District Vision
Every PSJA student is prepared to participate, compete, and excel in a global society to foster multi-generational prosperity.
District Mission
As educational leaders, the PSJA team is engaged and empowered to connect all students with innovative instruction, outstanding facilities, technology, skills, and social-emotional support while prioritizing health and safety for all – from early childhood through their chosen career.
As one PSJA family, we build on our legacy of academic excellence, renowned college and career readiness, biliteracy and extracurricular programs, and our multicultural heritage to ensure every student has the experiences and resources necessary to achieve the highest levels of success.
Contact us
Brisa Gonzalez, Director
Phone: 956-354-2025
Fax: 956-354-3030
Address: 601 E. Kelly, Pharr, TX 78577
Department Purpose
The purpose of the Assessment Department is to provide campuses with guidance to ensure fair and equal testing opportunities for all students. The Assessment Department at PSJA ISD supports campuses and other departments across the districts by providing training on local assessments, state assessments, state accountability, and federal accountability.
Content App
STAAR EOC Out-of-School registration is for:
Examinees who have not passed a STAAR EOC assessment and are no longer enrolled in school but have otherwise completed the requirements for graduation; or
Former TAKS examinees, including TAAS and TEAMS examinees who have not met their testing requirements for graduation.
STAAR EOC Out-of-District registration is for:
Examinees who will be away from their home districts for a scheduled test administration to take STAAR at a participating district.
The link listed below contains more information and resources for Out-of-District (OOD) and Out-of-School(OOS) examinees posted on the TEA website.
STAAR EOC Out-of-School examinees must register to test at a participating campus by completing the online registration form during the registration period for each of the STAAR EOC administrations. A list of STAAR EOC Out-of-School test sites is available for each STAAR EOC administration.
STAAR OOS and OOD Examinee Registration Form - June EOC (texasassessment.gov)
STAAR Out-of-School and Out-of-District Test Site Directory (texasassessment.gov)
Assessment & Accountability
- STAAR Alt. 2
- Edgenuity
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness, or STAAR®, is the state testing program that was implemented in the 2011–2012 school year. The Texas Education Agency (TEA), in collaboration with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and Texas educators, developed the STAAR program in response to requirements set forth by the 80th and 81st Texas legislatures. STAAR is an assessment program designed to measure the extent to which students have learned and are able to apply the knowledge and skills defined in the state-mandated curriculum standards, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Every STAAR question is directly aligned to the TEKS currently implemented for the grade/subject or course being assessed. The STAAR program includes STAAR and STAAR Spanish. There are large print, braille, paper, and online versions of STAAR with and without designated supports.
Grades, Subjects and Courses Assessed
STAAR 3rd-8th Grade STAAR EOC (9th-12th Grade)
Assessments administered: Assessments administered:
- Grades 3rd-8th Mathematics - Algebra I
- Grades 3rd-8th Reading - English I
- Grades 4th and 7th Writing - English II
- Grades 5th and 8th Science - Biology
- Grade 8th Social Studies - US History
- Algebra I (Eligible testers)
Calendar of Assessments
2023-2024 Student Assessment Testing Calendar
STAAR Study Resources (Grades 3-8)
STAAR Study Resources (Grades 9-12)
Click Here For More Information On STAAR
STAAR (texasassessment.gov)
Assessment Resources for Students and Parents | Texas Education Agency
STAAR Alt. 2
About STAAR Alt. 2
TEA has developed the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) Alternate 2 assessment to meet the federal requirements mandated under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), a federal education law previously known as No Child Left Behind. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) designed the STAAR Alternate 2 to assess students in grades 3–8 and high school who have significant cognitive disabilities and are receiving special education services.
Texas definition of a student with a significant cognitive disability is a student who:
exhibits significant intellectual and adaptive behavior deficits in their ability to plan, comprehend, and reason, and ALSO indicates adaptive behavior deficits that limit their ability to apply social and practical skills such as personal care, social problem-solving skills, dressing, eating, using money, and other functional skills across life domains;
is NOT identified based on English learner designation or solely on the basis of previous low academic achievement or the need for accommodations; and
requires extensive, direct, individualized instruction, as well as a need for substantial supports that are neither temporary nor specific to a particular content area.
Grades, Subjects and Courses Assessed
STAAR Alternate 2 is administered to students in grades 3rd-12th who have significant cognitive disabilities and are receiving special education services.
Calendar of Assessments
2023-2024 Student Assessment Testing Calendar
STAAR Study Resources For Students
STAAR Alternate Parent Training Materials | Texas Education Agency
How to Help My Child Prepare (texasassessment.gov)
Click here for more information on STAAR Alt.
TEA designed the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) to assess the progress that limited English proficient (LEP) students, also referred to as English learners (ELs), make in learning the English language.
Grades, Subjects and Courses Assessed
Students in grades K-12 that have been identified as an EL are required to take TELPAS. This includes ELs whose parents have declined bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) program services.
Calendar of Assessments
2023-2024 Student Assessment Testing Calendar
TELPAS Study Resources for Students
About TELPAS Alt.
TEA has developed the TELPAS Alternate assessment to meet the federal requirements mandated under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which requires states to administer an alternate English language proficiency (ELP) assessment for students, English Learners (ELs), with the most significant cognitive disabilities who cannot participate in the general ELP assessment, even with allowable accommodations.
Texas definition of a student with a significant cognitive disability is a student who:
- exhibits significant intellectual and adaptive behavior deficits in their ability to plan, comprehend, and reason, and ALSO indicates adaptive behavior deficits that limit their ability to apply social and practical skills such as personal care, social problem-solving skills, dressing, eating, using money, and other functional skills across life domains;
- is NOT identified based on English learner designation or solely on the basis of previous low academic achievement or the need for accommodations; and
- requires extensive, direct, individualized instruction, as well as a need for substantial supports that are neither temporary nor specific to a particular content area.
Grades, Subjects and Courses Assessed
Students in grades K-12th that have been identified as an EL are required to take TELPAS. This includes ELs whose parents have declined bilingual or English as a Second Language (ESL) program services.
Calendar of Assessments
TELPAS Alt. Study Resources for Students
TELPAS Alt Parent Brochure_English
TELPAS Alt Folleto para Padres_Espanol
Click here for more information on TELPAS Alt.
TELPAS Alternate Resources | Texas Education Agency
TELPAS Alternate (texasassessment.gov)
About Edgenuity
PSJA ISD provides a credit recovery program offering self-paced and personalized instruction intended for students who have previously taken high school courses but have not yet shown mastery. Students can recover credits through Edgenuity and/or locally developed units of study. Credit recovery should not be used for initial instruction.
Grades, Subjects and Courses Assessed
All content subjects and high school grade levels.
Edgenuity Study Resources for Students
Imagine Edgenuity Credit Recovery | Imagine Learning
Click Here for More Information on Edgenuity
Edgenuity Information Brochure.PDF
About TSIA2
The Texas Success Initiative Assessment 2.0 (TSIA2) is a series of placement tests for students enrolling in public colleges and universities in Texas. The tests help Texas schools determine whether students are ready for college-level courses in the general areas of English language arts and reading (ELAR) and mathematics.
Grades, Subjects and Courses Assessed
-English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR)
Click here for more information on TSIA2
TSIA2 Student Brochure
ACCUPLACER Student Portal – The College Board
Free TSIA2 PAA and Practice Resources – ACCUPLACER | College Board
The TSIA (Texas Success Initiative Assessment) | Texas Education Agency
How can I check my child's STAAR test scores?
Files & Resources