The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)

13 Saturday, April 5, 1975 THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER Data from NATIONAL WEAIHER SERVICE. NOAA. U.S. Dent of C.nmmprrr 'Cleveland' New Laugh Getter yj'H' bo .1 Figurai Show High Timparaturti Expected For Daytime Saturday Uolotid fit cipitolion Not Indicoled- Ceniult Lo fornia and Oregon with showers in part of Texas. Much of the rest of the country, should have fair weather.

SNOW FLURRIES are forecast today in the Northeast and in parts of Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Nevada 'and Utah. Rain will fall in parts of Cali stick with it. Overtime is Justified now. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec.

21): Move about, recruit help and give news of how your enterprises are can sell almost any item or idea. Be selective, think about the future of your successful efforts. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Listen carefully to everyone concerned.

You nothing by doing so. You're still free to disagree, and it be the end if you changed your mind today. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Acting on impulse may be excitement now, but.

you should reflect on the consequences beforehand. Don't overdo or leave out anyone who wants to stay In the circle. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Sum up during this weekend. Count your blessings; be thankful for this much progress.

Prepare to go ahead in a new direction next week with everything in good order. SATURDAY, APRIL 5 Your birthday today: Your progress now includes profound, inner spiritual development as well as healthy growth of your earning ability. Those of you who are thinking of new career ventures acquire a special knack for Judging when to start them this year. Relationships thrive with little disturbance. Today's natives prefer an orderly environment and everything In moderation, have a lively sense of musical rhythm.

Aries (March 21-April 19): Seek the simplest solution to current problems by cutting directly through inefficient procedures. If you take a short cut in travel, you miss what you need to find out. Taurus (April 20-May 20): It's a fine day for commerce, all sorts of financial moves and property changes. You have exceptional co-operation where you've earned it and where your reputation is already established. Local Forecast, Records Sunny, high in the low 50s.

Fair to- night, low in the upper 20s. Partly cloudy 7:00 am on Sunday, high, in the upper 50s. Air OOp.m Pollution Index 42, very good. Preclplta- tion probability 0 today and tonight. Highest Temp Cincinnati Weather Bureau record for Lowest Temp April 4, 1975: Precipitation Temp.

Preclp. r. .25 0.0 42 0.0 1975 1974 1973 N'l 46 68 43 59 25 55 37 40 .0.0 0 .69 .12 Sunrise 7:17 a.m., Sunset 8:05 p.m. River at 7:00 Tri-Slale Forecast IP! Ill III ftlf Hi Godfather," opened at the St. Regis Maisonette.

She requested that nobody smoke during the show, and of course the audience cooperated. (Who's gonna refuse the Godmother?) Loew's Hotel publicist Ann Bontempo will marry Len Scandur of the NY News. Totie Fields subbed for ailing Connie Stevens at Harrah's Reno IRS is closely checking the books of massage parlors and p*rno film theaters Backers of the B'way comedy "All Over Town" are about to get a 25 investment return Tony Martin and Cyd Charlsse return to the Empire Rm. April 15. Rich Newman says he's Muhammad All's biggest fan "next to Muhammad All, of course" Peter Bogdanovich wanted James Stewart and John Wayne to co-star in a film he'll direct; they declined A foreign sexpot actress is preparing a lawsuit against an Italian newspaper that claimed she set up housekeeping with three boyfriends at once.

I'D RATHER BE LIGHT TODAY'S BEST LATCH: Totie Fields says Jealously she can't stand beautiful women like Arlene Dahl: "She's so perfect she has a mole and even THAT'S in the right place." LIU I a4 TOKIGHT 6 r.M. UNIV. DAYTON ARENA 800 GEN. ADMISSION TICKETS IJ4.50I AVAILAE1 f- 3C iTt i 30s. Increasing cloudiness on Sunday, highs in upper 50s.

KENTUCKY Partly cloudy, highs In the 50s. Increasing cloudiness tonight, lows in mid 20s. Cloudy, chance of showers on Sunday, highs in upper 50s. OHIO Mostly sunny, highs in low 50s. Clear tonight, lows in the 20s.

Partly cloudy on Sunday, highs in upper 50s. INDIANA Mostly sunny, highs in mid 50s. Partly cloudy tonight, lows in low Temperatures In North American Cities NEW YORK Henry Fonda, who Is my favorite actor, was the guest of honor at a Television Academy noon meeting where the program Is the reverse of most meetings. The speeches are given first, followed by a buffet luncheon. Fonda discussed his acting career, leading up to his starring in his one-man "Clarence Darrow." He said, "When I was 20, just out of college, Mrs.

Marlon Brando Sr. pushed me into the theater. Marlon wasn't born yet. I did everything sweeping the theater, setting up the props, selling the tickets. Then I learned that you got paid for that in New York, so I left for New York." Fonda also said that his daughter Jane Fonda promoted an idea for a film about the American Revolution in which he and son Peter Fonda will also appear.

When he finished speaking, Fonda was left at the speaker's rostrum as seemingly the entire audience dashed for the door to the next room. "WHAT IS IT?" Fonda asked In surprise. "They didn't rush in to see me that fast. Where's everybody going?" Sonny Fox, the m.c, said, "to the buffet luncheon." Once upon a time, "Brooklyn" was a funny word, and a comedian could be sure of a laugh Just saying he was from Brooklyn. Now one of the funny words is Cleveland, according to Jack Weston, star of the Adele Holzer show, "The Ritz." Also funny to many people Is a garbage collector.

Jack Weston plays a garbage collector from Cleve land, on the lam from his brother-in-law who is also a garbage collector from Cleveland and that double Cleveland, double gar- bage collector combination makes the audiences howl. I'm not trying to be funny now but Jack Weston actually comes from Cleveland. THE MIDNIGHT EARL p*rnographic movies are on the way out, and sex clubs are losing members and going out of business. Gerald Damlano, producer of "Deep Throat." says he wishes that picture would die, and that he doesn't like it any more. They were discussing this at McMaster's and one of the Rockettes (who've made that a hangout) said, "What's the world coming to?" BROADWAY ACTORS are squawking about the possibility of Dean Haldeman and Ehrlichman playing in "All The President's Men" and will demand that the Screen Actors Guild Insist the roles go to trained actors (who need the work).

Singer Morgana King, who played Marlon Brando's wife in "The 'Albany Beef ALBANY, N.Y. Many years ago sturgeon was so plentiful in the Hudson River that steaks cut from the almost-boneless meat of the big fish were known as "Albany beef." Aii Fort Worth 66 40 Green Bey. Helena 24 17 Honolulu Houston 61 41 Indianapolis 44 23 Jacksonville 70 3t Kansas City 59 30 Little Rock 61 31 Los Angeles 62 41 Louisville 50 27 Marquette Memphis 61 35 Miami 73 57 Milwaukee 34 Mmneapolis-st. Paul 35 12 New Orleans 64 45 New York 37 30 Oklahoma City 68 32 Omaha 53 30 Philadelphia 31 32 Phoenix 12 .44 .34 WISH I'D SAID THAT: People are unpredictable. Some object to fan dancers; others object to the fans.

Herm Albright, Indianapolis. REMEMBERED QUOTE: "Always put your best foot forward. You never get a second chance to make a first impression." EARL'S PEARLS: Some shopkeepers are pretty shrewd, notes Bob Orben: "One man got stuck with a crate of cracked eggs. He advertised them as 'pre-broken' and charged extra for them." Phil Silvers' old "Sgt. Bilko" TV series will start reruns here, and Mickey Freeman who played one of the soldiers says, "It's like being called by my draft board again." That's earl, brother.

COMEDY Tonight, 7 10 mW JT Kt JIT few 1 4j rrq Temperatures In Foreign Cities nrrrrrrrrrx ii'iil Gemini (May 21-June 20): Start the Job early and in good humor, whether it's for yourself or an employer. Be willing to learn something new or go to unfamiliar places; bring along lots of company if you do. Cancer (June 21-July 22): Economy is today's motto; do your part to help achieve it. Make contact with those who are important in your field. Renew neglected connections; bring yourself up-to-date.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Pursuit of a specific, narrow goal Is not the thing to do. Greet everybody and build your public image among as large an audience as you can reach. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept.

22): Make note of new circ*mstances and correct past' discrepancies. Use your head, try to see life in a hopeful, expanding pattern and plan for your needs to be met. Libra (Sept. 23 Oct. Your surroundings intrigue you to the point where you forget all your problems.

You acquire new habits spontaneously that don't relate to the fundamental changes you're making. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Stop complaining about matters you cannot change; get busy with what you can. Do exactly what you you would and I I SO fey jf tiii- By GEORGE W.

CRANE Score one point for a correct solution of each prob-, lem. Score yourself as follows: 2, poor; 3, average; 4, superior; 5, very superior. 1- A "pit stop" suggests which one of these famous competitors? Aaron I'nscr Foreman Nicklaus 2- Whlch term is most typical of a rocking chair occupant? Proletarian Vegetarian Octogenarian Aryan 3- Which fictional charac-' ter went around the Moon before our astronauts? Mickey Biddy Polly Elsie 4- Whlch commercial name-suggests the seventh note of the diatonic musical scale? Lipton Heinz Nabisco Kellogg 5- Which food item comes from the largest creature? Venison Mutton Spareribs Chuck Roast ANSWERS 1. Unser (auto racer); 2. Octogenarian (80-year-old); 3.

Elsie (cow Jumped over the moon); 4. Lipton (tl-tea); 5. Chuck roast (cow). Friday's Highs, Lowt nd Precipitation: High Low Prec. Albany 30 2 .11 Albuquerque 73 35 Amarillo 75 34 Asheville 49 Atlanta 57 34 Birmingham 39 33 Bismrk 31 14 Boite 50 32 .11 Boston 36 33 Butlalo 24 20 .33 Charlotte 60 31 Chicago 34 23 Cleveland 34 24 Columbus 42 27 Dayton 43 26 Des Moines 40 21 34 22 Denver .57 29 Dukith 33 .29 Fairbanks 31 5 I Aberdeen, cloudy, P.M.

AcapuKo, clear, I M. Amsterdam, rain, 1 P.M. Athens, clear, 2 P.M. Auckland, clear, 12 P.M. Berlin, ram, 1 P.M.

Bogota, partly cloudy, 1 M. Buenos Aires, clear, I A M. Cairo, partly cloudy, 2 PM. Copenhagen, cloudy, 1PM. Dublin, partly cloudy, 12 P.M.

43 37 64 55 46 59 64 39 45 By Associated Press Today is Saturday, April 5, the 95th day of 1975. There are 270 days left In the year. Today's highlight in. history: In 1792, President George Washington exercised the first presidential veto, refusing to sign a bill dealing with representation. On this date-In 1621, the Mayflower sailed from Plymouth, on its first return trip to England.

In 1827, the English surgeon who founded modern antiseptic surgery, Sir Joseph Lister, was born in London. In 1869, the last surviving' soldier of the Revolutionary. Pool owners: on if CUU Geneva, cloudy, 1PM. 1 41 Hong Kong, rain, I A M. 70 Kingston, clear, 1PM.

14 Lisbon, cloudy, 12 M. 55 London, cloudy, 12 PM. 41 Madrid, partly cloudy, 1 P.M. 41 Mexico City, haie, 1 M. II Montivedeo, clear, 9 A.M.

63 Moscow, par lly cloudy, 3 P.M. 61 Nassau, clear, 1 PM. 14 New Delhi, partly cloudy, P.M. 100 War, Daniel Bakeman, died in Freedom, N.Y. His age was said to have been 109.

In 1939, all German children between ages of 10 and 13 were ordered to serve in the Hitler youth organization. In 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg of New York City were sentenced to death as atomic spies for the Soviet Union. In 1955, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill submitted his resignation to p.m. 37.8 feet falling. Pittsburgh 35 Portland, Maine 36 Portland, Oregon 50 Rapid City 51 54 St.

Louis 50 Salt Lake City 53 San Diego 64 San Francisco 52 Seattle 43 Spokane 45 Tampa 76 Traverse City 41 CANADIAN CITIES Edmonton 32 Montreal 34 Toronto 23 Winnipeg 34 T-Tace issing 22 32 34 25 33 23 39 54 47 33 24 21 35 It 27 It 10 .32 .14 .35 .05 .13 .40 .02 Paris, cloudy, 1P.M. Rio de Janeiro, cloudy, 9 AM. Rome, partly cloudy, 1P.M. Saigon, partly cloudy, I A.M. San Jaun, clear, 1 P.M.

Sofia, clear, 2 PM. Stockholm, partly cloudy, 1 P.M. Sydney, cloudy, 10 PM. Tel Aviv, clear, 2 M. Tokyo, clear, 2 PM.

Vienna, cloudy, 1PM. Warsaw, partly cloudy, 1 P.M. 3 64 41 II 43 34 72 54 54 Queen Elizabeth II. He was 81. Ten years ago: The autobahn linking Berlin with the West was closed for lour by Soviet and East' German authorities.

It was the first shutdown since the Berlin blockade 16 years earlier. Five years ago: In Guatemala, the body of the kidnaped West German ambassador was found after the government refused to release 22 political prisoners and pay $700,000 ransom for his safe return. One year ago: President Richard Nixon's former appointment secretary, Dwlght Chaplin, was found guilty In Federal District Court in Washington of lying to a Watergate grand Jury. Stock up on a full season's supply of HTH now and save. Use HTH for spring clean-up of winter water.

Use it to keep pool water sparkling and clean and beautiful all summer long. Use it to winterize your pool next fall. Get to know why HTH is America's No. water sanitizer all year 'round. Enter the 'Salute to Clean Water" Sweepstakes When you stop to buy HTH, enter the "Salute to Clean Water" Sweepstakes! (No purchase necessary).

You could win a fabulous prize or a glamorous vacation trip for two to Monte Carlo. Offer expires April 15, AT ARENA BOX OFFICE (9 A.M.-9 P.M.). CUSHIONED SEATS, STEREO SOUND. Take 1-75 to Miami Blvd. (Exit 51) Near Downtown Dayton.

CROSSWOIW-By Eugene Sheffer a i) i) VUU dry -L-VJ 'CHLORINE II III VSUWUl iy FAMILY DINNER Buy your season's supply of HTH Dry Chlorine now get cash refunds! DOWN 1 Big party (colloq.) 2 On the sheltered side 3 Sorrows 4 Masculine name 5 Supreme Court justice 6 Absent 7 Insects 8 Carbohydrate 9 Lurched 10 Operatic melody 11 Brazen 19 Upon 21 Caress 24 Beetle 25 Crud" metal 26 Bring under moral cons-straint 28 Exist 29 Fragrant 30 Indian 31 Treat hides 36 Young bird 37 Literary collection 38 City in New York 41 Pronoun 42 Cold wind 43 Emerald Isle 44 Flagmaker 46 Norse god 47 Sense organ 48 Killed '51 Expire time: 22 mio. ACROSS 1 Cry noisily 5 Cut hair 8 Sign of healing 12 Medicinal plant 13 Repent 14 Source, of poi 15 Perceives 16 Consumed 17 Seed covering 18 Actor Charlton 20 Bed cover 22 Finish 23 High card 24 Portal 27 Truffle 32 Sphere 33 Anger 34 Greek letter 35 Freed 38 Early garden 39 Author Fleming 40 Bird 42 Mendicant 45 Fruits 49 Verbal 50 Lyric poem 52 Heathen deity 53 Ceremony 54 Transgress 55 Ascend 56 Dill 57 Harden 58 Again Avg solution mas taMoM a gnquiGnBjER I NjSDpDgAL Answer to I fttk Hlfi melt ma Air yEjmupDDjELE nVlore nreal for your monsy. yesterday's puzzle. 5Vc! $2.00 CASH REFUND when you buy a 75 lb. drum of HTH tablets or granular $1.00 CASH REFUND when you buy a 35 lb.

pall of HTH tablets or granular Family Bucket (serves 5 ro 7) 15 pieces chicken 1 pint mashed potatoes 1 pint gravy 2 pints cole slaw 12 biscuits SQ50 Thrift Pak serves 3 to 4) 8 pieces chicken 1 pint mashed potatoes pint gravy 1 pint cole slaw 6 biscuits S3.00 CASH REFUND when you buy the economical 100 lb. drum ot HTH tablets or granular $2.00 CASH REFUND on 9 lb. HTH cases (6 to a case) and lb. HTH cases (9 to a casejtablets or granular VISIT THE mC 027 SanSsot Party Barrel serves 7 to 10) 20 pieces chicken 2 pints mashed potatoes 1 pint gravy 2 pints cole slaw 15 biscuits $0 Economy Pale serves 4 to 6) 12 pieces chicken 1 pint mashed potatoes pint gravy 1 pint cole slaw 9 biscuits tSOl Himiltcn tvanui 6 1474 Narth I' I Ms I6 I7 bH8 I9 I10 I11 I i- it -jgp- 24 25 26 27 28 29 JO 31 im1 5T srp Wyt rnirn mum ll, sT $Ti pse- GALBRAITH ROAD AT 1-75 PHONE 821-8422 THE FRIENDLY POOL PEOPLE $485 104 Riadiat Roi4 (Riadinc, Ohii) 711-3207 1711aito li. (Hyee arl) 131-7243 Ohla 741 Main St.

131-1741 FRIED CHICKEN it tastes better I31S Vine Strtat (Vim tl yalbnith) 121-1151 1541 l4chm(lt (vidua (Chirr; 8rii) 221-7141 (3 BUSTER CRADDE IS GIVING A REBATE CHECK UP TO $600 ON HIS IN-GROUND POOLS DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL RESERVE YOUR REBATE NOW! ALSO BIG DISCOUNTS ON ABOVE GROUND POOLS THIS MONTH. lend Road (Manfori Niithti) 181-4213 (2SttlftiiT lt. (Wtittra Nillt) 121-Ult CRYPTOQUIP clue A equals 4-s AUBC LAUWQUBJ'O SGWJ- WO SGWJK WB PYCKY Yekterdiy'f Cryptoquip NERVOUS VIXEN OFTEN VEXES i INMATES OF VIVARIUM. (North College Nill) 721-1404 4927 lUitfint Read (lond Hill) 242-1111 7.

The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.