Mount Vernon Argus from White Plains, New York (2024)

to to by in Group In- to to at tie ine the award. At awards of of with Eleanor Hoblin, Edward Meury To Be Married Miss Eleanor Brown Hoblin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Hoblin, 97 Chittenden Avenue, Crestwood, will be married Friday, June 26, to Edward W.

Meury, acting of Deerpark Reformed Church. Port Jervis. Mr. Meury is the son of Mrs. E.

G. W. Meury, 108 Franklin Avenue, and of the late Dr. Meury, The ceremony will be performed at the First Baptist Church at 8 P. M.

and the bride's father will give her in marriage. Miss Florence Hoblin will be her sister's maid of honor and Mrs. William J. Palmatier, Central Nyack, has chosen matron of honor. The Misses Edith Nagel of Yonkers and Ruth Nehring, Crestwood, will be bridesmaids.

Mr. Meury's brother, John Meury of Mt. Lebanen, will serve as his best man. future bridegroom will be ordained at the Deerpark Reformed Church today. Mrs.

Black Is Graduate Nurse At formal graduation exercises of Kings County Hospital School of Nursing, Brooklyn, held last night in the auditorium of the Nurses' Home, Mrs. Ralph Black, the former Catherine Real, daughter of ex-Alderman John M. Real and Mrs. Real, 61 North Street, was awarded first prize for general excellence in nursing. The presentation was made by Dr.

Walter A. Coakley, president of the Medical Board of the hospital. Mrs. Black completed her course last February, following which she has been studying public health nursing at Columbia University under a scholarship. She will soon be associated with the Henry Street Settlement.

Dr. Edward M. Bernecker, Commissioner of the Department of Hospitals of New York City, presented the diplomas. Mrs. Black attended Our Lady of Victory School in this city and Good Counsel College in White Plains.

BIRTHDAY LUNCHEON Mrs. Gustave Schmidt, 300 Gramatan Avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge yesterday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Harry Sauer's birthday. Mrs. Sauer is soloist at St.

Ursula's Church. Guests included Mrs. Robert Clark, Mrs. George Culyer, Mrs. Elmer Hargrave.

SOCIAL THE DAILY ARGUS, MOUNT VERNON, N. FRIDAY, JUNE 12, 1942 SOCIAL on a and girls girls boy's to MISS JEANNE DuBOIS, daughter of Lester DuBois, Pelham Manor Mayor, and Mrs. DuBois, is being married tomorrow evening to Ensign Robert Catharine, Jr. of Pelham Manor. Jeanne Dubois Will Be Bride Miss Jeanne A.

Dubois, daughter of Pelham Manor's Mayor and Mrs. Lester Dubois of 7. Bonmar Road, will be married tomorrow evening to Ensign Robert Catharine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caththe Witherbee Court Apartments, Wynnewood Road, Pelham Manor.

The ceremony will be performed at Christ Church, Pelham Manor at 8:30 o'clock, and will be followed by a reception at Pelham Country Club. Lincoln Board Holds Party A closing board meeting and party of the Lincoln School Parent-Teacher was held last night at the home of the retiring president, Mrs. Arthur A. Munro, 118 Chester Street. Three members of the board, who at They are Mrs.

Henry are leaving, the group were feted who is moving White Plains; Mrs. Ivar Moen, to Tuckahoe; and Mrs. Eric Erriesson, whose child will be at another school next term. The board presented Mrs. Munro with a gift, a white pottery rose Refreshments were served.

The rose bowl was the centerpiece, and it was filled with vari-colored roses flanked by rosecolored candles. Three Winners Of Degrees At Wellesley Candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree from Bronxville at the 64th commencement of Wellesley College Monday are the Misses Frances White Bates, Aristine Lou-. gee, and Elizabeth Martin Porter. President Mildred H. McAfee will award the diplomas, and Dr.

Hu Shih, Chinese Ambassador to the United States, will deliver the commencement address. The class of 1917, of which Mme. Chiang KaiShek is a member, is among the 16 classes planning June reunions. Miss Bates is the daughter of Colonel and Mrs. Charles F.

Bates of 33 Park Avenue and is a graduate of Bronxville High School. Her major subject is English literature. Miss Bates was president of her dormitory junior year and has been a member of Christian Association. For the past three years she has danced in Tree Day, Wellesley's traditional outdoor dance pageant. Miss Lougee, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Norman A. Lougee of 37 Homesdale Road, is also a graduate of Bronxville High Schol. She is a member of Tau Zeta Epsilon, a semi-social, semi-academic society devoted to the study of art and music, and of the Alliance Francaise, the French club. Miss Lougee has majored in French.

She served on the publicity committee of Junior Show, the annual revue put on by the Junior Class. Miss Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David B. Porter of 113 Cassilis Avenue, majored in French and served as editor of "La Gazette de Wellesley," undergraduate French publication.

She was named a Wellesley College scholar for high scholastic achievement. She belonged to, the Alliance Francaise, French club, during her senior year and was a member of the apprentice dance group her junior and senior years. Miss Porter graduated from Roosevelt High School in Yonkers. CHURCH PROGRAM The closing June program of the Church of St. John the Divine will be held tonight at 8:30 the guild hall.

A sketch and professional entertainment will be featured. WAR STAMP SALE terday afternoon, more than $44 worth were sold. Mrs. Dorothy McKelly and Mrs. Ernest Woeckener of the Parent-Teacher Association were in charge.

At the 15th weekly War Stamp sale at Robert Fulton School yes- NEWS of PELHAM ACTIVITIES Bond. Stamp Sales Reach $15.374 Mark -During the week ending Saturday, June 6, Pelham residents purchased war savings stamps and bonds totaling $15,374, John T. Snyder, chairman of the Pelham war savings staff, announced today. The sale of bonds total $13,200 and stamps $2,174. The sale of the securities in the victory booths in the town included: Women's Exchange $116.85 stamps, $1,450 bonds; Pelham Picture House, $81.40 railroad station, $295.15 stamps; high school, $284.70 stamps, $275 bonds; grade schools, $294.70 stamps, $25 bonds; Overseas Knitting Circle, $30 stamps, $1,200 bonds; St.

Catherine's School, $128.60 stamps, $450 bonds; Manor Club. $40.25 stamps, $125 bonds: and Pelham Post Office, $900.35 stamps. The bond sales during the week were First National Bank of Mount Vernon, Pelham branch, New Rochelle banks to Pelham residents, $600, and Pelham Post Office, $3,050. The bonds sold the booths and reported above were purchased by them from elther the Post Office or the Pelham branch of the First National Bank, and are included in the total sale of the two institutions. The booth at the railroad station during the week was operated by the League of Women Voters and will be in charge of the Red Cross motor corps next week, Mrs.

Snyder announced. The Girl Scouts are charge of the Pelham Picture House sales, leaders there this week Scout were Mrs. Peter Voorhes, Mrs. E. R.

Ulrich, Mrs. J. F. Hadel, Mrs. Leonard Knapp, Mrs.

Harold Bulkley, and Miss Dagmar Abkarian. Scouts at the booth were Cornelia Voorhes, Marilyn Knapp, Betsey Pease, Louise Rothe and Suzanne Noble. Defense Dates For The Pelhams TODAY 7:45 to 9:45 P. M. Nutrition, Manor Club, Miss Carla Ungar, structor.

8 P. aid, Manor Club, George Fairlamb, TOMORROW 3:30 A. M. 12:30 P. ing, Manor Club for Junior under the direction of Mrs.

Herbert Elliot. DAILY 10 M. to 5 P. sewing and knitting at Red Cross headquarters, Huguenot Memorial Church Annex. Workers needed.

9:30 A. M. 5 P. M. Cutting and sewing at Bundles for America headquarters, 107 Wolf's Lane, Pelham Heights.

Volunteers needed. I I I Current School Salary Range Made Permanent By Board PELHAM- The salary range for custodians and stenographers in the Pelham school system now in force was adopted last night by the Board of Education as the permanent salary schedule for new employes in those fields under the Civil Service plan which goes into effect July 1. Under the Fite Law all new custodians or stenographers hired by the school system after July 1, must be selected from a Civil Service list and given a stated salary approved by the board and by Albany, Superintendent of Schools Joseph C. Brown reported. Honor Late Trustee A resolution exprtssing deep regret of the board at the death early this week of School Trustee Stacy Wood was passed and a copy will be forwarded to Mrs.

Wood. Mr. Wood had been a member of the board since 1929 and was reelected Schools Stage Play Program PELHAM The Siwanoy and Colonial grade schools held their annual school play day programs this week on the respective school playfields. At both schools the costume parades were followed by relay races, dodge ball, kick ball and baseball. At Siwanoy School the Red team won the games program with 205 points, the Green and Purple teams tied with 140 points.

At Colonial School the Purple team was winner with 205 points, the Red team second with 185 points, the Green third with 125 points. Twenty-five cent defense stamps were awarded the costume winners Siwanoy School. The awards went to Linda Farrell and Roger Preble for the best girl and boy costumes, and Robert Handy, the funniest. Honorable mentions were made to Barbara Cusack. Betty Lynch, Joanne Lawrence, Nancy Foote, Jean Stark.

Virginia Gibney, Mary Katherine Lackey, Constance Matson, Martha Wadsworth, Elizabeth WinklerPrinz, Barbara Henriques, Jean Marion Hunter, Daily, Patricia Donahoe, Cynthia Pendleton and Mavis Wood. Colonial School there was a among five for the best costume, Joan Kniffen winning draw. Richard Cornell won the best costume The other tie were Sally Swift, Molly Plunkett, KatherShaw Ellen Bourguardez. The funniest costume award went Hugh Taylor Mary Hicks. Honorable mention awards went Joan Shober, Marilyn Patricia, Rice, Horne, Robert Jay Donohoe, Fribourg, Jack Brophy and Denny Grove.

a a a a Prairie State Men Will Be Entertained U. Prairie State will be guests Seventy, midshipmen from the at dinner followed by a dance at Pelham Country Club tomorrow. evening, it was announced today. The Pelham branch of the Westchester Navy League is entertaining for the men. The midshipmen will have dinner at the homes of Pelham residents and will go to the country club to dance.

Lois T. Goodnow Will Be Bride Miss Lois Thompson Goodnow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Franklin Goodnow, 1009 Esplanade, Pelham, and Norfolk, will be married Sunday to Lieutenant John Jay, U.S.A., Signal Corps, of Riverdale-on-Hudson, son of the late Mr. Land Mrs.

John Clarkson Jay. The ceremony will be performed in the Church of Christ, Norfolk, by the Rev. Addison Grant Noble, chaplain of Williams College, assisted by the Rev. James Potter. A reception, will the be country given at place of Huckle- the bride's parents in Norfolk.

Miss Jessie L. Beadles of Asheville, N. will be maid of honor and Mrs. John Stone Willim of New York and Norfolk, will be matron of honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss Harriet L.

Holmes of West Orange, N. and Miss Mary King of Mobile, Ala. Francis Boardman, will act as best man. The ushers include Thomas and David F. Goodnow, brothers of the prospective bride; George Geoffrey Young, Dr.

Edward Wheeler, Private Gustav Schwab, Lieutenant Frederick Osborne, and Sergeant Robert C. Boardman. Wedding Is Planned By Isaac Margolis Miss Rita Lantry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lantry of New Rochelle will be married Sunday at 4 P.

M. to Issac Margolis, son of Dr. Elias Margots, 16 Glen Avenue. Dr. Margolis, rabbi-emeritus of Congregation Emanu-El, will perform the ceremony at the Lantry home, and a wedding dinner will follow.

The bride will be unattended, and David Margolis will be his brother's best man. Jane Puffenberger To Marry Tomorrow Miss Jane Puffenberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Puffenberger, 30 Cooley Place, will be married tomorrow morning at Sacred Heart Church to John H.

Keelan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Keelan of Elkins Park, Pa. The Rev. John Kelly will officiate at an 11 A.

M. nuptial mass to be followed by a reception at Marion Young's. Maid of honor and only attendant Miss Florence Puffenberger, sister of the prospective bride. Raymond Keelan will act as best man for his brother and the ushers will be George Miller of Newburgh, N. and Richard Creighton of Upper Darby, Pa.

Personal Mention Andrew M. Gleason of Bronxville is part winner of the Russell Henry Chittenden Prize of $100 at Yale University. He shared the award with Arthur R. Tobey of Portland, Ore. Elwood George Weisenburn, son of Mr.

and Mrs. George Weisenburn of South Bethlehem, has received his Doctor of Medicine Degree from Albany Medical College. Dr. Weisenburn is a grandson of Hiram C. Van Deusen, 443 Union Avenue.

He will begin his duties with Highland Hospital, Rochester, July 1. Dr. and Mrs. E. B.

Sullivan and Miss Florence Sullivan, 325 North Columbus Avenue, are listed at The Shelburne in Atlantic City. Paul E. Jouard son of Dr. and Mrs. Paul E.

Jouard, 410 Gramatan Avenue, a student at the Wilbraham Academy, Wilbraham, has returned home for the Summer vacation. He has been active in the musical circles of the academy, giving frequent piano solos, and he has played the organ as well, on several occasions. He is also the pianist of the school orchestra. Mr. and Mrs.

Jean S. Bergman, 244 Landon Avenue, entertained at a dinner party at their home in honor of their first wedding anniday. versary The and Mrs. Bergman's birthguests included Mrs. F.

Neman of Spring Lake, N. grandmother of the hostess; Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin, Louis Tangredi, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Oberdorfer and their daughter, Lee, of New York; Mrs.

John Struyk and Miss Henriette Struyk of Prospect Park, N. William S. Drum, Sheepshead Bay; Mrs. Charles McGimsey and Mrs. Robert E.

Bergman of this city. Dr. and Mrs. Laszlo Reiner, 19 William Street, have returned from a vacation at Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City. Mrs.

Lawrence Tenney Stevens has left by plane for Cody, after spending two months visiting her mother, Mrs. John Lowry, 75 Claremont Avenue, and her sister, Mrs. Olliffe Thomas, 40 Rockridge Road. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs.

Stevens flew this week to Charleston, S. in the hope of seeing Mr. Stevens, but found, when they arrived, that he had already left, under government orders, for South Africa. Mr. Stevens, a noted sculptor, is with the Douglas Aircraft Company.

Board Elects New Members At Y.W.C.A. THREE BRONXVILLE GIRLS will receive Bachelor of Arts degrees at the 64th commencement exercises of Wellesley College. They are, left to right, the Misses and Elizabeth Martin Porter. Aristine Lougee, Frances White Bates, Mary Houghton Guest Of Honor Miss Mary Blanche Houghton, daughter of the Rev. Ernest J.

Houghton and Mrs. Houghton, 630 East Lincoln Avenue, was honored at a linen shower yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles W. Fairbank, 250 First Street, Pelham. Miss Houghton is the fiancee of John Anthony Reeves.

The gifts were presented in a cart under a yellow ruffled umbrella. The home was decorated with roses while a wreath of syringa blossoms and greens outlined the tea table which had a center bouquet of roses. More than 35 guests were present. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Laurice McMillen, Mrs.

David O. Vincent, and Mrs. Herman Spahn. Miss Houghton has been graduated from Edgewood Park Junior College, Briarcliff Manor, after completing a two-year course in kindergarten training. She was awarded a gold medal for achieving the highest scholastic rating and making the greatest progress in her course.

She was May Queen at the college this Spring, and was a member of the Practice Teachers' Club. 'Stay-At-Home' Picnic Planned The Community Church at the Circle will hold a "stay-at-home" picnic on the church lawn tomorrow from 2 to 7 P. M. Herbert Willgohs is chairman, assisted by Miss Georgiana Hovey, Walter T. Hamilton, Charles Kiel, and John Mills.

Contests, races, and prizes are planned, and ice and coffee will be served to the guests who are to bring their own suppers. Mr. Mills is program chairman with Mrs. Daniel Lewis, Robert Curtiss, and the Misses Doris Kroner and Josephine Emerson serving on his committee. Rita C.

Bellesheim Honored At Shower Miss Rita Catherine Bellesheim, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Bellesheim, 349 Bedford Avenue, was feted at a linen shower given last night by Mrs. James Melville New York and Mrs.

Frank Nilan of 26 Elm Lane, Bronxville, at the latter's home. Miss Bellesheim will be married Aug. 15 to Ludwig The gifts were arranged Tintrup of 342 Tec*mseh a pink and blue umbrella. Guests from this city included Mrs. Ludwig Timtrup, Mrs.

Joseph Bellesheim, Mrs. W. J. Disbrow, Mrs. Thomas Fitzsimmons, Mrs.

George McMenonny, Mrs. Fred Woolrich, Mrs. Jack Kiernan, Mrs. H. W.

Bellesheim, Mrs. Frank Tintrup, Mrs. H. Joseph Bellesheim, Miss Virginia McMenonny, Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs.

Raymond Wooldrich, Mrs. W. A. Disbrow, Miss Dorothea Bellesheim. From New York, the Misses Mary and Irene Flannagan, Mrs.

F. E. Nolan, Mrs. Brice Lee, Mrs. Thomas Nolan, Miss Marguerite Lussanne; from New Rochelle, Miss Eleanor Burke.

Hi-Debs Name Slate, Miss Knight President Hi-Debs, meeting yesterday at the Y. W. C. elAted the Misses Norma Knight, pr ident; Katharine Custer, vice-president; Eleanor Meyer, treasurer; Leola Andrew, recording secretary; Barbara Grigg, corresponding secretary; Marjorie Davis, publicity; Joan Allen, refreshment chairman; Doris Kroner, program chairman: Helen Tusco, girl reserve, and her alternate, Laverna Miller. Installation of officers will take place at a tea Thursday at 2:30 at the Marion Young Restaurant, 57 Prospect Avenue.

Mrs. F. Kenneth Alling will be hostess to the group at this meeting, the last for the season. Before yesterday's meeting, refreshments were served by the Misses Alice Schoen, Jane Donaldson, Katharine Custer and Joan Allen. THEATER PARTY Theta Mu Kappa Sorority will celebrate its eighth anniversary with a theater party Sunday afternoon.

seeing "My Sister Eileen." New Rochelle, and Charles J. Ar- Fairways Apartments, Pelham Manor, were each fined $2 for parking in a restricted area. Mrs. Herbert Kaufmann, 1056 Grant Avenue. Pelham Manor, was fined $3 for blocking the crosswalk at the New Haven Railroad station, and Philip Auriti, 4020 Duryea Avenue, Bronx, was also fined $3 for making a turn in front of fire headquarters.

At a final board meeting yesterday morning at the Y.W.C.A., Miss Lucy E. White, Mrs. Paul L. Bassett, and Mrs. Roswell J.

Osborn were elected members of the board. Mrs. Robert T. Hill presided. A budget for next year prepared for the Community Chest was presented by Mrs.

George Luth, treasurer. Miss Violet Van Note, executive secretary, reported greater advance registration for the day camp than any year before at this June date. Miss Alice Merrow is to be in charge of this camp for girls from seven to fourteen years of age meeting at the four mornings a week during July and the first half of August. A garden bridge annually held this month will be supplemented by smaller Friendship Badges, four of which have already been given. Mrs.

Hans R. Hansen of the Ways and Means Committee announced. The Summer activities program includes an out-of-doors event each Wednesday night during June, July and August. Following the meeting, luncheon was served with Mrs. Paul North Rice and Mrs.

Emil Wacker acting as hostesses. Garden Bridge Slated June 23 MISS ELINOR TRIPATO, 23 North: Bleeker Street, was awarded a Master of Arts Degree in education at the commencement exercises of New York University, having attained the second highest average in her class. Elinor Mary Tripato Is Master Of Arts Miss Elinor Mary Tripato, 23 North Bleeker Street, received her Master of Arts degree in education from New York University. She was graduated from the Mills Training School for with the distinction of Primus," havpreachers ing attained the second highest average in her class. She has matriculated for the degree of Doctor of Education.

Several chapters of Miss Tripato's master's thesis, "Authors at Six," have been accepted for publication by a professional magazine. Miss Tripato, who is a primary teacher at Wilson School, will be an instructor at Plattsburgh State Teachers' College in the Fall. She received her Bachelor of Science degree from New York University also. Patriotism Is Program Theme A patriotic program of music and readings was presented yesterday afternoon by the Book Discussion Group at Columbus School. Guest artists included Miss Madeline Blenus, concert pianist of this city; Miss Margaretta Irwin, poet-reader of New York; George Wadleigh Bagdasarian, tenor, also of New York.

Miss Anita Nichols introduced speakers and accompanied singer at the piano. the Member of the participating included Mrs. 'Helen F. Bradbury, who read an original poem; Miss Irene D. Morrison; Nathan Barrett, who spoke on Peter Zenger's part part in establishing freedom of the press.

The "Star Spangled Banner" was sung at the close of the program. Miss Eleanor Newman To Continue Studies Miss Eleanor Newman, 250 South Columbus Avenue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newman, who has been graduated from the Savage School of Physical Education after completing a three-year course, will continue studying at Columbia Teachers' College for her master's degree. Miss Newman was vice-president of Phi Sigma Tau Sorority at Savage.

She was a member of Carter Council, served on the staff of "Mercury," year book, and on the staff of the school newspaper, "The Jungle." She participated in hockey, basketball, cheer leading, was representative on the inter-sorority council and class representative. Boys' Club Alumni Sponsor Card Party The Alumni Group of the Mount Vernon Boys' Club held a bridge last night in the club gymnasium, 45 North Tenth Avenue, the group's initial affair. Philip Chioda was chairman. Winners of table prizes, War Stamps, included Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mrs.

Henry Mulick, Michael Corrado, Mrs. John Denisco, Mrs. Peter Cevalone, Michael Langella, Albert Di Benedictio, the Misses Carmela Savaidio, Etta Napolitano, Ann Leonard, Emily Howard, Lillian Impara, Ann Rucci, Rose Langella, Marion Moley, Anita Gerity, Ann Cardillo. FRATERNITY TO MEET Sigma Chapter of Omega Delta Fraternity will meet at 4 P. M.

this afternoon at the home of Elias Shutzman, 353 Warwick Avenue, to elect officers. Final plans for a dance at Pelham Country Club with Iota Phi Sorority next Friday night I will be made. JEROME J. ROSENBAUM, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Alex Rosenbaum, 4754 Richardson Avenue, Bronx, formerly of this city, was graduated from New York University, University Heights, with a Bachelor of Science Degree, having majored in chemistry. Mr. Rosenbaum is a graduate of A. B. Davis ROBERT C.

NORTON received his Bachelor of Laws Degree from the Brooklyn Law School of St. Lawrence University at the 40th annual commencement exercises. Dorothy Wilson To Be Married On the 30th wedding anniversary today, Mr. and Mrs. George L.

Wilson, 114 West Sidney Avenue, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dorothy Wilson, to John Reinken, son of Mrs. Ernestine Reinken, 4188 Barnes Avenue, Bronx. Miss Wilson, a graduate of A. B. Davis High School and the Mount Vernon Hospital School of Nursing, belongs to the Alumnae Association of the hospital and is now engaged in private nursing.

Mr. Reinken attended schools in the Bronx, is a past member of the DeMolay of this city, and is now associated with the American Bank Note Company, Bronx. No date has been set for the wedding. Peace Group Holds Afternoon Card Party Six tables were in piay yesterday afternoon at a dessert bridge party to benefit the American Friends Service Committee sponsored by the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom at the home of Mrs. E.

G. Wilson, 379 East Fifth Street. Winners of table prizes, note paper, included Mrs. Freeman Scales, Mrs. Leo Huber, Mrs.

Hugo Wabst, Mrs. Frank Bunker, Mrs. Emma Smallwood, Mrs. Leo Wurzel. MRS.

WILLIAM COHN is chairman of the annual June luncheon of the Mount Vernon Branch of Hadassah, to be held Monday at Vernon Hills Country Club, Tuckahoe, at 12:30 P. M. Officers will be installed at this time. Final arrangements for a garden party and dessert bridge Tuesday afternoon, June 23, were made at a special meeting yesterday afternoon of the Ladies' Guild of Sts. Peter and Paul Church in the rectory, 430 North Fulton Avenue, with Mrs.

William Garvin, president, presiding. The party will be held on the rectory grounds. Several surprise features are planned. Mrs. Garvin's assisting committee includes Mrs.

Leopold Ceva, Mrs. Charles Pfeiffer, Mrs. Grattan Drew, Mrs. Charles Messler, Mrs. Albert Milner, Mrs.

William Stevens, Mrs. Roland Schultz, Mrs. Harry Leggett, Mrs. Arthur Hammerlund, Mrs. Fred Lillywhite, Mrs.

Raymond Dooling, Mrs. Joseph Donavan, Mrs. Salvatore Cribari, Mrs. Thomas Yarmas, Mrs. George Scanlon.

Mrs. Garvin and Mrs. Stevens poured tea. The rector, the Rev. John V.

Delaney and his assistant, the Rev. John McNamara were present. Local Men Listed As Fordham Graduates Several men from this vicinity were among the graduates receiving degrees from Fordham University. They include Joseph A. Lombardi and Alan Caterson of this city; Robert W.

Schmitt and Robert J. Hardart of Pelham; Leonard F. Black, Jr. of Bronxville. Bachelor of Arts degrees were awarded to Mr.

Caterson, 56 Clinton Place; Mr. Hardart, 150 Montery Avenue; Mr. Black, 294 Bronxville Road. Mr. Lombardi, 2 North Eighth Avenue and Mr.

Schmitt, 17 Fifth Avenue, received bachelor of science degrees. for a. three-year term at the May election. War damage insurance at 50 percent the appraised insurance value of all the school buildings was authorized by the board. The appraised value is $1,887,000.

Appointment Approved The board approved the appointment of Miss Helen Andruss as kindergarten teacher in Hutchinson School starting with the Fall term for a year. Two teachers were appointed on tenure, having satisfactorily completed the three-year probationary period. They were Miss Barbara Sherman and Dennis Nealy, both members of the JuniorSenior High School faculties. Harold Harbison and Lorraine Sever were appointed to the last half of their probationary period starting July 1, while Miss Doris McNeil was appointed assistant librarian. Superintendent Brown reported the identification tags for the school children had arrived and were being distributed by members of the Parent-Teacher Association, directed by Mrs.

John F. Condon, Jr. The tags were purchased by the pupils at ten cents each. 'Bundles' Plans Benefit Party PELHAM A "Movie Party" to benefit the wool fund of the Pelham Branch, Bundles of America will be held at the Pelham House Monday and Tuesday, at the 7:15 and 9:15 performances, Mrs. F.

B. Shipley, branch chairman, announced today. The Pelham Picture House management will turn over 50 percent of the proceeds of the four shows to the unit. The picture to be shown will be "Mister starring Leslie Howard. Mrs.

E. E. Gundaker is general chairman of arrangements and is being aided by Mr. Cecil Lyon, Mrs. Edward Easton, Mrs.

C. S. Jones, Mrs. George Haut, Mrs. Robert Mezullo, and Mrs.

James Swafford. In the recent salvage clothing contest sponsored at Scarsdale by the Westchester units of Bundles for America, Mrs. Robert Rose won first prize for her brother and sister outfit in the little tots class. This entry, which won the Pelham showing late last month, has been entered in the New York City Bundles Contest, Mrs. Shipley reported.

Four Penalized In Traffic Court NORTH PELHAM- -Four persons were fined in the North Pelham Village Court last night by Justice of the Peace Lawrence F. Sherman for traffic violations during the past week. The levies amounted to $10. Dora Inselbach, 80 Lakeside Drive, Miss Theodora Tolley Wins Art Scholarship Miss Theodora Tolley of this city has been awarded a full time Summer scholarship to the Phoenix Art Institute, 350 Madison Avenue, New York, while honorable mention was awarded to Miss Nanette Fast and Edith Dicks in a recent competition. Miss Mona Kaiser was winner of a second place Fall scholarship with the Misses Hjordis Black, Elaine Hall, and Jean Forsberg receiving honorable mentions.

An exhibition of student work from commercial and advertising art, illustration, fashion, and fine arts classes will be on view at the institute tomorrow. Circle Lights Plan Installation Sunday New officers of the Circle Lights of the Community Church at the Circle will be installed at a final meeting of the season Sunday at 7:30 P. M. at the church. Theodore Bingham is president; Miss Barbara Evans, vice-president; Miss Jean Weller, secretary; Miss Hussey, treasurer; Miss Elizabethel Potter, social chairman.

Refreshments will be served. Victory P.T.A. Plans Benefit Supper Party Our Lady of Victory School Parent-Teacher Association's annual cold supper to benefit a communion breakfast for the graduates on Saturday morning, 20, at Marion Young's Restaurant, will be held Tuesday night at 7 P. M. in the school auditorium.

Mrs. John Templeton and Mrs. James Killeen are co-chairmen, assisted by all eighth grade mothers. Members are planning to send cookies to City Hall during Cookie Week, beginning Monday. An annual Fall card party is scheduled for Thursday evening, Oct.

1, in the school auditorium. Mrs. John Walsh and Mrs. Frank Kenlon are chairmen. title ANN SPERO ELECTED Miss Ann Spero was elected president of Alpha Omega Sorority last night at a meeting at the home of the Misses Marian and Dorothy Durkin, 56 Crary Avenue.

She succeeds Miss Theresa Palmiero. Plans were discussed for formal dance to be held on Thursday, July 2. Refreshments were served and dancing followed the meeting..

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