The Garden Island from Lihue, Hawaii (2024)

THE GARDEN ISLAND, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 191: Motorcycle Agencies ENTHUSIASTIC 01 KAUAI SCENERY BmassMaangBBaGg I 1912 M0DEL 1 YotiVe Got Time 1 HENDEEilMTO Owr 8,000 1912 have bee sold already this year. Write for illustrated catalogue and prices. Yill lUllM illll Kauai nei, I a ing experictii a island last Fr SCTDRINGCQ d-Mass. E.0.HALL A (St NTS HANAPEPE GENT FOR THE FINE 1912 MODEL INDIAN MOTORCYCLE SPECIFICATIONS AND PRICES 4h. p.

1 Speed, $215.00 7 h. p. 2 Speeds, $325.00 I The history cf the Indian in alone sud'k'iont to otahlish its superior qmil-ity and position an the loading niotoroyclc, not only of Anieriea but ot the world. Automobile Rent Service nwa a tvsana swsrcro eacsam oawsoc cfcssJse ga3 wests C8faa a Waimea Stables LIMITED Up-to-date Livery, Draying and Boarding Stable a Auto-Livery Business. AUTOMOBILE BETWEEN LIHUE STAGE- and KEKAHA Leaving Lihue every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Leaving Kekaha every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ARRIVING AT THEIR DESTINATION IN THREE HOURS W. WEBER Manager. Telephone 4 Ws nmea P. O.

Box Has entered the rent service, and has provided himself with a big Five-Seater Buick Special attention paid to commercial travelers. Reasonable rates to all parts of the island. one Marine Intelligence HOTELS The MAJESTIC Cor. Fort Honolulu Rooms by the day, week or month single or in suite. REASONABLE RATES OPEN DAY and NIGHT Kauai trade solicited MRS.

A. BLAISDELL, Proprietor LlOHTIIOUSli EsTAHLISIIMKNT Office of Inspector, 19th. District, Honolulu, T. July 5, 1912. Local Notick To Marinkks.

i Hawaiian Islands Kauai Is- 1 a northeast shore Kahala Point Light, reported extinguish 4 1 4 eti, win nc reiigmect as soon as practicable. C. G. S. Chart 4102.

Light List, Pacific Coast, 1912, P. 92, No. 582. Buoy List, 19 District, 1911, I 14. By Order of the Commissioner of Lighthouses.

Leo Sahm, Lieutenant, U. S. A. Inspector, I9tli. Lighthouse Dist LIHUE CHURCHES During the Convention of the various churches of these islands, at Kauai nei, I look my first tramp-1 iences on this beautiful riday morning.

I left the Lihue church for Kuohami' mountains at 10 o'clock, about six miles from Lihue going into many I gulches and up many hills till 1 came to the lop of that beautiful I mountain. The situation of the different villages were seen with ladness of he; rt from eviry point of view. From there 1 I ramped over uianv different gulches that, lead over to Koloa, and it took me a tiresome walk irom turn place to Koloa. I arrived at Koloa at 7 o'clock in the evening, met with Mr. S.

Kaulili who escorted me his lovely home where I slept the rest of the night. The next morn ing at 4 ciock lett Koioa lor Lihue, climbing over a high mountain back of the grand peak Haupu. It took me six hours to cross lie tanious inns oi Kauai nei. From there 1 could see the rich lands of Kauai nei blooming with leaves of sugar cane. And il seemed to me mat tne iiarcien Island" is the right name for this beautiful island.

The island of Kauai is the best place for all mountain climbers to enjoy and I urge all the mountain climbers of Oaliu to come here and do something in tramping. Kauai is an inviting island and I can tell you that there is no place in the world so lovelv as Kauai nei. I am going to continue on my tramping trip to li cliltereni places and will not be able to go back to Honolulu until I discover the most noted places of this island. I will tramp over to liana lei, Kapaa, Kilauea, etc by next week and as yet I cannot tell you when and how long it takes me to walk around this island. Hanapepe gulch is the dandiest of gulches I have ever seen in my life and River was the next.

At the source of the Hana pepe gulch is the Olokele Canyon. The steep cliffs on both sides of tins beautilul gulch a about three hundred feet in height and the gulch loin the mountains to the ocean is about four miles in length. In conclusion I wisli to thank the Hons. Rices, Wilcox and other leading friends of this island for the kindness they have extended to the members of all the churches of this Territory who have come to Lihue nei to attend the convtn tion and to the stewards, cooks and friends who helped us in the hum department at the Lihue church. Above all, I wish to thank the editor of the Gak dun Island Press" who have vited me to write some good tidings of my first tramping experience on Kauai nei.

Yours with aloha, nut loa. Wm. Isaac Lihue, Kauai, July 18, 1912 Will write more later. To wait for the representatives of iVL Mcinerny Ltd. ATA Lecture Given On Tuberculosis HOTEL BAY VIEW Waimka, Kauai 66 66 SRS.

ANTON SILVA and E. R. MURRAY. They will be in WAIMEA. July 24 and 25 26, 27, 29 30 and 31 LIHUE August 1, 2 and 3 Complete sample lines of shoes for men and women for dress as well as every day wea.

Slippers, Pumps, Lace and Button Gaiters, will be shown by Mr. Murray. Stein-Bloch clothes, Manhattan Shirts, Underwear, Neckwear, Gloves and accessories to automobile driving, Negligee Shirts, Rain Coats, Interwoven hose in cctton and silk and all articles necessary to the currect toilet for a gentleman as well as that which makes the average boy feel that he is dressed up. Just postpone your purchases of these goods until you see the representatives of cliierny? La It Financial Report Of 4th. Committee Following is the financial port of the Kukuiolono park of July committee: KKCKIl'TS.

Lawai com. M. Ilainauku P. Fit J.I. Silva J.

I. Silva Roendahl Wm. Hastie K. W. Kinney Wm.

Elliot re-4th. Lihue Eleele $35.50 26.00 51.50 30.50 14.00 80.90 30.00 39.50 10.00 5.25 115.00 Lihue Union Church, Foreign-Rev. J. M. Lydgatc, pastor.

Church Service II a. m. Except the last Sunday of the month Sunday School 10:30 a. m. Lihue First Church, Hawaiian Rev.

Wm. Kamau, pastor. The Commercial Man's Favorite Hostlery Church Service 11 School 10 a. a. in.

Sunday NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS DICK OLIVER, Manager Now Read the Ads. In accordance i I the postal laws governing second class mail matter i. "not more than three copies of any newspaper can be mailed to any unpaid subscriber we beg to inform subscribers to tub Oakdkn Island that ten days after the receipt of a bill for their subscription, if the amount is not paid, the paper will be discontinued without further notice. Tin; Editok. In order to enlist the activ cooperation of the people qt a parts of Che Territory of Hawaii the enforcement and carrying on of the Health Laws of the Tern toiv.

an exhibit with lantern slide lectures is being sent to variou maces on the islands, i he ex hibit deals largely with consumption as the most serious single disease that the people have to fight. In the United States this disease is killing our fellow coun trymen at the rate of 150,000 a year, over 400 a day. Years ago Oliver Wendell Holmes called consumption the great White Plague, and it richly deserves the name. The island of Kauai has its battle to fight also if it wishes to control and prevent diseases. The last 1910-1911- Boar of Health report a recorded in black and white that out of 282 deaths of all causes for the year, 49 were of tuberculosis, 30 were of imeuihonia, 12 were of fron- chitis.

This shows that about one third of all deaths on Kauai were caused by diseases of the air pas sages, consumption claiming about one out of every six for the year. Now that this is the case let every citizen of Kauai ioin the combat nirainst disease. From the begin niiiif of historv. man has been at tacked by unseen foes, slain by i hands that were invisible. In the last thirty years our enemies Wahiawa Koloa Theo Blaekstad Greased Pig Iuitrics Makaweli com, Total UXI'KNDITUKlvS.

Labor on lanais, fences, baseball ground, K. F. L. Co. Hauling bamboo, sand Lumber used, back stop hitching posts, Red wood posts, limiting.

Ribbons Flags. Japanese children decorations. Day Rockets. Programmes Bwoster Bad Lihue Ice Co. Soda water Ice Homestead Baud.

Pig for greased pig event. Eleele Orchestra. Sundries. Rope, twine, icars, leatlur, lings, etc, Silver Cup. Winner of Base Ball game.

Prizers-naid. Balance of Cash on Hand. Total $438.15 W. D. 438.15 $28.60 14.50 15.03 5.10 8.50 7.70 20.55 10.00 8.50 1.64 jes Groceries, Wholesale and Retail I The Eleele Store The House With A Reputation For Squareness 1 J.

1. SILVA, Proprietor. 14.00 10.00 7.00 15.00 24.90 4.90 134.50 104.68 Consumption Statistics Ninety-five per cent our consumption, says the rvorth Carolina state board of health, comes from careless spitting, coughing and sneezing, particularly on the part of the consumptive, but also from people who are ap parently healthy. Spit i frequently laden with deadly disease germs, particularly that of consumptives. "When one coughs, spits or sneezes, a great multitude of tiny drops of spittle are violently expelled from the mouth and nose.

The largest of these drops can be readily seen. A large number smaller droplets can be tounu it a mirror or niece of nlass is held be fore the face when coughing or sneezing. A tremendous quantity of still smaller droplets are dis charged in the form of an invisible Treasurer for Committee. Harry Waldron, representing the Honolulu Iron Works arrived Wednesday and afUr transacting some special work returned by the Kin. hi Friday.

Harry is a polo enthusiast and did some hustling in order to catch the Kinau. which they reached us traced out. We all need to learn the lessons on sanitation well. The government is giving these lessons free. The chief trouble in carrying out health measures is that many people do not understand anything about germ diseases.

These per-j sons cannot understand the importance of sanitation. Small towns or camps are almo-Jt always in great need of health reform. In these places much can be done aloiiK this Hue by education. I he Some Wise Slogans For All All can subscribe to the follow- ing slogans from the Burlington, Iowa, Hawk-Eye: Slogan for the merchant: There's more trade to be had; go after it. Slogan for the banker: There's more business to oe nau among people who have not acquired the bank habit.

Create it. Slogan for the fanner: There's greater profit to be got out of the soil. Go after it. Slogan for the workingman: There's more jobs to be had by persistent search. Try the power of suggestion.

Slogan for the manufacturer: Thers is more markets to be won. Win them by increased efficiency of production and salesmanship. Slogan for everybody. There are snr.iv or mist, which floats about in the air for some time. Scientists tn re opportunities; some exist have found that when amaucoughs, spits or sneezes in a large hall or room where the air is quiet, these tiny, invisible germ-laden droplets will float in the air for a distance of 25 to 100 feet.

These tiny droplets, in the form of mist or spray, may be breathed in by other people, or they may settle on objects with which they come into intimate contact such as food and clothing. Viewed in this light, such conduct is at least impolite. Furthermore, it is dangerous to the public at large to have careless people actually coughing, sneezing and spitting germ-laden matter into their faces, even if it is invisible and in the form of fine mist." Salesman Seemann of the Schu man Carriage Honolulu, is on a business trip, having arrived last Wednesday. Assistant Book-keeper Bueholtz. of the Kilauea Plantation, came over last Tuesday evening to meet The man who has something to We been found out sell is always an optimist.

homes discovered and the ways by the' purpose of the exhibit and lantern! wife who came ui fiom Hono-J Speary their' Uw lectures is mainly an Wednesday morning. 1 hey with the and some to be created. Push and publicity" is the key note for all. Lighthouse Establishment Office of Inspector, 19 District, Honolulu, T. July 12, 1912.

Local Notici; To Makinisus. Hawaiian Islands Oahu Island Honolulu Harbor Channel Gas Buoy, No. 9, reported extinguish ed July 5, was relighted July 12, 1912. C. G.

S. Chart 4109. Light List, Pacific Coast, 1912, p. 92, No. 579.

Buoy List, 19th. District, 1911, p. 12. By order of the Commissioner of Lighthouses: Sahm. Lieutenant, S.

Inspector, 19th Lighthouse District. Mr. Nicoll, salesman for the lour is here again glad hand and the smile 1 cationui one. will make their home in Kilauea. which ne er wears off.

The Garden Island from Lihue, Hawaii (2024)
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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.