The Sims 3 Modern Aristocracy | EA Forums - 1804132 (2025)

Hey guys, I felt inspired to create a new legacy challenge today and wanted to share it with you all! I plan to play this myself after my exams (which end in september), so I'm not a 100% sure if this challenge is entirely do-able, but I wanted to share it already anyways :). This challenge aims to simulate the ways of the European aristocracy from back in the medieval/early-modern period, but in the modern day setting of a regular sims game.

Sims 3 Challenge: Modern Aristocracy.

This is a legacy challenge that can go on for as long as you like. Every generation has a bunch of requirements to fulfill until you can move onto the next one. The purpose of this challenge is to create an aristocratic legacy which has all the features of what an aristocratic family would be like if they existed in the modern day sims world. Your legacy will climb up the social ladder of different aristocratic levels and after they reached the top they will work to maintain their status and increase their holdings. Feel free to adjust this challenge to fit it to the expansions you have yourself. I myself use every expansion except for into the future, so the requirements might involve stuff that require some of these expansions, such as the celebrity system. To do this challenge properly, it's highly recommended to use Nraas story progression since bloodlines are important and you can't count on EA to keep them intact properly. Master controller is also a must have for this challenge to be able to check family trees of sims you aren't controlling.

Before you begin:
- Choose a world. This can be any world, as long as it's populated. You can populate an empty world yourself, but it needs to have a decent amount of families to start out with.

- Pick 5 households from this world who will be given the Aristocratic tag. Rename them in CAS or however you want to make it more easy for you to remember if you desire, just keep these 5 households written down somewhere so you know who they are. These households are the aristocrats of your world and anyone from their bloodline will have the status of aristocrat as well. Do keep in mind your founder will have to marry someone from these households so pick your aristocrats wisely.

- If you want, use nraas master controller to make all of the aristocrats 3-star celebrities, but this is optional.

- You can place any lots, CC or non-CC into the world. Just make sure there is one empty lot of whatever size left for your founder.

Your founder:
Your founder is an orphan from a different town that came to your current world to try to find some work and survive. They couldn't stay in their old town, because their parents were executed for treason. This is why your founder fled to a land far away in the hopes of starting over and making a decent living. Unfortunately, your founder doesn't have any papers necessary to become an employee at a company or institution, so they can't have a regular job.

Onto the practical requirements:
Your founder has to be a young adult human sim. You can pick their traits and LTW. Put your founder on an empty lot and then use the familyfunds cheat to set their familyfunds to 0 simoleons. You will be starting this challenge from scratch! Your founder is not allowed to have a rabbit hole job or profession. They have to be either self employed or completely unemployed.

It is your founders purpose to marry into one of the aristocrat families you picked out. Of course, to even be noticed by these families your founder needs to fulfill some requirements first. Your founder can't interact (on purpose) with any of the aristocrats until the following requirements are completed:

1. Build a fully functional house on your lot with a bedroom, a kitchen, a living room, a bathroom, a garden and a dining area. Your house needs to have at least 5 paintings hanging on the walls and one sculpture in the garden. These can either be made or bought.

2. Have at least 10k simoleons cash

3. Become friends with at least three commoner sims in town (since you can't befriend the aristocrats yet).

4. Have a partnership with a building (this can be any building. The vault of antiquity or the gypsy wagon are the cheapest ones).

While fulfilling these requirements, your founder has to stay virgin. They can have romantic interests, but can't have a boyfriend or girlfriend and can't woohoo or kiss in public with them. Their focus should be fully on getting money and making a name in town by making friends and getting a partnership. Once the requirements above are fulfilled, you are allowed to become friends with one aristocrat family. Their bloodline will from then on be the 'lesser nobles', unless they intermarry with the other aristocrats of course. You can now marry and have children. After marriage, your founder is allowed to have any kind of job and they can become friends with any of the other lesser nobles (if they exist).

Now that your founder is a lesser noble, he or she has to continue to expand their influence before their heir is allowed to marry/have children themselves. These are the requirements:

1. Complete the LTW of your founder if you haven't done that yet.

2. Complete the LTW of your founder's spouse. You may change this one if it's not suitable.

3. Get at least 2 celebrity stars with your founder (optional).

4. Have at least 50k cash.

5. Own the building that you have a partnership with.

6. Become friends with your spouse's entire original household (if there are any). Neglect your commoner friendships, they are below your social status now! Don't invite them over anymore not even for parties. Unless necessary for your job, don't interact with commoners anymore.

7. Complete a career with your founder.

8. Have a portrait or sculpture of your founder.

Your heirs:
Choosing a heir is completely dependent on you, but you do need consistency in the way you choose your heir like in any aristocratic family. You can go for the old-fashioned oldest male or oldest child, or you can make it the oldest female, have a poll and let others decide who becomes heir, whatever you like. Just make sure you choose something and stick to it! Children out of wedlock (bastards) can't become heir, neither can any children with a non-human life state. Non-human sims can live in the household, but they aren't allowed to have any children themselves and if they do because you kicked them out and story progression gave them some, they aren't considered part of the legacy bloodline which means your aristocrat family also can't interact with them. Bastards who leave the household and any of their offspring are also considered to be commoners unless they marry into other aristocrat families.

Once your founder has completed all their requirements, your heir becomes the man or woman of the house and they will be the ones to continuing gaining influence. Before any heir can get married to a new aristocrat they have to fulfill these requirements:

1. Befriend all or if there are too many a minimum of 3 nobles of your current social status (lesser, regular or higher nobles). If any of them married a commoner, those commoners are now nobles as well and you can befriend them. If any of them married another aristocrat family above your status, you can't interact with them.

2. Increase the minimum cash-amount with 25k (so for your first heir that'd be 75k)

3. Be at least a 2-star celebrity (optional)

4. Own a property

5. have at least 1 house servant (like a maid, a butler, a plumbot, etc.).

6. Have a portrait or sculpture of your heir

After fulfilling these requirements for your first heir, pick 2 aristocrat bloodlines that your family can befriend and marry. These are considered regular nobles. You are now a regular noble family and can have children with people from this class. Until the next heir takes over each heir has to fulfill the following requirements:

1. Complete the LTW of your heir

2. Complete the LTW of their spouse

3. Complete a career with your heir

4. Increase your amount of cash with 50k (so for your first heir that'd be 125k)

5. Be at least a 3-star celebrity (optional)

6. Become friends with your spouse's entire original household (if there are any). Neglect friendships with any nobles of lesser status that aren't part of the nuclear family (siblings and parents of any spouse are considered direct family. Any other family is extended family and has to be ignored).

7. Upgrade your property to 3 stars

When these requirements are fulfilled, the next heir can take over and start fulfilling the before-marriage requirements. Your 2nd heir will unlock access to the two higher noble bloodlines. From then on, you can only marry higher nobles (so anyone who's family tree can be traced back to those two original aristocrat households that you saved for last. With nraas story progression on, they should have enough descendants by now). Every heir needs to buy and upgrade a new property. If you play with the celebrity option and like a challenge, you can try to pump up the requirement to becoming a 4 or 5 star celebrity, but this might be too time consuming considering all the other requirements.

It's game over when your founder/heir didn't manage to fulfill all the requirements before they die or are too old to have children. Anything that will increase the lifespan of your founder or heirs is off limits, so are death flowers. When a heir dies, next in line can take over unless they already moved out. Keep in mind that your household can only purposely become friends with sims of the same aristocrat status. Work relations or school friendships are excluded from this but these friendships have to be dropped as soon as the sims leave school or if the sims don't work together anymore. You can try to impress the other celebrities in order to gain yourself a celebrity level if you use this option, but you can't become friends with them. If you aren't sure whether the sim you interact with is of the proper status, use master controller to check out their family tree. (click on the sim, and go to NRaas / MasterController / Basic / Family Tree).

Extra option for storytellers:
For storytellers it can be interesting to create romantic interests and friendships outside of a sim's social status. For example: a high noble who falls in love with a commoner, etc. These kind of friendships or love interests are allowed, as long as they stay secret. This means that the two sims can't meet in public places and can't be seen together by their families.

This challenge might sound complicated with all the figuring out of a sim's social status before becoming friends or lovers with them, but that's the aristocrat life! It was all about planning marriage and friendships for the benefit of a family back then, so that's what this challenge simulates. Any suggestions to polish this challenge or to enrich it are more than welcome!

The Sims 3 Modern Aristocracy | EA Forums - 1804132 (2025)
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