?" Sharrkan leaned down a bit to study Yrian, and then stood up straight and grinned. He thought that the redhead was so cute~! And attractive. Hm.. he was starting to question his sexuality... "This is Yrian. Yrian, this is Sharrkan, a friend of mine." I said, biting back an irritated expression. ...Why was I irritated all of a sudden? "It's nice to meet ya', Yrian! I hope to see you at the club!" He grinned, then left. [[You can also timeskip here to the club if you'd like!]]

2015/04/27 4:13:04 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Pfft, okay! XD Just tell me when you'd like that scene ahaha]

"Oh yeah, call me whatever you want." The man smiled. Sinbad and Leon got out of the room pretty quickly, especially since Leon didn't bother unpacking yet. Sinbad, too, left his things half unpacked on his bed, making a mess despite the fact that he hadn't yet been here for a full day. He'd clean it up later, no big deal. Together, the two males left their room and as they walked through the hallways, they were met with Judal. Sinbad frowned a little- he didn't know the black haired male too well, but he knew him well enough to know that he didn't like him. He was always up to no good and teasing everyone. He just hoped that Judal wouldn't bring Leon into any mess..! "A party?" Sinbad repeated with a grin (despite his cautiousness around Judal). He looked down at Leon, "What'd you think? Sounds pretty awesome, if you ask me!" It would be pretty cool to get with girls on their first night here, actually, considering that this was an all boys school. ~Timeskip~ "Here we are," Sinbad said cheerfully as they arrived at the club on the outskirts of the campus. It seemed as though the party had already began; there was loud music and a lot of people. As they came in, Sinbad could see some girls dancing or talking amongst each other. Someone- he didn't even catch who it was- handed Sin and Leo glasses ((choose an alcohol!)). The purple haired man shrugged a little and, after clinking his glass with Leon's, drank it down. "Come on, let's go further in!" he urged his friend, tugging him along through the crowd. Sinbad smirked inwardly as he noticed girls staring in their direction and giggling in a swoon-y way. He knew he'd be popular with girls! Deciding to try his chances, he came up to them... but to his utter dismay, the completely ignored him and went straight for Leon instead. "I haven't seen you before! Are you a freshie? Your hair issooopretty!" They all cooed, surrounding Leon. Sinbad looked surprised, but he wasn't upset or anything- good for Leon! ...If anything, he wanted Leon to himself-- wait, what?


Yrian nodded; going out to look at the campus would probably be a good idea, and one that would benefit the both of them. He briefly unpacked, though still took hi time to do it more or less nicely (perhaps because he saw how nicely Frederick unpacked his own stuff?) and once he was finished, left their room with Frederick and began to look around. When Sharrkan- as Frederick introduced him- spoke of the party, Yrian blinked. He didn't really want to go, in all honesty, but wouldn't declining be suspicious? Even if Yrian was still Imogen and this was a normal situation, to decline a party on the first day sounded just like being a stick in the mud. So that's how the two of them ended up in the club on the outskirts of the campus. "It's loud here," Yrian said under his breath as he entered. There were already lots of people inside, and after looking around for a moment, Yrian thought he saw his sister surrounded by half a dozen girls- he could barely see him in there! "O-oh, thank you," Yrian said when someone handed him a glass with alcohol in it. He had no idea what type of alcohol was in there, but not wanting to be suspicious or 'uncool', he drank it up like the rest of them. And then coughed, but said nothing. That could probably be suspicious.

[Time for class! Imogen's is much shorter than Sin's, but you can live with it, riiiight~?]

2015/04/27 8:24:28 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Dude, It's totally fine ! And sure, I'll tell you when! Omg, I'm going to have so much fun making Lila act all "cool" oh god X'D]]


So, Sinbad and I arrived at the club pretty quickly. "Are you excited to meet some girls?" I mused. To be quite honest, I was a little jealous that /I/ couldn't hang out with Sin as a female... After all, he'd surely prefer cuddling a girl than some guy, right? ...Geez, I shouldn't be getting upset. I just met him-! But.. something inside of me yearned to be with him. Ah.. I could ponder upon that later on then. Almost as soon as we were in the club, Sin and I were given glasses of alcohol. I eyed mine cautiously, but soon pretended to take a small sip, just to make sure no one got suspicious. "Yes, lets." I agreed with Sinbad as he tugged me further into the club. Soon enough, I noticed a group of girls giggling and looking towards us. ...Hmph. I knew Sin would be popular... Though, to my utter surprise and shock, the group of girls came to /me/. ...I didn't know whether to feel awkward, smug, or laugh out loud. If the girls knew that I was a female, then surely they'd react differently! I decided to play it cool though. "Why, hello there, lovely ladies~." I said, giving a small smirk and running a hand through my hair. "Mm, quite. It takes a real man to have hair as silky as mine." I hummed, gazing at the women. I suddenly let out a dramatic sigh. "...Sorry ladies. I'm afraid none of you will be able to handle me in bed. I like it rough. So I'll be taking my leave." I gently pushed away from them and went by Sin's side again. "...Feel free to come talk to me some time, though." I winked back at them. ...Though in all honesty, I didn't mean it. I gazed up at Sinbad, a small grin spreading across my features. "I prefer real me-- e-er, women." I quickly correctly.


We ended up going to the party in the club; though, in all honesty, it was much too... lively for my tastes. But, no matter. Surely it would be a chance to get to know Yrian better. I was handed a glass of alcohol, which I politely accepted. I took a small drink, not gulping it down entirely quite yet. It was good, but.. "I prefer tea. It seems like you don't really fancy alcohol either." I chuckled softly, noticing Yrian's expression. Well, it made me feel quite nice that we had something in common already. "So why don't we--" I began, but was interrupted by a group of giggling girls. All of them were dressed skimpily, and held glasses of alcohol. "Oh~! Are you new?" One of them giggled, cuddling up to Yrian. I blinked, pursing my lips slightly. Another girl grinned. "Look at those features~! I love a man with soft skin~" She cooed, and then another added: "He's gorgeous~!" I merely watched. Well... he was quite popular with the ladies. "Do you want to spend the night with me?~" A brunette asked Yrian in a coo. "Can I join in too?~" A blonde questioned with a giggle. I let out an inaudible huff. Now, what was this emotion that I was feeling..? Jealousy? But.. I never really cared for women like this before... Was it because I was jealous that these girls were taking Yrian's attention away from me? ...Maybe this was why I've never found a women whom I truly loved? Because I just wasn't interested in them? ...The thought was so foreign and odd to me, but I supposed that gender didn't really matter, right? And seeing all those women cling to Yrian , I had to admit, upset me slightly.

2015/04/27 9:50:23 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Pfft they're in between super cool and super lame :L And omg Lila-- xD]

Sinbad watched with jealousy as the girls spoke and cooed around Leon. At first he thought it was becausehewanted all that female attention, but that didn't seem right. As he thought over it again, Sin realised that it was more like the other way around, that he wanted Leon's attention instead. ...Or was that wrong? Sinbad still couldn't make heads or tails of what he was feeling, so he decided to push those thoughts away for now. The girls surrounding Leon nearly swooned as he spoke to them and even more so when he ran a hand through his hair. "O-oh?" they looked a little downcast, but were still giggling when Leon told them that they wouldn't be able to handle him in bd, "You can't know until you try~! Won't you give us a chance~?" they all pleaded, but the black haired man made his way away from them rather quickly, actually, leaving the girls behind and they more or less dispersed. They must have sensed that he didn't want to be with them at the moment... But four of them nonetheless slipped their phone numbers into his pocket ((or addresses, if phones don't exist xD)) before they dispersed into the crowd. Sin looked at Leon with a raised eyebrow and a small smirk, though it was a little bit forced. Honestly, he was glad that Leon rejected all those girls-! "Oh? So you like it rough, huh~?" He could supply tha-- wait, what were these thoughts? He pushed them away before he could say anything weird, and then tilted his head a bit at her next statement, "What do you mean? Were those not 'real women'?" He completely didn't catch her mess-up, but in any case, those girls looked quite real to him. Maybe the amount of makeup they wore disheartened Leon...? "Ugh, it's so loud and crowded in here," Sin complained, "Wanna go outside? We can take our drinks with us." he suggested, and briefly wondered if the real reason behind his offer was to have Leon more to himself than in here.


Yrian looked at Frederick and nodded, "Yeah," he agreed once his coughs calmed down, "Tea is definitely much better." As a princess, she hadn't really ever gotten used to drinking 'common' drinks like this cheap and strong alcohol. She'd occasionally had wine, but that was about as much as she'd ever had. Yes, tea was definitely better. Yrian stiffened a little as he felt a woman cuddle up against him. He didn't really want that, at all, but would it seem too strange to push her away? He had to act cool...! "Oh, I'm very lucky to be praised like this by so many beautiful ladies," he smiled. Wow, all those court manner lessons came in handy... though he was on the other side of what he learnt, "Forgive me, ladies, I'm afraid you'd be disappointed with me," That wasn't exactly a lie- what would they do when they found out he was a she? "And frankly, my interests lie elsewhere than with ladies-- I mean, with you ladies," He quickly corrected himself. Ugh, he had to be more careful, or else his secret would come out. Inwardly, he was panicking. He'd been warned about sexual predators, but he'd never thought they would come up in such a place-! ((dork)) He had no wish to be with man or woman at this moment. Politely, Yrian excused himself and slipped back towards Frederick, wanting to lose them. But, still trying to be cool, he found himself saying something lame like, "Woman. Barely leave you alone, huh?" ...Oops, did that come off as rude? Er, whatever. "Were you saying something, before all the girls interrupted?" He asked, faintly remembering his roommate beginning to say something.

2015/04/27 11:04:30 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[I'm dying X'D OH GOD IMOGEN :L :L "You'd be disappointed" psh omg -]]


"Oh, sweethearts, you're all much too delicate for me.." I sighed, glancing back at the women whom still continued to giggle and coo. "I don't want to break any of you~." Okay, maybe I was having a little too much fun acting as a smug guy. ...My sister will either be pleased, or horrified at my behavior. ...Er, it was all an act anyway-! It was easy to talk to other girls in such a tone because I didn't get flustered around them. ...Sinbad, on the other hand, was a different story. When he asked me if I liked it rough - in such a seductive, attractive tone nonetheless! - I had to force myself to look away to keep from blushing. I-I didn't know if I liked it rough! I-I.. I-I had absolutely no knowledge in the area of sexual encounters! U-Urk... 'Act cool.' I told myself, then forced myself to speak: "Yeah. Vanilla sex is so boring. I love it rough~." I am SO glad that I've read so many gothic romance and romance novels. They've taught me so much-! "..Don't you like it rough, too?~ I see you as a dominant rather than a submissive. Though I bet I could get you to subm-- I bet I could ... uhm...anyway... Lovely weather today, huh?" I grinned. "Oh. No, those weren't 'real' women. They only want the pleasure." I shrugged. "It's always the same. They come and spend the night, then in the morning they leave. I can't even recall how any of them looked like." Well, that was true, since I never made love before-! "Oh! That's a great idea. It's so stuffy in here. Let's go then." I agreed, flashing the man a smile before leading him outside. If only we could hold hands!


For some reason, the fact that all those women were given attention from Yrian made me feel a pang of jealousy. They giggled and cooed, almost melting in his arms when he referred to them as 'beautiful'. "H-Huh? Disappointed? Oh, never! We'd /love/ to be with you..~ You're so gorgeous!" One of the women mewled. "I bet you're a master in bed!" Another giggled. I involuntarily huffed, watching the group form what looked like a harem around the man. So he was perfect enough to steal the hearts of women and men alike. ...Wait a moment, what was that supposed to mean..? The group gasped and whined once the redhead said that he wasn't interested in ladies. ...Wait, he wasn't interested in /ladies/? So that meant-! ...No. Yrian quickly corrected himself, causing me to let out an inaudible sigh. Of course. ..My feelings towards Yrian were so odd. And yet... deep inside, I understood. There.. was nothing really wrong with it, at least in my eyes. Other people would look down upon it. ...Well, that is, they WOULD, if they hadn't already fallen for the redhead. Even Sharrkan had given the male a lusty look! "...Yes, quite." I mused , blinking when Yrian appeared by his side. The women he left looked quite upset, but I found myself smirking for some reason. "...Those women do not interest you?" I asked curiously, then paused. "..I don't recall what I had been about to say, but perhaps you'd like to leave now? We can take a look around the campus as planned, or something... It's crowded here."

2015/04/27 11:34:29 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Dude, this is so funny ahaha xD "I don't want to break any of you" omg. And do you want Sin to be a virgin? I have a cute conversation planned regardless of what you choose-!]

Believe it or not, the girls only continued to swoon as Leon spoke to them. "Oh, you can break us anytime~!" they cooed, giggling amongst themselves. They promised him that they'd look for him more often, at other parties and the like, but he did leave them in the end, so they had to make do with that. Sinbad smirked a little, "Really? I have to admit I took you for a gentler kind," he mused, teasing Leon more than anything else, "That's good. Means you can keep up with me~" Sinbad was surprised at his own words, but decided not to take them back. If Leon asked what they meant, he could always say that he meant "keeping up with the number of girls", but he realised he didn't mean that at all. He wasverytempted to ask Leon to prove just how dominant he could be, but Sinbad figured that would probably be unappreciated, so he held his tongue. He had no idea what his feelings towards Leon were, either, so until he figured them out, he ought not to say things like that... "Wow, you must be very popular! ...I'm not surprised, in all honesty." Sinbad mused when Leon told him that he couldn't even count how many girls he'd been with, practically. So it seemed that girls, too, liked cute guys? Then who liked manly guys? Sinbad sighed inwardly. Maybe... "L-Leon, wait up!" Sinbad called out as Leon led him outside, but the crowd was so large that Sinbad felt himself slowing down, getting away from Leon as he walked further still. He reached out his hand and caught onto the edge of his shirt- though he'd much rather grab his hand- and then sighed in relief, "There. I'd rather not have us get separated in this crowd." he looked around, and like this, the two of them went outside. It was already getting dark by that time, the stars beginning to come out. "I'm not particularly happy to start classes," Sinbad chuckled, "But I have a feeling college will be fun."With youhe tried to push that thought away.


[I feel like I'm unintentionally making Yrian kind of tsundere? I'll keep him like that :P But yeah, kinda different personality!]

Yrian cringed a little as the girls again spoke of his (non-existent) experience in bed. D-did he really give off such an impression? He'd never been with anyone in that sense, manorwoman! He had no idea how to react. He recalled how all number of women crowded around 'Leon' before as well. Oh, his poor sister! She must be having such a difficult time dealing with all these perverted women! ((pfft yeah right-)) He was doing everything he could as not to let his discomfort show, and more than happily pried himself away from their touch. There, that was much better. "I can't say they do," Yrian agreed quietly (though nothing was really quiet with all this loud music), when Frederick asked him if these women interested him. "I, er, I much prefer... quiet, cuter girls," he said then, not wanting to seem out of place, "Women who hang out in a place like this aren't my type. ...You?" When Frederick suggested that they could leave and go around the campus, or do anything else, really, Yrian nodded, relieved, "That sounds great," he agreed, beginning to slip out from this crowd. It rather pleased him that they could get out of this strange place, and even more so that Frederick felt the same. They seemed to get along well in terms of tastes like these. Once they got outside of the pub, the two of them began to make their way back onto campus, which was a couple minutes walk. "It's much nicer out here, don't you think?" Yrian mused.

((idk if you want to timeskip already or something. Do what you like~!))

2015/04/28 5:48:10 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[ :L :L Dude It's so funny omg especially since Lila is actually super shy xD I think I'm involuntarily making "Leon" like this because whenever I play as Kouha Ren (he still looks like a girl to me-) , I make him sort of how I'm playing "Leon" xD Oooh, a cute conversation? :D Hm.. he doesn't have to be a virgin-- Or maybe he should be.. Nah he doesn't have to be a virgin xP How about Frederick?]]


"Looks can be deceiving, Sin~." I involuntarily purred, tossing the male a sly grin. I was getting better at this! Though.. I had to continuously remind myself not to stare at the delightful man. I caught a glance of 'Yrian' not too far away. Oh, dear-! She was crowded by women as well! I hoped she was alright... "Mm.. keep up with you?" I mused, stopping to glance back at Sinbad innocently. "...I'll keep that in mind~." I allowed myself to smile, involuntarily a little seductively. I even bit my lower lip slightly, to add to the seductiveness. ...Oh dear, my facade was beginning to get to me. I was a shy woman in actuality, and now that I was disguised like this, I was able to speak a bit more confidently-! Though, what did Sin mean by 'keep up'? When the man said that I was popular, I gave a slight smile. "Oh, I can recall at /least/ 50 girls.. Perhaps even 60! ..I'm actually surprised that those women walked past you. Perhaps they forgot their glasses at home." I realized how odd that sounded coming from another 'man', but I didn't change my statement. It was true that Sinbad was absolutely handsome-! I continued to lead the man outside, though stopped when I felt him tug at my shirt. I peeked back, giving Sin an earnest smile. "Of course." I said, and we walked together. "...I agree. I think it'll be fun. ...I hope we can have all of the same classes, Sin~." I smiled softly. "Perhaps we can join a few clubs together, too. I was thinking of the drama club... perhaps an art club. ...I'm not a very sporty person. Though if you /do/ join a sports club, I'll glady support you and watch you practice."


"Quiet, cuter girls?" I mused. I , without a doubt, did not fit into any of those categories. I could not be called cute, nor was I very quiet... and I most certainly wasn't a woman. It was a shame, in that case, that Yrian was only interested in women... Although the idea was foreign (and looked down upon) I found myself yearning to have /Yrian/ rather than some woman. His features were very attractive I had to admit, and his skin looked alluringly soft. His voice, and even his personality were a delight. "I prefer you.-- I mean, I prefer the same as you. Cute, quiet girls." I suddenly said, realizing what I had initially let loose. ...Hopefully, the man would not make anything of my 'misspoken' statement-! I did not wish for Yrian to avoid me for the rest of his days... We walked back to the campus in silence, though it wasn't unpleasant. "Yes. I would much rather be out here than a crazy party, in actuality." I said with a slight smile. The evening air was very pleasant! And walking with Yrian was even more so... "Are you thinking of joining any clubs, Yrian?" I asked, then continued, "There are over seventy here if I am not mistaken. Perhaps we can join one or two together." I gave a small smile. "...Ah. Introductory classes start tomorrow.. Hopefully we'll see each other often. Though luckily, there's only a few days now until the weekend. I'd like to look around campus some more before getting overloaded with homework and the such."

[[You can timeskip for both of them if you'd like!]]

2015/04/28 7:39:47 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Hah, that's perfectly fine~! ^u^ And sure, I'll have Sin be not a virgin in that case. Hope the timeskip's okay; change what you want!]

"50? 60, even?" Sinbad gave a low whistle, "That's impressive." So he was right; Leon really was very popular with the ladies... only ladies? He found himself hoping that Leon was open to more options, but... Ugh, again these feeling came back to him. Honestly, Sinbad himself felt rather... small compared to Leon, accomplishment-wise at least. He scratched his cheek and grinned a little sheepishly, "I've only ever been with three," he admitted. And two of them had been drunk decisions after a party; he barely remembered anything from the said nights. "I guess you can afford to flirt around like that and reject them," he said, this time rather teasingly instead, "I can't exactly do that. ...Hey, maybe you'd let me practice some flirting on you, sometime?" The words had come out on their own, in reality, and Sinbad didn't stop to think about what weight they truly carried... Oh well, as long as Leon didn't think too much of it, it should be fine! The man nodded, "I hope so, too. We could do homework together, too! Two heads are better than one, huh?" he grinned. He agreed when she spoke about clubs, "Drama club sounds fun. Art, too," Well, actually Sinbad wasn't too good at art, nor had he ever pursued it, but, if he were being honest, he just wanted to spend more time with Leon. "Mm... I'm thinking about rugby," he shrugged. ~Timeskip~ After a difficult first week of classes, it was finally the weekend. Sinbad and Leon decided to go out to a nearby café in town, just to hang out. "I can't believe we already have homework," Sinbad huffed as they waited for their drinks- he ordered coffee. Really, the man was very tempted to just not do it, but, maybe with Leon's help and motivation, he would do it. "Ugh, never mind, no more talk of classes," he said, wanting to break away from that topic, "I wanna know more about you. Where were you born?"


Yrian blinked as Frederick spoke, and, unable to stay completely in the farce of being a man, a blush flickered up on his cheeks. Frederick said-- well, he quickly corrected himself to say that he preferred the same type of women he did, so there really was no reason for him to be flustered, but he couldn't help it anyhow. As they walked back to campus in the cool air, Yrian had to admit that he as enjoying their time spent very much... "Over seventy clubs?" he repeated, rather in awe, "Well... I have no idea what they have, but it seems there's a large selection," he mused, "Do you know which ones you want to join?" It would definitely be nice to be in a club together with Frederick, even though they'd be seeing each other often since they shared a dorm. Yrian himself was maybe thinking about joining some music club, or art... he'd have to see what was offered. "Me, too," Yrian agreed; it would be nice to know the campus before schoolwork became too bothersome... ~Timeskip~ Now it was finally the weekend. Dressing as a man each day, having to bind his chest and put on makeup, turned out to be rather tiring and time-consuming in the morning. Yrian made sure to hide his makeup in his room, too, instead of keeping it in their shared bathroom, just in case so that Frederick wouldn't see. They had the weekend to themselves now, and found themselves wandering around in a park. "We could go buy some pastries," Yrian suggested, a little lazily.

2015/04/29 3:08:21 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Hey, what's rugby? :o]]


A week passed since getting into the all boys college. So far, no one has figured anything out. I managed to talk with my sister 'Yrian' a few times as well. All was going smoothly! Moreover, although the week was difficult, it had been.. fun. Sin and I got to know each other better, and, luckily, we had most of our classes together. I found myself wanting to spend more and more time with him... In fact, I.. I was sure that I developed a small crush on him. It was definitely a first for me, but.. I.. didn't know what to do. To Sin, I was Leon. I.. If I told him how I liked him, he'd get weirded out. Or if he DIDN'T mind, then surely he'd be upset at me for lying if he ever found out that I was a girl. The weekend finally arrived, and Sinbad suggested that we head to a café. "Oh, the homework isn't too much. Besides, we can work together, hm?" I smiled. "...And I've filled an application out for the drama and art clubs. I was wondering if you really wanted to join as well. Will you?" I asked, involuntarily a little hopefully. When he suggested we talk of something else, I chuckled. "Mm.. I was born in ((name of our country--))." I explained, tilting my head to the side then leaning down to take a sip of my iced coffee (it had a straw) when it came. "...Sin, I wanted to admit something to you." I smiled shyly, fiddling with the straw now. "...I haven't really been with fifty of sixty girls. I.. I guess I just wanted to seem cool. I thought for sure that you'd have been with hundreds of girls, so I wanted to say something similar.." This has actually been on my mind for a while now. Sinbad had only been with /three/ girls..! "E-Er, in all honesty, I've only been with a few myself. I'm not into girls. ..Er, those types of girls." I added quickly. "E-Ehem. Anyway, you asked if you can practice flirting with me. You certainly can~. Maybe I could practice with you, too. We can give each other ideas, you know~." I suggested.


Over the course of the week, I pondered over which clubs to join, if any. "Perhaps the debate club, or the horseback riding club. What do you think?" I asked Yrian all of a sudden as we walked around the nearby park. It was the weekend, and while we still had some homework to be done, it wasn't /too/ much. "We should join similar clubs..." I mused, glancing at the (undeniably attractive) redhead. "What about you? Do you have any clubs in mind?" I'd join them too, even if I did not enjoy it. I merely wanted to spend time with Yrian. My feelings for him were only growing stronger with time. It... was odd, but..I was gradually coming to get used to it. Did it matter, which gender loved which? Not really. "Oh. Perhaps a swimming club?" It , of course, was not an excuse to see Yrian wet. No, not at all. ((Lies-- õuõ)) "That might be fun." I added, then paused as Yrian suggested some pastries. "That sounds delightful." I agreed, and I reached my hand out. At first, I was about to hold his hand; but then I realized how odd that may seem. So instead, I brushed his hair a bit. "...There was a twig in your hair." I lied, though couldn't help but notice how soft his hair was. "Shall we go then?" I questioned, then walked side by side with the man to go to the pastry shoppe. "There's one nearby. We can purchase a few and go sit in the park again, maybe. Or something." To me, this was beginning to look more like.. a date than anything else. Not that I minded-! Once we entered the shoppe, I gazed around. "The fruit tarts look delicious."

2015/04/29 3:42:50 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[ ? It's American Football- is rugby not a common term in America? :O ]

"Sure, I'll join the drama and arts club, then." Sinbad agreed. He tried to play it off cool and all, but in reality, the only reason why he was even considering joining those clubs was because Leon was joining them. Yes, it could be blamed on simple friendship, yes, but Sinbad was quite sure that it was something else. He still had a difficult time sorting through his feelings, but he knew them well enough to tell that what he was feeling was not ordinary friendship... But he couldn't place his finger on what it really was, either. He nodded, listening to Leon as he spoke of his past and which country he's from. "((That country))? Isn't it dangerous there right now?" Sinbad mused, though obviously Leon was involved in those things, since he was here, but still, all the rebellions were rather frightening... He was glad that Leon was here with him, safe, instead of in ((country)). When the black haired male suddenly said hat he wanted to admit something, Sinbad tilted his head a little and listened closely. His eyes widened, "R-Really? I mean, that's a rather large number, but seeing how many girls flocked around you at the bar, I thought it was very possible..." he mused. Honestly, thinking back to that club made him a little angry. "Either way, I'm sure you've been with more than me," he whistled - after all, he had alotof girls back then... His heart skipped a beat when Leon suddenly said that he wasn't into girls-- but his joy at once died down when Leon quickly corrected himself. Of course that's the way things were... Still, he was thrilled when Leon said they could practice flirting together. He could at least pretend that they were actually flirting...! "Well then, anytime you want~" Sinbad purred.


"Oh? Those might be interesting," Yrian nodded as Frederick spoke of his choices on clubs. Really, Yrian wasn't interested in the clubs he spoke of, but if Frederick wanted to join, Yrian supposed they weren't too bad, and he could do so as well... "I was thinking of art and writing," he said, "What do you think of that?" Really, anything was good! ...Until Frederick suggested another club. Yrian shook his head, "Ah, I'd rather... I'd rather not join swimming," he said. Though he did like swimming, that would not end well since, obviously, everyone would find out thathewas ashe. No, that wouldn't do at all... When Frederick reached out his hand, for a split second Yrian thought he'd take his hand, but the man instead brushed a twig out of his hair, making Yrian flush at the thought of hat he was anticipating. "Oh, thank you." he said slowly. He hadn't even realised there was something in his hair...! He nodded at Frederick's suggestion, "Yeah, the park sounds good. We have to take advantage of this lovely weather," he smiled a little. Once they entered the pastry shop, Yrian began to look around as well. "I'll take the lemon turnover, then," he nodded and looked at Frederick as he chose as well. Ah... it would be far too awkward to pay for them together, since that would imply this was a date or something- not that Yrian minded, but he was sure Frederick would- so as his friend continued to choose, Yrian went up to the counter and ordered and paid for his pastry. Once Frederick was done, too, he smiled, "Shall we go?"

2015/04/30 4:33:08 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[I guess not :o I've never heard of it, anyway xD Thanks for telling me! We just call it football here o3o but I believe football is what they call soccer in other countries, right?]]


"Oh, I'm glad~. Maybe you can model for me in the art club. I feel as if you'd make a fine model, Sin~." Perhaps that sounded a little.. strange coming from 'Leon', but I didn't take back anything that I had said. "And the drama club will be fun. Perhaps we can get parts in a play.." Because costumes were gorgeous! "And will you be joining rugby? I'd love to watch you play." I hummed. Oh, seeing his long purple hair flow in the wind, and seeing sweat run down his skin seemed like a perfect way to spend any day! "Mm.. Yes, it's quite dangerous. But hopefully all of that will die down soon enough." I mused, then gazed across at Sin steadily. "...Oh, just because they flocked around me doesn't mean anything. None of them interest me." I sighed. "...Actually, Sin, I have to admit that I much prefer spending time with you than with any other girl...~" Okay, that sounded a bit.. wrong, but if he asked about it, I could say that I meant it as friends. U-Urk, I had to be careful as to what I say-! When Sinbad suddenly purred, I immediately felt a very slight blush spread across my features. "...A-Ah.. well, why not just start now?~" I suggested, leaning a bit forward so our faces were a little closer together. "Now, I find your voice to be quite nice already, so all you really need to do if use that lovely vouie of yours to form flirtatious statements~. Why don't you go ahead and try to flirt with me, hm? Give it your all~."


"Art and writing?" I mused, pondering over the club choices. They seemed pretty good as well, though I was not much into art. No matter; so long as Yrian was with me, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. In fact, it would be very enjoyable! "Hm? Can you not swim?" I mused, raising a brow at the reaction received from the redhead. He didn't seem to enjoy the idea at all... Well, no matter! "If you so wish it, then I can teach you how to swim." I suggested. Would it not be nice, after all, to take a dip with Yrian? Surely he had a nice figure-- Ah.. what was I thinking? "...If you want, of course. But of course, it's all up to you." The two of us walked, and, once I moved the 'twig' out of Yrian's hair, I caught him blushing lightly. "Oh." I blinked at the sight, unable to restrain myself from smirking slightly. It was very attractive, I had to admit... Oh, in fact, wouldn't it be delightful to lean down and press my lips against his? Gods knew how much I was holding back. I.. supposed that I could not stop myself from feeling this way. Deep inside, I understood that I did care for Yrian. In fact, if he were into /men/, I certainly would have told him how I felt by now-! Upon reaching the pastry shop, the two of us looked around and eventually purchased our own sweets. I felt the urge to pay for Yrian's as well, but I knew that he would feel... awkward if anything. "..Yes, let us go, then." I said once we were done, gazing almost enchantedly at Yrian's smile. Again, I nearly reached out to grab his hand; and, again, I had to refrain from doing so. Together we left the shop and went back into the park. "...What are you enjoying most about the college thus far?"

2015/04/30 5:48:49 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Really? Oh my, I never knew that it wasn't also used as that word. And yeah, I call it soccer, too, but in other languages I call it 'football', so there's always a confusion xD]

"A model? Sure, I don't mind," Sinbad mused. Was it so bad that the first thing he thought of was 'nude model'? Ah, he was sure Leon didn't mean it in that sense- for one, which male artists ever drew men in the nude? Didn't they prefer women...? So it was certainly good that Sinbad hadn't voiced his thoughts~! When Leon suddenly confessed to him that he preferred his company to that of any other girl, he had to admit that he was surprised. Did this mean--? He had no idea whether or not Leon meant the things that Sinbad was interpreting, but he certainly hoped so...! They have known each other for a little more than a week by now, and Sinbad's feelings had grown tremendously in that time. It couldn't be impossible if they'd grown for Leon, too... right? Still, perhaps it was too early for him to ask about such a great thing... Nevertheless, he smiled, "Me, too. I had been very worried about my roommate in college; you have no idea how happy I am that I have you!" He smirked a little bit when Leon suggested that they practice their flirting a little bit now; he certainly wouldn't say no~! Even if this was just pretend and 'practice', he was very happy that he had the chance to speak to him in such a way. "Well then, let me try a pick-up line, hm?" he paused for a moment, trying to think of a clever one, and eventually settled on, "I must be a snowflake, for I've fallen for you~ ...Ah, was that bad?" Sinbad chuckled a little, "Oh, what about this one? ...If I were to ask you out on a date, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?" He grinned, looking at Leon's reaction. He was quite happy with that one, actually- it was kind of like a flirty trap!


Yrian looked away as Frederick spoke. Well, technically hecouldswim, but... not like this! It would be too much of a giveaway if he were to undress so much and swim, so he had to lie right now. "E-Erm, I might take you up on that offer sometime..." he mused. As in, never. It would be very fun to have Frederick 'teach' him how to swim (well, he knew how to, already), especially since he was sure Frederick had a wonderful body, but he couldn't let Frederick know about his secret, for his and Leon's safety...! As they continued to walk through the park together, making small talk, Yrian thought for a moment about Frederick's question. 'Well, I'm certainly very happy with my roommate," he said, and though that was the truth, he hid it behind a tone of friendly teasing, so that it wouldn't be too strange. "Well, classes are pretty enjoyable, too, despite the work with them. ...I quite like chemistry." he mused, and then asked Frederick, "And you? What do you like the most so far?"

[>.> Sorry that Imogen's is so short, I'm just not in the best mood atm so I'm really lazy and all--]

2015/05/01 6:18:10 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[I know in Egypt they call soccer football xP And wah... Soleil, is everything okay? Please let me know if there's anything I can do! Feel better, okay?]]


"Oh, I'm very happy with my roommate as well. I was rather worried, you know. Hm.. perhaps it was fate that we met?~" I involuntarily gave a wink; though I decided not to take it back, I could easily play it off as part of the 'flirting practice'. U-Urk.. perhaps.. I shouldn't be getting so close to Sin. I did.. like him, very much, but... even if by some miracle he liked me back, what would he do if he ever found out? And if he found out, then... he'd dislike my for lying about my gender. Moreover, he might find out about how I was Lila, Princess of ((country; dude, we should really name it :L )). How would he react to that? Surely he wouldn't be happy... Despite all of that, I found myself wanting to get even closer to Sinbad. I just couldn't stay away-! When the male smirked, I found myself blushing very lightly. H-How attractive. I looked away to hide it, and sipped at my drink. As Sin began to speak, I peeked up at him. Although this was only 'practice' my heart still fluttered. "Oh. No, it wasn't bad at all. In fact, it's very effective~." I hummed, though didn't add anything else. When Sin spoke another pick-up line, I didn't even hesitate: "Yes." Urk.. w-wait, was I supposed to answer that? No, it had been rhetorical, hadn't it..? Er.. if anything, I could say that I was acting as a female for him to practice on or something! "E-Er.. that one was very clever, Sin. Great job~."


I had a feeling that Yrian did not wish to learn how to swim, but I did not press for more information. Perhaps he was only afraid of learning. After all, many people were terrified of deep water. It is a common fear, so I did not think too much of it. "Oh? So you enjoy your roommate? That's good to hear." I involuntarily smirked, then continued, "I'm quite certain that your roommate enjoys your company as well. ...Ah, Chemistry. It's interesting, without a doubt. I enjoy Renaissance English [[That's a legit college course-- and I have to take it in college to become a Pharmacist. Dude, are they going to write prescriptions like: 'I amith in needith of thy Tylenolith'? :L ]] and History." I mused. Though really, all the classes were so much more bearable and pleasant with Yrian by my side. "Though, in all honesty, I enjoy my roommate's company most of all." I explained, eyes flickering over to the redhead. A small smile flickered across my features. "He's a delight to spend time with." I earnestly could not help myself from complimenting him. I .. well, I liked him. And , at this point, I was starting to believe that I .. more than liked him. Everyday I found myself yearning to be with him. In fact, to be honest with myself, I had a few dreams of Yrian throughout the week. Amongst them, two were rather... explicit, and lewd. I was definitely beginning to question my initial thoughts on women. Was I not interested in them..? Was that why I was still a virgin man? ... In any case, I could not say anything. Surely, Yrian would not be interested...

2015/05/01 4:41:25 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Oh, I see! And yeah, let's think of a country name. How about... Lileil or Sola? (Soleil x Lila xD) idk man-- And Renaissance English sounds amusing tbh xD And like... when do you want them to get together? If you want, I can play off this 'flirting practice' as actual flirting and have Sin be like "okay! Will you go out with me, then?" ]

Sinbad felt his heart rate accelerate when Leon spoke,especiallywhen he added in that wink. Really, the more time he spent with Leon, the more he felt for him! Was it so wrong? Was it too much to hope for that Leon would reciprocate his feelings? ...He hoped it would, but somehow Sinbad doubted it. And as they continued to speak, especially when Sinbad began to flirt a little, he wondered... was that a blush he saw on Leon's cheeks? Oh, how adorable! He loved the sight, but decided not to comment on it, just in case, er, he wouldn't appreciate it. "Oh? Well, I'm glad! If you think it's effective, taking how popular you are, then I'm sure everyone else would think so, too~" he purred. Considering how popular Leon was, it certainly meantsomethingif Sinbad managed to make him so flustered...! When the black haired man automatically said "yes", Sinbad couldn't help but smirk (though he was also beaming, so it was more happy than anything). He wondered whether this meant that Leon would actually go out on a date with him or not. Obviously this was just practice, one that they had both agreed upon, but Sinbad was taking this to another level... he just had no idea how far Leon was ready to go. He dared hope that it was like that...! "Quite clever, don't you think? Well then, what do you say for dinner with me tomorrow~?" the words came out from his mouth almost before he could comprehend them, but let them stay anyway. If Leon was upset by this, Sinbad could certainly play it off as "playing the role of the man" in this 'scenario'-- technically it was all role-play, right?


Yrian flushed a little, looking down. Well, it was definitely true that he enjoyed Frederick's company, and even just hispresence, but the way Frederick repeated it to him made him feel a bit more self conscious in all honesty. Still... he was very happy to hear that Frederick, too enjoyed his company. It was probably nothing more than friendship, unlike that what Yrian felt, but he nonetheless was glad to have that bond with Frederick. Maybe he could do something with that... No, that would be too strange. He wouldn't as much as hint at anything that Frederick wasn't comfortable with.Maybeif he still went as Imogen, if Frederick knew him as aherinstead, then maybe there'd be a chance that he felt the same. As a man, though, Yrian doubted that his feelings would be reflected... Oh well, at least they were friends. "I barely understand anything from Renaissance English," Yrian groaned a little, though it was more of a conversation than complaints. It was good to learn all that, especially to read older books and scripts, but he still questioned how useful it was in the immediate world. Before too long, they found a nice place under a tree in the park and Yrian paused, motioning towards it. "Do you want to stop here? Just for a little while, at least. We can head back to the campus later, if you like."

2015/05/02 7:37:21 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Sola! xD Why not? Eheh~ And oooh... Okay, he could do so now! How bout' Frederick?]]


The thought of Sinbad using these pick-up lines on someone other than me bothered me immensely, though.. I tried not to think about it. "Dinner with you tomorrow? How could I possibly decline?~" I purred back, silver eyes glinting slightly. My heart hammered against my chest; was Sin earnestly asking me out to dinner? Like a date? ...No, surely that wasn't the case. This was only 'practice' after all.. wasn't it? "You know, Sin..." I suddenly said, reaching foward to twirl a strand of his long hair around my finger. "...I'm very interested in you~." It honestly just slipped out; I couldn't stop myself-! Though, if anything, I could play it off as 'playing the role of the woman' in the scenario.. Ah. Or I could say that I wanted to practice, too. So there would be nothing wrong, right? ...Besides, what if he .. liked me? He seemed to enjoy pretending to flirt with me-! That must mean something. Or, well, I sort of hoped that it meant something. I lightly tugged at his hair, humming softly. "You're utterly delightful. I adore men like you~" Or, just him. He was one of a kind after all! Hm.. i-if.. i-if he agreed.. and if I was able to keep my (female) self hidden, I would enjoy being with him~! Besides.. oh, it'd be delightful to be with him! And.. how .. /different/ it would be, for two men to love each other~. In fact, it sounded exciting! Perhaps a little /too/ exciting. I slowly released the strand of hair that I held, then leaned back against my seat again. My eyes never left his, though, nor did my slightly seductive smirk.


"Really, now? Well, perhaps I could help you with it." For some reason, I had a knack for Renaissance English... It was odd, but I sometimes involuntarily spoke in that manner, regular than the English of the Days of Yore. "Hm, this is a great spot to stop. Yes, let's do that." I agreed full-heartedly with Yrian's words, going to sit with him underneath the tree that he had indicated to. We ate our pastries in silence at first, before I decided to break it. "...So have you heard of ((Sola?)) ? It's undergoing many hardships because the new Queen and Princess fled. ...Of course, I blame them not. I think it's unfair that everyone is protesting against them, while they had nothing to do with the past king." I sighed, shaking my head in disapproval. "The people say they want to send the two women to the guillotine ((or gallows?)). Isn't it just horrid? It sickens me." I mused, then realized that I was rambling. "..Ah, I apologize for going on about politics. I just recalled a news article on the topic, and that's why I began to speak of it. No matter. Shall we speak of something more pleasant?" I gave Yrian a rather warm smile, then noticed something. "Oh, hold still." I leaned closer, such that our faces were inches apart, then put my hand on his head, letting a ladybug crawl onto my finger. Once it was on, I took my hand down so that Yrian can see. "Look, it was in your hair. ...Heh, it almost blended in with your hair, since they're similar in color."

2015/05/02 9:29:37 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Sola it is, then! And okay, I'll put that in now. Frederick can do it soon, too.]

Sinbad smirked a little, "Oh? Well, I'm certainly happy to hear that~" he purred. He was about to continue, to tell her that he was being serious and whether Leon actually wanted to go on a date or not, but the black haired man spoke again before he did. He looked at him with a small smirk, though it was muddled with surprise as well when Leon twirled his hair a bit. The feeling was pleasant like this; was it too much to hope for that Leon would do this more often...~? When Leon suddenly said that he was quite interested in him, Sinbad paused for a moment. Did this mean..? Was Leon being sincere in his words, or was this all just part of their 'flirting practice'? "It pleases me to hear you say that~" he purred after a while, keeping his gaze connected with his all through this while. Hearing him say that he 'adores men like him' made Sinbad's heart beat quicker. This... this meant? He still had no idea whether this was true or not, but surely he at least had some sort of chance? Surely he at least had the right to ask Leon if there was any chance? "Do you really think so~?" he mused in return when the black haired man spoke, "I feel much the same towards you. I can't say I've ever felt so strongly to anyone before... Now then, Leon, where would you like to go with me tomorrow~? Dinner's on me, but feel free to choose a place~" And now... he had to wait. Hopefully Leon understood how sincere he was... and even more so, hopefully the black haired man returned his feelings, even if only a bit.


"Heh, I'd much appreciate it," Yrian nodded. It seemed like a win-win situation to the redhead, actually. Through some tutoring with him, he'd learn Renaissance English better, and along with that, he'd get to spend more time with Frederick~! They sat together for a while in silence, eating the pastries. When Frederick suddenly spoke up, Yrian froze for a moment, listening to what he was saying. The topic of Sola always put him on guard; he was really allowed to let anyone know how much he knew... Though as Frederick spoke, Yrian relaxed a little. It seemed as though Frederick supported Imogen and Lila, which brought him so much relief. Yrian was used to people speaking ill of him and his sister because of their father and former king- in fact, that was why they were being sentenced to the guillotines by rebels and ran away- so hearing his support almost made Yrian cry. "...So you don't blame the two girls?" he asked quietly and then couldn't help but smile a little, "Me, too. It's good that they're not alone..." When Frederick then leaned in close and even touched his head, Yrian felt his face heat up in a blush. He looked at his hand, suddenly understanding things. "O-oh. It's impressive that you managed to see it," Yrian said, looking at the small ladybug on his finger.

2015/05/03 9:13:03 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[I actually saw an anime called Sola :L xD And okie dokie!]]


"Yes, really." I cooed, then felt my heart rate quicken as Sinbad said he felt the same. I-I.. could /see/ the sincerity on his face, and /hear/ the sincerity in his voice. S-So.. he didn't find male love to be weird? And.. h-he liked me! Although I was beyond happy, I tried to keep my cool. "...Perhaps.. I should prove it to you." I mused, suddenly glancing around. We were in a booth near the back of the café, and no one was nearby at the moment. I grinned, then slowly leaned forward again. Gently, I tugged Sin's collar, and pulled him closer to me. Finally, our lips met, in a sweet but slightly passionate kiss. M~My first kiss...~! After the kiss, I pulled away, my cheeks lightly dusted a pink tint. Ahn... that had been so delightful! "...My, my. Sin, you taste so utterly sweet.. I hope you don't mind this relationship of ours, because I won't let you go now~." I gave a slight wink. If.. if I could keep my secret, then I'd certainly enjoy this more than anything else...! "I love you, you know~. Love is genderless." I whispered. "Oh? Well.. going anywhere with you would be a pleasure~." I hummed, gazing across at the purple haired male. The light blush was still spread across my cheeks. "...A-Anywhere is fine." I couldn't help but stammer slightly; I-I've never had a lover before-! And.. Sin was so perfect, he made my heart hammer against my chest!


"Of course I support them. If only I could help them in some way..." I sighed, looking rather upset that I couldn't do anything about it. Those poor girls-! They were practically run out of their own country... And Princess Imogen, the eldest of the two sisters, was to be Sola's new Queen. Surely she could have undid the wrong done to the country! To be forced out of one's home... the thought alone was awful. After a while, when I showed Yrian the ladybug, I noticed.. a light blush upon his attractive features. I found myself staring at him, in a rather loving manner. Without even thinking about it, I leaned forward, and softly pressed my lips against his warmed cheek. It was only when I pulled away did I notice my mistake. "...Ah.. I.. apologize.." I said slowly, rubbing the back of my neck slightly. "I.. didn't realize what I was doing.. Er.." For once, I was at a loss of words. I had made a mistake. Surely Yrian would comment.. and surely he would hate me for this, or at least try to avoid me. "It's just that.." I let out a sigh. I mind as well say it then, right? "I cannot help but find myself yearning to be with you, Yrian. I.. I adore you, with my entire being. I presume that you will not feel the same, as such relationships are not... common, but I must inform you of how I feel, in any case. I mind not if you do not wish to spend time with me. My feelings for you, though, will never change."

2015/05/03 10:06:49 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[I've heard of it! :3 Is it good? And there's also river running through my hometown called Soła xD]

Sinbad blinked, turning his head a little as Leon in front of him spoke and then suddenly leaned in. Even if he hadn't tugged him in closer by the table, Sinbad would have inched in anyways. Their lips met in the sweetest kiss Sinbad had ever tasted. He blushed a little, perhaps at the fact that he was kissing a man for the first time in his life- not that that was bad (he loved this, actually!) but just because it was sonew. He never thought that there would be such a big difference in being with a girl or boy, but here... there was something so wonderful about being with Leon. Or maybe it wasn't the gender at all, but just the fact that Leon was special--? Either way, Sinbad couldn't be happier than he was right now. "I love you, too," he whispered after they pulled away, though he never tore his eyes away from hers. When he said that anywhere was fine for going out tomorrow night, he smiled, "Then, if you don't mind... I'll choose a place for us to go and keep it a surprise for you. What do you say?" he said with a charming grin. It sounded pretty fun in his opinion, to keep things a surprise, at least a couple times. They could go out together, and sometimes change things up... Oh, this was going to be wonderful! "Excuse me," one of the waitresses said with a smile. She set their tea and cakes down before them and then winked at Leon, and while it was flirty, too, she seemed to understand that they were together and didn't take it any more seriously than that. When she went away, Sinbad cleared his throat, feeling protective over Leon... but said nothing, not after this wonderful moment.


Yrian couldn't help but smile a little as he listened to Frederick speak. Honestly, just knowing that he supported the two princesses- who were actually Yrian and Leon- made him feel so much better. In fact, he was rather tempted to tell Frederick right now who he was in actuality... but decided against it. After all, that could lead to some problems. Even if Frederick didn't mean to tell anyone, just by knowing who Yrian really was would make things more dangerous; for example he could accidentally refer to him as 'she' and the cover would be blown. No, it would be much better to just stay silent in this regard. When Frederick suddenly leaned forward to lightly kiss his cheek, Yrian froze. He was at a loss of words, but the emotions surging through him were enough to fill an entire book. The blush on his face must have said as much, too. Shocked, he tried to rapidly make out whether going into this sort of relationship with Frederick was right. He'd either have to tell him who he really was... or lie. Neither choice seemed too appealing, in all honesty. But Yrian still couldn't allow himself to say no. "Frederick..." Yrian began, desperately trying to push the blush away from him, "I... I feel much the same. ...If you want to pursue this relationship, of course I'd love to do so as well.... but I understand if the circ*mstances are too strange." Though it was clear that Yrian was speaking of the boy-boy part of this, he was actually referring to all the lies he had to wear at the moment...

2015/05/04 11:09:15 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Oh I haven't watched it o3o And right now my favorite anime is Elfen Lied. No joke, it surpassed Magi and Kurosh*tsuji -- Well, plotline wise anyway o3o And omg really?? That's so cool :D]]


I felt my cheeks flush; Sinbad kissed back-! I-It.. was so wonderful.. His lips were so undeniably soft, despite them being slightly chapped. My heart fluttered widly in my chest, to the point where I thought it may burst. Ahn..~ Love was so sweet-! I leaned back after the kiss, my silver eyes trained on those lovely golden orbs of Sin's. He.. was blushing. It was the cutest ever~ I nearly giggled, before realizing that boys didn't normally /giggle/. [[Yes they do :L]] "Your lips are the sweetest~." I hummed, eyes sparkling. When the purple haired man announced that he, too, loved me, I nearly swooned on the spot. Though again, men didn't swoon. ...Right? "I'm so glad..~" I purred, reaching under the table to hold his hand. It wasn't because I didn't want anyone to see us holding hands; no, it was just because this was easier. "A surprise? That sounds delightful~." I grinned, nodding in approval. "I'm sure you'll choose somewhere wonderful then, Sin." To be very honest, I felt rather special that I made the man think that he was.. gay. ((Didn't know how else to word it xP)) It seemed as if hes never been with a male before, so I felt very good about myself! Er, even though I was actually a girl... When the waitress came over, I kept my eyes on Sin, smirking slightly once she left and when he cleared his throat. "Don't be jealous. I only have eyes for you~." I gave an earnest smile, then suddenly stood up and scooted in the booth beside him rather than across from him. "You don't mind, right? This is a good opportunity to feed each other. Ah~" I opened my mouth, waiting for him to give me some cake.


The way that Yrian's face broke out into a dark blush was just about the sweetest and most adorable thing. I was tempted to smile, but my anxiety tipped the scale and made me stay straight-faced. I waited silently, trying to make sure that none of my emotions played out on my features. In actuality, I felt an entire whirlpool of sensations: eagerness, anxiety, fear, worry, joy... All of that and more. I was mostly worried though, as time passed; after all, I hadn't a clue as to what Yrian was thinking. He hadn't spoken for a few moments already... What did that mean? So when the redhead finally spoke, saying that he felt the same, I let out a breath of air that I hadn't realized I was holding. "Yrian. I am utterly happy that you feel the same... more so than you'll ever know." I murmured, gazing into his bright green eyes. "The circ*mstances are not strange. No matter what, my feelings for you will never change. And, Yrian, I am a man of my word." Now that I had his consent... I could do things more easily. So, without hesitation, I leaned forward and took his chin into my hand. "I love you." I murmured, then pressed our lips together in a soft kiss. He tasted undeniably sweet.. I made the kiss linger, not pulling away until it was entirely necessary. A smile played on my lips, as well as a rather faint blush. "...Thank you." Now things would be so much more pleasant-! "...I must say that I'm rather new to this. ...Not the fact that... we are both men, but because this is, earnestly , my first and hopefully only relationship. Forgive me if I do something wrong, my love."

2015/05/04 4:07:15 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Oh, okay! Well, it sounds like a slice of life thing, so I dunno :P Hah, you seem to be reallllly into Elfen Lied xD In that case I really ought to look into it at some point o3o My favourite manga is still Pandora Hearts lol xD]

Sinbad smiled. In all honesty, he was absolutely beaming all the time right now, from the moment Leon returned his feelings. As cheesy as it sounded, love really was a beautiful thing and it was more than enough for Sinbad to have lit up like this. He happily took Leon's hand beneath the table as well, intertwining their fingers and drawing small circles on his hand with his thumb. He'd make sure to pick a place Leon would love, in that case! He could hardly wait for tomorrow... After the waitress left and Sinbad was once again left with Leon, he blushed a little and looked away, "I-I'm not jealous!" he insisted, though the look on his face and the tone he used made it more than easy to tell that he was lying. Sinbad more than happily scooted over in the booth as well, making room for Leon to sit besides him. "Of course I don't mind," he tsked lightly, almost as though it was strange that the thought even came through Leon's mind, "This way you're closer to me~" He snaked an arm loosely around Leon's waist- though making sure that he was alright with this the entire time- and once again casually noted how petit and soft he was... Ah, so wonderful! Sinbad chuckled slightly when Leon cutely opened his mouth, waiting for some of the delicious treat. He looked so cute; how could he not obey~? And, he'd very happily give him something more"Here, open wide~" Sinbad purred, picking up some of the cake and holding it up to Leon's lips. "Is it good?" he mused, briefly wondering whether he could get a taste from Leon's mouth instead... but decided they were still too early in their relationship for something like that.


Yrian smiled at Frederick's words. This, too, wasn't normal for her, much in the same way as it was for Frederick. She was almost tempted to tell him that she was in actuality a girl, but.. what if that would break the spell? She hoped not. Besides, that was a risk, regardless of how he'd react. Maybe it would be better to keep this to herself for now... As Frederick leaned in to press their lips together, Yrian happily (but nonetheless a little shyly) leaned in to return the motion and meet him halfway. What a sweet action...! He couldn't think of anything better than that. The kiss felt as though it lasted for eternity and yet, when Frederick slowly pulled away, Yrian yearned for more. "Me, too. I suppose... we'll learn together, right?" It made him feel a little better that all of this was new to Frederick, too. At least if (or rather, when) they made any blunders, they could learn from them together. For a while, Yrian was happy to just stay like this, together with Frederick, enjoying each others' company. After a while, though, Yrian spoke again, "We should probably start heading back now," he mused. Still, it's not as though they he was too upset. After all, the two of them were roommates, so even if they went back to campus they could still be together. The redhead stood up and stretched a bit before reaching out his hand to Frederick, helping him up as well.

2015/05/05 9:04:28 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Yeah! Elfen Lied is awesome, though I'm sure I'll looove Pandora Hearts :o All the animes/games you've told me about are perfect!]]


I let out a soft laugh at Sinbad's expression. Wah, he looked absolutely adorable like that-! He said he wasn't jealous, but his expression said otherwise. "I'd be jealous too, if someone tried flirting with you..~" I hummed, nuzzling up against the man's shoulder. He had such a heavenly scent! And really, it was so endearing how Sin got so jealous... His stammer was so cute, too! I grinned as he wrapped his arm around me. He was so warm and made me feel so safe... Though I was a little worried that he might notice my feminine figure. Well, if he did, he didn't comment on it. Was it normal for some guys to have feminine figures, then? What a relief-! I eyed Sin , waiting with my mouth open for him to feed me. When he finally did, I munched on the cake, cooing in absolute delight afterwards. "Wah, it's so good!" My 'cool' demeanor dimished with that delicious bite of cake. Instead, I seemed more like.. well, an excited little boy who was just given a present, if anything. Luckily, I managed to keep my voice in that slightly deeper tone.. "Sin, try it!" I took some of the cake on a fork and held it up for him. "Ahn~" I smirked somewhat afterwards, seeing a bit of frosting on his lip. "You shouldn't waste something so delicious. Here, let me get it for you~." I hummed, leaning up and letting my tongue flick against his lip so I could lick the cream away. After pulling away, I gave a sly grin. "That was very sweet~." [[You can time skip to when they get home maybe? :o]]


I was beyond pleased that Yrian kissed back. It was all the more sweeter that way-! Moreover, he even met my own lips halfway. Really, was there anything better than this? I could not think of a single thing-! It was not... common to see two men together, but certainly, that wouldn't stop me from showing public displays of affection-! Unless of course, Yrian did not want that. It was all up to him. It would be nice though, to display my adoration for the redhead openly, so that all could see that he was taken. Besides, I most definitely was not the only one whom was enchanted by the male! There was Sharrkan, Soma, and even Finnian. So many men had eyed him , stirring jealousy inside of me. Well... I was just undeniably glad that he had chosen me, rather than anyone else! After our sweet kiss, I gazed steadily at Yrian, smiling slightly. So he, too, was new to this..? What about all those women from that club? He was definitely popular, amongst the boys AND the girls. Though... my heart stirred joyfully as I heard him say that he, too, was new to this. That meant that I was special, right? "Yes, let us go ahead then. It's getting rather late." I smiled, standing up with my lover's help. I wondered if now, we would be able to share a bed-? Ah.. no, perhaps it was too early for that. Well, no matter. So long as we loved each other, all will be perfectly fine! I reached down and grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers together before going ahead with him. "Today was great." I said softly, passing him a rather loving smile.

2015/05/05 1:43:57 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[I'm glad you think so! :P I'm sure I'll love Elfen Lied, too! If you want to timeskip further, just say/do so!]

Sinbad grinned, very much enjoying how delighted Leon was at the cake. Well, it was pretty good, but the black haired man's reaction was definitely the best. He simply looked so cute~! Honestly, Leon was far cuter than all the girls Sinbad ever met... was this the effect of love? It must be! Sinbad happily leaned in to try some of the cake that she brought up to his lips as well, "Mm, this is pretty good," he grinned, "Though I much prefer the taste of your lips~" he gave the man a small wink. His cool demeanour all but washed away when Leon suddenly leaned in, flicking a bit of frosting away from his lips. Yes, his taste was far better than any cake, but it still flustered Sinbad a little...! He paused for a moment and then, using his pinkie finger, scooped up some cream on his finger and then spread it across his lips again. He looked at Leon with a hopeful and (fake) innocent look. "Ah... It seems I've made a mess again..." ~Timeskip~ It was evening when the two of them came back to their dorm on campus. Sinbad held the door open for Leon and then, after coming in together, locked it behind them for the night. "You've made me very happy, Leon," he said with an earnest smile, "I couldn't think of a better way to spend any day than like this, with you. Though," he shrugged, giving him a playful look, "Tomorrow dinner sounds pretty exciting, too~" For a while he stood there, a little awkwardly, mulling over his thoughts. Oh... it would be wonderful to share a bed together with Leon this night, but... was it too early? Would it hurt to ask, in any case? He didn't want to risk their budding relationship. "...Do you want to take the shower first?" he finally asked, a little lamely.


Yrian smiled a little as Frederick took his hand and the redhead happily returned the action, intertwining their fingers. Again, side by side with Frederick, Yrian was aware of how much smaller and more feminine he was than the brunet... but it seemed as though Frederick didn't mind, right? Throughout his time at the university already, Yrian had met other males of his stature (though he was quite sure they were actual men, unlike him) so it seemed as though it wasn't too strange of a thing. "Yes, I enjoyed it very much," Yrian agreed with a soft smile. Today really had been great- better than the redhead could have ever imagined. Though along with all those happy feelings, of course, Yrian couldn't help but be a bit panicked and worried as well. What would happen if Frederick were to find out that he wasn't who he said he was? Hopefully he'd still accept him as Imogen, but... well, there was always that nervous feeling. Before too long, they arrived back at the campus and then went up to their shared dorm. Yrian shifted a little on her feet, not quite sure what to do. On one hand maybe they ought to go to sleep already, but on the other... he really didn't want this day to come to an end. And on another note, it would've been so pleasant to be able to sleep besides Frederick today- he wanted nothing more, in all honesty- but Yrian was also itching to take off the chest binding he was wearing. Honestly, sleeping and bathing was the only time he could get rid of that annoyance...

2015/05/06 9:21:43 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria


I peeked back at Sinbad once he locked the door behind us. "Oh, today was delightful." I grinned, "I especially loved how.. messy you were~" I gave a wink, though looked away in order to hide a bright blush. "U-Uhm.." I paused, then nodded. "I.. I'll be quick." I said, then went to go take my shower. It was so nice to take the bonds off my chest-! Nevertheless.. I.. I would wear them tonight. Wouldn't it be nice, to sleep beside Sin? With that in mind, I finished showering and quickly dried myself off before putting the bonds back on and dressing. "You can go now." I told Sin once I came out, then went into my room. Though I didn't stay there. No, instead, I took my pillow and blanket and dragged them to Sin's room. I easily tossed them onto the bed, then crawled into it. "Ahn.. Sin, I can't stay away from you, soo..~" I smiled shyly once he came back into the room. *Time Skip!* It was the next morning. For some reason, almost all of the professors asked me to help them in some way today. Meaning, I couldn't spend my time with Sin-! ((Actually, you can still put the dinner tonight instead of after Sin finds out that Leon is a girl o3o They could go after the steamy part xD)) All throughout the day, I was busy. And Sinbad had to go do something , too.. ((What if "Leon" "crossdresses" during one of Sin's football games? :L CHEERLEADER!LEON-- XD)) I whined to myself as I dragged my bag back to our dorm. As soon as I opened the door, I looked around. "Sin.." I huffed, leaving my bag on his bed before approaching him. "I missed you." A rather upset expression spread across my features as I peeked at him. Without really thinking about it, I got onto the bed with him and leaned up to kiss his lips. Really, I had missed him-!


"Shall we... enjoy each other's company some more, before bed?" I asked softly after a moment of silence. I didn't really wish to sleep - especially alone - yet. Yrian and I had just gotten together after all! *Time Skip!* The next morning, classes too up most of our time. I signed up for clubs as well - the same as Yrian, and one or two others that I hoped Yrian would join too - so that took up a lot of time. It was quite upsetting, how Yrian and I could not be together in the morning, or mid-afternoon. We had only just gotten together, and I wanted nothing more than to stay with him all day-! Luckily, all that work and time away from my beloved came to an end. Finally, classes were over for the day, and I was allowed to head back to my dorm... which I did, quite eagerly and hastily. Arriving at the dorm, I was glad to see that my lover was already there. "Yrian." I smiled softly, shutting and , without thinking, locking the door behind me. "I've missed you." I was beyond glad that we shared the same dorm-! It must be fate that we were roomed together. Setting my bag down almost carelessly, I embraced the smaller, softer frame of my beloved and leaned down to present him with a kiss on his lips. At first, it was soft and gentle; but soon, I found myself increasing the passion tenfold, and so I gently bit down on Yrian's lower lip, asking for entrance. With his consent, I slipped my tongue into his sweet mouth and let it explore every inch. A faint blush spread across my features; after all, I have never thought that I would kiss a man so passionately. It was very, very pleasant and sweet though. So I minded not.

2015/05/06 11:44:25 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

and yes Cheerleader!Leon is a must xD]

Sinbad shifted in bed when he heard the door open, and, despite how tired he was, he at once turned his attention to the person who just entered, beaming. "Me, too, Leon," he said, happily returning his beloved's kiss when he tasted it on his lips again, "It seems like I haven't seen you in forever-!" Oh, this must be the cheesy part of the relationship coming up. They'd seen each other in the morning, but... well, other than that, they were apart the entire day, and Sinbad really rather disliked that. Being one of the stronger students, too, teachers often asked him to help carry them things around. Sometimes they gave him extra credit for doing small things like that, so he took up those options (1). Today left him particularily exhausted, though the man was beginning to wonder whether that was because his life-source, Leon, was away from him the entire day. "Are you ready to go soon? I made a reservation, so that'll be ready in 45 minutes..." As promised, the purple haired man had made a reservation in a restaurant at the outskirts of the college area, just a bit further than where they usually went to, though it wasn't a terribly fancy place. Hopefully it would be a nice place! He'd put up a good portion of his savings for this, so he hoped the food and atmosphere was nice there...! Sinbad shifted in bed, taking a more comfortable position, and then pulled Leon so that he was sort of sitting on his lap on the bed. Really, after not seeing each other for such a long time, didn't he have the right to want to embrace and touch him in every which way?


Yrian ran a hand through his hair- he'd gotten used to its shortness already, though he sometimes found himself yearning for his previous longer hair, too- sighing softly to himself. He ought to be studying, in all honesty, but after a hard day of work, he really couldn't care less at the moment. Classes had been especially long and boring today, somehow, and all Yrian wanted at the moment was to sleep. When he heard the door open and Frederick entered, however, he quickly realised that seeing his beloved was more than enough to bring him that energy he needed. Yrian smiled and stood up as well, coming over a bit closer to Frederick so they met halfway. "I've missed you, too," he said and more than happily returned the kiss Frederick presented him with. The sudden increase in tempo and passion caught him a little off guard for sure, and though Yrian was blushing quite wildly by now, he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't enjoying this. Yrian parted his lips, allowing Frederick to push through and he, too, let his tongue dance with his. He'd never felt anything like this before and only prayed that this would all be fine... though hey, they were both learning, right? Yrian's hands strayed up and down Frederick's back, taking in even his muscular frame through the cloth. Ah... he wanted to tear off his shirt so much, but that would mean he ought to at least do the same with his own... which would lead to some awkward questions, i.e. 'why do you have breasts'.

(1) I think because Sin doesn't do his paperwork (and makes Ja'far do it xD) I have a headcanon here that he's not the best student, either. Well, he's not failing, but maybe at C or B level so he can always improve his grade? XP Just felt like sharing a headcanon!

2015/05/06 12:27:06 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

and yes Cheerleader!Leon is a must xD]

Sinbad shifted in bed when he heard the door open, and, despite how tired he was, he at once turned his attention to the person who just entered, beaming. "Me, too, Leon," he said, happily returning his beloved's kiss when he tasted it on his lips again, "It seems like I haven't seen you in forever-!" Oh, this must be the cheesy part of the relationship coming up. They'd seen each other in the morning, but... well, other than that, they were apart the entire day, and Sinbad really rather disliked that. Being one of the stronger students, too, teachers often asked him to help carry them things around. Sometimes they gave him extra credit for doing small things like that, so he took up those options (1). Today left him particularily exhausted, though the man was beginning to wonder whether that was because his life-source, Leon, was away from him the entire day. "Are you ready to go soon? I made a reservation, so that'll be ready in 45 minutes..." As promised, the purple haired man had made a reservation in a restaurant at the outskirts of the college area, just a bit further than where they usually went to, though it wasn't a terribly fancy place. Hopefully it would be a nice place! He'd put up a good portion of his savings for this, so he hoped the food and atmosphere was nice there...! Sinbad shifted in bed, taking a more comfortable position, and then pulled Leon so that he was sort of sitting on his lap on the bed. Really, after not seeing each other for such a long time, didn't he have the right to want to embrace and touch him in every which way?


Yrian ran a hand through his hair- he'd gotten used to its shortness already, though he sometimes found himself yearning for his previous longer hair, too- sighing softly to himself. He ought to be studying, in all honesty, but after a hard day of work, he really couldn't care less at the moment. Classes had been especially long and boring today, somehow, and all Yrian wanted at the moment was to sleep. When he heard the door open and Frederick entered, however, he quickly realised that seeing his beloved was more than enough to bring him that energy he needed. Yrian smiled and stood up as well, coming over a bit closer to Frederick so they met halfway. "I've missed you, too," he said and more than happily returned the kiss Frederick presented him with. The sudden increase in tempo and passion caught him a little off guard for sure, and though Yrian was blushing quite wildly by now, he'd be lying if he said that he wasn't enjoying this. Yrian parted his lips, allowing Frederick to push through and he, too, let his tongue dance with his. He'd never felt anything like this before and only prayed that this would all be fine... though hey, they were both learning, right? Yrian's hands strayed up and down Frederick's back, taking in even his muscular frame through the cloth. Ah... he wanted to tear off his shirt so much, but that would mean he ought to at least do the same with his own... which would lead to some awkward questions, i.e. 'why do you have breasts'.

(1) I think because Sin doesn't do his paperwork (and makes Ja'far do it xD) I have a headcanon here that he's not the best student, either. Well, he's not failing, but maybe at C or B level so he can always improve his grade? XP Just felt like sharing a headcanon!

2015/05/06 12:27:18 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[ :L :L xD It wasn't short! And have sweet dreams! ^u^ ...That headcanon is so adorable * o * Lila shall help him study! xD Also I hope you don't mind, but I pushed the restaurant to tomorrow (rp time) so they can just have the love making scene now o3o And then Sin'll find out that shes a girl xD]]


Oh, it was so sweet the way Sin's face lit up when he saw me-! Really, it was the most endearing thing ever <3. I gave the man a small smile. "Mm.. I caught sight of you lifting those heavy boxes before. You must be exhausted, dear." I sighed dramatically, cuddling up against the man. Suddenly, though, he pulled me up into his lap. Almost immediately, a rather bright blush spread across my lips. U-Urk... It wasn't like I disliked the position; it was just.. very new to me. Pl-Plus, I could feel him.. d-down there-! As princesses, my sister and I were ... sheltered. So being close to men in general was uncommon for us. Of course, I was more used to it now, b-but I've never been in such a position before-! I involuntarily squirmed on his lap, and realized that the gesture might lead to something more. ...It wouldn't be good at all if he were to remove my shirt. Or my pants. Either would result in... er, a lot of confusion. So I had to think fast. Like, really fast. So, I suddenly got off of my lover's lap and peeked up at him. "Shall I.. r-relieve your stress?~" I tried to sound flirtatious, but my bright blush sort of ruined that. Nevertheless, I tugged his bottoms off until I could see his member. O-Oh.. "You're.. q-quite big~" My face was practically as red as a tomato, but.. b-but I wanted to please my beloved without having him find out that I was a girl! So I would do this. I-I... would please him! To be honest, I couldn't help but feel rather... aroused at this whole situation. Male love is great~ I slowly leaned down, taking Sin's tip into my mouth and sucking on it. Wah... this.. wasn't so hard at all! Well, actually, it WAS hard. Literally. He actually tasted delightful~! "Hnnn..~" I cooed, though my voice was muffled. I took him a bit deeper into my mouth.


I've never kissed anyone before, especially not a man. However... this was just about the most amazing feeling in the world. Perhaps it was because this was Yrian that I was kissing? That must be it. No matter what, I just loved him and everything about him. That's why , even if male love wad uncommon, I would not hesitate to show him public displays of affection. I was very pleased when the redhead opened his mouth for me. So he was enjoying this too, then. Despite us both not really having experience with this sort of thing, the kiss was absolutely perfect. I let my tongue swirl around with his - how delicious and sweet his mouth tasted! - and pulled away only when we needed air. A trail of saliva connected our lips for a moment before breaking, and I panted softly. "Ah.." A slightly seductive smirk spread across my features as I gently pushed the male back, so that the backs of his legs were against the back of the bed. "Hm.. You're so sweet, you know.." I breathed against his ear, slowly allowing my hands to travel from his waist down to his bottom. It was very curvacious and lush, despite him being a male. But that was a good thing, of course. I loved every part of Yrian the way he was~. I gently squeezed his bottom, nipping on his earlobe at the same time. I wondered... if he would go further with me? Of course, I would never push him to do something that he did not want to do. No, I would never do such a thing to him. But if he wanted it... then there would be no problem, right? It would be utterly delightful to become one with Yrian..! It would be a step further in our relationship~. Waiting to hear his consent, I trailed little kisses, nips, and licks down from his earlobe to his jawline, and finally stopped at the crook of his neck.

2015/05/06 1:30:46 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Hah, good! :D And okay, I'm glad you liked it~ And of course it's fine! ^u^ Push it wherever you like~ Annnnd can we just pretend there was a timeskip for Imogen before this part, so it was like a week or two? Since it's kind of pathetic that she only managed to keep her female secret away from Frederick for one day after they got together -u- And sorry if this is short or something; I'm in school so I'm cautious about all these scenes xP]

Sinbad flushed softly as he realised how aroused he was from all of this. Well, with all good right, of course, since what was therenotto love about Leon? But he was aware of the fact that he couldn't feel Leon's bulge like this, which made him a little conscious about the fact that he was aroused while Leon wasn't... He wanted Leon to enjoy this as much as he did! He loved the blush that played on Leon's face, making him even cuter. Confusion and some disappointment came over Sinbad when Leon moved off of his lap, but when he spoke, understanding washed over Sinbad instead and he nodded, "O-oh, Leon..." he hummed. Really, he wanted nothing more than to be with Leon right now... and, of course, he'd pay back Leon with twice the pleasure he gave him~ He'd make sure of that! A small groan left Sinbad's lips when Leon tugged down his pants and boxers. This was much more comfortable, really, since he was straining against the cloth before. When the black haired man suddenly took him into his mouth, he stifled a moan. Wh-what pleasure...! This was barely comprehensible- was it so much more pleasant because this was Leon he was with? It must be! "L-Leon..." he purred, though his voice was broken through a moan, "You... I love you... so much," he purred, "You're doing perfectly, my l~love...~" Actually, Sinbad was so aroused... he wasn't sure if he would be able to last as long as he'd like. His hands trailed down to Leon's hair, tangling them in the long black locks. He pushed gently, not enough to force Leon to do anything, but enough to show him just how much he was enjoying all of this.


Yrian panted softly. Their actions right now were so arousing, so hot. He never wanted to part from these feelings, from all this wonderfulness. "Speak..for yourself," Yrian breathed in response to Frederick's compliment. Feeling the man's hands trail from his back to his derrière, though, Yrian froze a little. Ah... Did Frederick want this? Yrain flushed a little; he'd never been touched like this, especially considering his sheltered lifestyle. He'd happily give himself to Frederick, fully, but like that... Ah, Yrian feared that he'd betray his secret and Frederick would find out. Just being in this relationship, by being physical, Yrian was putting himself and his sister in a risk. All the small kisses and nips were like electricity coursing through him. "Ah... Frederick," he hummed and, red-faced, pulled away from the man's embrace, "Stay standing, will you?" He got down on his knees before his beloved and for a moment stayed like that, admiring his bulge ((seriously, Frederick's official artwork even has that-- xD)) before undoing his button and tugging his pants and then boxers down. The sight definitely made Yrian blush and he even felt a damp discomfort form between his own legs. "I... I haven't done this before..." he said quietly and then gave Frederick an experimental lick. Happy with his reaction, he took the tip into his mouth, sucking lightly on it. He eventually moved, taking him in further, but not down his throat- no, that was too much for their first time, he decided, and instead let his hand play at his base, where his mouth didn't reach.

2015/05/06 10:49:20 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Sure! we can push it to a week or two :D ...Can we do the same for Lila, in that case? :L And lol xD Sin was like 'why cant I feel Leon'a bulge??' xD ]]


Wah, male love was delightful~! Even if this wasn't really male love, Sin thought it was~. It.. was oddly arousing~! And I felt rather.. damp because of that. Hopefully Sin - if he noticed, anyway - would figure that it was regular male precum rather than female wetness... I peeked up at Sinbad with an 'innocent' expression on my face, then took him as deep into my mouth as possible, deep-throating him slightly. I used my hands to rub the part that couldn't fit. Wah.. h-he was so hard~. I loved being able to please him like this-! I let out a muffled mewl as Sin purred and groaned, finding it arousing. For a moment, I pulled away to speak, "Sin..~ Cum for m~me.." I purred, before taking him back into my mouth and sucking him roughly. When he finanlly came, I immediately swallowed, and pulled away to lick my lips and scoop the bit that had fallen down my chin into my mouth. "H-Hah~ How tasty~" I cooed, leaning down to lick his tip clean. Only, when I bent down, I heard a rather audible tearing sound. I blinked, then sat up straight, gazing down at myself. Immediately, my face flushed. "E-Er... This.. isn't.. what it.. looks like?" I laughed nervously, though, unfortunately, in my worry, I had used my normal feminine tone of voice. "U-Urk..." M-My bindings t-tore off! Th-There was n-no doubt that S-Sin would see that I wasn't flat chested-!


[[Dude, you really study his artwork :L :L xD ehehe~]]

I was aroused, and the bulge in my pants made that much apparent. I.. noticed, though, that Yrian did not seem aroused. Did he not find this to be.. exciting, even in the least? ...Ah, perhaps he was just small in size. In no way did I wish to be conceited, but I was given a rather... large package. Considering Yrian's small stature and figure, though... well, if he was small in size, it didn't really surprise me. Not that it was a bad thing. I would love him and every part of him no matter what~. When the male told me to keep standing, I blinked, a little confused. I stood obediently though, until the redhead got onto his knees. Immediately, a faint blush spread across my features. He would-! Oh, just the sight made me harder than before ! In fact... I was very grateful that Yrian had taken my pants and boxers off, for my member had nearly been suffocating-! I groaned softly as my beloved licked at my tip. It felt.. u-unbelievably good-! "A-Ah... a-and never have I experienced such a.. w-wonderful feeling..!" I groaned, entangling my hand into his hair. When he took me deeper into his mouth, I involuntarily bucked my hips forward. "Y-Yrian.." I moaned.

2015/05/06 11:40:54 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Sure! we can push it to a week or two :D ...Can we do the same for Lila, in that case? :L And lol xD Sin was like 'why cant I feel Leon'a bulge??' xD ]]


Wah, male love was delightful~! Even if this wasn't really male love, Sin thought it was~. It.. was oddly arousing~! And I felt rather.. damp because of that. Hopefully Sin - if he noticed, anyway - would figure that it was regular male precum rather than female wetness... I peeked up at Sinbad with an 'innocent' expression on my face, then took him as deep into my mouth as possible, deep-throating him slightly. I used my hands to rub the part that couldn't fit. Wah.. h-he was so hard~. I loved being able to please him like this-! I let out a muffled mewl as Sin purred and groaned, finding it arousing. For a moment, I pulled away to speak, "Sin..~ Cum for m~me.." I purred, before taking him back into my mouth and sucking him roughly. When he finanlly came, I immediately swallowed, and pulled away to lick my lips and scoop the bit that had fallen down my chin into my mouth. "H-Hah~ How tasty~" I cooed, leaning down to lick his tip clean. Only, when I bent down, I heard a rather audible tearing sound. I blinked, then sat up straight, gazing down at myself. Immediately, my face flushed. "E-Er... This.. isn't.. what it.. looks like?" I laughed nervously, though, unfortunately, in my worry, I had used my normal feminine tone of voice. "U-Urk..." M-My bindings t-tore off! Th-There was n-no doubt that S-Sin would see that I wasn't flat chested-!


[[Dude, you really study his artwork :L :L xD ehehe~]]

I was aroused, and the bulge in my pants made that much apparent. I.. noticed, though, that Yrian did not seem aroused. Did he not find this to be.. exciting, even in the least? ...Ah, perhaps he was just small in size. In no way did I wish to be conceited, but I was given a rather... large package. Considering Yrian's small stature and figure, though... well, if he was small in size, it didn't really surprise me. Not that it was a bad thing. I would love him and every part of him no matter what~. When the male told me to keep standing, I blinked, a little confused. I stood obediently though, until the redhead got onto his knees. Immediately, a faint blush spread across my features. He would-! Oh, just the sight made me harder than before ! In fact... I was very grateful that Yrian had taken my pants and boxers off, for my member had nearly been suffocating-! I groaned softly as my beloved licked at my tip. It felt.. u-unbelievably good-! "A-Ah... a-and never have I experienced such a.. w-wonderful feeling..!" I groaned, entangling my hand into his hair. When he took me deeper into his mouth, I involuntarily bucked my hips forward. "Y-Yrian.." I moaned.

2015/05/06 11:43:10 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Yeah, we can do that for Lila too! ^u^ Pfft I felt like putting that in-- you had Frederick think it, too! :L And of course I study his artwork~ His cold expression just makes my heart melt~ *swoon*]

Sinbad groaned softly at the feeling coursing through him. Even in his wildest dreams he couldn't have imagined such an immense pleasure. He wondered how thick the walls in the dormitories were- could anyone hear them? Well, more likehiminstead ofthem, since it was Sinbad who was at Leon's mercy, moaning to his will. With one hand still entangled in Leon's hair, he raised the other to his mouth and bit down on it, trying to stifle some of the increasingly louder groans. He wasn't sure if it helped much, though. Involuntarily, the man bucked his hips as Leon took him deeper into his mouth. When Leon pulled away for half a moment to speak to him, Sinbad felt himself yearning for him again, completely in need of Leon. When he took him back, sucking roughly, he couldn't help but let out a loud groan. Oh, he'd very happily cum for him~! The pleasure only ever increased, becoming almost too much for Sinbad to comprehend, and he came. Watching Leon swallow it all was a very arousing sight as well. When he suddenly heard a tearing sound, Sinbad didn't think too much of it- there were more wonderful things to think about, after all- but Leon seemed to be rather concerned about it. Sinbad tilted his head a little and then tugged Leon up a little so that they were on a similar level again. His eyes eyes widened as he saw a rather large bulge on Leon's chest. Wh-what? This was...! Sinbad reached out his hands to Leon's chest, confirming his suspicions when he felt two soft orbs in a place where, previously, they were not. That was perhaps not the most polite thing to do, but... well, they were still in a relationship! "L-Leon?" He asked, still rather confused, but despite it all, a wide grin played on his face, "You're... You're a girl!" It was less of a question than a statement, really, but he then paused, tilting his head, "...Right? I... Why were you keeping this from me?" A thousand thoughts ran through his mind at once, but the most prominent one was simply 'I'm not gay!'. Not that there was anything wrong with that, of course.


Yrian looked up at Frederick, despite the prominent blush on his face and smiled. Really, seeing his beloved like this was simply so arousing! He loved the fact that he could bring him so much pleasure, that they could be happy together like this. Feeling his hands run through his hair only spurred Yrian to go on further, quicker. He continued to suck on his member, even enjoying this feeling himself, not only in terms of what Frederick was feeling. His hand continued to rub at his base, helping circulate that which his mouth was trying to do as well. Yrian couldn't deny that he was feeling more than damp by now, but he could ignore that for now. As long as Frederick didn't notice, it would all be fine. Yrian could always excuse himself and go to the bathroom for a while... When Frederick came, spilling his seed, Yrian had to be quick to swallow it all down. It was a funny feeling, but Yrian didn't mind it and rather enjoyed it, too. He pulled away from Frederick and then wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve and grinned up at Frederick. "H-How was that...?" he asked with a devious smile, though the blush refused to fade from his cheeks. He was unsure of what to do for a moment and then simply tugged Frederick with him to his bed, laying down. "Isn't this nice?" he mused, "We can... cuddle for a while," he suggested, pulling Frederick with him. After all, anything more would've revealed his secret.

2015/05/07 12:21:00 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Omg I died at Sin's reply X'D <3 And psh, you love all of Frederick's expressions xD]]


Sinbad's eyes widened once he noticed my chest. I had been expecting that. What I had NOT expected, though, was when he suddenly cupped my clothed breasts in his hands. Immediately, I squeaked, squirmed slightly, and blushed madly, gazing at the purple haired male shyly. U-Urk.. "E-Er.. y-yes?" I stammered, once he called out my incognito name. I was rather surprised to see the large grin on his face, though... very, very relieved at the same time. H-He.. h-he didn't seem to mind...! "E-Er.. Y-Yes, I a-am." There was no way to hide it now. "Y-Yes, right." I blushed, reaching over to get a wet wipe. ((Those wipes they clean make-up with xP)) I wiped all of the make-up from my face and then untied my hair, leaving it in it's long and loose style. I grinned shyly afterwards. "..It feels so nice to be able to sit like this." I sighed in content, tossing my broken bindings into the small trash can nearby. Wah...Sin seemed to accept me even now~! "W-Well.. I.. My name is Lila." I said, fidgeting a bit. "And I'm.. I'm in hiding, you see.. that's why.. that's why I dressed up as a boy. My sister is the.. er, well she's /supposed/ to be.. the queen of Sola. We needed to find safety.." I knew that I could trust Sinbad with this-! I eyed him, a little sadly. "I... I-I'm really sorry for not telling you, S-Sin.. I-I.. I really l-love y-you..! I-I hope we can still be together, l-like before.." I looked down into my lap, feeling awful for not telling him sooner. He had accepted me - the real me - so easily as well-! "...It was really fun pretending to be a guy, though. Teehee, it makes me feel special that you loved me, even like that-!" I giggled, quite delighted by the thought.


I continued to groan and even lightly tugged at Yrian's hair slightly as he sucked. Really, it felt unbelievably good-! Throwing my head back, I moaned, quite loudly, "Y-Yrian-!" As he sucked even more, I felt myself grow harder until I could no longer hold back. With a final groan and thrust, I came, spilling my seed into the redhead's mouth. Panting, I watched as he swallowed every drop. There was nothing more erotic and arousing, I decided at that moment, than seeing my beloved swallow my seed. The devious grin and light blush that the man wore only made my heart race in my chest. "Mm.." I breathed, following him to the bed. Yrian suggested to cuddle, but.. "Wouldn't it be better... to repay the favor?~" I asked, my voice rather husky. I reached down to cup his clothed member. ...Only, I didn't feel anything. Blinking in confusion, I sat up, gazing at the man whom was still laying on the bed. "...Excuse me for a moment." I said, leaning down and pulling the waistband of his pants and underwear out. I peeked inside, and, to my surprise, I saw not a member, but.. a vagin*l entrance. I kind of just stared in there for a while, trying to make sense of this (and, at the same time, admiring the moist sight!) before letting 'his' waistband snap back into place. "..My, my. It seems as if you've had me thinking that I was gay the entire time... miss." I smirked somewhat, showing that I wasn't upset or anything. "I commend you for being able to fool me for so long, and for being able to make me assume that I liked men... What a feat. I bet you're proud, m'dear." I chuckled, leaning down to plant a kiss on /her/ lips. "May I know why my girlfriend has been hiding her gender all along?"

2015/05/07 12:56:18 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Of course I love all of Frederick's expressions! xD There's nothing I love more~ >u<]

Sinbad watched in fascination and curiosity as Leon washed his face and let his hair loose. Those small things, coupled with the binding, were all the difference between Leon and... well, and his actual, female self. Herself, that is. He gazed upon her features, so soft and beautiful. In all honesty, Sinbad wasn't sure how he was supposed to react- he was both shocked and really happy, so his expressions were a mixture of the two. Really, though... she was so beautiful! He listened to the woman as she began to speak, introducing herself. Sinbad knew Leon very well, yes, but hearing about Lilasuddenly made him realise just how little he knew. ...He'd have to change that, then. "Lila," the purple haired man repeated with a smile, "That's a beautiful name. Very befitting," he smiled. When she continued, however, saying how she was in hiding, Sinbad's heart fell a little. How awful-! And... "Sola? Then... that means you're...!" Lila. She, with her sister, were the tragic princesses of Sola's recent uprisings, weren't they? The women who were presumed either dead or run away... No wonder she chose to stay here, at an all boys' school! Who would've thought to search for Princess Lila in here? The man's face flushed a little as he remembered how rough he'd been with her- never in a bad sense, of course- and how he'd just groped her. Oh... but despite this new information, they were still together, right? So that wasn't bad... Sinbad reached out to cup her cheek, "It's alright, my love," he told her gently, "I... I'm happy you told me. I wouldn't give you up for the world, long as you'll have me, I'll do the same." If anything, he loved her more than ever right now, knowing all the hardships she'd gone through, knowing that he was amongst a handful of people who really knew about her. "I promise I'll protect you. Alright? There's no need to worry about anything more," Sinbad said gently, taking her into an embrace. When he pulled away, he grinned a little, "It seems I'm still in your debt, princess," he said leaning in to kiss her on her jaw, "Shall I repay the favour~?"


Yrian shook his head when Frederick suggested repaying the favour, "No, I'm alright," he said quickly, "Let's just stay like this-- Frederick, d-don't!" Yrian was flushed in the face when he felt Frederick's hand between his legs... but it was too late to go back now. Yrian couldfeelit in the air now that Frederick knew, but despite it all, he was only more flustered when the man lifted up his pants and underclothes ((Would they be wearing boxers or panties? I've no idea xP)). Well, there went his cover. Yrian- or rather, Imogen, seeing as the farce was up, at least with Frederick- was half expecting the man to reject her now, or to be at least angry for not knowing before. Btu to her relief and delight, Frederick didn't seem to be upset for long. "...I am proud, actually," she said, a little defiantly in response. Gods knew how difficult it had been to keep this secret away from her lover-! It was a miracle that she lasted this long. Imogen happily accepted the kiss and sat up a little when Frederick questioned her motives. "...My name is Imogen. I fled Sola with my younger sister- we're being persecuted, you see. This seemed like a good place to hide..." she said. He was smart; Frederick would surely be able to put two and two together with that information and find out who she really was. She set her own hands beneath her shirt and undid the fastening around her chest, and sighed in relief when the discomfort loosened. Turning to face Frederick completely, Imogen put on a look of both determination and apology, "...I'm sorry that I kept this from you. It's dangerous for anyone to know. I trust you, Frederick, and I know you'd never say anything like that to harm me or my sister, but... sometimes things slip out, so having anyone know is a risk. ...I'm sorry." Frederick would have to keep her secret now, too. Hopefully it would all work out- Imogen was worried, yes, but it felt so nice for him to know about her!

2015/05/07 1:33:09 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Ehehehe~ Of course xD]]


"Ahn..~ Thank you.." I cooed, a light blush spreading across my features as Sin complimented my name - my real name, that is. He's so sweet to me-! When the golden eyed man began to put two and two together, I fidgeted slightly with a strand of my hair. "...Yes." I murmured, agreeing to his silent realization. "..Buuut that makes you my prince, right?" I giggled once more, then paused for a moment, tilting my head to the side in deep thought. "...Or perhaps my knight in shining armor? Both titles suit you perfectly~." I beamed, scooting forward so that I was directly in front of him. Reaching out, I cupped his cheeks in my hands. "I love you~" I cooed, "I'm so glad that we can still be together~. A-And.. I'm really happy that you love me either way.. It makes me feel so special. Thank you.. so much. I haven't been this happy in such a long time." I leaned forward, nuzzling my face into the crook of his neck as I wrapped my arms around him. Hearing Sinbad speak so sweetly, saying that he would protect me and keep me safe, made my heart flutter in my chest. In fact, I was so immensely happy that I nearly began to tear up. Reluctantly, I pulled away, blushing as I gazed at my beloved. "No, I will forever be in /your/ debt." I said, softly, though cooed in delight as he began to kiss down my jaw. "...Hn..~" Even the way he called me 'princess' made my heart flutter! "Though.. I'll accept a reward then~. Even if it's only small..~" I cooed.


I chuckled at the woman's tone of voice. Though, when she began to tell about herself... my eyes widened somewhat, and my heart fell. "Y-You are... Queen Imogen, then? Of Sola.." To think, just a week or so ago, I had been speaking to her about this-! I had felt horrible for the Queen before, but knowing that she was my beloved... made it all the more painful-! "Imogen.." I said, softly. She had been run out of her home, and people wanted her killed-! The thought broke my heart. "Imogen, don't apologize. You've been through so much pain, have you not-? I.. I apologize. I will keep you safe, Imogen, I swear my life upon that! You will be safe as well as happy. I promise you that." I said, gazing steadily into her green eyes. "I will not let anyone find out about you. I would rather die than have you hurt-!" I said, my voice determined. I watched as she took off her bindings. That must have been extremely uncomfortable as well... And.. well, I briefly wondered how she managed to bind such large lush breasts. Though I figured that it would be very rude to ask. "My love, you have nothing to worry about from now until the end of time. No matter what, I shall protect you... my queen." I pulled her gently forward, embracing her. "I love you, very much. I do hope that we can still stay together.." Despite the fact that I was a commoner, while she was a queen. No matter what, I would always love her.

2015/05/07 3:35:42 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Seriously~ I made Frederick my background again >u> I just... wahhhh <3 And do you want to timeskip soon?]

Sinbad smiled, "I'll be anything for you, my love," he said. It baffled him, in all honesty, that Lila still wanted to be with him. It wasn't exactly common for nobility- much less aprincess-to be with someone of his standing. His family was relatively well-off, sure, but he didn't have a title or vast amount of money. Still... the fact that Lila still loved him, that she earnestly wanted to be with him... that was the best thing ever. He couldn't have asked for anything more. "I swear... I'll do everything I can to make you happy." It was cheesy, yes, and some people would think he said it because he knew of her status right now, but that had nothing to do with it. No, Sinbad loved Lila regardless of who she was, regardless of whether she was Leon or someone else. But know all the pain she'd gone through... it made all this even more precious. He wouldn't allow any more harm to come to her! It would be difficult to keep this secret to himself, yes, since he was sure he'd be tempted to call her a 'she' and so forth in public, but he'd do his best. Her life was at stake, after all; he wouldn't be the one to make it all collapse. "Of course, my love~" Sinbad purred as she spoke, accepting his 'reward'. He kept kissing, up and down her jaw and neck while his hands slipped beneath her shirt. He went slowly, so that if Lila wanted to stop him, she could. At the same time, the man kept watching her expression, wanting to see if this was all to her liking. With that binding off, it was no secret that Sinbad had easier access to her breasts, and reached up to cup them, pulling her shirt up a little. This was different than before, more loving than when he'd grabbed them in disbelief a couple minutes ago. All the while, his other hand sneaked down to her pants.


Imogen watched Frederick's reaction with a hard face. She was nervous, actually, on how he'd take all of this. It seemed that he wasn't upset about her actually turning out to be a girl or anything of the sort, but what would he say to knowing about the nobility part? He said that he supported them during their conversation a week or two ago, but there was always the possibility that he would be frightened for his own safety and wouldn't want to affiliate with her...? "That's right," Imogen said quietly as Frederick pieced the information together, "Or, I would be, had I not been forced to flee." She didn't really have any royal standing away like this... So when Frederick spoke again, telling her not to apologize and thathe'dkeep her safe, Imogen teared up. She hated that she showed such a weakness, but what else was there to do? His words had spurred on feelings that she'd been keeping inside of herself for so long, and the kindness that came along with that made her cry. "Th-thank you," she sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her sleeve. She happily came into his embrace, burying her face in his chest. This feeling... it was so warm, so sweet... She never wanted to give this up.When Frederick spoke again, she pulled away a little and looked up at him with a watery but earnest smile, "I love you, too, Frederick," she said quietly, "As long as you still want me, let me stay besides you." There was no reason why this information should pull their relationship apart... right?

2015/05/07 9:09:31 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[ He's very happy to be your background~~ ]]


"...You'll be anything for me..?" I repeated, a small secretive smile on my features, "...I'll keep that in mind then~" *Time Skip!* [[Can we just assume that Sin and Lila made love during the timeskip? o3o So she's not a virgin anymore-]] I huffed slightly, peeking in the mirror. "Buuut I haaaate the bindings..." I whined, glancing back at Sinbad. He was helping me tie the bindings correctly, since I didn't want them to break like last time. I took in a deep breath, then nodded, indicating for Sin to tighten it. When he did so, I turned around to face him. "Everything's covered, right?" I asked, making sure as I glanced down at my now flat chest. "...Wah, I'm so glad that I don't have to wear this when we sleep beside each other anymore-!" I said, tugging a shirt on and glancing in the mirror one last time. "There. Now I'm Leon again." I smiled sheepishly, then went to wrap my arms around one of Sin's. "You'll be trying out for football soon, right? I have a surprise for when you do~" I hummed. [[Cheerleader!Leon xD Yaay XD]] "...And.. it's raining outside now. But we can still walk to the restaurant, right? Let's share an umbrella, Sin~" I cooed, snuggling against him. "Ooh! Do you think they have one of those create-your-own ice cream sundae things? We should definitely share one together, if they do!" I beamed, looking utterly excited to go out with my beloved, even if I had to dress as a male. "Shall we go, then?" I let go of him for a moment in order to grab a plain black umbrella. "Let's go!" I said once I approached him again. This would be so much fun! Well... anything would be fun, if Sinbad was with me.


Imogen had to right to cry. "You've been so strong, m'love. So very strong. But it's best not to keep your emotions bottled up for too long. So cry. Cry until you feel better, okay? I'll wipe your tears away." I said softly, rubbing soothing circles into her back as I embraced her. "I will never stop being your great knight. I shall love you forever, as knight and lover, till death do us part." *Time Skip!* "Imogen." I said, coming into my - no, our - room with a few things. "Are you cold, m'dear? Look, I made us hot chocolate, and brought some warm blankets and books, so that we may read and cuddle to our hearts content." I smiled warmly, setting both mugs of hot chocolate down on the little side table near the bed before climbing in next to Imogen and pulling her close. I spread the blankets across us, keeping us both warm and comfortable, then took the books and showed them to my beloved. "Do any catch your fancy? Perhaps I can read something to you." I offered, giving the redhead a warm smile. Really, what could be better than this? Cuddling together underneath warm blankets, with hot chocolate and a few good reads. "Have you heard the story called 'Ylissean Hero' ? It's about a great knight whom has lost his beloved in a tragic battle that saved all of humanity. It's... quite sad, but in the end, he finds his beloved once more. It's a rather tragic love story." I explained. "...And there are other good reads here, too."

2015/05/07 11:59:41 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[He should be o3o And hey! Not necessarily in this RP, but at some point, can you include Frederick's Japanese confession? I like that one way more than his English one, tbh It's this "I… love you too… From now on, not as a knight, but as a man… please allow me to protect you." It's much cuter than the English one >u< And yeah, of course she can be not a virgin o3o And... do you want to assume it's been like a week or so since the timeskip?]

Sinbad huffed a little as he tried to secure the bindings. It was difficult work, actually, to make sure that it stayed on well and didn't untie. It must have been even more difficult for Lila to do this on her own- it was much easier with two people! Nonetheless, the knots undid a couple times when Sinbad tried to do them, but he managed to secure them after the fourth or fifth try. "There, that should do it," he nodded in approval, looking at Lila. Despite the fact that he'd gotten used to the fact that Leon was Lila, it still surprised him sometimes. No one else seemed to notice- her costume really was brilliant! He much preferred when she was herself, though, without any bindings and the like. At least their nights together were pleasant- they were more than pleasant, actually~ Sinbad nodded, "Yeah, I think tryouts are next week. Will you come watch me~?" he grinned. Tryouts were on the field after all, so some people came to watch events like that from the bleachers. He wondered what the surprise would be, but he knew it would be wonderful! "Alright, let's go," Sinbad agreed, and they went outside together, opening the black umbrella. "Mm... I'm not sure if they have that- we'll have to see! The restaurant's more fancy than what I'm used to... But we can always order and share a dessert, regardless!" he grinned. It took about ten minutes to arrive at the restaurant. Sinbad shifted the umbrella closer to Lila's side, since he wanted her to stay completely dry. Not to mention, some of the male makeup could potentially wash away with the rain... "Here we are," Sinbad smiled as they arrived. He went up to the door and opened it, letting Lila go in, and then set the umbrella aside in the umbrella stand to dry. A waiter showed them to a table.


Imogen looked up as Frederick came into their room again, carrying some items. She smiled at the sight- it was awfully nice to him to go get them all these things. It was raining today, and while they could essentially go out somewhere else for the day as well, it was nice to spend a day like this indoors, sharing each other's company. The redhead shifted a little as Frederick climbed into bed with her so that they were cuddled against each other. It was nice like this, especially with the blanket across the two of them. "Oh? I don't think I've heard of it before... Sounds interesting, though," Imogen nodded when Frederick suggested reading out a book, apparently titledYlissean Heroes. It seemed interesting enough from what he told her. "Would you read some out for me, then~?" she asked in a small voice, putting on the cutest expression she could muster. When he gave her his reply, she beamed, "Thank you, darling~" and pressed a small kiss against his cheek. She shifted a little to pick up her hot chocolate mug and began to sip at it. "It's good," Imogen mused, sighing out in contentment. Hot chocolate was definitely nice on a cool day like this. She settled her head against Frederick's shoulder as he began to read out from the book to her. His voice was so smooth and comforting, it took some effort for her to actually focus on the words rather than his voice itself. Ah... how calming! She could almost fall asleep like this~

2015/05/08 10:20:29 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Sure we can have that! ^u^ That's so cuuute~~]]


"Of course I'll watch you, darling. I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I smiled warmly. In fact , even if it was raining tons, I'd go and watch him. Well, if they still held the trials, that is. Once outside, Sin opened the umbrella. Although he held it, I wrapped one of my hands around his, holding the umbrella with him. "Sharing a dessert will be so much fun~." I cooed, and then smiled softly. "...You're so sweet, Sin." I said. He reserved a spot at a fancy restaurant just for us-! When we arrived , we were promptly shown to a table. When we sat down together, I picked up a menu, and nearly gasped at the prices. Although they weren't... /extraordinarily/ expensive - at least for me, since I was raised having an ample amount of money - they were still a lot higher than usual. "W-Wah... Sin, y-you spoil me.." I said, feeling bad about choosing something to eat. I pouted slightly, "Next time, I'm going to treat you to something, okay? We're both men after all, so I should pay next time~" I gave a small smirk, using my disguise as an excuse. After all, guys usually payed for their girl, right? They seemed to think that they had to pay for the girl-! So now I could choose a place next time, and spoil my beloved as well~. "Uhn... Sin , what seems the most delicious?" I mused, peeking back at the menu.


When Imogen asked me to read to her - in such an undeniably adorable voice nonetheless! - I couldn't help but gaze at her, a very faint blush spreading across my features. H-How adorable..! Even her expression was immensely cute! How could someone in their right mind ever deny such a sight? Not even a madman could say no to her! "...My, that's an adorable expression you're wearing, m'love. You certainly know how to make yourself more alluring than ever.. of course I shall read to you." I said softly, returning her small kiss with one of my own. With a small sigh of content, I watched as my beloved drank some of the hot chocolate. Even such a simple sight made a smile tug at the corners of my lips. "Right, then. Shall we begin the tale?" I opened up 'Ylissean Heroes' and began to read, "In a certain kingdom during a certain time period, war raged against several groups of people. Amongst the heroes were a group of strong willed individuals, known as the Shepherds. Together they, led by a radiant prince, fought against the evil forces of Grima, the legendary fell dragon. Our story begins in a small house, which was home to two specific Shepherds whom came to be known as the couple with the most sacrifices. They were both strong, and they were lovers. Although everyday was waged with war, the two were happy in each other's company."

2015/05/08 11:57:17 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Sinbad sat down in the chair across from Lila, watching her reaction with a small smile. Still, he as a little bit nervous. This was about the fanciest place he could afford to take her to (considering he was a college student), but it must have been nothing compared to the things she experienced in Sola, as the princess... Still, he hoped that she enjoyed this place, too. He picked up a menu and began to look through it as well, conscious of the prices, but it seemed that whatever they picked would be in his budget. "Um... I'll take thefoie de gras," Sinbad mused. Whatever that was. It seemed appetising enough from the description in the menu. He then looked up at Lila, "What are you thinking of? ANything sounds good! Maybe... what about tartiflette? Ravioli? Or escargots?" Sinbad paused for a moment after he said that and then laughed a little. Well, escargots were certainly a strange meal, but some people liked them! Maybe as the princess, she had such refined tastes like that...? He was really just giving her suggestions from the menu, but whatever she picked would be good. Probably. He hoped the food here was good, in any case. "And do you see any desserts you like, love?" he asked pleasantly, "We can always order some afterwards, if you can't decide now." Again, Sinbad flipped to the desserts part of the menu, looking through the options, "Ah... The 'Warm Chocolate Cake' sounds pretty good, I think." It had melted chocolate inside, and came with vanilla ice cream, "Or crème brûlée... Tiramisu? It all sounds good!"


Imogen set the cup down for a moment, balancing it on her knee as she listened to Frederick read. She was vaguely aware of the frothy moustache she got from the hot chocolate, and wiped it away with her hand. Which meant that she got her hand sticky. She ought to have washed it under some water, but she couldn't be bothered to leave this pleasant vicinity to go to the sink. So she just instead wiped it on her trousers (being polite enough, at least, to not do it on Frederick's bed covers). Hah... this feeling was definitely something new. She couldn't have really gotten away with wiping her hand on her clothes back as a princess, so this made her feel giddy and strange... but rather in a nice way. She continued to listen to Frederick as he read, taking in his lovely voice. She drank some more hot chocolate like this and then leaned her head back against Frederick's shoulder. Once she was finished, she set the mug completely aside and used her hand- now free of the burden of the mug- to trace abstract patterns onto his chest with her finger.

2015/05/08 9:04:01 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Dude how do you know so many fancy names of food? * o * All I know is.. pizza and fries :L Psh~]]


"Mm.. the bechamel sounds really good." I hummed. [[Have you had it? It's really famous in Egypt and it's so good <3]] I've never tried it before, but the description was mouth-watering! "...Escargots?" I involuntarily scrunched up my nose. "Erm.. no thank you." I said, though laughed slightly soon after. [[It's snails, right? If I remember correctly-]] "...You know, for the price, you'd think they'd offer something more exotic than backyard snails. ...Ooh, hey, if people actually buy this dish, why don't we go collect some snails and pass it off as escarg-- ehehe, I'm just kidding, don't worry." I was pretty sure that no one would really buy snails from us. And I didn't particularly enjoy the thought of those slimy things... "Desserts?" I asked, immediately flipping to the other side of the menu. I, quite literally, gasped in awe. "W-Waaah...." I said, nearly drooling. "S-Sin, I can't decide, they all seem sooo delicious... U-Urk. Please decide one for us to share, because if I keep looking at the dessert menu, I'll want it all-!" I paused, then smiled softly all of a sudden. "Next time, I'll cook and bake for you~" I decided. "Would you enjoy that?" I gazed across at Sinbad , simply enjoying the sight of him. "...The drama club wants to put on a musical sometime next month. They decided on doing 'The Madness of Duke Venomania'... They might get a few girls from outside of the university to join for certain parts, though some people are saying that it'd be fine for guys to crossdress. ...Apparently there are a lot of feminine boys in the university." I laughed softly, then continued, "Do you know of the song? I think you'd fit the main role perfectly~." ((Or imagine if Lila is chosen for the main role, and she has a harem of cross dressing boys? :L Dude that'd be silly xD We can skip over the musical though, I don't mind!]]


"The couple - a brave great knight and his sweet beloved wife - never stayed too far from each other. They were deeply in love with each other, and did almost everything together. During breaks - which came rarely, do to the war - the two would go on picnics, and simply enjoy each other's company." I continued to read through several pages, which eventually turned into chapters. "...The war began to worsen, however, and soon, the devastatingly terrible Fell Dragon, Grima, was resurrected. With Grima raging terrors upon the world, the Shepherds had no choice but to do one of the following: Seal away the dragon for another thousand (?) years or so, or sacrifice an individual in order to kill the dragon forever. Both choices came with downsides..." I paused now, feeling Imogen trace patterns onto my chest. Turning to her, I smiled softly. "Hm.. you have something, here." I leaned down and kissed the corner of her lips, tasting a bit of hot chocolate there. "...Very sweet." I nodded in approval. "There is no need to wipe it away. Allow me to clean your lips next time~" I chuckled, then returned to reading the book. A few more chapters passed, "...At the last second, the great knight's wife sacrificed herself in order to bring the world to eternal peace. The great knight was horrified, and truly devastated. To him, he would much rather live a world of war and ruin with his wife, than a peaceful, happy life alone. The man went into a state of utter despair..." After reading through two or three more chapters, we neared the end of the story. "...Two or so years passed since the incident. The great knight is assigned the task to patrol a certain area with the prince and princess of Ylisse. It was there that the knight found a certain woman lying in the grass. His wife. He, at that moment, praised the god and immediately rushed to her side. Though when she awoke, she hadn't a clue as to who he was..." I frowned. "...What a terribly sad way to end the story. Perhaps there's a second book?" I mused.

2015/05/09 1:41:18 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Isn't bechamel just a sauce, though? Like you can use it in lasagna...? Please educate me! And though I haven't had escargot before, it's apparently really good. My parents like it a lot and my uncle always brings it for holidays from France (they live there) so it's apparently awesome!]

"Oh? The bechamel sounds lovely, too! Are you getting that?" Sinbad asked curiously as he and Lila continued to look through the menu. Really, he was sure that whatever they chose would be good (or at least he hoped so, since this was rather expensive). When his beloved asked him to choose a dessert for the two of them, Sinbad couldn't help but laugh a little. She was too cute like this, in all honesty! "Alright, are you fine with getting the chocolate melt? I hope it'll be to your tastes!" It sounded really good, too! "And of course, I'd love for you to bake something for me~ I'll help, too, of course~!" They'd have to get access to a kitchen, then- perhaps the school's? It would be great fun to do so. "Oh yeah?" Sinbad asked, tilting his head a little bit when Lila spoke again, this time about the drama club. "No, I haven't heard of that before. You know it, then? What is it about?" He really hadn't heard about it before, but from the information he'd gathered just now, he could more or less tell that it would be interesting. After all, if it required female parts, perhaps from another university, it should be pretty cool! "You could play one of those parts," Sinbad suggested. Obviously they couldn't reveal that Lila was actually a girl, but... well, if they pretended 'he' was crossdressing instead? No, maybe that would still be too dangerous... After a while, a waiter came up to the two of them, "Are you ready to order?" he asked with a small smile. Sinbad nodded, "Ah, yes, I'd like to have foie gras, please." "And for your date?" The waiter took Lila's order and then Sinbad spoke again, "And a warm chocolate cake for us, please." The waiter nodded, repeated their order and then left.


Imogen continued to listen to the story as Frederick read it to her. It was a lovely romance, that's true, but her favourite part of it all was when Frederick paused for a moment and leaned in to give her a kiss. "Ah... I'll keep that in mind~" she mused. Surely it would be nicer to have Frederick clean off the chocolate and all that instead of wiping it somewhere? Well... too bad she'd already finished her drink. Oh well, surely they'd be able to kiss again despite all that~! Besides, Frederick still had his hot chocolate, so... well, they could use that as an 'excuse' and clean it up as well~ As he continued to read, Imogen realised that a lot of time must have passed already. They were almost finished with the book, after all! She looked outside from the window- it wasn't much darker than before, considering that it had been raining all day, but she had to admit that she really didn't mind. An afternoon like this was wonderful, she knew, and the most troubling thing about this all was the fact that Frederick must be tired. He'd been reading aloud for a couple hours already, after all, even with small breaks. Ah... he really was wonderful! Imogen tilted her head a little as the story ended. It was a rather depressing way to end such a passionate love story, after all, but... "I guess some stories aren't supposed to have happy endings," she mused, looking more confused than sad, really, "It's rather disappointing, though..."

2015/05/09 9:13:42 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Bechamel is a sauce made with milk and a certain type of cheese, and you put that sauce on noodles (just like how you make baked ziti) and bake it! Sometimes you put meat in it o3o It's soooo good <3 And really? I had no idea that they would taste good! Though I have this thing -- uhm, I just don't like slimy foods >n> Like I won't eat jello or pudding either because it's like that Dx]]


"Yes, I think I'll choose the bechamel~. And chocolate melt cake sounds absolutely heavenly~." Especially if I would be sharing with him! "Cooking together would be the best ever~." I hummed, gazing at Sinbad with a small smile on my features. "The musical? I know what it's about." I nodded, "It's about a man with the power to enchant any woman." I grinned, then continued, "The song is nice, too. Ehem. 'The libido dying in darkness falls plentiful, infinitely passion spreading without an ending, real or trick ? We're making you stick, we know how to be, fresh and new, we're making humanity cry and bleed. Hating God, yet making love like fallen Angels, here, the king of the night, it's the madness that I've always felt right.' ...Nice, right?" I gave a small smirk. "You should sign up for a role~ I'm sure you'll get a part!" I said. When the waiter came over, we spoke our orders, and then the man left.


I frowned slightly. "Yes, it's quite depressing.." I mused, letting out a sigh. In fact, for some reason, it rather bothered me. I'd have to fix that.. especially since Imogen looked rather disappointed. "I'm quite sure that they have a second book out, somewhere. I shall make it my job to find it." I told her confidently, gazing at her. Well... I was not sure if there was a second book out, but even if there wasn't, I would make sure that the book had a happy ending! "Perhaps by tomorrow I will have it." I decided. I would check the library later tonight.. "Don't fret, m'love. I'm sure the story will have a joyful ending." I said, leaning back against the bed for a while. I pulled the woman onto my lap, such that her back was pressed up against my chest. The blanket was still on top of the both of us. "Mm, that was lovely though, right? Time seems to fly when I'm with you." I mused, nuzzling my face into the crook of her neck. I inhaled her scent, then lightly began to kiss at her soft skin. "You're so sweet.." Really, what would I be doing now, without her? I wasn't sure how I had been able to go on without her in my life- ! "I love you, you know." I said, voice slightly muffled against her soft skin.

2015/05/09 12:35:53 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[I'm sorry if my posts are short today; I have to move the stuff in my room so I'm rushing ; ^ ; Sorry!!]]

2015/05/09 12:37:01 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[I know it's a sauce, but... when Lila orders bechamel, does she only order the sauce? :o Or like ziti or lasagna or pasta or something? I just don't like slugs (dunno if I told you about my traumatic experiences with them xP) so I'm not up for eating escargot, either, but it's supposed to be really good. And I hope ice cream doesn't count in your aversion to slimy foods!? :O Or syrup or something ;n;]

Sinbad listened as Lila spoke, telling him of the basic things he'd need to know about the play. It sounded interesting enough- Sinbad was sure that more than one man in this college would be more than happy to have "any girl" fall in love with him. The question was, of course, whether the girls would actually be female. As Lila began to sing, Sinbad fell almost enchanted to her voice. Sure, the song was nice, too, but what made it so heavenly was the fact that it was through her voice instead of any one elses'. He'd happily go and watch the play if it meant getting to hear "Leon" sing like that! Well, he supposed he could always just ask for a private concert~ "Me, a part?" he asked, and then put on a rather teasing grin, "I'm afraid that doesn't interest me... I've only eyes for you~" Well, considering he would get the main role. "And I fear I couldn't stand having you give your love to anyone else, even if only make-believe," he mused. He didn't mention her getting the main part-- in that case, he'd happily be all hers to use~ But then again, that would mean she'd have a harem of others, at least in the play, right? Sinbad huffed slightly; he didn't want that! "I suppose... as long as you love me as much as I love you in the end, it's all good~" he hummed. After about fifteen minutes like this, the waiter came back with their main meal orders and set them before Sinbad and Lila. "Enjoy~" he hummed before walking away.


Imogen shook her head, "Don't worry about it, Frederick," she insisted, "Some books don't have happy endings, and that's that. Besides, I'm sure there are other wonderful books with equally touching love stories. And frankly, as long as I have you, I couldn't care less about any fictional characters~" ((pfft she's talking about herself in another universe xD)) When Frederick pulled Imogen up onto his lap, she happily complied. Though she loved cuddling with him side by side, too, they were even closer like this, in al honesty. She loved that. It was simply wonderful to be so close with Frederick. "Mm... I ought to read to you at some point, too," she mused, "It's only fair, don't you think~?" The woman hummed softly in pleasure as she felt Frederick kiss lightly at her neck. Ah... his touch was ecstatic, as always, and what surprised her even more was that, even like this, she was more than happy to just stay like this. Perhaps it was the laziness that came along with a rainy day, or the hours of lounging around before, but it was nice to just cuddle. "I love you, too," Imogen smiled. She'd have happily turned around to return some of the kisses he gave her, but she decided she could just stay in this position for a while~

2015/05/10 11:14:38 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[ Bechamel is .. the whole dish! The sauce and the pasta ^u^ Or at least, that's what we call it in Egypt :o And omg Ice cream is too amazing!!]]


"...I suppose.. that must be true. Not all stories have a happy ending." I mused, though for some reason, the thought bothered me.. Ah, well. The author probably only wished to have a dramatic ending or something of the sort. I smiled somewhat, then nodded. "You, read to me? That does sound wonderful... your voice is exceptionally glorious." I smiled. For the next few moments, there was a long silence. Though without a doubt, it was pleasant. "..Ah. I've been wondering... about your situation. In Sola." I said, softly all of a sudden. "I know that you are to be queen. And that you are in hiding. But I am worried that matters are only getting worse. I keep up with the news... And protests have only been increasing. It's horrid, the things going on in that country. I'm very worried for your safety, even now.." I sighed. "...But for sure, I will keep you safe, m'love. I just cannot help but feel .. worried and upset. Though I'd give my life for you in a heartbeat. Ah, I just had to share my worries with you. I apologize if I upset you or anything of the sort..." I frowned. I let out a small involuntary sigh, then leaned back against the bed as I kept Imogen on my lap. The position was pleasant, and her presence here was beyond reassuring, but.. still, I had the uncanny feeling that something will go terribly wrong. ...Perhaps then, I was just being paranoid. After all, who would look for the queen of Sola in an all boys university? I hadn't known either, until just recently that she was here. Surely no one else would recognize her, especially with her in her disguise. No one has said anything thus far. In fact... she had gotten enrolled into this university without any problems! "Just please be careful. Even if I will do my utmost best to keep you safe, I.. do not want anyone to wrong you." I said, a little sternly. "...Be careful. I don't want you hurt." I repeated, sternly again, as to emphasize my point.


I listened to Sinbad intently. "Mm.. you're a sweetheart." I said softly, smiling warmly afterwards. "You only have eyes for me.. And of course, it is the same for me. But in that case... perhaps you can sing the song for me, privately then. We can have our own little musical if you so wish~. I can be your entire harem." I gave a slightly seductive smirk, though said nothing afterwards. The waiter came and brought our food, and so, after thanking him, Sin and I began to eat. "..It's really good~." I cooed, reaching over to hold up a forkful to Sin's lips. "...Mm, perhaps not as good as... a certain treat that you provide me with." I mused, a sly grin on my face. His cum was the absolute best-! Though, soon after I realized what I had said, I blushed lightly. "E-Erm.." I said, then gazed back at the plate in front of me. Perhaps acting like a male gave me a little more confidence with my words, but I was still extraordinarily easily flustered!

2015/05/12 10:14:20 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Oh, I see! That makes so much more sense! I just think of the sauce itself when I hear bechamel, so yeah xP Sorry that this is short, I'm sooo unmotivated right now but I wanted to write something!]

"Of course I do," Sinbad said with a small smile. It would be stupid if he as much as glanced as any other woman, considering how he had his entire world before him already. "Though I would more than happily try out for that play, as long as you'd be there, too~" After all, what could be better than spending time with his beloved? And frankly, Sinbad would much prefer if he was besides Lila all the time, especially if she were to participate in a rather lewd play... it wouldn't do at all for someone else to try to steal her from him! No, Sinbad decided, he'd follow if she went. "That doesn't mean that I don't want to have a... private show with you, though~ You say the man has the power to seduce any woman? Ah... I'm certainly up for trying some of that out," Sinbad mused, giving Lila a small wink as he spoke. When the food arrived and Lila spoke about its taste, as well as how she preferred the taste of something else.... the purple haired man couldn't help but smirk a little (albeit with a bit of a blush across his features), "Oh? Well, it would certainly be very...rude of me not to offer you some more, knowing how much you enjoy it~" he said, voice obviously on a playful cloud, "All I ask for in return is a taste of my own favourite treat~" He loved how teasing Lila was, but that she was so easily flustered along with that, too! It was simply adorable~ The two of them continued to eat.


When Frederick began to speak about Sola again, Imogen tensed up a little. She knew that it was a very important topic and yes, she did concern herself with the well-being of her country, but... well, she would still be happier to pretend there were no problems and that she needn't busy herself with these affairs. It would be easier to do so, after all, but as the queen-- official or not, accepted or not-- she couldn't just do that. For the most part, Imogen stayed silent, listening to her beloved speak. "Don't," she said, perhaps with more force than she intended, when Frederick said he'd give his life up for hers, "Don't even say something like that." Without even realising it, Imogen's eyes began to mist, and she turned away, almost as though not to let Frederick see. "...What sort of queen would I be if I let my people... my beloved, give up so much for me?" ((One of my favourite scenes from PH is when Oz and Gilbert first meet (as kids) and Oz's uncle tells him that Gil would be his new servant and Oz would be the 'master'. Gil's kinda scared at first, and then something happens and a vase is knocked over onto him, but Oz pushes him down and takes the blow instead and says something like "I'm your master- that means I'm going to protect you at all costs!". And yeah, it's just a cute scene and I thought of it now >u<)).

2015/05/13 11:34:21 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[One day, when we meet IRL, I'm going to make you bechamel the Egyptian way! >u< I hope you'll like it! And don't worry about it at all, it's definitely not short! And tbh, even if you wrote 2 lines for Sin and Imogen, I'd still be happy because you're such a great friend! So please don't feel forced to write so much, especially when you're tired/unmotivated/etc.!!]]


"Mhm, he has the power to seduce any woman. And .. and Sinbad, I swear, if you play out that musical for me , or at least sing the song to me, I will swoon at your feet." I said, completely serious. "...I'm.. pretty sure that if you sang that song - or any song, really - to any woman or man, they'd fall for you instantly. ...." I suddenly pursed my lips, "Don't sing anything to anyone except me." I huffed, a little jealousy in my voice just at the thought. I definitely didn't want anyone to fall for my beloved-! My seriousness and jealousy almost instantly faded away once I saw Sin's wink and smirk. My face flushed, rather darkly; moreover, his words darkened the red hue tenfold. "Uhn.." I poked at my food, mostly trying to force my dark blush down. "O-Of course.. I'll g-give you your favorite treat w-whenever you wish it-!" I stammered, peeking up at him a little shyly. We continued to eat, talk, feed each other, and the such until we were finally finished eating.


[[Wah, that sounds adorable-!]]

As soon as Imogen said 'don't', I immediately stopped talking, pursing my lips slightly. The light of the room gently reflected off of her watery eyes. ...Wait, watery? I immediately frowned, though I could not tell if she was truly crying, for she looked away. "...My beloved." I began softly, albeit a little sternly. "This is not a matter of you being queen or not. This is... you. My lover. Whether you are a queen or not, how can I possibly not want to keep you safe? It is my duty - as your beloved - to keep you safe, for if you are harmed, then my heart will shatter." I frowned, then shook my head. "No matter what, m'love, I shall keep you safe. My heart needn't give out yet; I cannot have you hurt, otherwise what life do I have to look forward to?" I asked, resting my hands on her shoulders and making her turn slightly so that she was looking up at me. " 'Tis my job to keep my beloved safe. Though do not fret. I shan't let anyone touch you nor harm you. You are the sun and stars of my life, and I will not allow your light to burn out. Now, promise me that despite everything, you will still be careful. At every moment that you feel as if you are in trouble, be very careful. I cannot afford to lose you. ...Now, shall we read another story? Perhaps 'Soleil' will be more pleasant than the last we read..."

[[If you want, you can timeskip !]]

2015/05/13 5:13:52 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Sure! ^u^ I'd like that~ Heh, thanks, I'm happy to know you feel that way~ And yeah, this one will also be short because I really should be in bed by now, considering the (last!) exam tomorrow-- Also I didn't timeskip, mostly because I don't know where to. And yeah, Pandora Hearts is wonderful >u<]

"Oh? Well then, I'll certainly have to try it out~" Sinbad purred. He did admit, just imagining Lila at his feet, speaking of nothing but her love for him... well, it did have a certain appeal~ "Perhaps you'd teach the song to me, then? If it's so powerful, love... I'm quite sure it'll have an effect on me, too." The purple haired man laughed softly, "Do I detect a hint of jealousy?" That, too, was quite a nice feeling (as long as it didn't go overboard), "Don't worry, kitten, it would be a waste of breath to as much as speak to anyone else, much less sing to them. I've only eyes for you~" Sinbad grinned in amusem*nt and delight as he watched a blush spread over Lila's features, promising to let him taste her, too. "Very good," he hummed, "I wouldn't have it any other way, you know~?" As the meal continued, eating and speaking pleasantly, a thought came to the purple haired man. Once it was over and he payed for the meal, the man stood up and offered a hand to Lila, "Now then," he hummed with a small wink, "Shall we go back home? I know I've had dessert already, but I can't help but yearn for more...~"


Imogen was willing to protest to Frederick's words from the moment he said them, but found herself rather unable to say them through all the emotions coursing through her at the moment. So she listened. His words were warm and calming, though the tears didn't stop from gathering in her eyes. Ah, she'd have to let them do their thing, then, until they were gone on their own. "But don't you see," Imogen began softly when Frederick said that his heart would shatter if she'd ever be hurt, "The same goes for me. If you were to... to take a blow for me instead, how could I live with myself? Just... promise me that you'll also look out for yourself, okay, love? Not just for me..." She nodded when Frederick suggested reading another story and this time reached out for the book herself, deciding she could read out loud for a while, at least, starting with the poem that began it. "My name is Soleil, but I'm really the moon // I don't have a light of my own..."She continued to read.

2015/05/14 10:59:06 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Your last exam?? Good luck Soleil!! ^u^ <3 And we can timeskip to... how about when Sharrkan finds out about Imogen? (I forgot what you wanted exactly for that, so I didn't timeskip yet for you ; n ; I'm sorry!) And for Lila, I think I'll just timeskip to Sin's football trial thingy so 'Leon' can crossdress xD I hope that's alright!]]


A rather dark blush spread across my features instantaneously. "U-U-Uhn... o-okay-!" Just the thought of the 'more' that Sin wanted made my heart race-! *Time Skip!* Since Sin and I were quite open with our... 'boy love', many, many people in the university knew of our relationship. They didn't seem to mind it; or perhaps, they just didn't care. Though I DID hear some guys speak (rather lewdly and yearningly) about 'Yrian'... So perhaps they just didn't mind, because they , too, felt something towards a 'male'? In any case, today is the day of Sinbad's tryouts for the football team. I knew he'd do excellently, and I promised to watch him. So, with that in mind, I stepped out onto the side of the large field. Usually, people would watch from the bleachers above - many people were sitting there already - but I had something else in mind. "Ehem." I grinned, gazing over at Sinbad (who was currently on the field, waiting for the tryouts to begin). I was wearing a purple cheerleading outfit, complete with the pompoms and everything. And, although I had my male disguise on, I had to admit that it was rather adorable! A crossdressing male. Ahn, I was actually having a lot of fun like this~! "S, I, N, B, A, D, what does that spell? Sinbad! S for stupendous! Special! Sexy! He has it all! Sin'll surely win!" I cheered.


Of course. When Imogen put it that way... Well, it would be the same for her, right? She loves me, as I love her. That means.. that she , too, would be pained if I were to get hurt. It was similar. I understood that she did not want me hurt either, but.. I pursed my lips, and rather reluctantly agreed to her terms. "..I, too, will be careful in that case.." I said softly, my tone reassuring in an attempt to dry her tears. Though, if she was ever in a dangerous situation.. I would not be able to stand back and do nothing, without a doubt. No, I would need to save her, to protect her no matter the cost. How would I ever bear living a world without her-? For a brief moment, the story of 'Ylissean Knights' came to mind. If I lost Imogen, our story would come to an unbearably unpleasant ending as well... The thought alone was beyond painful, though I said nothing more on the matter. Instead, Imogen began to read from the book 'Soleil'. It began with a poem. The way my love read it, with such passion, made me want to freeze time right here and now so that I could listen to it forevermore. But surely, she would read it again for me, if I so asked-? I leaned back, tugging my beloved closer to me and holding her a little tighter (but not too tight) than before. She was so warm... And that, combined with the sound of her sweet voice, was more than enough to keep me content.

2015/05/14 6:19:29 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Thank you! I'm free until June yay! >:D And sure, let's have that!]

Sinbad set his water bottle aside and wiped him mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. It was a hot day today, and despite the discomfort that the sun gave off, the coach still decided that today would be the perfect day for tryouts. Sinbad wasn't too happy about that, but he wouldn't complain. He did want to get onto the rugby team, after all. He and the handful of other students trying out hadn't begun the real deal yet, only warm ups, and Sinbad thought he was doing pretty well, to be honest. The other guys were also good, but some of them were far more tired by the warmup than Sinbad was, so he took that as a good sign. Pretty soon the actual tryouts would begin. The purple haired man wondered, would Lila be here, watching him? He hoped so- just knowing that she was there for him would give him so much more strength! Nonetheless, he didn't want to pressure her or anything, and when he'd look back at the bleachers, he could see that she wasn't there... Ah, never mind. Just as tryouts were about to begin and Sinbad gave up on Lila being there, he heard a familiar voice. At once the man turned around and grinned. Honestly, the sight of her in that cute outfit, cheering him on... it was wonderful! What made it even better was that he knew that 'Leon' was a girl, making the costume look even cuter. Of course, it still looked lovely as a crossdress on 'Leon', but there was something very satisfying about knowing the truth about Lila and no one else... Well, in this case Sinbad would have to try extra hard to make Lila proud, huh~? The coach came onto the field again and barked out a passing exercise, and the students began to do so.


[So for this, Sharrkan can kind of burst into Imogen's and Frederick's dorm (to talk to one of them idek-) after classes, so Imogen got out of her disguise by then.]

Imogen sighed as she entered her and Frederick's dormitory again. It had been a long day of classes again, most of them difficult, so it wasn't a surprise that the redhead was tired. She was more than happy to just go back inside and take a nap, in all honesty ((I took a nap today o3o)). "Frederick," she greeted with a smile- a tired one, but a smile nonetheless- when she saw him inside. He came in earlier, probably because of a different class time dismissal. Not that it mattered. Letting out a huff of air, Imogen sank down into a chair. After a long day, the binding on her chest seemed to be even more uncomfortable, in all honesty, so she just wanted to take it off. Imogen reached under her shirt and began to fuss with the knot, rather half heartedly. She was too distracted to get it off on the first time, but nonetheless managed to do so after a couple times. She sighed out with relief once the binding feeling came loose and she took off the bandage, setting it aside on a table. "Ah... I'm fatigued," she closed her eyes, rubbing her temples for a while.

2015/05/15 1:01:53 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[YAAAAAAY :D THAT'S GREAT ^u^ And okay!]]


The grin on Sinbad's face made everything worth it~. "Sin, you look gorgeous covered in sweat~! If you do good, I'll do something nice with you that'll also drench you in sweat~" I cooed loudly, not really minding if anyone overheard. No one really seemed to mind anyway... Apparently, males were simply more blunt with these sort of things, so it wasn't too odd! [[It's true though! XP]] I held my pompoms up and started another series of cheers that I came up with, just for him. "You can do it, Sin!" I called. Geez.. it really was warm out, and I felt bad for my poor beloved lover... I was in a skirt, and it was warm. I couldn't imagine how warm Sinbad was feeling in his uniform-! Perhaps we should bathe together once we were done here~. Or I could give him a massage! I ran a hand through my hair, pausing for a moment in order to glance around. I was VERY glad that this was an all boys university, because if there were girls here, they'd surely drool over my beloved! With a small grin, I began to cheer again, this time with a few poses and even one or two jumps and flips. I had to do those carefully though, despite the extra binding I had put on especially for today. I was even wearing boy's underwear in case anyone happened to see anything... Well, actually, they were Sin's, and I hadn't told him that I'd borrowed some, but he certainly wouldn't mind~. I.. I had to pin it so that it wasn't loose, but it fit well now, so that was fine! "Go, Sinbad~!" I cheered.


My last class was let out a little earlier than usual today, since we had finished the lesson early. I began to do my homework, wanting to spend the rest of the day with my beloved Imogen. She came in - or rather, 'Yrian' did - when I was nearly finished. With a small smile, I greeted her. "Imogen. How was your day?" I questioned, though I had a feeling that she was exhausted. "Mm.. Dear, you need to rest earlier." I tsked, not unkindly as I stood up and walked over to her. "Why don't you rest for a while? I can help you with your homework later on." I told her, rather insistingly. I did not wish for her to overwork herself! Just as I was about to sit the woman down (once she was done unbinding her chest), the door burst open. "Oi, Frederick! You HAVE to help me with this Renaissance English work! I have an essay due tomorrow... And yes, I know we were given this assignment a week ago, but I was busy and-- oh, Yrian, hey th-- ... Yrian?" The white haired man's eyebrows suddenly furrowed as he gazed at Yrian. Immediately , I stood in front of my beloved. "He is quite exhausted, so let me aid you in your work in the libra--" "Yrian is a she?" "I believe you are mistaken--" "No, he had the most luscio-- er, he had breasts!" Sharrkan insisted. "No, he-- excuse me, where you about to say 'luscious'? You understand that he is taken, right? Or perhaps you'd like to meet my History textbook-" I began, eyes narrowed. "No, no-! Wait, so he is actually a she?" Sharrkan asked, suddenly going around me to gaze at Imogen. Immediately, I rubbed my temples. There was no way to hide it now.. "..Wow, You're a girl! Oh, I'm so glad you're a girl, you have no idea how confused I was with my sexuality!" He said, gripping Imogen's hands. I immediately cleared my throat, threateningly. "I swear to the Gods that if you make a move on her, or mention this to anyone, you will regret coming here." I grumbled, to which the man laughed nervously. "H-Hey, don't worry! But.." He pulled away from Imogen, frowning slightly. "So what's up with the appearance? Hm.. Is everything alright? I won't mention this to anyone, don't worry."

2015/05/15 4:52:53 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Hehe yay~ >u< And let me know if you want something specific to happen with Sin, too!]

Sinbad's face heated up a little, though he wasn't upset. Really, Lila's words had such an effect on him! She must have known that, too, or else she wouldn't have said such a thing. "Oh, you really know how to motivate me~" Sinbad hummed in response. A couple of his friends trying out with him nudged him, and even more people murmured under their breath, wishing that they, too, had a Leon to do such a thing. SInbad knew all about their thoughts and he wasn't too happy with how lewdly they were thinking about 'Leon', but... well, she wouldn't have 'him'. Ever. 'He' only belonged to Sin~ The purple haired man grinned again as Lila began to cheer again. He stared for a moment, soaking in her beautiful figure. He would very happily just watch her all day long~ So when the coach began to almost yell- not really, but in that tone of voice that all physical education teachers used- for Sinbad to stop dawdling, he had to pull himself away from Lila with force. And, of course, everyone else had already begun with the practice, so Sinbad had to catch up with them. He hoped this wouldn't lower his chances of getting on the team, but he could tell that the coach didn't really like him... Oh, he'd just have to try extra hard, then! Well, either way, the man quickly caught up with the others, almost impossibly so, which was definitely a good thing!


When the door suddenly opened, Imogen almost jumped. Sh-Sharrkan! She only hoped that he didn't see her, or didn't notice her chest... Thankfully, Frederick stepped between her and Sharrkan, blocking the sight in case he hadn't seen her yet. At the same time, Imogen turned away so that her back was facing them- maybe this would help? Unfortunately, it seemed that Sharrkan put two and two together already. For a moment, Imogen panicked. Could she deny this? Was that even possible? When Sharrkan came closer, though, Imogen knew she couldn't do anything more. A little strangely, she tried to pull her hands away from his."Erm... I... I guess there's no use hiding it now..." she mumbled, "Just don't tell anyone else! It's bad enough that two people know already..." Honestly, at the rate things were going at, the entire school would know by the end of the year! "I... My name is Imogen, Queen of Sola." She paused here. This would've been enough for Frederick to figure out why she was here, but maybe it would be best to explain nonetheless, "...I fled my country and came here for sanctuary."

2015/05/16 2:03:52 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Okay~! And you too!]]


I smirked slightly as Sinbad spoke, saying how I truly knew how to motivate him. "Of course I do, dear~" I hummed, continuing with my cheers. And.. geez, it really was warm. If I were Sin, I would have collapsed on the grass by now... I really admired his stamina! Actually, I was getting a little tired with the cheer stunts, and I was distracting Sin, so I decided to take a break and simply watch from my position for a while. "You can do it, Sin~!" I called nevertheless, wanting to at least verbally motivate him. Whoops, it seems as if I truly had been distracting him.. Ah, but my beloved caught up to everyone quickly, so ... Wah, he was so strong~! "Sin, you're doing perfectly~!" I said excitedly, eyes sparkling in delight. I was extraordinarily proud - as well as smug - that my beloved was so strong. "Go Sin~!" I cheered, watching intently as he went through the rest of his exercises.

[[I'm sorry that Lila's is short >n> I got so distracted-]]


I pursed my lips, feeling somewhat worried. Well.. that is, until I realized that Sharrkan probably wouldn't tell anyone. He irritated me immensely by being so close to MY beloved, but nevertheless, he was earnest... Well, I hoped so, in any case. "You had better not say a word." I added, voice stern. Sharrkan immediately nodded , understanding. Though, when Imogen spoke her name and title... "Q-Queen Imogen? Well... damn, I'd never have guessed... And I'm not the type to read the news all the time, but I definitely know of the situation in Sola.." A frown flickered across his tan features as he rubbed the back of his neck, deep in thought. "...Well, I understand." He finally said. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He repeated, this time his tone serious. I frowned somewhat, though nodded. "Alright. Make sure you don't mention anything." I said once again, my frown deepening. Sharrkan stretched slightly, then suddenly grinned. "Hey, don't worry, queen! You'll be safe here~" He hummed. He was about to wink, but from the corner of his eye, he saw me glaring at him. The male cleared his throat. "Er.. right. Well, anyway, this is great! It gets so dull with no women here..." Sharrkan sighed, "You're so lucky, Frederick. But don't worry, I won't take her away from you~... Though... well, I'll definitely keep her safe as well. Think of it as me being her guard whenever you're not around." Sharrkan said. "...Right. Just do not get touchy with her." I warned.

2015/05/16 10:58:03 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[It's fine! And sorry that this is short, too, I'm sleepy -u- Do you want to timeskip/end the tryouts soon for Sin?]

Sinbad was aware of the fact that Lila wasn't doing her stunts anymore (and, in all honesty, perhaps that was for the better- she attracted too many lustful stares like that), but her sweet encouragements still rang loudly in Sinbad's heart. Her voice was still wonderful and motivating, so even though he couldn't see her right now as he ran and dodged and tackled, he could still feel her emotions and grasp her feelings. While of course Sinbad was motivated through his beloved's encouragements, both verbal and physical, it wasn't a secret that he was the most motivated by her promise from before. After all, what better way to celebrate than with love? Maybe she'd let him have a treat, too~? With that in mind, the purple haired man continued to go through all of these exercises. He was in good physique, yes, but Sinbad was nevertheless tired and panting from this already, much like all the other students. Apparently coaches liked to make the training- even the tryouts, though Sinbad didn't understand that part- really difficult and demanding so that actual games seemed like a breeze. He could see the logic in that, but it didn't mean he was happy with all of this, especially since he didn't even know if he'd get on the team or not.


Imogen nodded slowly at Sharrkan's words. Somehow, she really did believe him when he said all of this. He was a loud and almost simplistic individual, but he wasn't bad, and she knew he wouldn't be the type of person to go around betraying her secret to everyone. She let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you." Imogen nodded. As long as no one else knew, things should be fine! ...Right? ...Well, there was always the chance that in a drunken frenzy someone could blurt out her secret, but that was... rather improbable, right? She hoped so, at least. "In any case, I'll leave you two be. I believe you have an essay to write, don't you?" She asked, looking at Sharrkan. "I'll retire to the library for the time being, in that case." Also, it would be nice to be alone for a while, if only to gather her thoughts. These guys could be overbearing at times, regardless.

2015/05/17 12:18:01 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Sure, I'll timeskip for Sin! ~ Uhm.. what about for Frederick? Should I timeskip or do you want to? :o]]


"H-Haah.. h-how do you.. have so much.. stamina..?" I panted halfway through Sin's trials. I had only been doing a few simple jumps and I was slumped over, gasping for breath. It was soooo hot outside... Sweat glistened on my skin, and I felt like toppling into the grass. But I had to keep cheering for my beloved, who somehow managed to keep going-! Maybe it was because I was pampered back at home... I wasn't used to such heat. By the end of his trials, I was laying in the grass, sprawled out and huffing. "U-Ugh.." I forced myself to sit up, realizing that I had earned a bright pink sunburn across my nose and cheeks. Nevertheless, I went to my beloved and immediately congratulated him. "You did so wonderfully~" I cooed, brushing his damp hair out of his face. "Shall we go bathe together?" I held my pompoms under one arm, then handed Sin a bottle of water. Together, we went back to our dorm room and into the bathroom, where I started a bath for us. "I can give you a nice massage, dear~." I hummed, peeling off his clothes and then doing the same with mine. I tugged off my bonds, though left Sin's underwear on with a smirk. "I borrowed them~." I hummed, "Thoughhh I think I'll keep them now." I said, "Do you mind?"


Sharrkan smiled widely. "No problem!" He said, giving a charming grin (which he stopped soon after seeing my glare). I frowned once Imogen said that she would leave us alone. "That is unnecessary-" "Hey, you said you'd help!" Sharrkan interrupted me, causing me to sigh. "Right. Imogen, I shall meet you afterwards! Perhaps I can read you another book. I have a rather pleasant one in mind. Or two for that matter." I said, then glanced at Sharrkan once my beloved left. "Alright. May I know why you have not even started on your essay?" I questioned, crossing my arms over my chest. "Oh, well, you see... e-er, anyway! About Imogen..." He changed the subject quickly, "Let's be sure to keep her safe. It'd be awful if she was hurt." I could tell that he felt strongly towards my lover, though I knew he was holding back for my sake. I nodded slowly. "...Right. Of course, we must keep her safe." I stated, then sat down with the man. "Now, all you need to do is write an essay on any topic of your choice in old English. It's not that hard. Did you choose a topic?" I questioned, wanting to get this over with so I can meet mi'love again... "Heh.. I sorta didn't choose a topic yet..." I sighed. "Of course you didn't..."

2015/05/17 3:58:37 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Sure, we can timeskip for Imogen! ...Any ideas where to? XP]

When Sinbad saw Lila lying on the grass, panting, he had to admit that he was concerned. Was she alright?? Maybe she was dehydrated? He hoped not! During a hot day like this, it was quite easy, in all honesty, to get a heat stroke or something like that, but Sinbad just hoped that that wasn't the case... He was getting more and more worried and wanted to pull away from the tryouts and the team to make sure she was alright, but the coach was honestly giving everyone such a hard time that he couldn't even find the time to do so. Besides, they were almost finished...Hold on, Lila. Sinbad thought. To his utter delight, when the tryouts were finished and the students were dismissed, Lila came up to him, looking fatigued but alright. He smiled at her suggestion, "Thank you. And taking a bath sounds lovely," he said, leaning down a little to press a small kiss on her forehead. Together they walked back to their dorm and started the bath. Before too long, Sinbad was bare and watching Lila as she stripped off her clothes. They stuck to her body for the most part, slick from the sweat, which perhaps made the 'show' all the more enticing. When almost all the layers were off, Sinbad eyed her underpants and then smirked softly, "Oh, I can't say that I mind," he mused playfully, "Though... oh, darling, I'm afraid they have to come off now. You see," Sin grinned, "I believe you promised me something, hm~? Besides, I want you to come join me in the bath... now~"


[I dunno what to write here XP And I'm also sleepy, but I still want to reply to our other RP. Hope it's fine that this is short/non-existent. Just put in a timeskip to somewhere fun, okay? :D ... and yeah, turns out this is non-existent after all, not short XP]

2015/05/19 12:08:04 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[It's totally fine! But erm I had no idea what to timeskip to, so I just added a filler (that I thought was cute) I hope you don't mind!]]


I gazed at Sinbad with a sly grin on my face. "Oh.. geez Sin, you're so amazing. How did you do all that work?" I sighed, "Perhaps I'm just out of shape. Buut.. you certainly deserve a reward, and, at the same time, I think I'll get quite the workout too~." I gazed down at my underwear - which was actually Sin's - then peeked up at my beloved. "Oh my.. I suppose you're right~." I cooed, a light blush on my face. The way Sinbad spoke, with such a seductive tone, made my heart flutter in my chest. Wah... I wanted nothing more than to go into the bath with him. And the way he called me 'darling'- ! It was too much! "Mm, of course~" I studied Sin for a moment, seeing sweat roll down his chest. How attractive~. I slid Sin's underwear off and then stepped into the bath with him. "Hahn~" I purred.


It was (the next day?) , and I was waiting for my beloved to come home. Finished with my homework, I wanted to spend time with her. Besides, I had a little gift for her. I waited patiently, going through some science notes but not really reading them correctly, then immediately shut the book when Imogen came home. I stood up, smiling warmly and taking her into an embrace. "Milove, how was your day?" I questioned, watching as she took her binds off. "I have a book. Look." I held up a book - it looked like a notebook - titled 'Ylissean Knights 2'. "It's quite short.." Well, the author (me) hadn't had enough time to write a full out story. "...I'd like for you to read it." I said, handing it to her. I was the author and illustrator, though nothing was as good as I had hoped. It was a story of how the great knight and his lover fell in love yet again, got married, and shared their memories with each other. It was a happy ending this time, though of course, the story wasn't official, since the author hadn't written it. I had. I just wanted Imogen to enjoy it.

2015/05/19 1:15:46 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Okay :P I'll go with it for now, too~]

Sinbad was more than happy to receive his reward. Well, alright, he hadn't gotten it yet or anything, but the anticipation was more than enough, in all honesty. With one look, you could see how... excited he was for the promises Lila had given him~ Well, soon enough! He watched Lila as she took off her remaining clothes- or rather, his clothes, but he certainly didn't mind sharing with her. He could barely tear his eyes off of her figure, which had long since been a favourite sight of his. Nonetheless, it continued to make his breath hitch in his throat when he saw her, over and over again. The sight would always be a beautiful one. When Lila stepped in with him into the bath, he moved towards her a bit, snaking his arm around her waist. The bathtub wasn't very large, so with the two of them sitting in it it was quite a tight fit, but Sinbad didn't mind. Even if they had a pool to themselves, he'd still be right at Lila's side, pressed up against her. Anyone would be crazy not to, after all. Unfortunately, this tight fit would make it a little difficult to have any other activities... but they'd manage for sure! Who cared if some water got spilled? Sinbad would happily clean it up if it meant he'd get something~ "My, you've gotten quite dirty from all that cheering, too..." Sinbad purred, pretending to scold her, but it was clear that this was playful. He took some liquid soap on his palms and then began to run his hands over Lila's body, going from her shoulders to her back... and then, perhaps most importantly of all (in Sin's opinion!), to her breasts.


Imogen smiled as she came back from her lessons. It was definitely a nice sight to be greeted by Frederick at once when she came back. Really, teh redhead was dreadfully lucky to have him with her! "It was alright," she replied to his question, "How was yours? I have a lot of homework to do, still..." she sighed. It constantly baffled her (in a good way, of course!) how Frederick managed to do all of his stuff at once. She'd bet 50 gold he could knit, too ((pfft I stole a quote from a fanfic XD)). Fatigued, once Imogen set her bag down she went to taking off her chest bindings. Recently she'd been more careful when it came to this-- after the incident where Sharrkan found out about her, mainly-- since she could never know when someone would come in, and in turn mainly waited to take them off until the evening, where visits were less popular, but she couldn't hold it back right now. When Frederick held up the book, Imogen looked at it and, upon realisation, grinned. "You wrote this?" she said, and almost at once reached for the notebook, "I didn't know you wrote fanfiction," she teased him just a little in that aspect. The redhead sat down on the bed-- it was Frederick's, but they barely slept apart from each other anymore-- and opened the notebook to the front page. She took a moment to admire his handwriting, thinking about how he must have sat over this, writing for hours... and then she began to read. Out loud, too.

[I was thinking, what if someone from this school betrayed the girls over to that organisation? They wouldn't say they're from this school, maybe, since that's the reason why they'll take Frederick and Sinbad later, but how else would the organisation get the girls?]

2015/05/21 11:35:21 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[If you want , you could timeskip for Lila to when Judal finds out? :o]]


My, we were so close in the tub that I could feel the man's erection against me-! It was quite pleasant actually, to know the effect I had on my beloved ~. Though really, Sin had a huge effect on me as well. It was quite obvious, from my slight squirming and bright blush. When the man (playfully) scolded how dirty I was, I blushed even more so than before. "A-Ahn.. W-Well, I don't mind getting dirty for you~." I couldn't help but say. When he began to massage soap into my body, I mewled. When he reached my breasts, I involuntarily began to squirm and whimper in my pleasure. "I-I'm supposed to b-be pleasing you, Sin.." I stammered, taking some of the soap into my own hands began beginning to massage it into his chest , shoulders, and back. Wah, it was so pleasant to be able to touch him like this ~. Moreover, I hoped that he was enjoying himself. I wanted to help him relax (and also reward him~) after his job well done. He deserved it after all!


"Fanfiction for you only, mi'love. Though I recently heard that - the original story, at least - was based off of a true story." I wasn't sure that I believed it fully, since there were a few aspects that sounded totally impossible, like the Fell Dragon, Grima. Surely there was no such thing? Though who knows, perhaps only the actually love story part was real.. I was unsure, and even researching didn't help, since no actual names are mentioned in the story. It was always 'the great knight', 'his lover', and 'the exalt'. Really, there was no way to tell. It would be an interesting topic to write about or read, but I have already tried doing research on the matter, and found nothing. "Yes, I wrote this. I do hope that you will enjoy it." I had done my best to use the same language and word choice as the original author. It was not perfect, but I thought that I had done well. Hopefully, Imogen would enjoy it, in any case! When she opened it up and began to read - aloud, to my delight - I listened intently. Actually, when my beloved read it aloud, it sounded so much better than I first thought-! Perhaps it was just her sweet voice that made it so pleasant.

[[That sounds good! :3 We'll do that then~ Who would betray them? And I'm sorry that those two were short ; n ; I'm going to take a nap-]]

2015/05/21 2:43:46 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[I don't know how you want Judal to find out, though. So I'll leave the timeskip to you? And woman, these are all very good length! And for the betrayal, I'd go with original characters, just because I think it's bullying if we make a canon character do something so evil when s/he wouldn't do that. Like, I wouldn't have Virion betray them, even if he's not my favourite character, because I feel it's wrong to do that :/ We could choose evil characters, if you want! Either that, or OCs ^u^ Is that okay?]

Sinbad smirked slightly at Lila's words. Oh, if that was the case, then he'd more than happily use it, to get her dirty at his command~ He loved the way she squirmed and mewled under his touch. It was nice to see that he had such an effect on her, but even more so that he could make her happy. Wasn't that the point of relationships? To make each other happy? It couldn't simply be a one sided thing, for what as the use of being loved when you could not love back? He was thrilled that they worked together so well~ As Lila took some soap and began to wash him, massaging him, Sinbad sighed out in contentment. She was getting all the knots out of his back, too. He hadn't realised how much stress had built up in his body like that until Lila began to take it out of him. "Mm... You have magic hands," he hummed in contentment. And they weren't magic just when it came to massages~ He'd very happily return the favour to her later, too, but for now... wasn't it alright to simply indulge in this? He wanted to stay like this and let these feelings overtake him. Really, he already felt much better than when he had started out. "Ah... I might have to ask you for this reward more often," Sinbad mused with a sigh of happiness.


"A true story? Really?" Imogen repeated, looking at the book again. "Doesn't it seem really really fictional, though?" It was true that only some parts of it were based off of a true story- such as the romance- since the Fell Dragon part didn't seem too believable. Even the countries mentioned- Ylisse and Plegia- were made up, right? Ah... Usually stories that were based off of a true story had something that told them which part of it was true. Was this not the case for this story? Ah... whatever. It was a great story nonetheless! She began to read the story out loud, leaning against Frederick's figure as she did so. Well, wasn't it nice to cuddle up a little as they did this? She certainly enjoyed it~ ~Timeskip to another thing just go along with it please ^^~ "Ah... can you add the chocolate, please?" Imogen asked. They were currently baking cookies for a bakesale for one of the service clubs they were in. They could keep some for themselves, but the largest portion would go towards the bakesale. In either case, it was nice to spend sometime together like this! However, the kitchen was a common area; their room was too small to contain a kitchen of their own, so Imogen was dressed as Yrian.

2015/05/23 11:11:00 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Thank you ! ;-; I sleep upstairs in my new house and my 6 year old brother next door. So he accidentally played 5 nights of Freddy at school so now he has nightmares all the time and I'm so exhausted because he keeps me up until like 5 am ; ^ ; And okay! OCs or someone evil! OCs would be more fun >u< if you want!))


I cooed slightly in contentment as I continued to massage my beloveds skin. "If you like this so much, then I'd be so happy to do this more often for you~." I said , running my hands down his back just to feel his pleasant skin. "In fact, I'd love to do this more often~. So go ahead and ask me anytime~." I cooed, then continued to massage him. -Time skip!- I was outside at the track, dressed as Leon, with my arms crossed over my bound chest. "Excuse me? Just because I don't look it, doesn't mean I'm not physically fit." Sure I didn't have the muscles of a man - because I wasn't one - but that wasn't nice at all! I was talking to Judal, and Sinbad was there as well. Somehow we got to a conversation like this. "Fine, if you want to race, then I will! I'll be able to run around this track faster than you can." I huffed, not really thinking it through. I was quite fast because of my smaller frame at least. Let's hope I can do this. I stretched my arms up above my head and got into my own lane. "Sin, why don't you tell us when to start?" I smiled at him, getting into my starting stance. Hopefully I could win this thing-! Really I didn't want to lose. Judal would make fun of my unmanlieness. .... Which should actually be a compliment in my case, but, Er, anyway...


I was honored that Imogen seemed to enjoy the story to such an extent. While it certainly was not the best, I had worked hard on it just for her. And, to my utter delight, the idea worked out in the end, for she smiled and we even got to cuddle together. What a great way to spend any day. -Time Skip!- My beloved 'Yrian' and I were currently in the public kitchen of the university. We were baking cookies for one of the clubs that we had joined, and, I had to admit, that it was quite pleasant to do such things together. When Yrian told me to add the chocolate to what we were currently baking, I nodded and did as told. "These cookies will certainly come out well. I do hope thy sell." I said. After using the designated amount of chocolate, I saw how we had a bit left. It was insufficient and wouldn't help in any other dish since it wouldn't be enough, but I knew of several uses for it. With a slight smirk, I took one of the pieces of chocolate and held it in my teeth, leaning down to let Yrian bite the other end off. Once he did, I kissed him, enjoying both his lips and the chocolate. It was a very good combination~. "Now, shall we put them on a tray?" The mix was done , so all we had to do was put the cookies on a tray and bake them.

2015/05/23 1:44:51 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Oh, poor thing! DX I hope he feels less scared... and that, from that, you'll get more sleep, too! Sleep's very important! And sure, OCs will do in that case. I was also thinking... maybe Sharrkan could be friends/sorta friends with that OC; they go out drinking and he accidentally tells that guy about Imogen? Any requests for your side? ^^))

Sinbad sighed softly as he watched the situation before him unfold, though not unkindly. It was rather amusing, really. Lila was arguing for her (non-existent) manliness. It was all very good of course, since Judal was provoking her and Lila was supposed to be Leon after all, but it was nonetheless a funny sight. "Ah... are you sure you want to do this?" Sinbad asked cautiously. Lila was quick and nimble, yes, but would she really be able to beat Judal? The man was quick on his feet, too, and Sinbad somehow didn't doubt that he could result to using dirty tricks... Well, at least it seemed that Judal held feelings for Leon (something Sinbad wasn't too happy about), so that should at least tone down Judal's ego a little... Right? Perhaps that, too, was too much to hope for... "Alright. Ready, set, go!" Sinbad said, and on the mark both of them were off, sprinting into the distance. Sinbad watched after them for a moment before jogging over to the finish as well. After all, he had to meet up with them again. For a while, Lila was too far away from Sinbad, so he couldn't see her or Judal properly. It was only a little while, but Sin nonetheless wondered whether something could happen during that time, when he was away...


Imogen mixed in the chocolate into the batter as Frederick poured it in. The bits of chocolate had to be spread out evenly, so that one cookie didn't have all the chips while another had none at all. If this had been a hom*ogenous mixture, things would've definitely been easier, but Imogen didn't complain. These were just cookies, after all. When Frederick leaned down with some chocolate in between his lips, she grinned. Leaning in, she bit off a piece of the chocolate and then pulled away, without having their lips touch before. Of course, this was just to tease him, and not half a moment afterwards, Imogen leaned back in to connect their lips in a real kiss. Ah.. she had no idea Frederick could be so affectionate in public~! Well, if this counted as public, anyway. The action itself put a small blush on Imogen's cheeks, but she couldn't be happier than she was right now. They put the cookies on the tray and then put that into the oven, setting the timer for twelve minutes or so. Ah... there was still some time to do something~ "Here, you still have some batter on your fingers..." Imogen mused. She held his hand and then lifted it up, taking his finger into her mouth, consciously teasing him.

2015/05/25 6:17:37 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((He's a little better now , thanks for asking! And okay, that sounds good! Uhn, for Lila, maybe the OC was just spying on her... XD I can't think right now of anything ^^'))


"I'm absolutely positive! I have to win!" I said , a determined expression on my face. I got into the correct position and waited for my beloved to give the signal. When he did, I instantly began to run ahead with Judal. Wah, I was off to a good start! I turned to stick my tongue out at the male even though he was really only like a step behind me. Unfortunately, as I ran, I heard something snap. I glanced down at myself as I ran. "D-Damnit...!" I involuntarily slowed down, causing Judal to win the race. This wasn't good, this wasn't good at all! I needed to do something and quickly... B-But had Judal noticed? I wasn't too sure. I crossed my arms over my chest tightly and began to walk (with my back towards Judal and the track) to Sinbad. I sidestepped all the way there and then finally stopped, standing directly behind my beloved. I had my chest pressed up against his back. "You won, so go away now, go on--" I huffed towards Judal , peeking at him from behind Sin. Hopefully he hadn't noticed anything -! That would be awful! "You... You don't have to rub it in or anything. I admit defeat! So, Er, bye! Sin, let's go.." I sort of clung to his back an walked with him like that.


My beloved queen was such a tease. I was tempted to get her back somehow right now, but I had a better idea. "If you tease me like that, you'll be teased tenfold later on." I said calmly, a small smirk on my lip. I only glanced at her from the corner of my eye. And, of course, I didn't tell her how or when I'd tease her. She would never see it coming , and she would be anxious about it too. For some reason, the thought of her thinking about me getting her back all day was quite nice, and it made me feel smug. I was given a small kiss, though I didn't take back my previous words. I would certainly tease her, if not today, then tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, then the day after. And she would never expect it. After setting the cookies on a tray and putting it in the oven, we were given around twelve minutes of free time. I turned to 'Yrian' and was about to say something, though, suddenly , she took my hand and put my finger in her mouth. For a moment, I simply gazed at her. Though I wasn't saying anything, I was attempting to force down a blush that threatened to break across my features. "Hm.. I see.." Was it wrong that my mind wandered back to... different things? Perhaps, but it was without a doubt my lovers fault. "I suppose, since you're teasing me more than ever now, that I shall be teasing you a hundredfold later on."

2015/05/25 6:28:54 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((I'm glad to hear that! And okay, that'll work! If you every want something else, there's time to change it so just say so~))

Sinbad didn't realise that something was off for a while. After all, he was a way behind both Lila and Judal (though Lila slowed down, so Judal was ahead of them all) so he only noticed that Lila had stopped. When his beloved came over to him and at once took him into an embrace from the back, Sinbad felt it. He felt her soft breasts pressing up against him through his shirt, and that alone was enough to spread a blush on his cheeks (though he had to try very hard not to let it have any other effect on him). Nonetheless, Sinbad tried not to show it, otherwise Judal might realise something... and that would surely not be ideal. And though Lila told Judal that he won and that he didn't have to rub it in, the black haired man seemed to have another idea. Sinbad began to walk with Lila away from him, trying to make it as natural as possible. "Aw, you think I'll let you off so easily, Leon?" Judal grinned, "The best part of winning is the aftermath~! Don't I get a prize?" He pouted a little, following after Lila as she and Sin walked away. Through a prize like this, perhaps he could finally get a taste of her lips, hm~? But it seemed as though 'Leon' and Sinbad didn't stop, so Judal frowned. He took 'Leon' by the shoulder and yanked him away from Sinbad (to which the purple haired man yelped out in surprise and at once turned around to try to save the situation). Unfortunately, the force of this motion caused 'Leon' to topple back on Judal, and they both fell to the ground like that, Judal on top. He quickly found out that he quite liked this position, too~! But after that initial thought, his gaze trailed down to 'Leon's' chest, and, surprised, back to his face. "Wha... What? Leon, you're... you're a girl!" he exclaimed, not unhappily, but Sinbad pulled him away (roughly) before he could say anything else. Was it so easy to see that he didn't want Judal on top of his beloved like that? Oh, and him knowing that Leon was Lila definitely wasn't good, either...


[omg Frederick forgive me-- XDD]

Imogen raised her eyebrow slightly, grinning, "Oh yeah? Don't hold back then, darling~" she winked. She'd probably regret letting him tease her so much later on, but right now Imogen really couldn't care less. Besides, there was something nice to that, too~! And frankly, the redhead had done a lot of teasing; it was only fair that he could get her back for it, sometime! And oh, did she have a great idea in mind...! She couldn't quite tell what Frederick was thinking as she held his finger in her mouth, but she'd assumed that he was thinking exactly what she wanted him to think. Though she could always play innocent, right~! His words confirmed that, and Imogen gave him a playful smile, "My, Frederick," she scolded him teasingly, "You have such a dirty mind...~ Though I suppose I shouldn't back away just now, hm?" There weren't any other people in the kitchen right now and Imogen just prayed that no one would come in during this next little while. Hardly anyone came around during this time, too. Ah... ten minutes was enough, wasn't it? The redhead got down on her knees before Frederick, letting her hands wander to his pants, undoing the buckling and letting his clothing down some. After the first couple of licks, Imogen pulled away briefly and looked up at him, "Don't let anyone hear, hm~?" With that, the redhead went back to what she'd been doing, enjoying the perfectly kinky feeling and excitement to the fact that she was doing this in such a public place. Eagerly, she continued on like that, adoring Frederick's stifled noises. She could feel that he was getting ever closer, and then... The alarm on the oven went off- twelve minutes had passed- and Imogen pulled away deviously, "We can't let them burn, can we~?" she hummed, feeling both a little guilty but terribly excited at his messy state, and then leaned down to get the cookies out of the oven.

2015/05/28 9:42:02 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Okie dokie! ^^))


Had I not been in such a situation, I would have teased my beloved about the bight pink blush on his features. Did he like feeling my clothed chest against his? I really felt pleased that I could have such a huge effect on him~. Though now definitely wasn't the time... I'll just tease him later! I hoped that Judal wouldn't try to come near me in this state, but he did.. Which wasn't really unexpected. I huffed when he asked for a prize (not in an irritated manner; more in a way that showed that I wanted to leave). "I'll buy you lunch tomorrow or something-!" I said, wanting to get to safety quickly. Though Judal suddenly pulled me away from Sin. The force somehow managed to make me fall with the black haired man on top of me. Immediately, a dark blush spread across my features. "N-No I'm n-not!" I squeaked once he called me a girl, though unfortunately, I had spoken in my normal feminine voice rather than my 'Leon' voice. Urk... Well there was no hiding this anymore, since he could see my chest now and how it wasn't flat... I looked away from his crimson eyes and quickly stood up once Sinbad pulled him away (rather harshly I noticed). "Just... J-Just don't tell anyone." I muttered to Judal after I stood up. This definitely wasnt good at all-! I couldn't let him tell anyone, otherwise I'd be reported-! "My name is Lila." I murmured , gazing down at my feet. "But please only address me as Leon when we're outside"


I smirked somewhat. "A dirty mind only for you, Milove." I said to her softly, gazing at the woman for a moment. Suddenly though, almost out of nowhere, Imogen got down on her knees in front of me and began to unbuckle my pants. My eyes widened slightly i surprise. What was she doing-? My body seemed to understand before my mind did, because I felt a rush of excitement travel throughout my entire body. "A-Ah... Imo-- Y-Yrian..." I quickly corrected myself even through my groans and moans, then looked down at her. She was going to-! A sharp gasp of pleasure escaped my lips as she began to lick at me. Involuntarily, I panted softly and ran my hand through her silky read hair. She had such soft hair... I couldn't even form coherent sentences or anything anymore. The way Imogen acted upon her wishes were beyond alluring. She was doing such a thing even in public like this- it made me feel ... Excited and rather needy for more. "A-Ah.." I tugged at the strands of her hair before suddenly heading ding. What was... Was that-? I couldn't concentrate on anything except this extreme pleasure-! I found out soon enough though, because the woman suddenly got up, leaving my hardened member alone. I groaned and narrowed my eyes. I was so hard and in need of the women-! And so close as we-! "I shall.. Make you pay back, a thousandfold, my dear." I grunted, excusing myself from the kitchen in order to 'relieve' myself in the bathroom. I wouldn't be able to stay calm in such a situation. Ah... Imogen would receive a nice punishment in that case, and she would never see that coming~. After calming myself down and straightening myself out, I rejoined Imogen back in the kitchen. "I hope you will be prepared~."

((Im sorry if this one was shorter! I actually fell asleep after I wrote Lila's ^^'))

2015/05/28 6:04:16 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((It's all good! And this is also shorter, sorry! I also just fell asleep -u-))

"W-W-Wait, I need more time to get this," Judal said, bringing his hands up a little as if to tell Lila and Sinbad to slow down. The purple haired man sighed, "Perhaps it would be better if we told you everything," After all, wasn't it worse for him to only know part of the secret? That way he wouldn't understand why it was important to keep it... "Let's take him up to our room, Lila." He told his beloved. It was nice to use her real name in public, too (even though they weren'treallyin public at the moment). Sinbad wasn't too thrilled about having Judal in their room, and the intimate position he'd pulled Lila into recently certainly didn't make Sinbad like him any more than before. Nonetheless, this was necessary in order for him to understand the importance of this secret, and it wouldn't do at all if someone else were to overhear them as they spoke, so their room it was. Once they arrived there and Judal demanded to know more, Sinbad and Lila told him everything. The surprise only ever grew on the black haired man's face (so much that it was almost amusing, but Sinbad tried not to show it). "The princess..." he mused, more to himself than anyone else, "That.... I'm sorry for what you've gone through." Now it was Sn's turn to be surprised- when did Judal ever apologise? Still, to say something now would be far too cruel. He sighed, "Donottell anyone else about this. If I hear it come back from other sources, I'll know that you told someone." Sinbad said, causing Judal to scoff, but he nodded nonetheless. "I may not know exactly what's going on in Sola, but I know it sucks. I'm going to protect you, princess."


Imogen did feel bad for suddenly pulling away like that; she won't deny it. But she wouldn't deny it, either, that there was something delicious in teasing him so much, too. Oh well, she'd make it up to him sometime, too, with something he really liked, and she'd do it well and fully, too! But for now, she'd enjoy herself like this, too. She laughed a little- not unkindly- as Frederick excused himself. She very well knew the reason (and felt a little bad that she wasn't the one to help him-) and it was quite a nice feeling, too. It was quite exciting, too, that Frederick promised to pay her back for this, though she knew she'd regret it when she was putty in his hands later on. The redhead pulled out the cookies from the oven and set them on one of the counters to cool, and then put in the next batch of cookies. Hopefully they'd be done with all of this soon! Imogen smiled at him when he came back and (now that she'd finished with the cookies for a while) embraced him lightly, happy to be around him. "Do you, really?" she asked playfully when he said he hoped she'd be prepared, "Isn't the fun in the surprise? As I'm sure you've enjoyed it, too, hm~?" she teased.

2015/05/29 12:36:52 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria


I nodded in agreement when Sinbad suggested that we go to our room. It was safer than staying outside where people might overhear. Moreover... I felt a little uncomfortable and flushed. After Judal had fallen on top of me, I decided that I needed to go home and change. "I should win that race by default." I muttered under my breath with a small pout as I crossed my arms over my chest tightly. Sinbad and I got back to our dorm where the man began to explain the situation to Judal. I excused myself for a moment to go shower and change into something more comfortable. Since Judal already knew of my little secret, I washed my face clean of all the makeup from before. Once I was finished , I went out into the room where Sinbad and Judal were in. "Yeah.." I laughed sheepishly as I was called 'the princess'. "It was so much harder for my sister though. She's to be the queen..." I sighed, wondering how Imogen was. She was probably stressing over everything right at this very moment... ((Psh no she's not xD she's just making cookies xD)) I shifted slightly in my seat and then peeked across at Judal with a rather surprised expression on my face. "A-Ah... Protect?" I was very surprised with how Judal was taking all of this. He seemed sincere as if he truly wanted to help and truly wouldn't tell anyone. "...That's very kind of you." I said softly, though soon grinned. "But you don't have to be so stiff around me just cuz' you know. Just call me Lila! Uhm, in private anyway. But outside I'm still Leon." I nodded, then playfully added: "Aren't I the best guy ever? No one even suspected it!"


"Oh it was a very pleasant surprise." I sighed, letting my eyes close for a minute in an attempt to force a very slight blush off my features. It was rather embarrassing to come back to my beloved right after doing something so lewd. Moreover, I was very sure that the woman was well aware of what I had been doing in the restroom... "Though it certainly wasn't pleasant for you to pull away." I opened my eyes and gave a light smile , one that read 'I'll get you back good'. It was a rather threatening smile, though one that was full of love nonetheless. Meaning that I wouldn't actually harm or threaten the woman. I would just get her back very well. "Though... Since it was so pleasant , perhaps I should show you the same thing? Yes. One of these days I shan't let you escape me as I tease you." I decided, my smile turning into a rather sly smirk. "Fret not. You will most certainly enjoy it, right, Milove?~" I asked. If she had done it to me, then she would receive the same treatment and go through exactly what I had gone through. It would be very difficult on myself of course, since pleasuring my beloved always ended up in me becoming rather hard... But it would most definitely be worth it. I would make her beg perhaps, if she wanted to be pleased fully. Otherwise... Well, I'll just have to leave her alone after almost fully pleasing her. That would certainly be great revenge~ "Do make sure that you're ready at all times, for I will have no mercy on you, Milove ~." I cooed. I would chain her up or tie her up and tease her.

2015/05/29 7:38:53 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Do you want to timeskip somewhere soon?))

The couple of moments that Lila left (to wash and change), leaving Sinbad alone with Judal, were perhaps the most awkward yet. The two men had little to say to each other, though Judal was still pretty much gaping for finding out that Leon was actually a girl. Sinbad was pretty much glaring at the black haired man the entire time, along with a pout that adorned his face. It was obvious (at least to Sinbad) that Judal had a thing for Leon, but now that he knew she was a girl? Sinbad could tell that Judal's feelings only grew stronger. Ah... he'd have to keep an eye on him, then, and protect Lila from him. When she came back and spoke of her sister, Judal tilted his head, "Your sister...? Oh! Is that Yrian? Geez, who would've thought..." He murmured. Things were only getting more and more intense. These girls really had it hard. His heart went out to Lila, thinking about all the awful things that her country had done to her, despite being blameless. Judal laughed a little when Lila spoke, "Yeah, you're a pretty great guy," he agreed, "Though you're a much better woman~" Whoops, there went Sinbad's glare again, and Judal at once stopped laughing, though his eyes still twinkled. He was going to have a lot of fun~ Besides, what were the chances of anyone finding Lila here? She'd be safe at this academy, so Judal could afford to have some fun! Right? Sinbad sighed a little, "You'd better keep this to yourself. It's already dangerous enough that we know of her situation..." Still, this meant that they could protect her, right? So that, too, was better.


Imogen was perhaps enjoying this too much. She knew she'd regret it at some point, when she was putty in his hands, but this moment had been far too wonderful to let go of. "Of course~" she mused, "I'll enjoy anything, if it's from you, my love~" No matter how torture like it was, no matter how much he'd tease her and how much she'd beg, Imogen knew that it would be enjoyable, too. Right? Frederick would surely make it worthwhile~ "Anyway," Imogen mused, "We have one more batch of cookies to bake after this one," she motioned towards the second batch that was already in the oven, "So we still have some time to kill. Do you have anything else to do today? Homework, or something?" Imogen was pretty much finished with her things (well, save for a project that was due in a week, but she still had time for that!), so if Frederick was done, too, then they could do something else. ~Blah blah short timeskip~ Soon enough, all the cookies were finished and set on a plate. Imogen and Frederick had cleaned and washed all the equipment that they had used, so they were free to go back and do their own thing. The redhead picked up the box of cookies that they had prepared, "Shall we go, then?" Back to their room, that is.

2015/06/06 7:54:01 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria


*Timeskip!* "How has school been for you, .. 'Yrian'?" I grinned over at my elder sister, who was, like myself, in her male disguise. I had already told her about the two people who knew about us, and, in turn, she had told me about the two men who knew of her. Everything was going well though! It's been around a week now since Judal has found out, and he kept his word. He hadn't told a single soul. I was glad that he was trustworthy -! Otherwise I'd be in trouble... Anyway, my sister and I decided to spend time together today! It was a lot of fun~. We went shopping together in town and spoke of our lovers and the such~. Ah.. I loved Sinbad, but spending time with my sister was so nice, too! I hoped that Sinbad wasn't worried or anything though. I would be back in his arms soon enough! I'd be able to spend the whole night with him. "It's getting rather late now..." I mused. Time sure flies when you're having fun! "Let's head back now." I mused, shifting one of my bags to my other arm for comfort.


I sighed, leaning back against a seat in my dorm. Imogen went out to spend time with her sister, so somehow, we ended up having a get together of sorts. Judal, Sinbad, and Sharrkan were here. Sinbad had come because he was lonely now (and I was glad too, since I felt a little lost without Imogen.. Even if only for a little while!) , Sharrkan had wanted homework help, and no one knew why Judal was here. In any case, this somehow happened. I didn't particularly mind because I needed the distraction. It was nice to spend time with friends (although Sharrkan irritated me)) , but I definitely missed my beloved. "..When do you think they'll be back?" I mused, glancing across at Sinbad. It was quite late now, and I was starting to get rather worried. Though... Perhaps I shouldn't be so paranoid. They only went shopping, right? Surely Imogen would be back soon-! Meanwhile, a certain man was hiding in the darkness of an alleyway with his helper. The mans name was Aden, and he just so happened to know that two certain people would be coming over his way soon. Two people in disguise. Two people who were to be captured, tried by the people of Sola, and killed. Or, well, that was the general plan. But Aden and his friend had another idea. They thought, why not let the girls go into power? Though there was a catch. They would be the ones making the rules, not the girls. They just had to.. rough them up a little bit! Just as planned, the two 'women' walked past. Aden knew from certain sources that the two Princesses were hiding as men. When Imogen walked by, Aden smirked and quickly grabbed her, putting a cloth full of chloroform onto her mouth and nose.

2015/06/07 1:50:45 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Feel free to change something (like how fast/slow it's going or whatever) o3o. Also, I loved how Frederick was like "no one knew why Judal was here" XD And when are the guys going to find out and go after the girls?))

Sinbad tossed an apple into the air, caught it and then repeated his motions over and over again in a mindless way. It was fun to spend time with his friends, he supposed (though Sinbad was rather ticked that Judal was here, too...) but it was clear that the purple haired man would've preferred to stay with his lover. Lila and her sister had gone out to spend some time together, but when the black haired girl said so, Sinbad had no idea that she was going to spendsuch a long timeaway from him. He thought it would be maybe half an hour... but no, Sinbad quickly realised that he was wrong. How awful! Well, Lila had every right to spend time with her sister, especially since the two girls didn't spend that much time together throughout the week (as it was generally easier to recognise two people than one; it made a connection). "It's pretty at already," Judal huffed (and Sinbad sent him a glare of sorts, but nonetheless nodded in agreement). "Maybe they'll be back soon, in that case. Geez, what's up with women and shopping, though?" That last part was perhaps said to ease the situation a little, but Sinbad was earnestly beginning to worry.


"It's been just fine," Imogen said with a grin, but then her expression faltered a little, "Though math has been exceptionally difficult recently... Oh well! Frederick helps me out with a lot of stuff, so I'm getting along. How about you? Is everything going smoothly?" It seemed as though their situation was going along just fine, in all honesty. Lila had told Imogen before that Sinbad and Judal knew their secret, and Imogen had given her part of the information, too. So far, though, everything was going really well, so the redhead was very happy about that! Today had been fun, too. The two girls had gone shopping ((maybe we can say they bought something and dropped it when they were kidnapped, so the guys can find it and almost see it as a clue?)), which was definitely very fun. As much as Imogen loved Frederick (which was a whole bunch!) she really enjoyed spending time with her sister. It was important to have a girls' night like this every once in a while! "Mm, we should start going back," Imogen nodded when her younger sister suggested it, "You're right." Just as the two girls were about to go back, though, a sudden sharp tug caught Imogen off guard, but before she could even yelp out in surprise or help, she felt a rag pressed up against her mouth and nose, and she was knocked out in half a moment.

((I'll actually have another paragraph from Ramsey, but I probably won't be writing such long replies all the time? :P I DUNNO!))

Ramsey, along with his comrade Aden, were waiting in the alleyway. They were (one of) the leaders of the rebellion in Sola, and therefore held the most power. It had taken a long time to track down where Lila and Imogen were, though they still only knew the town in which they were in, and not where they lived or the like. Now, some might think that the two men were here to assassinate the royal siblings, but that was the beauty of being leaders: Ramsey and Aden could manipulate the people into thinking one thing, but actually have it be different. So no one else knew of the plan but the two of them. With a, Ramsey was sure that the two girls would obey them just as well~ It would be easy to set them back as queen and princess, but they'd still just be puppets~! And... there was another part of the plan that was unknown to Aden, too. Lila was by far more attractive, and Ramsey found himself wanting her, too~ A couple weeks after the plan would come into play, Ramsey would kill Imogen and Aden, too, and be the one to comfort Lila in her grief. An illness or accident would be easy enough to stage. With that, the younger sister would come into complete power... or rather, Ramsey would. Wasn't this the perfect plan? The man could hardly wait! As the two girls approached the alley, Ramsey quickly pulled Lila inside, covering her mouth with a chloroform rag, muffling her screams and soon enough, making her fall unconscious. "Perfect~" Ramsey cooed, "And now to get out of here..." With that, the two men left as discreetly as possible; the night made it easy enough to hide.

2015/06/08 3:38:08 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Omg Ramsey's plan- anyway ill try to match up your amount then!))


I smiled at my sisters words. "Well, you must be taking harder classes than myself since you're older... Good luck! I find my History class to be abnormally dull..." I pouted somewhat, shaking my head. I really didn't enjoy it, and sometimes I felt drowsy during that class, but I still did my best. And Sinbad sometimes tried to reteach it to me in an interesting way~. He'd make it fun! I smiled at the thought. I really did miss him... I wondered if he missed me too?~ Maybe I could sneak up on him somehow and surprise him! That would be so cute~. Just as I was about to say something else, I noticed that my sister was gone. "Yrian?" I called, frowning. "Where are you-?" I wasn't worried at first ... Well, I didn't really have any time to be worried. My eyes widened as I was suddenly grabbed and taken into a dark alley. In the struggle, my bags fell; though I didn't even think of them. I screamed, because my mind knew what was going on. How? How could something like this even happen-? Our plan had been so perfect-! My scream was muffled by a cloth thick with chloroform. And , unable to get away, I fell unconscious.


Alright. It was beginning to get a little late. Or rather, very late. I knew that we couldn't control our lovers lives; they are able to do as they like, including coming back late. But that did not mean that I was not worried-! By the gods, I was only becoming more paranoid by the second! And Imogen may just walk in at any second, safe and sound, causing all my worry to be for nothing. I.. could not help but to feel this way. Even Sharrkan, who was usually carefree , seemed worried. When Sinbad spoke, I attempted to go along with the lighthearted shopping statement, but I could not really do so. "Maybe they lost their way." I murmured. After waiting until past midnight - really almost one in the morning! - I stood up. "I cannot simply sit here waiting any longer." I mumbled, unable to swallow my worry. "I will go look for them... They went into town, right? Sinbad, will you be joining m--" I began, but Sharrkan immediately stood up. "I'm coming along too. I'm worried." He stated, his expression serious. He wanted to see Imogen alright. And he would die of anxiety if he stayed behind and waited ! I sighed, though nodded. While I didn't particularly like Sharrkan, the more people to help look, the better. So I quickly threw on a jacket and even brought a flashlight - one could never be too prepared - then left the dorm with the others.


Success~ I finally had Imogen , the queen of Sola , in my grasp! Since it was dark outside, it was easy to escape and to get away. Ramsey and I had a planned route to get to where we needed to go anyway. So with that, we left, the women still held in our arms. It wasn't too long really, before we finally got to our destination. Sola's dungeon. Since the entire palace was already searched, none of the other rebels will bother looking in here~. I set Imogen down in one of the prison cells and kneeled down in front of her unconscious body. Hm.. Mind as well have a little fun, right?~ We were supposed to break the girls, and we could certainly do that by defiling them! I had already claimed to take care of Imogen myself. So I could do whatever I want with her~. I removed her boyish clothes and even took a wipe to get all that makeup off of her. Ah, there were those pretty features of hers~! Though I had thought that she made a pretty attractive man as well actually... Either way would be so much fun~. I gazed down and saw that Imogen's breasts were bound. So I grinned, took out a knife, and cut the bonds, letting her lush breasts free. Oh, how lovely they were~! I couldn't wait to play with her and take part in breaking her! All I had to do was wait for her to wake up...~

2015/06/10 1:38:20 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Right? I figured I may as well make him super evil XP Aren't these guys super manipulative, though? Like first they betray their rebels by this other plan, and now Ramsey's planning to betray Aden, too :P gdi these men are evil--))

Sinbad chewed his lip as he waited for Lila to come back. Hour passed hour and she still wasn't back; every passing minute made the man worry more and more. He tried to distract himself from his thoughts by talking and joking around with the other guys, but that was easier said than done. His mind always travelled back to his beloved. As the clock neared one in the morning, Sinbad could barely stand it anymore. So when Frederick spoke and stood up, saying that he would go search for them, Sinbad and Judal didn't waste a moment. They stood up as well, "I'm coming," Sinbad said with determination. He couldn't stand not doing anything. Surely they'd find Lila and Imogen safe and sound, maybe frightened and lost but nothing more. Ah, the purple haired man would give her an earful just because he'd been so worried; he wouldn't allow her to go out so late without him anymore, either. Even if this was just a small mistake, he was worried sick. The four men grabbed their jackets and then left the dorm in a hurry. They went down outside, "They said they'd be in town, right?" Sinbad mused, though after such a long time, they could be anywhere, really. Considering the time it was, hardly anyone else was outside, too, save for some other college students, especially partiers. "Leon?" Sinbad called out as the searched. No answer. As time passed and he only grew more worried, he even went to calling her real name; there weren't too many people around, and "Lila" didn't give away too much.


((Are the girls in different prison cells, or in the same one?))

Imogen woke up groggy, her head pounding. Really, her mind was so slow and heavy right now that it took the redhead a good couple of minutes to fully open her eyes and understand what was going on. She was cold, really. Something was off... oh. She was bare. Somehow, that didn't seem to be too strange to Imogen right now, but that was only because her mind was still slow from the chloroform before. Panic and confusion rose inside of her as she understood what was going on. "What's going on?" she demanded, though her voice was groggy as well as frightened, "Wh-where am I?" Somehow... this place seemed familiar, but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. Unbeknownst to herself at the moment, though, Imogen was currently in the dungeons of the palace she'd grown up in. She'd occasionally come down to the dungeons, either to play or explore with her sister, or (when she was older) to "learn" about the criminals and the "justice" that must be passed down upon them, all thanks to her father.


Ramsey was more than pleased with himself, in all honesty. Their plan had gone along perfectly, just as they'd planned it. Within only a couple weeks, these girls would be complying to their every wish and whim, and the men would be the ones controlling the country. And a little while after that, too, Ramsey would be theonlyone in control~ He could hardly wait! Once in the dungeons of the palace in Sola, Ramsey set Lila down on the floor. Though there were shackles and cuffs to attach her to, Ramsey decided that he wouldn't need them. Yet. Even when Lila were to wake up, her body would be groggy and she'd be unable to do much, and frankly, things were always so much more fun when she wasn't tied down entirely. When the time came, he'd happily do so~ The man couldn't help but use a wipe to clear the make up off of her face-- she was much prettier this way, and Ramsey so enjoyed natural beauty. He didn't bother with her clothes just yet, though. ((You can ignore this; I'm assuming she wakes up atm)). When Lila finally woke up, Ramsey got up to his feet with a smile. "Hello, precious," he said, though his tone was eerie and frightening. "Are you uncomfortable? Maybe you'd feel better without the restraint of your clothes, Princess. In fact, why don't you do that now?" Met with no response of that sort, though, Ramsey came closer to her, his face inches before her own, holding a knife. "Let me rephrase that: strip, or I'll cut you. You don't want that, right?" Wouldn't it be wonderful to watch her do it herself? He was sure she'd hate something like that; it was different than if he'd take her clothes off. And that despair made it all the more delicious. Of course, Ramsey would have his fun anyway, blood amongst everything else, but Lila didn't have to know that, not quite yet~

2015/06/10 10:03:00 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Right! And oh yes, they're very manipulative-! This is going along so nicely >u> yay for despair-- Er I mean Uhm --))


((Let's say different cells, then? Feel free to change it though!))

I awoke groggily in a place I vaguely recognized; though in my current state I could not recall anything of it. My head was aching, my body felt like lead, and my vision was blurry. I understood what had happened almost immediately, however. "W-Where... Where is... M-My sister..?" I questioned, voice rather weak sounding. Although I tried desperately to look around for her, everything was a blur. All I knew was that there was someone with me. Someone with an unfriendly and cruel presence. The person - a man I realized after he spoke - wished me a good morning, one which sent a shudder down my spine. My sister and I ... h-have been kidnapped. In all honesty, I wanted to break down and cry. I didn't know where my sister - my support, the one who was always there to help me when I needed it! - and Sinbad... He wasn't here with me. I was all alone, and I missed them so much. What was happening to Imogen? Was she hurt? I needed to know-! I attempted to move , but it was difficult to do so, and I ended up staying in my position on the ground. When the man spoke to me, I didn't even look at him. I supposed... That I hoped he wouldn't notice. But he did. He leaned down close to me, holding a knife that made my eyes widen and tears involuntarily fill my eyes. N-No-! I-I didn't want to undress -! B-But .. If I didn't , h-he would hurt me. I was so scared and I didn't want to end up dying -! I had to get to my sister and my beloved Sinbad -! But.. But my body was only for my lover to see. I couldn't.. No, I wouldn't -! But then again.. This man would take my clothes off anyway. Was it better to do it and not get hurt, or not do it , get hurt, and be defiled anyway? With teary eyes, I reached my hand up to the top button of my shirt, and began to undo it. I needed.. T-to find Imogen!


Barely anyone was in town at this late hour. One or two people passed by; a few drunkards , and a few store owners. Though that was all. Moreover, it was so quiet that surely, if the girls were here, they would hear us. As time passed, I found myself becoming more and more frantic. Images began to come to mind, each one more paranoid and gruesome than the last. 'What was I thinking-?' I asked myself in despair, 'Letting her out at this time-!' Even if she would be mad at me for it, I should have went with her. I should have told her to stay behind. I should have-! So many should haves, and yet there was no way to change anything. Imogen was gone and I hadn't a clue as to where. I hoped to the Gods that she was only lost or stuck somewhere, and not hurt-! But something told me that this was far, far worse. What if rebels found her? What if she was raped? Even if she had been dressed as a boy, she was still stunning enough for dirty men to want to take her-! What if she was being forced to do something, or what if a madman found her -? I forced all those thoughts aside because they were distracting me too much. I had to find her-! "Guys, look at this-!" Sharrkan held up a bag ((Imogen's pocketbook? Purse? Whatever she holds her money in? XD)) causing me to run over to him and grab it. "This... belongs to Imogen." I breathed. Yes, I was sure of it. "Where did you find this?" I demanded, to which Sharrkan pointed back at the alleyway he had come from. "No.. No no-! Damnit-!" I yelled, running into the alleyway and looking around desperately. "Imogen! Imogen?!" Though I knew she wasn't here.


I chuckled softly, almost scarily. "None of that matters now, dear." I whispered in her ear, "All that matters ... Is that you're here with me, and you will do every little thing that I say. Unless of course... you don't value your life ~." I cooed, running a hand up her thigh and then resting it on her waist. "For now, why dont we... get to know each other better, Hn? I'm sure it'll be very fun. And, well... even if you don't agree... That'll only make this more fun for me~. I would love to hear you scream out in pain." Wouldn't that be just wonderful?~ I felt a smirk of success appear on my lips as I cupped her cheek. "Why do you have be so flawless?" I whispered into her ear as I gingerly nipped on Imogen's earlobe, and before the girl could say anything, I smashed my lips against hers. Slowly my tongue caressed against the red-haired woman's shaken lips so I could shove my tongue inside, but of course the sweet princess refused which made me roughly squeezed her breast so the girl could let out a gasp. I slipped my tongue into her mouth with my hand holding her face firmly. Soon I pulled back as a string of saliva dripped down from my mouth as I tried to catch some fresh air. "The name is Aden. You'll be screaming that later on~ ... Ah.. You make me want to go against the plan..." Was it really necessary to have that other princess in power? In fact, Ramsey didn't matter either , right? I pressed a knife against Imogen's soft stomach, leaving a thin cut there. I leaned down and slowly licked up the blood that began to drip out. "I want you to obey everything I say. Or I'll make sure to kill your sister right in front of you~." ((I didn't want to bring Lila up in your post, but I needed a good threat ^^' Sorry!)) I stood up and looked down at her. "Get on your hands and knees and crawl to me, so that you can please me. Right now." Degradation was the best~.

2015/06/11 8:16:47 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Omg XD When you said "yay for despair" I thought of a character from Dangan Ronpa (dunno if you know the anime? It's good!)tumblr_n0lh1hgy5t1rqna90o1_500 But yeah, this is great XD Do you have a wish for how far the bad guys should go before the girls are rescued? And don't worry about it; mention Lila as much as you want!! Different cells is all good~))

Sinbad was only getting more and more despaired as they continued to look around for Lila and her sister. They weren't anywhere in sight, and by now the men had honestly searched most every place in the nearest vicinity. Sure, there was a chance that the girls had gone back to their dorms while the men were out searching for them, but Sinbad doubted that. He hoped that it was true, but he knew that it wasn't. He hated himself for allowing her to slip out from his grasp like this; who knew where the girl was now? Was Lila alright? He never should have let her stay out this late...! When Sharrkan found a clue-- Imogen's wallet or the like-- Sinbad at once rushed over to the alley where he found it. "Lila!" the man called out again, more desperately still, though his voice had grown hoarse by now. To his utmost dismay, Lila was not here, either, but... "This is..." Sinbad murmured and leaned down to pick up a bag. Yes, he was sure that this was Lila's! Judal seemed to understand it at the same time as Sinbad did, though neither man wished to admit it, or else this really would be real. Sin's heart fell. He turned around to his friends; everyone seemed to have a look of dismay on their faces. "They must have dropped their bags... Someone must have found them." Taken them. So where the hell were they now? Were the perpetrators Solian ((?)) rebels, or common thugs? Was she alright? ...How on earth could they find them?


Lila was being a little too withdrawn for Ramsey's liking, but he supposed that was to be expected at first. Besides, the effects of chloroform were still wearing off. "Do you really think this is the time to worry about your sister? Oh, how sweet!" he exclaimed, though it was obvious that he was mocking her. He watched as the woman shrank back in fear, feeling excitement course throughout his entire body. What a sight! Oh, he wanted to see despair painted all over her~ Was that too much to ask for~? <3 Greedily, he watched as she began to unbutton her shirt for him. Though he tremendously enjoyed the show, especially since he could feel how uncomfortable she was with this, Ramsey had to restrain himself from tearing off all of her clothes. "The bottoms, too," he told Lila in a voice that reeked with threats once she took off her shirt and binds. His eyes stayed at her chest, soaking in the sight of her breasts. He wanted to touch them; he wanted to touchher~ But then again, he just had to be a little more patient; time for that would come soon enough~ Once Lila was completely bare, Ramsey grinned viciously. "Oh, you are gorgeous~" He purred, coming in closer to her, "You don't mind if I have some fun with you, right~? Then again, it'll be so much more fun if youdomind!" He pressed in closer, giving her a kiss that almost resembled that of a lover, though Lila obviously didn't kiss back. Oh well, soon enough~ "Now, how about we play a little game, Lila? You have five tries to guess my name. I'll give you a hint: it begins on the letter r. If you win, I'll pleasure you~ If you don't guess in time... ah, I wonder which finger you'd be willing to lose~?" Wouldn't this be fun? Besides, whatever happened, Ramsey would enjoy it. Both would lead to breaking her~!


A shiver ran down Imogen's spine when the man spoke. "I'd rather die," she spat, gathering up all of her courage. She hoped that she managed to at least put on a brave face, even though she was terribly frightened. Hopefully this man didn't know that...! She didn't know what he wanted, but whatever it was, it couldn't be good. Imogen would rather lose her life than partake in something so horrible. When the man spoke again, about having 'fun', Imogen really had to force herself not to tremble and break down into tears. What a sick man-! In a split moment, though, the man had his lips pressed roughly against her. Imogen tried desperately to push him away to no avail. It was even worse when he forced a gasp out of her, and then forced his tongue inside of her mouth. H-how disgusting-! Imogen was ready to cry already; she felt defiled, but... somehow, she knew that this was only the beginning; this was nothing. Imogen refused to say the man's name-- Aden-- when he told her. She wouldn't want to ever fall into that... "What plan?" Imogen hissed (or tried to; her voice was shaking too much to have succeeded). The redhead let out a small cry when the knife cut against her. She desperately tried to do something to push Aden away, but... when he brought in her sister into this, Imogen's heart fell. S-so Lila was here, too? Oh no... was she going through the same awful treatment as Imogen? ...No, if Lila's life depended on her, Imogen couldn't let her pride get in the way. She'd do anything, if her sister could be spared some pain. When Aden commanded her, Imogen slowly shifted position, hating herself for this, so that she was on her hands and knees.

2015/06/11 12:06:26 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

(OMG IS THAT SOME GIRL NAMED JUNKO OR SOMETHING?? I saw so many pictures of her and I really wondered which anime she was from! THANK YOU MAN ! And psh they could go as far as you like o3o Also when Imogen did that for Lila in your reply it broke my heart Dx Wah..!))


I hated every single second of this. I hated undressing for some horrid man. I hated it, I hated it-! A-And I was so afraid... But I desperately tried to keep myself from letting my tears roll down my cheeks. I didn't want to give him that sort of satisfaction-! I mentally begged Sinbad for forgiveness as I undressed. I-I .. was so disgusted with myself. I hesitated when the man told me to take off my pants as well, though gave in when I heard his threatening voice. H-He.. would hurt me-! "T-Tell me if my sister is al-alright-!" I said, voice shaky as I removed the rest of my clothes. Didn't I at least deserve that much-? I had to find her-! When I was fully undressed, I kept my legs pressed together and my arms firmly across my chest, wanting to cover as much as myself as possible. I hated the way the man looked at me-! My eyes widened as he suddenly pressed his lips against mine. Immediately , I tried to pull away , though I couldn't in this state. I simply didn't kiss back, and struggled as much as I could. And then... he mentioned a game. His terms were as horrid and disgusting as he was-! I didn't want to be pleasured by him, nor did I want to lose a finger-! Moreover , I knew that Id never be able to win this game. Not when there were so many names that began with 'R'. "R-Rapist-!" I spat, "Rat!" Despite my insults, I was crying. I couldn't help it. I was all alone with this awful man; my sister was probably being hurt, o-or worse-! A-And.. I-I missed S-Sinbad-!


Imogen didn't call back to me like I hoped she would. She.. She was gone. In that instant my heart and entire world shattered. They could be anywhere. We hasn't a clue as to who our enemy was-! A rapist? A thief? Someone who wanted ransom? Or did this have to do with Sola? "How long.. have they been missing?" I asked rhetorically under my breath. Of course, no one knew the answer to that. What was my beloved going through-? Where was she?! Damnit-! I shouldn't have let her go by herself-! "...I think we should check Sola." Sharrkan suddenly said, his expression blank almost as if he recalled something horrible. He... Had been drunk. Hadn't he accidentally said Imogen's real name, rather than 'Yrian'? He couldn't remember , but-! I glanced at the white haired man, eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. Though I didn't say anything. We didn't have any time! "Sola isn't too far away, but we cannot go on foot." I said, holding Imogen's wallet securely in my hands. "I have a feeling , too, that they might be in Sola with the rebels. We must make haste!" I said urgently , looking over at the rest of the men. "How are we to get there-?" I murmured, looking around. We had no time to lose whatsoever. Right now we have to get to Imogen to see if shes alright-!


I nearly shuddered with pleasure once I saw the princess shake and heard her stammers. But most of all, I loved how she tried her best to sound brave, even though I knew how she was afraid to death~. Seeing her execute my orders, too, was certainly delicious. It made me get impatient and hard , that was for sure~. When the princess got on her hands and knees, bare, I nearly groaned out in my pleasure already. This was such bliss~! I couldn't wait to do more with her! I kneeled down in front of the woman, smirking. "You're such an obedient little whor*, aren't you?~ Just know that if you ever so much as even think of disobeying me, I will give you your sisters remains for your breakfast tomorrow." ((That was so gruesome I apologize-)) I whispered. She would do anything then, just to save that sister of hers. Unbeknownst to Imogen, her sister would die in the end anyway, along with Ramsey~. Maybe I'll let Imogen watch me kill them, too. Wouldn't that be delicious?~ To see that despair on her face...~ I took out my knife and hummed, gazing at the top of the woman's bare breasts. "You're such a slu*t." I smirked, "slu*tty little Princess." I pinned her down to the ground all of a sudden , her on her back, then began to carve letters out on the top of her breasts with my knife. I did so slowly, but the wounds weren't too deep. Yet. "Scream~." I cooed as I continued to carve. In the end , the words 'Aden's slu*tty Princess' were carved out on her in blood. How wonderful~! "Now you'll never forget who you belong to~ Get back on your hands and knees, right now." I ordered, watching her as she did so. The blood from her chest began to drip down. How sexy~! I suddenly stood in front of the princess and shoved the bulge in my pants against her face. "Take it out and suck it. Suck it like the little whor* you are~!"

2015/06/12 11:49:51 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Okay! Um I won't cut off Lila's finger though-- unless you want that?? If you don't want Lila to guess correctly but you don't want her to have one less finger, just let me know! I have a way around it~ Also... do you want to play out the guys right now? I feel like they're just worried about them and I mean of course they're going to look for them, but maybe we can drop their part and bring them in again when they're in Sola? Or we can timeskip already? You choose! I'm fine with writing for them now, too, if you want!))

"You really think they're in Sola?" Sinbad asked in a whisper. He was frightened; there was no need to deny it. If they girls were in Sola, then there was no doubt that they were in grave danger. The rebels hated them! With no proper right, but they hated them nonetheless. Didn't they want to kill them? With luck, Sinbad and the others would be able to get to them before they were executed... he prayed that that didn't happen. No, ofcourseSinbad didn't want Lila (or her sister) to be in pain, but he desperately prayed for her to be alive. If she was sitting in a dark cell in pain, at least she was alive. Please.Please stay alive until I come and get you--!Sinbad thought desperately. He'd come as quickly as possible, so hopefully she wouldn't have to wait long, but... "We have to go now," the man spoke firmly, "Any moment wasted leaves them in greater danger." ((Do they have cars? I'm assuming not--))


"Your sister?" Ramsey sighed, "My, my, you're a demanding one. Ah.. she's alright... as long as you behave nicely. Do we have a deal~? So do as I say, unless you want to be the reason for your sister's demise." Ah, that would be fun, too! Would he manage to somehow force Lila into directly killing her own sister? ...Probably not, though that wasn't too much of a shame. Ramsey was already having so much fun! He sighed a little when Lila called him those vulgar names-- 'rapist' and 'rat'. "Tsk, you're not even trying, are you?" he scolded her lightly and then grabbed her wrists, painfully twisting them a little before pinning the woman down beneath him, game already forgotten. "Though if you see me as that, perhaps I should just play along with your wishes, hm~? You'd like that, slu*t, wouldn't you? Beg me," he demanded, "Beg me to rape you. You know the consequences for disobedience, don't you...~?" Satisfied, he pried her legs open-- as she'd been squeezing them closed-- and then pulled down his pants. Still pinning her wrists above her head, Ramsey pushed in- roughly- with a loud groan. What a feeling! "My name is Ramsey," he breathed against her ear, "Scream it." Even with her struggling (that made things so much more fun~!) Ramsey began to roughly thrust in and out of Lila, enjoying every moment. He made sure to be rough enough to leave her bruised, maybe even bleeding. "Ah... I'll f*ck you 'til you bear a little me-- you'd like that, wouldn't you, you whor*?" A child would certainly made Ramsey's claim to the throne stronger, too!


((Eh, sorry that this is short; I couldn't finish this for this reason and now I'm tired--))

Imogen was about to cry when Aden threatened her with those awful words. She hated that he brought Lila into this...! If only she were still safe, Imogen would feel so much better. Ah, in a way, Lila was the one who gave Imogen strength right now-- the strength to bear all this pain. Still, it would be so much easier and better to resist Aden, even if that meant dying. Still, she'd never do that if it meant losing her sister...! Especially in such a gruesome way. Imogen cried out as she was pushed on her back and then felt the cold knife pierce her skin. She breathed in and out heavily and struggled fruitlessly, but she could do nothing against him. Even if she physically could, Imogen couldn't- not if it meant losing Lila. The words themselves made her feel even worse; tears filled her eyes and spilled down onto her cheeks. Still, what could she do but obey him? Slowly, Imogen got back on her hands and knees, trying to calm down her crying, even if only a little. The redhead cursed, hating herself for having to do this. She closed her eyes for a brief moment and mentally begged Frederick for forgiveness; this, too, felt as though she were cheating on him, though she very well knew it wasn't her fault. With a shaking hand, Imogen reached out and undid his pants. Thankfully, she couldn't see him very well through all her tears, so that was of some comfort at least. Hating herself, she leaned in and took his member in her mouth.

2015/06/13 1:15:47 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Okay! Um I won't cut off Lila's finger though-- unless you want that?? If you don't want Lila to guess correctly but you don't want her to have one less finger, just let me know! I have a way around it~ Also... do you want to play out the guys right now? I feel like they're just worried about them and I mean of course they're going to look for them, but maybe we can drop their part and bring them in again when they're in Sola? Or we can timeskip already? You choose! I'm fine with writing for them now, too, if you want!))

"You really think they're in Sola?" Sinbad asked in a whisper. He was frightened; there was no need to deny it. If they girls were in Sola, then there was no doubt that they were in grave danger. The rebels hated them! With no proper right, but they hated them nonetheless. Didn't they want to kill them? With luck, Sinbad and the others would be able to get to them before they were executed... he prayed that that didn't happen. No, ofcourseSinbad didn't want Lila (or her sister) to be in pain, but he desperately prayed for her to be alive. If she was sitting in a dark cell in pain, at least she was alive. Please.Please stay alive until I come and get you--!Sinbad thought desperately. He'd come as quickly as possible, so hopefully she wouldn't have to wait long, but... "We have to go now," the man spoke firmly, "Any moment wasted leaves them in greater danger."

((I'm sorry that this one is short! I don't know what transportation they're using so I just stopped there, and I'm tired, so...))


"Your sister?" Ramsey sighed, "My, my, you're a demanding one. Ah.. she's alright... as long as you behave nicely. Do we have a deal~? So do as I say, unless you want to be the reason for your sister's demise." Ah, that would be fun, too! Would he manage to somehow force Lila into directly killing her own sister? ...Probably not, though that wasn't too much of a shame. Ramsey was already having so much fun! He sighed a little when Lila called him those vulgar names-- 'rapist' and 'rat'. "Tsk, you're not even trying, are you?" he scolded her lightly and then grabbed her wrists, painfully twisting them a little before pinning the woman down beneath him, game already forgotten. "Though if you see me as that, perhaps I should just play along with your wishes, hm~? You'd like that, slu*t, wouldn't you? Beg me," he demanded, "Beg me to rape you. You know the consequences for disobedience, don't you...~?" Satisfied, he pried her legs open-- as she'd been squeezing them closed-- and then pulled down his pants. Still pinning her wrists above her head, Ramsey pushed in- roughly- with a loud groan. What a feeling! "My name is Ramsey," he breathed against her ear, "Scream it." Even with her struggling (that made things so much more fun~!) Ramsey began to roughly thrust in and out of Lila, enjoying every moment. He made sure to be rough enough to leave her bruised, maybe even bleeding. "Ah... I'll f*ck you 'til you bear a little me-- you'd like that, wouldn't you, you whor*?" A child would certainly made Ramsey's claim to the throne stronger, too!


Imogen was about to cry when Aden threatened her with those awful words. She hated that he brought Lila into this...! If only she were still safe, Imogen would feel so much better. Ah, in a way, Lila was the one who gave Imogen strength right now-- the strength to bear all this pain. Still, it would be so much easier and better to resist Aden, even if that meant dying. Still, she'd never do that if it meant losing her sister...! Especially in such a gruesome way. Imogen cried out as she was pushed on her back and then felt the cold knife pierce her skin. She breathed in and out heavily and struggled fruitlessly, but she could do nothing against him. Even if she physically could, Imogen couldn't- not if it meant losing Lila. The words themselves made her feel even worse; tears filled her eyes and spilled down onto her cheeks. Still, what could she do but obey him? Slowly, Imogen got back on her hands and knees, trying to calm down her crying, even if only a little. The redhead cursed, hating herself for having to do this. She closed her eyes for a brief moment and mentally begged Frederick for forgiveness; this, too, felt as though she were cheating on him, though she very well knew it wasn't her fault. With a shaking hand, Imogen reached out and undid his pants. Thankfully, she couldn't see him very well through all her tears, so that was of some comfort at least. Hating herself, she leaned in and took his member in her mouth.

2015/06/13 1:17:02 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Oh yes, it's best if she keeps all her fingers xD annnnd that's a good idea! Let's just leave the crushes out for now c: I didn't add Frederick into this post but of you want me to, just tell me and I'll add it in, okay?))


My entire face paled when the man said that I had to be obedient , otherwise my sister would be ... Hurt, o-or worse-! What's worse... Was the fact that this man seemed very manipulative. Whose to say that he would keep his word, even if I was obedient-? E-Either way, my sister would be hurt-! A-And.. And she had always been there for me! I couldn't let her get hurt! When he scolded me and suddenly pinned me down, my eyes widened. "N-No-!" I stammered through tears, my voice coming out weak. I tried to struggle free, to get out from this disgusting position. Images of Sinbad came to mind, his smile and everything ... H-How would he feel to know what was h-happening ? I felt like I-I was cheating on him-! ((Are we going to have the guys come before the girls are TOO hurt? Because they'll need to be strong enough to save the guys afterwards right? :0)) My eyes widened once he told me to beg him to rape me. "P-Please, n-not th-that-!" I begged, tears rolling down my cheeks at this point. "Pl-please! N-No, no d-dont -!" If I was disobedient, h-he'd kill my sister-! B-But... Sobbing, and also hating myself immensely, I let out something that was supposed to be 'rape me', but it was so muffled and full of sobs that (hopefully) it wasn't heard. I struggled desperately as the man pulled his pants down , but it was too late. He already shoved himself inside of me, and it hurt-! I-It h-hurt so much, I could feel blood-! "St-Stop-!" And I cried, unable to do anything else. I-I hated this. I felt so disgusting and I couldn't even do anything about it-! My s-sister was in danger-! As the man continued to have his way with me, I slowly stopped struggling and just allowed myself to cry. The only comfort I found was when I began to mutter to myself: "I-Imo-ogen... S-S-Sinb-bad..."


Imogen was crying~. To me, the sight was absolutely beautiful~. I wanted nothing more than to f*ck her hard~. Surely a slu*t like her would enjoy it! With a wide smirk, I watched as the woman got back on her hands and knees. How obedient she was! All she needed was a few empty threats~. In the end, she'd be broken either way~! As Imogen shakily pulled my pants down, I licked my lips. "Good girl...~" I purred huskily. What a sight it was, to see the queen of Sola on her hands and knees ready to please me! I was already extremely hard and ready for her warm mouth~. "What a slu*tty princess you are~. You look perfect on my co*ck like that. I'll make you into my cum slave~." I groaned as she took me into her mouth. It felt unbelievable! "Rougher, now." I ordered through groans. I grabbed her hair and began to yank at it roughly. At the same time, I bucked my hips forward and shoved myself fully into her mouth and down her throat. "Touch yourself as you suck me." I said, repeatedly shoving my co*ck in and out of her mouth. With a loud groan, I threw my head back and tugged at her hair again, speaking afterwards: "D-Damn..~ you sure know how to suck co*ck, you little slu*t! When I cum, I'm going to do so allll over that gorgeous body of yours. You'll have to lick every last drop, and if it falls on the floor, you'll stay on your hands and knees and lick it off the floor like that." I would deliberately get some on the floor now~. So after defiling her mouth roughly, I felt myself about to cum. I yanked myself out of her mouth and grabbed her hands , forcing her to hold my co*ck aimed towards her body as I came. I groaned loudly, pleasure overcoming me. Damn! This woman was wonderful~. She'd be my sex slave AND my key to becoming king~! I moved her hands down a bit so that some of my come went on the floor as planned. Once I was done, I panted. "Lick it all up. Each drop that's still there when your done will earn you a punishment."

2015/06/14 8:57:06 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Okay, that's all good! How about we have the guys find them in like one or two or three replies? Since they're on their way to Sola now. And the girls are mainly being sexual abused right now so I think that'll allow them to rescue the guys later on (they don't have too many wounds).))

In all honesty, Ramsey wasn't too pleased with Lila's begging. He heard her words come out in a sob, yes, so she did something, but he would've much preferred if she had been earnestly begging for him~ Still, at this point Ramsey was so hard and impatient that he simply couldn't hold himself back any further. He'd have his fun teasing and torturing her some more later, but he really couldn't stop himself at this moment. He had to admit, though, that he loved to watch her struggle like this. Seeing the princess pinned down beneath him, trying to break free but unable to do so only spurred Ramsey on and on. Her tears and cries of pain were melodious; he wanted to see and hear them forevermore. "Struggle, whor*," he taunted through groans as he kept going rougher and rougher in her, "Cry. It only makes this so much more delicious~" ((Do the guys know about Sin and Frederick?)) Much to his dismay, though, she began to calm down, muttering names continuously under her breath. He caught one: Imogen. Ah... She was breaking. Not quite there yet, but she was on her way. Ramsey finished with a loud groan inside of her and then puller out. As he tried to catch his breath, he did his pants once again, "Ah... Damn, that c*nt of yours is really something. You don't mind if I use it more often, do you, slu*t~?" He watched her for a moment and then suddenly covered her mouth tightly, stopping all her noises. "Do you hear that?" he whispered. Though it was distant, now that he pointed it out he was sure Lila would hear, "Hear those cries? That's your precious sister. And that's your fault. Any disobedience, no matter how small, makes a difference~" That wasn't entirely the truth, but it would mean so much if Lila believed that~ "Now, you called me a rapist... What was that other thing you called me?" Ramsey mused, pretending to think. He released his hand from her mouth, "Oh yes! 'Rat', wasn't it? I'm sure there's one here somewhere...~ Don't go anywhere, love~!" Not that she could, even if she had the strength. Everything would be locked, and Ramsey would be back really quickly. He left the room for a moment and came back with a large and rather hungry looking rat. It lived here in the dungeons; how convenient! With that, he played the animal on Lila's chest, enjoying her reaction, "Say hello~ you're going to get real close with him soon~"

((Actually-- it would be great if we didn't do the rat thing, since the torture I know generally kills the victim. So let's not do that~ so don't worry about that, this won't actually be anything big!))


((I'll finish the reply on my laptop!))

2015/06/15 10:09:30 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Imogen wasn't at all denying that she was crying. She was doing so openly, in fact-- or rather, she would've, if she could properly cry with a dick in her mouth. She hated herself for all of this. What would Frederick think? She prayed that he wouldn't hold her in a different light from now on. She doubted that he would, but in all this despair she really wasn't sure what to think anymore. Imogen didn't really do much, though. She couldn't force herself to properly pleasure this man, not when she hated him so. ...Besides, it seemed that he was taking matters into his own hands, too. As he grabbed her roughly by the hair and began to roughly thrust in and out of her mouth, even though Imogen tried to struggle, she could do nothing. She choked as he forced himself down her throat; hot tears spilled down her cheeks as this continued. Her heart fell when she heard him speak, demanding her to touch herself. With guilt weighing on her, she hesitantly led her hand down between her legs. Still... would this horrible man really know what she did? She had to retain at least a bit of her pride, and frankly, it seemed that he was far too engrossed in his own pleasure to see for sure. She just prayed that he wouldn't find out, and if he did... she prayed the punishment wouldn't go to Lila--! She hated the things he told her, but what else could she do but listen to him? By the time Aden pulled out of her, Imogen's entire mouth and throat was raw and sore from all the rough activities. She didn't even struggle when he brought her hands up, but she didn't purposely do anything, either. She was far too tired already. The feeling of his cum over her was absolutely disgusting. Still... Slowly, hating herself with every passing second, Imogen leaned down to lick the substance off of herself; the parts she couldn't reach she scooped up with her hands. His defilement on her tongue was even worse than on her body, but... Imogen clenched her fists and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment, almost as if readying herself for something extremely unpleasant, and then leaned down to the floor and licked up the cum from there.

2015/06/15 11:21:10 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((They don't have to know of the guys >u< but maybe when they come the kidnappers could understand that the guys are our lovers and they get pissed--))


I couldn't even do anything anymore. Struggling only pleased this horrible man, and I didn't want to give him that satisfaction-! I-I could only hope that Sinbad finds it in his heart to forgive me...! Although Ramsey told me to cry and I wanted to disobey him, I couldn't stop tears from rolling down my cheeks. ((I'm going to have so much fun killing him omg)) I hated this man. I hated him, I hated him-! He hurt me and defiled me-! I-It hurt so m-much-! But I couldn't get away or even struggle. The man eventually finished with me, filling me up with his cum to the point that I felt as of Id puke. It w-was so d-disgusting-! I prayed that I wouldn't become pregnant with his child-! I wouldn't be able to bear that-! I tried to ignore his horrid words. Suddenly, he covered my mouth, and I heard... I-I heard Imogen-! My eyes widened with horror, my entire body stiffening and my face paling. N-No! No, n-no! N-not my s-sister-! "Y-You said sh-she was a-alright!" I shrieked, once again sobbing. "You m-monster! S-Stop hurting m-my sister!!" I was on the edge of hysteria to be honest, but I couldn't help it. "I-Imogen-!" I wanted her to call back to me, so that I could just hear her voice. W-Was she alive-? S-She was... I-I heard her cries-! But what was sh-she going through?! "B-Bastard! Bastard!" I couldn't stop myself. Even if I was hurt and defiled, I-it was better than having my sister hurt-! She had always b-been there for me throughout everything a-and now...! I suddenly silenced once I heard the man speak about being called a rat. My eyes widened in horror as he left. N-No... I attempted to get up when he was gone, but I couldn't manage it. And on top of that, the doors were probably locked-! Before too long, the man came back in with a huge rat, one that brought shudders of horror down my spine. When he placed the horrid animal on my chest, my eyes widened and I felt so sick that I was surprised I didn't throw up. "G-Get it off!!" oh God, this was a world full of horrors and nightmares-! O-Oh how I wished Sinbad were h-here to s-save me. W-Was that too selfish-?


I smirked widely, still panting slightly as the princess executed my orders. How perfect~! I loved every second of what she did~. She even got down and kicked the cum from the floor. She really would do anything if her sister was involved~. So I could do whatever I want! I wondered if she was broken yet~. Hm... No matter, I still loved playing with her! And we hasn't even gotten to the good part yet~! I smirked widely and kneeled down in front of the woman after fixing my pants. "Such a good slu*t you are~ I wonder if you've ever done something like this before... ? What a whor*." I hummed, licking her ear love slightly, "But you're my whor*~." I purred in a soft whisper. I loved playing with this woman. Such a dirty princess she was! "Hm... what should I do with you now?" I mused, tilting my head to my side as I pondered it over. There were so many options... And I couldn't decide on just one! So , I stood up and kicked the woman in the stomach, making her fall onto her back. "Tell me how much you loved the taste of my cum. And beg for more. Now!" I ordered, gazing down at the woman with a wide smirk. She would do anything for me~. So I didn't have to hold anything back! I went over to her and suddenly straddled her, my legs on either side of her and my clothed member against her bare womanhood. "Are you still a virgin?" I questioned, suddenly taking my knife and pushing the handle inside of her roughly. ((Dude I really forgot if she's a virgin--!)) I shoved in deeply, smirking. "Depending on your answer, you'll either get my co*ck inside of you or the blade of this knife~. So you'd best answer carefully." Either way would be fun for me~. But maybe I'd just end up doing both, because I can~. As I waited for her answer, I took a second knife and began carving intricate designs onto her soft flesh. Mm... So delicious~. I licked up the blood slowly afterwards. "Or... Hm, would you rather me steal the virginity of that sexy ass of yours? Maybe... Maybe I can do both~!" Use a knife in one hole and my dick in the other. How pleasant that would be~!

2015/06/18 12:51:38 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Okay! Should work fine~ And sorry if this is short; I'm gonna sleep now -u- Also I think I'll have Imogen be a virgin? It wasn't said anywhere specifically so yeah. PlusitmightbefuntoseeFrederick'sreactiontothatlateron-- Also! Should the guys come in soon?))

Ramsey watched Lila's reaction happily-- too happily, in fact. His expression was almost that of lust, as though he was really just enjoying watching Lila struggle and cry like this. Hah, breaking her was so much easier than he thought! Well, at least when he used her sister as a threat. He wondered... was she broken yet? Judging by all her crying, he'd say so, but... ah, she wouldn't be calling him 'bastard', would she? "Tsk, that's no way to speak to me," Ramsey spoke in a cool voice. "What else begins on 'R', hm? How about... re-educate?" He leaned down closer to her and, in one swift movement, painfully slapped her across the face, "From now on, you're going to call me "my lord". Got it, bitch?" He watched Lila as she struggled with the rat, as it came closer to her face and even as it began to nibble on her skin (though not enough to break it). Her cries were so delicious~ And while Ramsey did have something else in mind for this... well, maybe this was the right time to show Lila just how kind and loving he was~! "Ask nicely," he said as he listened to her begging to get the rat off. His voice was scary, though, and still as sad*stic as before, "Tsk, address me by mypropertitle, hm?" After all, making her believe that she was of lower value than he was the key point in breaking Lila. Not to mention, Ramsey did greatly enjoy getting called that 'my lord' by her~ "Now... what else begins on 'r'~?" he mused. With no proper answer from Lila and his growing impatience, Ramsey chose the word on his own, "Red.Let me show you what a beautiful colour it is~" With that, Ramsey brought his knife to her thighs and cut long, (and relatively) deep horizontal cuts into the skin. As she bled, he touched her, letting his hands travel from her thighs to all over her body, covering her entirely in red (despite the fact that those cuts were only on her thighs). Ramsey cut her in some more places, painting her body in blood. He especially let his hands linger and fondle her breasts~


Imogen cried out when the man kicked her, making her fall backwards onto her back. His demands were awful; Imogen didn't want to say those things, not at all! And yet... if she didn't what would he do? How far would he take this out on her? On her sister? She couldn't do that... Besides, wasn't saying this aloud really just breaking her pride and nothing else? Still, Imogen felt as though she were betraying Frederick and herself... Sobbing, Imogen spoke (though it wasn't entirely clear like this), "I... I loved it... m-more...please..." she hated herself for that, but wasn't it better like this? Imogen gasped out as Aden suddenly came closer and straddled her. She tried to struggle still, but she hadn't been able to break free before, much less now when she had so much less energy. The woman cried out again when she felt something-- the handle of a knife, apparently-- thrust into her. The feeling was so foreign and rough; she couldn't help but yelp out in pain and discomfort. Still, that was all nothing compared to what this evil man was threatening her with. The feeling of another knife cutting into her skin was fire; she couldn't handle it. But between her cries, the woman still managed to sob out, "N-no, d-don't! Pl-please, please d-don't!" She found herself unable to say anything but that, sobbing and begging him not to. Whichever way... both were special; both were supposed to be saved for someone special... for Frederick! To have that stolen by... by this evil man was worse than anything else she'd already gone through.

2015/06/19 1:59:01 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Omg Imogen ;-; and yes we could have time guys come soon! You could maybe just write for Zimbabwe ((<--- autocorrected "sinbad" omg xD instead of Ramsey ? And in my post after that I'll just follow only with which ever format you decide on ^^ is that fine?))


I squirmed and attempted desperately to break free, to get away from this nightmare of madness and pain. I couldn't though. I wasn't strong enough, especially in this state of mine, to do anything. All I could do is cry and sob and beg for the man to stop. When he suddenly slapped me across the face, even more tears welled up in my eyes; the stinging pain of the slap hurt immensely-! When he told me what to refer to him as in order to get him to stop, I didn't even hold back. I was ashamed and absolutely disgusted with myself, but there was nothing else I could do-! A-And my sisters life was on the line as well-! "P-Please m-m-my lord...!" ((SEBASTIAN)) I begged through tears and sobs. I hated myself for giving into the horrid man so easily, but the pain was too immense-! I shuddered fearfully as he began to think of another r word. I-I hated this man, I hated him so much-! I-I was so afraid and I wanted to g-get away from him-! But there was no way to get out of this nightmare. When he suggested the word 'red' my tear filled eyes widened in horror. I knew what he was going to do even before he did it-! I felt a sharp pain in my thighs as he pushed his knife into them, creating long and deep cuts. I immediately began to scream and cry out in pain, still begging for the pain to stop. The man went as far as to even putting my own blood all across my body, staining me in that red color that I suddenly hated with a burning passion. The scent of blood was overwhelming, so much so that I felt as if I would faint. Pain coursed through my veins, filling me with agony that I could barely comprehend. "ST-STOP-!" I shrieked, unable to hold it back any longer.


I paused when I saw the princess begging me not to rape her. "Hm? Oh darling, are you saving your precious virginity for someone?" I asked, putting on a fake concerned expression. "I had no idea dear." I sighed, "I guess that means... That I'll have to rape you extra hard~. Let whoever the hell you wanted to give your purity to know that you're mine. Though... What makes you say that you're even going to see him again, hm? ... Ah, perhaps just for you, I'll invite him over so that he can experience a bit of fun too. Wouldn't it be delightful for your loved one to watch you be raped?~ And then... I'll torture him, right in front of your eyes! Or, hm, I'll be nice to you. You wanted his co*ck right? I'll cut it off and f*ck you with it, how does that sound?" I smiled pleasantly, though it was a rather terrifying smile to be honest. I was pissed that she had some guy who she was waiting for. The way she begged for me to spare her virginity told me that much. I'd kill him, too. "What makes you say that he even cares for you? You're just a slu*tty little whor* anyway!" With that, I angrily smacked her across the face again, kneed her in the stomach, yanked the handle of the knife out of her, and finally took out my dick and shoved it roughly inside of her. So roughly that I could feel her bleed~. Oh how delightful! "You're nothing more that trash, and my f*ck slave. Got it, you little bitch? You have no other purpose in life than to serve me, your master! Understand?!" I grunted as I pulled out of her and slammed into her again.

2015/06/19 3:42:11 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Omg Zimbabwe XD Ahahaha that's one of the best autocorrects I've seen omg--. And sure, I'll have the guys come in! Hope it's all fine~))

They were here. Sola's palace. Sinbad could feel his heart beat wildly in his chest; he prayed that Lila was in here. He... He was scared at what they'd find in the palace, but she should be here anyway, right? As long as she was alright... Without wasting another moment, Sinbad threw open the doors of the palace. "Lila?" he called out, but there was no response. Honestly, the palace was in ruins. Since the rebellion ((civil war basically, right?)), everything seemed to have fallen apart, really. The palace was pretty much empty, and the streets were in complete disarray. Things were not going well for Sola since the beginning of this...! Sinbad was about to call out to Lila again, but Judal shushed him. "Do you hear that?" he whispered, listening. Sinbad paused and his eyes grew wide as he realised that he could hear Lila, that he could hear her screams. His blood ran cold as he realised this, but he didn't waste any more time. Sinbad ran towards the source of Lila's screams, jumping down flights of stairs into the basem*nt where the cells were held. It didn't take long for him to find her from that moment on; her cries of pain and "stop" broke Sinbad's heart. The door was locked though. Sinbad bashed himself against it, wanting to force it down, but it was no use; the door was too sturdy for that. It didn't work, either when he tried to kick it down. Judal, who had run after Sinbad, at once joined in to trying to knock the door down, and the force of the two of them proved to be enough. ((yay teamwork)). When Sinbad saw Lila, pushed on the ground and bleeding-- gods, every surface of her skin was covered in blood-- his heart broke for the thousandth time. But now he also felt anger, an unsatiable desire to destroy the man who had done this to his beloved. He punched the man, and Ramsey fell to the ground, away from Lila, with a loud groan. "Lila!" Sinbad and Judal called out. The purple haired man at once kneeled down besides her, eyes tearing up at her state, "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry... Are you okay my love? You'll be alright now, I promise." he repeated. Ramsey had other ideas, though. He'd gone to such trouble to bring Lila here, and she was pretty much bending at his will already. He wouldn't let her get away this easily, not when he was so close to his goal! And... This purple haired man... Was he Lila's lover? Anger burner in Ramsey; he wouldn't allow this! He picked up a knife and charged at Sinbad, wanting to kill him, but the purple haired man realised this quickly and stood up, blocking Ramsey before he could get to Lila. "Judal," Sinbad ordered as he fought with Ramsey, "Get Lila out of here. Now!" The black haired male nodded furiously and, in a swift movement, picked up Lila into his arms, bridal style. He wanted to stay with Sinbad and help him fight, but right now, Lila was far more important.


For a moment, Imogen dared to hope that Aden would listen to her, that he'd take pity on her and spare her the shame and pain or defilement. Almost. Though his voice was kind, in a way, sickly sweet and sad*stic, his words were anything but kind. "D-don't--!" she sobbed out again, despite knowing that her words were falling on deaf ears. In fact, did this spur him on more? Imogen didn't know, but even if it did, she couldn't just lay here obediently and let him do this! When the man spoke about her lover- about Frederick- Imogen felt more panic fill her up. The woman could barely form coherent words by now, so she basically just cried and struggled and cried. Aden's smile was terribly frightening, though his words scared Imogen even more. No... She prayed that Frederick wouldn't be pulled into all of this! To make him watch, and then to watch him as he'd be tortured... Not to mention the next horrible threat... Something like that would be too horrible, not only for Frederick but for her as well. Aden's words hurt Imogen infinitely. N-No, Frederick would surely come and save her! Yet at the same time, she didn't want him to come, to be pulled into this he'll because of her. She cried out in pain between her sobs when Aden suddenly paused inside of her. Though she couldn't tell for sure, the pain was so immense that she sure when was bleeding inside, too. He was so rough with her and pushed in so roughly... Just feeling him inside of her made Imogen feel horribly dirty. She... She hated this! The redhead was saving herself for Frederick, not for this horrid man or anyone else! It felt absolutely horrible to have been invaded like that, to have something so special stolen away from her. She.. She hoped that Frederick would forgive her!

((I was going to have Sin come into Lila's cell and be like "you know what else begins on r? Rescue" but lol that's too childish XD))

2015/06/20 1:28:55 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Omg really? XD that sounds so cute~! SINBAD IS ADORKABLE YAY~ and psh I have the best autocorrects xD I'm sorry if this one is shorter! I'm still sleepy x3))


Had I really done something wrong to deserve this-? Such pain and agony, both physically and mentally. Covered in my own blood; it was a blood bath, literally! I couldn't smell anything except for that awful scent... Blood. There was so much of it. If only.. I-If only I could see Sinbad, at least one last time- o-or here his sweet voice. I loved him, so very much...! And ... I was afraid that I wouldn't actually be able to make it out of here; not in this state. I just couldn't... Tears welled up in my eyes for what seemed like the millionth time as the man continued to have his way with me. I tried to struggle, but at this point, I could barely do anything. I cried, hating to break out into tears yet again in front of this man, but... I-I just couldn't handle it anymore. As soon as I thought those words, I suddenly heard a voice. A voice so sad and so angry, but so familiar and such a pleasure to hear that I nearly started to sob. "S-Sin...?" I called out; my vision was blurry from my tears, but I knew for a fact that I had heard his voice-! Unless all this blood loss was making me hallucinate... N-No, I could see the outline of his body, and see the blurry mass of his purple hair-! At the sight, a pained smile spread across my lips. "S-Sinbad-!" I croaked, my eyes watering up again. The evil man was pushed aside , and Sinbad knelt down on the ground beside me. Just seeing him this way gave me a renewed sense of confidence and the will to go on-! "S-Sinbad, s-Sinbad.." I cried, sounding almost hysterical and so very relieved. "A-As long as you're here wi-with me, I-I'll be f-fine-!" Nothing else mattered. These painful wounds and the mental scars that I had been given would eventually heal; but the scars on my heart that would have formed had I never seen Sinbad again.. Those scars would have stayed forever. "I-I m-missed y-you... Sinbad.." I breathed. I wanted to get up to go to him, but I saw that evil man charge at him before I could even attempt to move. "S-Sinbad!" I yelled, my voice raw from crying. I was suddenly picked up - Judal was here too? - and taken away. The horror of what was happening hit me like a punch to the face. "S-S-Sinbad! SINBAD!" I screamed out for him, "W-We can't leave him there! J-Judal, J-Judal please-! Th-That m-man will h-hurt h-him-!!"


Screams. I could hear them in the distance of the Solaian (( ._.?)) Palace. So faint from here, but they were definitely there. And I knew for a fact whom they belonged to. I knew that voice... So very well. The screams seemed to echo throughout the empty and destroyed palace. It was as if we stepped foot into a nightmare... Except that this was reality, not just some dream. My heart caught in my throat as I heard my beloved's cries. Whomsoever was hurting my sweet would pay dearly-! I ran ahead, Sharrkan following quickly behind. With each passing second, my stomach churned, afraid of what I'd find. But at least... A-At least Imogen was still alive-! I had been so worried that I would get here only to find her limp body... We followed the sounds of the screams, only to end up in a dark an dank dungeon. The smell of blood and despair filled me with a sense of pure dread, but I ran ahead anyway , stopping only when I was in the cell that held Imogen. I stood there, staring at the scene before me in utter horror. My face pale, my heart shattered; I lost all sense of myself. That man... Whoever he was , he was stealing Imogen's purity. The sight was so sickening to me, and what I did next , I couldn't stop myself from doing. I shoved the man off of my love before he had the chance to spill his seed, and then gave him a hook to the jaw before rushing over to Imogen. "Imogen..." my teeth were clenched, my hands balled into fists. "...I... I am so sorry my love... Please forgive me. So sorry..! Nothing shall harm you from now on ..." My voice was shaky with pain and anger. Imogen had been through so much-! My love... "Sharrkan! Take her somewhere safe, now!" I ordered, placing a chaste kiss on my broken lovers lips. "I will never let you get hurt again.." I whispered, my voice sounding broken and on the verge of tears. But I was too angry to cry. I stood up, turning to face Aden when he came at me with a knife. "Imogen is MY slu*t, you hear, bastard?!" He roared, hating that his plans were failing now. I dodged him luckily, managing to knee the man in the stomach as I did so. Sharrkan , meanwhile, quickly picked Imogen up, feeling his own heart shatter when he saw the state of her up close. The pain she must have gone through-! Sharrkan wanted to stay and kill that man who had did this to her, but right now, she needed medical assistance-! So he quickly and as gently as possible took her out of that awful place. "Imogen, I'm so sorry this happened to you...!"

2015/06/20 4:20:45 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((It's something! :D And omg yeah your autocorrect XD Psh woman this isn't short at all-- Also... do you want to write the tortures for Sin or for Freddy? Should we just have two paragraphs again? So the guys and/or the bad guys and/or the girls?))

Sinbad's heart cried out when Lila saw him, when she called out his name. "You'll be alright, I swear!" He insisted again, though his voice shook a little, on the verge of tears. He wouldn't let himself break down now, though. No, he'd rescue Lila and they'd all be fine and they'd both be happy once again--! She sounded so broken, so in pain...! He wanted to hurt this man, to make him experience a pain a thousand times worse than that which he forced upon Lila. Sinbad leaned down by his beloved, brushing his lips against hers in a sweet yet chaste kiss-- protective, really, "I love you so much. I... I'm so sorry. You'll be fine, okay? I promise!" When Judal picked up Lila, Ramsey's face burned with anger. These two men were ruining his plans! And he was so close, too...! "Give that whor* back!" he called out, rather desperately, "She's mine! f*ck off!" Ramsey's words perhaps made things so much worse. Sinbad was burning with anger; he wouldn't let him get through with this! "Judal, get Lila out of here. Take her and run-!" he commanded, "I'll be right with you--!" Judal only hesitated for a moment. He didn't want to leave Sinbad here alone, and he also wanted to make this man pay for everything he did to Lila, but she needed immediate medical attention right now. Not a moment could be wasted! So Judal shamelessly ran from the room with Lila, needing to get away. He tried to be as gentle as possible as not to anger her wounds any further, but that seemed to be quite difficult. He just hoped she could hold on for now--! She struggled in his arms as he ran, though, which didn't make this any easier but he wouldn't chastise her for it now. "He'll be fine!" Judal reassured Lila, though he couldn't say so for certain. HehopedSinbad would be fine! The said man looked back at Judal as he left with Lila with a heavy heart, though he quickly had to redirect his attention to Ramsey. Ah... he wanted to be there with his beloved, to comfort her and tell her that everything would be alright! But right now, this was more important. Ramsey, who had hurt her to such an awful extent, was not going to get away with this! In his heroic act, though, Sinbad didn't realise that the door to the cell locked again. Ramsey, simply burning with anger, tackled Sinbad to the ground in a swift movement and knocked him out with a sharp instrument to the head.


Imogen cried, continuing to fruitlessly struggle against Aden's movements. I-It hurt so much! What more, all of this was simply disgusting! She didn't want any of this, and yet life gave it to her. Did her "sins" earn her this? Was being born as a cruel king's daughter punishable with this agony? She didn't know anymore... And then, before Imogen could even comprehend it, really, the man in her was suddenly gone. She was aware of his absence; something that felt simply wonderful compared to all that agony before. She breathed heavily, almost hyperventilating in this state along with her sobs. And then... She saw the most beautiful sight ever. Before her was Frederick, though he looked terribly upset as well. His words made Imogen sad, too, as though he were blaming himself for something that wasn't at all his fault. She wanted to tell him that, but she couldn't form proper words at the moment. besides, her utter joy from simply seeing him right now made everything else seem to insignificant. "F-Frederick," she breathed in a shaky voice, "Y-You came--! Oh F-Frederick, Frederick, Frederick--" she repeated over and over again, still sobbing. Yes, surely everything would be alright now! She didn't protest when Sharrkan picked her up (though in her relief and joy of seeing Frederick, she hadn't noticed he was here until just now), since she was clearly in no proper state to walk, much less run. This way, the three of them could leave this horrid place together, forever! So that's why her heart fell when Imogen realised that Frederick wasn't following after them. D-Did he mean to stay in this hellhole? "F-Frederick--!" she called out desperately, "R-Run! He's going to... y-you can't stay!" The woman was practically in hysterics now, trying to break free out of Sharrkan's grip as he brought her further and further away from the dreaded room. After everything that Aden had threatened her and her lover with (though he hadn't been there at that point), Imogen knew that it was not a good idea for him to stay there!

2015/06/20 12:32:23 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Yeah we could do that! What if we just do the guys and the bad guys in one big paragraph? Since not much will really happen with the girls until they're healed? ^^ I'll write in that format and we can do it for like one or two or three posts before the girls come back? ))


I heard Imogen out to me, in such pain and horror. But I couldn't let this man live on. He would be killed, and tortured just as he had tortured my love-! Moreover, if he lived on, whose to say that he would not come back? He had done a crime worthy of torture and death. The cell door was locked , but for now I cared not. I had a dastard to eliminate. With that in mind, I quickly leaned down in order to grab a bloody knife. However, in that split second, Aden got behind me and grazed my shoulder with a knife. I growled, quickly turning around and clamping a hand on my wound for a moment before moving forward and swinging my own knife forward. It only managed to graze Aden's cheek. "You bastard! You went and ruined everything! I'll kill you and then torture her to no end!" He roared, tackling me down onto he ground. He tried shoving his knife down into my chest. I grabbed his wrist at the last moment, the tip of the blade just touching my chest. I flipped us over and punched the man in the face, making his nose bleed and probably breaking it in the mean time. Aden screamed out in anger , taking his knife and managing to plunge it into my arm. I let out a sharp breath of air, gritting my teeth together. I kneed him in the stomach again, but he got a hold of the knife that was in my arm. He began to push it in deeper, looking crazed and his eyes full of fire. I kicked him once more, and he yanked the knife out of my arm before shoving it into my shoulder. At least... At least Sharrkan had taken Imogen to safety. Aden had the upper hand here, and in my pain, he got up and kicked me in the stomach, causing me to cough out blood. I ... Was so relieved that Imogen was safe though. I couldn't bear the thought of her getting hurt anymore.

((Sorry that it's short ;-; I got so distracted-!))

2015/06/20 3:01:36 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Okay! So I'm leaving out the girls for now (though I did want to know where they went, that's why asked! So we kind of know how and when they can come back o3o), and feel free to have them come back in when you like! And dude Frederick is so hot when he fights-- I mean he's hot all the time but *u* And psh this isn't short at all!))

Sinbad's vision swam; his ears were filled with the most awful ringing noise. The blow to his head was more than enough to catch him off balance, but Sinbad forced himself to stay like this, to attack-- or at least distract-- Ramsey for as long as possible. He couldn't allow him to get to Lila, not now! And while Sinbad really wanted to hurt and torture him, to make him feel the same pain that he inflicted upon Lila, Sinbad wasn't sure if he'd be able to do that right now. After the blow to his head, it was difficult to even stay up on his feet, much less fight like this. As much as he hated to admit it, Ramsey had the upper hand right now, so all Sinbad focused on at the moment was to give Judal and Lila a safe escape... His dazed state made it easy for Ramsey to plunge a knife into Sinbad's shoulder, and the man grunted, hissing as he did so. He grasped his angry wound, as though that would make it get better, and with another hit from the knife, Sinbad was lying on the floor. Though he tried desperately to fight Ramsey, he could not do much in this state, and blacked out with the next blow. ~Mini timeskip!~ When Sinbad came to after a while-- he didn't know how long it had been- he found himself shackled to a beam with his arms and legs so that he was forced to stand up. Even if his legs gave way and couldn't hold him up anymore, he'd be hanging up by his arms. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that (1). Sinbad still felt a little woozy, but he forced that discomfort to the side. He had to stay alert! No matter how painful it was... The man tried to pull at his bindings, but he couldn't get out of them. Ah... as long as Lila was alright, he could pull through this! He hoped that Judal took her to a safe place and that her wounds were being tended to--! "You're awake... Sinbad, was it?" Ramsey spoke, getting up in front of Sin. Lila called out his name over and over again; it was impossible for him not to know. The purple haired man spat, ignoring his statement, "You'll pay for what you did to Lila." Ramsey picked up a whip; the anger on his face was more than apparent, "The bitch ismine. I'll do whatever the hell I want to her." Slowly, he walked in front of Sinbad, allowing a mischievous sneer to play on his lips, "Though I understand why you like her so much. That slu*t's got such a nice, tight c*nt~ And those screams~! ...I'll be nice. You tell me where she is, and I'll let you f*ck her one last time before I kill you." "Like hell I'd tell you." Sinbad said cooly. Ramsey's expression hardened, "You'll be singing a different tune by the time I'm done with you..." He walked over so that he was behind Sinbad and snapped the whip on his bare back. Sinbad grit his teeth, but allowed no other sounds of pain to show. Again Ramsey whipped him, and by the seventh time Sinbad was starting to cry out in pain. He could feel the blood ooze down his back. Every hit only angered the previous wounds more. His throbbing shoulder definitely didn't make things better, either... "Where-" whip, "Is-", whip, "she-!"

(1) Um I don't know if I explained it well :P So it basically as if Sin were chained to a wall in a standing position, except that there's no wall (it's just an independent thing), so that Sin's back is also exposed, not just his front. I can find a picture if you want!

2015/06/21 1:12:22 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Okay! I hope this is all fine-! And omg my lovely Sinbad ;n; ))


Judal took care of me, and even attempted to give me words of comfort as the minutes turned into hours and Sinbad did not return. My heart, at this point, seemed completely shattered. ((You could change how long it's been -!)) Judal had cleaned a lot of the blood off of my skin, and managed to clean and bandage most of my wounds. When not covered head to toe in blood, my state looked somewhat better. There were no major wounds , such as broken bones, but the cuts along my thighs had been nasty. Everything stung now, but at least I was all patched up. Everything except for my heart, that is. I kept myself huddled, eyes wide and staring at nothing, waiting. And waiting. And waiting... Until I couldn't bear it anymore. "W-What i-if he's d-dead-?" I stammered, voice broken and eyes watery. "L-Life isn't worth l-living w-without h-him-!" And that's when I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up (a little difficultly) and bent down, picking up the knife that Judal had brought along with him. With watery eyes, I gazed at the black haired man before suddenly running off. There was pain, yes, but the thought of Sinbad being dead allowed me to ignore everything. Tears of worry and anger and pain ran down my cheeks as I ran; I nearly tripped several times, but I would stagger back up and continue making my way through the broken and ruined halls of Sola's palace. I could hear those cries of pain getting louder and louder as I ran... H-He was still alive, but the thought of what sort of torture he was going through-! I stopped in front of the door that held Sinbad, standing perfectly still. My eyes widened, face contorted in pure horror. And... something inside of my snapped. The sight of seeing Sinbad, covered in blood and crying out in pain... "Y-You.." my voice shook with both anger and sorrow, "N-No one... N-No one hurts S-Sinbad and lives to tell the t-tale!" I ran at the man, gripping the knife I held with two hands as I swung it directly into the arm that held the whip. At the same time, I shoved my knee up against his crotch, yanked the knife out of his arms, and shoved him down onto the floor so that I was holding him down with my knees. "B-Bastard! Bastard! Y-You h-hurt h-h-him!" And every time I thought about Sinbad in pain, I just wanted to torture this man even more. "H-How do you like it-?!" I lashed my knife out across his chest, leaving a huge long cut going across of it. Not enough to kill him yet. I smiled, wickedly, though my eyes were full of tears, "D-Do you know what else starts with 'R'? Revenge!" I shoved the knife clean through his shoulder, then his other, and I just continued to stab him in places that wouldn't kill him immediately.
((I feel better now :L ))


I lost the struggle. Aden ended up hitting a pressure point, causing me to go out cold. I didn't even have time to think, to hope that Imogen was out there safe. Sharrkan... Had better take care of her...! As long as she was safe.. However... I wanted to be by her side. I would probably end up.. dead in the end. The thought of being torn away from my lover was undeniably upsetting.. Moreover, I could only imagine how upset she would be. I lost, even after promising that I would be back for her. I broke that promise to my love, and it would haunt me until my last breath. When I eventually came to, I was chained and shackled to a table, shirtless, each of my limbs chained to one of the four corners of the table. Aden looked practically mad , hysterical with anger since he knew that Imogen would be long gone by now. "I'll f*cking break you!" he said angrily, though soon, a crazed smile spread across his lips. "Where is she?" he asked, to which he received no answer. Aden sliced a deep, vertical cut into my right arm. Not enough to kill me. But painful. I cringed, gritting my teeth together. "Where is she?" He demanded again, and , when I didn't answer he sliced my left arm similarly to the right. "Where the f*ck is she?!" Aden demanded, losing his patience. When I answered not, he grew hysterical, and began slicing dozens and dozens of cuts all across my chest. I continue to grit my teeth, trying to keep silent, but when he repeatedly cut at the cuts already in my chest, I couldn't help it. I let out a cry of pain, and continued to do so from then on. Was ... W-Was this what my beloved had gone through-? Probably worse-! I couldn't even imagine how she managed together through it. She was so strong-! Aden stopped all of a sudden, panting somewhat before tossing the knife aside. "Ready to talk yet?" Aden had lost his chance to become Sola's ruler-! He was beyond furious. When I didn't answer, the man brought out a full bottle of alcohol. ((Salt would have been better but I thought it'd be weird if Aden rubbed it all over Freddy xP)) Without warning, he smashed the bottle against my chest, covering it in alcohol and glass. I immediately let out a rather loud yell of pain. The feeling of all that alcohol going into my wounds was almost unbearable. But I'd rather die than put Imogen's life in danger again-! Meanwhile, a while ways away, Sharrkan sat beside Imogen, looking her over. Her wounds were bandaged and cleaned, and most of the blood was cleaned... But there were still bruises covering her body. Moreover, Imogen was waiting still... Sharrkan frowned deeply, sadly at the redhead. "....Are you feeling a bit better..?" He asked softly.

2015/06/21 4:16:39 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((Yup! It's perfect~ And ahaha torture Ramsey as much as you want~ Pfft rubbing Freddy with salt would be something omg XD Also, is Lila still naked or did they get some clothes?))

Sinbad cried out again and again as the whip met his back, giving him long and painful burns down his back. After a while he was almost sure that he had no more skin at all-- that's what it felt like-- which made the whipping all the more painful, as it was against something that should not be on the outside. Though he did his best to stay strong, it really was difficult after a while of nonstop torture. Still... Sinbad didn't as much as whisper Lila's whereabouts. He'd protect her until his dying breath... Though he still wished that today would not be that day. After a while, Sinbad couldn't hold himself up anymore; his knees buckled under the extreme pain and fatigue in his body, but thanks to the way he was tied up, he hung from his arms. It didn't help much, since that strained his arms, but his legs were no use now... And then he suddenly heard Lila's voice. At once the man turned his head to look at her and his eyes widened. W-was she really here? Or was this just a hallucination to ease his passing into the next world? Ramsey looked over at Lila as well, and in that split instant, most of his interest in Sinbad disappeared. After all, he only cared about the princess! "Oh? Look at that, she came back for you," Ramsey said in a crazed, almost lustful voice, "Isn't that just precious? Now, princess, come give yourself up nice and easy and I'll let your lover go." Lies. But she didn't need to know that. "Get out of here!" Sinbad cried out to Lila desperately, "Judal, get her out! Take her back!" The black haired man couldn't do anything, though-- Lila's resolve was too strong. Though he agreed full heartedly with Sinbad that she should be somewhere safe, he couldn't do anything. Besides, before he could act, Lila ran to Ramsey and began to fight. He groaned as she plunged a knife into his flesh and kneed him in the crotch. Though he tried to fight back, the whip was as good as useless in this short distance. Ramsey continued to cry out in pain as she stabbed him again and again, until even his screams faded away and died down to silent sobbing ((dunno if you wanted to kill him yet or not--)). Sinbad and Judal watched this in amazement; she was so strong! It was obvious now that Ramsey lost this. Judal snapped out of his awe quickly and searched the room for keys (they were on a nail on the wall). He took them and then unlocked Sinbad's chains, "Are you alright?" he asked. Sinbad nodded, but he practically collapsed onto the ground; that torture had drained all his energy. "Lila, I..." Sinbad began, feeling tears well up in his eyes once again, "I'm so sorry... I should've never allowed this to happen, my love..." maybe it was the fatigue, maybe not. But Sinbad was beginning to ramble and blubber. But that too was okay. Judal would make sure they all got back home safely. Home... It was nice to think of it like that.


Imogen felt infinitely guilty. Because of her.. Because of her, Frederick was now in the clutch of that awful man! Well, he promised that he'd be alright and that he'd come, but... It's simply been too long since then! He couldn't simply be alright. Who knew what Aden was doing to him? What awful horrors was he forcing Frederick through? Sharrkan did his best to calm her down, and he did a pretty good job, considering too how he tended to her wounds. Since they were in the palace, he just took her to her old room (she led him there) and even though the entire place was abandoned, some of her possessions were still there. As they waited for Frederick, Sharrkan bandaged her wounds with the cloth of an old dress, and she then hastily dressed into some riding pants and shirt. After what seemed like forever and Frederick still wasn't back yet, Imogen got up. "I can't stand this anymore!" she exclaimed, though her voice was still rather weak, in all reality, "He must be going through such awful things!" Despite everything that Sharrkan said though, the redhead could see that he was also worried and in the end he couldn't stop Imogen from going back downstairs into the dungeons. Her heart raved, falling into despair as she heard screams-- a voice all too familiar. Gods! What was Frederick going through? It didn't take too long to find his cell, and when she saw him there, her heart stopped. To see Frederick like this, chained up and bleeding was absolutely awful. She wasn't entirely sure what took over her, but she simply couldn't take it anymore. Frederick was so precious to her, and to see him reduced to such an awful and painful state was horrible! She at once barged into the room holding one of the knives, positively in tears (though they really were tears of anger rather than anything else). "L-Let him go at once!" she demanded. Without waiting for anything more, she ran in and charged at Aden, pinning him down onto the ground. "Bastard!" she cried out, "Filth! Scum!" she was really quite a blubbering mess right now, only managing to call out such awful names. Well, Imogen was quite sure that everyone knew why she was so upset, in all honesty. Over and over again, she stabbed Aden, not caring so much about how much pain he was going through. She just wanted him dead.

2015/06/22 2:02:08 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

((Oh! Yeah clothes xD I'll just say that Judal also took Lila to her old room, if that's alright? Sorry for copying your idea ^^'))


"Y-You die too e-easily-!" I yelled, face full of tears. "Y-You b-bastard, stay alive s-so I can torture you some m-more!" I continued to stab him until he finally silenced. Though even after, I just continued to stab at him, sort of getting out all of my anger on the man's now limp body. "A-And I hope th-that Sebastian th-the demons of h-hell torture you as well-!" I shoved my knife down into his chest, leaving it there before sitting quietly for a moment and attempting to catch my breath. Blood covered my hands and was splattered across my face and hair; my slightly dusty dress was dripping the blood of that horrid man. I slowly stood up, turning back to see that Sinbad was collapsed on the floor, bloody and hurt. His purples hair was matted with blood; he was so soaked in blood that I nearly passed out. "S-S-Sinbad.." he had been through far worse torture than me, a-and it was all my fault-! A-And he... He w-was apologizing for it-? The sight of him broke my heart, and tears filled my eyes. I couldn't help but to sob once more and I ran towards Sinbad and got onto my knees by his side. "S-Sinb-bad, y-you.. Y-you'll be a-alright, I-I pr-promise-!" my words were broken, and I was practically shaking. "I-I'm so so-sorry, s-so s-so s-sorry-!" I got down and hugged him as gently as possible, wanting to feel his warm again. "J-Judal.. W-We.. We have to clean the b-blood o-off... There might be a m-medical kit I-in my r-room.." I tore half of the skirt of my dress off , using it to attempt to stop the blood that came from all of the wounds on Sinbad's back. "S-Sin... Sinbad.." I said softly, voice still full of sadness. ((DUDE. IM DOING A MINI TIME SKIP TO WHEN LILA AND SIN ARE BACK ST HOME AND SIN IS PATCHED UP I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND-!)) "I'll change your bandages for you," I told Sinbad , worriedly, getting onto the bed behind him. He was shirtless, and bandages covered almost all of his back. Luckily, the bleeding had stopped and now he was much better than before.. It's been ((a day, two ?)) since that horrid incident. And now we were back together... I gently removed his bandages, nearly breaking out in tears when I saw the cuts all over his back. "S-Sin.." I leaned forward and gently began to kiss down one of the largest cuts. "I-I love you, I-I'm so sorry.." I said repeatedly after each kiss.


Sharrkan was so taken by surprise when Imogen suddenly got up that his mind took a moment to comprehend what was going on. He rushed up as soon as he realized, however , and ran after the redhead. "I-Imogen , it's too dangerous-!" I called after her. She had already been defiled and hurt to no end-! She was quick though, and she had her mind set. Sharrkan knew, without a doubt , that he wouldn't be able to stop her. Nevertheless he would be by her side in case she would get hurt-! The pain that I was going through, back with Aden, was nearly unbearable. Had I not been chained to a table, I would have collapsed-! I only prayed to the gods that my beloved was alright... And, at that moment, Aden stopped everything that he was doing, a slow (crazed) smile forming on his lips. "My, my... Look who decided to play hero. How cute of you, dear~." Aden purred, causing my head to snap back in order to gaze at the door. Imogen... I-Imogen was here. My eyes widened. No-! If she were to get hurt, or worse, I .. I would never forgive myself-! Moreover, I had been able to bear all of this pain simply because I knew that Imogen was somewhere else, safe... Now.. Now she was back in the pits of hell. "I-Imogen, leave-!" I ordered, my voice coming out broken and full of despair. "Just g-go-!" I added, and when she didn't listen, I gave Sharrkan a look. The white haired man couldn't do anything though. And suddenly, Imogen flung herself into battle. "IMOGEN-!" I tried to break free of my chains, to no avail. Sharrkan rushed over to aid me, but we both froze and watched in utter awe as Imogen killed Aden. He was shrieking and crying and begging for forgiveness, but he was given none. My eyes were wide; and, for a split moment, I couldn't feel that pain anymore. I was too in awe... More over, there was something very alluring and exciting about seeing Imogen in such a state. Seeing her fighting for me, seeing her so... Angry. Of course, now wasn't the time for that, but... Once the battle was over, Sharrkan slowly turned back to aid me by unlocking my chains. I at once collapsed to the floor. "I-Imogen..." I breathed, my voice shaky. "You... Are you.. Alright, my love-? I'm so sorry ... For not being here sooner for you..."

2015/06/22 4:13:13 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

((No, it's all very good! I think that idea makes a lot of sense~ And yeah, the timeskip is perfectly fine! I think I'll have a similar one soon, too))

Sinbad shook his head. He barely had the energy to form words, and through all of this pain it was nearly impossible to do so anyway. He wanted to tell her that everything would be alright; that he was dine and so was she, but it was very difficult to say all of this in the state he was in. Feeling Lila embrace him, even though it hurt his wounds, made the purple haired man feel so much better. He was crying, too, but he was feeling so, so much better. Still, no matter how much he wanted to, Sinbad couldn't get up to leave. He was far too weak in this condition, and Judal and Lila eased him down onto the ground. When Lila spoke, asking quite desperately for him to bring the medical kit, Judal nodded and at once ran up to Lila's old room, searching for the kit. It was of utmost importance to help Sinbad right now! The things he'd gone through-! ~Timeskip~ A couple days passed and Sinbad was feeling significantly better. He couldn't say that he was in his top form yet (the cuts on his back still stung terribly!) but he was much better, and much happier. Thinking back to those awful times still frightened him... The thought that Lila could have been gone so easily terrified him. Just thinking about the horrible torture she had to go through sent hysteria through Sinbad. He promised himself that he'd never let her out of his sight any more-- not even if she were with her sister. And who could blame him? He closed his eyes and hummed softly when Lila began to kiss down his back at his scars. She was so gentle, it sent a flutter through his body somehow. "Please," he breathed, "Don't be sorry. Lila, my love... My queen..." Though he knew she didn't want to hear it now, Sinbad would've gone through all of that again. He'd go through anything if only he could keep her safe!


Imogen couldn't take it anymore. Aden deserved all of this; he deserved so much more than the pain she put him through. Really, the woman wished that he would suffer the worst tortures in hell! After hurting not only herself, but also Frederick to this extent, he really deserved so much more than what she gave him. Imogen panted, looking down at the now limp body below her. So much blood... Though it's not like she wasn't used to it by now. Besides, Frederick's blood concerned her a hundred times more than this man's. Once that sinful deed was done, Imogen at once rushed over to Frederick's side. He was collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily, and she took him into an embrace, pressing him cautiously against her chest. "Frederick..." she whispered, tears rolling down her cheeks, "Y-You're alright now, I-I promise!" Her heart shattered as she looked upon his broken form. All those cuts, all that blood... Not only was glass embedded in his skin now, but Imogen could also tell that he'd been covered with alcohol. A-And despite this all, Frederick was still worried abouther? Yes, she'd gone through awful things- she didn't deny that- but right now she only cared about her beloved. "Shh, darling, don't s-say that," she cried. He was all she ever wanted; it broke her heart to see him blame himself. ~Timeskip~ A couple of days had passed since that awful incident, and both Imogen and Frederick were feeling so much better already. Of course it still wasn't perfect, but their condition had improved a lot over these past couple of days. "Here, let me change your bandages," Imogen mused, sitting down besides Frederick as she began to unwind his treatments.

2015/06/24 1:31:55 PM EDT

All Boys University! - SmolAngstyWritings (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.