A Hero yet again - Chapter 1 - Good_Coffin (2024)

Chapter Text

Zelda’s screams filled the world as a sword cut through Link’s chest.

He fell down on his knees. With each heavy breath, his lungs turned in flames, burning his throat. His heart could’ve squish outside of his chest had it beat faster.

He forced his eyes open, but all he could see was the blurred silhouette of the greatest evil, he who would destroy the world as it’s known.

The monster laughed hysterically and twisted the sword already in Link’s chest, crackling with each scream of the hero.

Footsteps approached fast. In the blurred world, a familiar blue penetrated the barrier Ganondorf forced.

He couldn’t in a million years mistake that hair like flames and ghosty voice. But he just saw her helmet cracked and hollow in the ground… was she not death?

Midna knelt next to him and hugged him. She yelled at the Ganondorf. Her voice broke in a way he has never heard before.

Link couldn’t help but tear up.

He wasn’t ready to die. He still had to defeat the monster, help the princess, save the world… He hadn’t said a proper goodbye to his friends in Kakariko… He had yet to say goodbye to his best friend, before he could ever see her again…

So, he reached for her hand and stroke it.

“Don’t you dare die on me!” She yelled.

Link forced his eyes to focus on her, she did look more human… more like the twilight princess. Her fire hair, tied like a necklace around her collarbone, rubbed Link’s neck; as the rest caressed her face in the wind. He couldn’t hold a smile at the sight of his best friend finally at her full form.

She wasn’t happy like him; her brows furrowed and she forced her face to appear angry, but it was betrayed by tears that fell to Link’s cheeks. Her sobs overshadowed Ganondorf’s vicious laugh.

When he least realized, the world was quiet. The pain in his chest banished away with Midna’s hold and warmth.

Everything stood still. No sounds, no feelings.

Then light again, bright like the sun.


A soft voice. Much softer than Midna’s, more alike to Ilia’s.

“Open your eyes.”

The world crashed at Link, the sudden water surrounding every inch of his body, drained. Then a strong smell of gas overwhelmed the air. Maybe Ganondorf left something producing gas to prevent Link from smelling him.

He got up, the cold floor hurt his bare feet and each step was like learning how to walk again. Much like when he first detransformed from the wolf.

He was in a cavern, lit by strange lights that ran through the walls of stone in shades of blue and orange. He couldn’t hear anyone or anything move outside of that strange cell.

He looked down to find his clothes gone, only dressed with a tight short. His shadow crystal, the last think Midna gave him, was not hanging on his neck anymore.

He leaned in the empty tub to search for his crystal. And there was a chink of metals crashing against each other. Link looked down and released a breath he didn’t know was holding; the Shadow Crystal was tied to his belt. He resisted the urged to hold it. He couldn’t transform into a wolf yet.

He stumbled upon a pilar with orange shiny lines running through it, and it released a rectangular device with what looked like an eye in the center.

Link took his time to examine the device and the cave, looking for any sort of trap Ganondorf might have placed there.

But it had nothing besides the weird light design. And he found no way to get out of there, so he took the device.

Next to the weird pilar, a door opened.

He jumped back away from the door, waiting for any other of Ganondorf’s minions to burst in there to kill him. Without weapons or a shield, and naked, it would be an easier job; but he could put up a fight as a wolf...

The triforce in his hand shone bright as he held the shadow crystal, and the light slowly left his body. His legs gave out, throwing him to the ground; when his hands touched the stone of the cavern, his fingers were no longer independent and his back arched in an inhuman position.

When he first transformed, he felt like his limbs were being ripped apart and fell unconscious from the pain. Now, it was like stretching.

With the eyes of a wolf, the cavern was much more lit, and he could see well the tub he awoke in, with a silhouette his exact size in the middle.

The tub had a mixed smell between his and someone else's, with a scent of wild berries, brushes and dust; someone who spends more time in the wild than in towns. The scent of smoke every human had was blended to the point it was indiscernible unless you paid special attention. They could almost be mistaken for the environment itself. A wild animal could either mistake him for a companion or straight up a tree.

That scent alone followed the path outside the cavern. His own smell was present all around the cave, but not outside. As if he just poofed there.

Someone must've erased his scent, and there was only one individual who would go through that trouble, the same one who almost killed him.

Link crawled slowly outside the cavern and followed a long path full of cliffs and deep ponds.

He was prepared for the scent of blood and decay that would indicate Gandondorf's presence right around the corner, but all he found was a smell that didn't belong, that of an ancient creature, like the spirits he helped during his journey.

Hoping to find help, he followed it outside, to a world bigger than he remembered. From the cliff where he stood, he was before a Hyrule he didn't recognize.

Before the panic took over him, the scent again filled his nose, and he followed it in a desperate seek of answers, to a small shack near a cliff.

He took a peek from the window and saw a young woman with blond hair and a dress grey from dirt.

He was about to get inside when he remembered he was still a wolf. To gather again his light, he stumped his paw with the triforce mark.

At that moment, the biggest anima he's ever seen appeared next to him, in the world of light. He sharpened his eyesight to see a king with a long and puffy white beard.

"Link..." He spoke.

Link jumped back and growled. Animas were not supposed to talk to him, let alone see him.

"You've come far from your home, to a land you'll no longer recognize, see those with names you recall but with faces you've never seen, and they'll call you their friend..."

Link growled again.

«What's this crazy old man talking about?»

"Hero of Twilight." The old king raised his voice. "You're no longer in the hyrule you know. In this world, we've befallen destruction by an evil you might recognize: Ganondorf."

Link jumped to defense and showed his teeth.

"The goddesses had sent you in our aid." The man continued. "I'm afraid our Champion and Hero had failed, and now we don't have enough time."

The king crouched in one leg to look at the wolf in the eyes.

"We need your help. In your connection to the world of shadows we seek salvation. Help us defeat Ganondorf, Link of the Twilight. You will find your way back home on the path."

With that, the dead king disappeared, leaving him with the duty of, once again, save the world… when he couldn't even save his own.

When the world regained its color, Link remembered the girl on the shack and continued where he had been interrupted.

His legs stretched, forcing him to stand on them and his back cracked as he stood straight. He stretched a bit again and jumped from one foot to the other to make sure his balance was right.

Then, he knocked the door.

The door burst opened to reveal the woman panting, with her eyes opened wide.

"What...?" She murmured. "What happened to your hair?"

She scanned his face for a few seconds; after a blink, she backed away and slid her hand behind the door to grab a sword Link knew like the back of his hand, and pointed it at him.

“You’re not him.”

Link raised his palms to show he was unarmed.

“I… I don’t know what’s going on, believe me. I awoke at a cave on top of that hill” He carefully pointed at the direction where he came from. “I don’t know where I am.”

“I’m not stupid, Yiga. I won’t fall for it.” She said, the sword steady on her hands. Then, she stole a gasp, her eyes diverted outside the window and raised the sword. “Out of my way! I won’t hesitate.”

Link took a step back, and another, following the woman’s pace.

“I swear if you did anything to Link…” She murmured and ran away.

Link…? But he was right there?

He followed her from behind all the way back to the cavern where he awoke. He hesitated to follow her. She might’ve been one of Ganondorf’s minions, that had never seen his face, but were supposed to keep him inside his prison.

He stepped back, and kept a hand close to the shadow crystal.

The woman ran back outside as fast as she entered, locked her gaze at Link and pointed her weapon.

Link almost touched the crystal when she yelled.

“Where is Link? What have you done to him?”

He didn’t answer.

How hasn’t she realized yet?

“Answer me! He’s injured! He can’t even stand! What in Hyrule could you need him for?”

Her voice cracked in fury, yet her eyes watered.

“But I’m not injured…?”

“You’re still going on with that! I already know what you are, your disguise isn’t convincing at all. Your hair is shorter and darker, to not even begin with the facial features.”

His face was wrong?

This woman had gone crazy.

When Link less realized, the woman had him, sword against his neck.

“I’ve had a long-damned month, don’t test my patience, Yiga …Please. Despite everything, you’re still my people, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Link furrowed his brows.

“I have no idea who you or this ‘Yiga’ are.”

The woman baffled in disbelief, but when she looked back at his eyes, her gaze softened.

“Wait, do you really have no idea?”

Link shook his head.

She scanned him again, ran her eyes all over his body, and finally let him go.

“I’m so sorry. I’ve been on edge lately.”

“All good.”

She hesitated for a second before sheathing the Master Sword.

“How did you find that sword?” Link asked. His hand still close to the shadow crystal.

The woman tilted his head.

“I’ve had it for a while.”

“How long?”

“Ever since Link fell in battle.” She sighed and looked back at the cavern. “You haven’t happened to see him, have you?”

“I… am Link.”

She fulminated him.

“You’re not Link.”

His heart accelerated. This woman was more than stupid, she was actively denying the truth.

“I am Link.” He said again and attempted to grab the Master Sword.

As it always has, it shone at his proximity along with the proof of courage in his hand.

The woman’s eyes opened wide and she almost lost balance.

“The goddesses blessing…” She murmured. “How?”

Link held the Master Sword’s handle from over the woman’s hands.

“I told you. I am Link. This sword has chosen me to defeat Ganondorf. And I will.”

Then, her hand shone too, with two triangles of the triforce: power and wisdom.

“What?” He murmured.

“I possess the goddesses blessing too… I don’t understand how this is possible. Unless…” She let the train of thought in the air, opened her mouth once, then twice, and closed it.


“Can you control time?”

“I don’t think so.”

“It’s the only explanation.” She let go completely of the sword and paced around. “A Link, bearer of a blessing, chosen by the Master Sword… it’s too great of a coincidence.” She mumbled.

Link watched her as she walked in circles, lost in thought, talking to herself. Until she turned to look at him and grabbed him by the shoulders.

“I believe you’ve travelled through time, Link. I’ve done it before, it’s the only explanation.”

“What? Who even are you? Where am I?”

“I’m Zelda. The princess of the lost kingdom of Hyrule.”

But she looked nothing like the Princess; her hair was blond, brighter and short, her eyes were green instead of blue and her nose was more rounded. The name Zelda was exclusive for the princesses of Hyrule; therefore, she couldn't be another girl with the same name... Maybe he did travel to another time.

"...My name is Link, as you already know. I come from Ordon, a small village beyond Faron Woods."

She nodded.

“There’s no such place here. There’s no civilization in Faron Woods.”

“Then, how am I going to go back to my Hyrule? I left under… bad circ*mstances.”

“I’m afraid I have no idea. But I'll do what's in my power to help you... Link."

"Thank you, Princess."

"Call me Zelda, please. There's no need for formalities anymore."

Link blinked confused for a moment. His Princess was always so formal, and he never dared to call her by her name. She never said otherwise either.

"Why is that?"

"It's a long story... It'll be better if I show you."

She gestured Link to follow her down the hill, past ruins of a forgotten civilization, close to a tall building reclaimed by nature.

The Princess, Zelda, followed his gaze to the tall structure.

"That is the Temple of Time." She explained. "Where our... my kingdom was funded."

"There's one in my world too, much bigger and, well, not as deteriorated."

Princess Zelda hummed.

"Maybe our worlds are not so different."

Link snorted.

"We're the perfect proof of that."

Past a small forest, a large pond, and more ruins, they reached a wall that separated them from ground bellow.

The world beyond was still; far in the prairie and the woods, nothing moved besides the wild life. The roads were abandoned entirely. As if empty.

In the distance, a castle rose in the sky, surrounded by red and black clouds that darkened it all.

It destroyed what once was a lively kingdom. As fated, more than ten thousand years ago, a great malice awoke and devastated it all in a battle: the Imprisonment War. It was sealed by ancient magic under the promise of its return. And it did, just a hundred years ago. But they were not prepared, and succumbed to the Calamity. The Princess sealed the calamity along with herself, awaiting the return of the fallen hero.

Link, who had lost his memory as a cost for his survival, defeated the calamity against all odds, with help of a representative of each nation, the new Champions. But the great malice knew no limits; Ganondorf awoke and brought back with himself a path of destruction and death; and, this time, not even the hero or the six sages could overcome it.

"Ganondorf, the Demon King, almost killed Link. We brought him to the chamber that once heal him and I waited here for his return."

"It took a hundred years before, right? You wouldn't have lived long enough to see him rise again."

"I asked a friend of mine to improve the chamber, so it wouldn't take as long, had we ever needed it again."

The princess smiled, but it was weak, forced.

Link rested a hand on her shoulder.

"If your hero has been sent to my time too, I have a close friend that would help him, he'll be alright, Zelda."

She nodded.

"I have no doubt, he's strong. …I'm worried about your friend now, though. Link can be... wild."

Link chuckled.

"She will love him, then."

"…Are you hungry, Link? We can cook something. Then we'll think of a way to send you back to your world."

"Oh, I could eat a whole goat right now."


Link extended his hand to help the princess descend the ramps of the cavern. Her short yet loose dress helped her move more freely; graceful, yet firm like someone who's used to travel. She made her way through the cliffs and unevenness at a good pace, as if she's done this a hundred times.

When they reached the chamber, it was covered in darkness, the only light being the torch the Princess was holding.

She examined the pilar that hold the strange device and ran her hand through the empty square space.

"Did you take the Sheikah slate?"

Link pulled out the device from the pocket on his hip.


"Yes, thank you... Link."

After she placed the device back on the pilar, the entire cave lit in shades of orange and blue.

"Zelda... I understand if it’s hard to call me by my name, you can just call me Hero."

She turned to look at him and furrowed her brows.

" I will use your name, Link."

She patted his shoulder as she walked to a chest near the entrance that Link hadn't noticed. It kept two pieces of clothes.

"This is what my Link was wearing before the battle, we mended it and prepared it for him." She explained.

"Oh goddesses. He had an interesting taste."

The princess chuckled.

"I can get you new clothes later."

"No need, this is perfect, Princess. Thank you."

Link had troubled tying the strands of the skirt at his waist. In between the struggle, the shadow crystal loosened and fell to the ground.

"You dropped something, Link."

Zelda extended a hand to grab the crystal.

"Don't touch it!"

Link turned around and squeezed her wrist, making her jump back.

"It can harm you if you touch it." He explained and released his grip on her, held the necklace by the strands and tied it to his belt.

The Princess rubbed her wrist with care.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked. "I apologize, Princess. I was too rash."

"I'm alright."

When Zelda finally met his eyes, she pressed her lips together.

"I was looking for something that might hint us as to how you and my Link changed times..." She sighed. "But I found nothing, there's no trace of him, as if he was never here to begin with."

"Just his smell." Link added.

"His smell...?"

Zelda sniffed, confused.

"I have a very sensitive nose." He explained. “…I’m sorry we couldn’t find anything, Princess.”

“What’s the last thing you remember, Link? Before you got here.”

He gulped.

“I was in trouble, in a battle… I’m sorry, Princess, I don’t remember much.”

Zelda cupped her chin in her hand and scanned him from head to toes.

“I think we can work with that.” She nodded to herself. “Let’s go meet a friend of ours… of mine. Sorry.”

“All good, Princess Zelda.”

The princess kept her focus on the device, the Sheikah slate, on the way back, almost tripping a few times; while Link took some glances at its “screen”. The slate showed a map with certain points marked with lights. Zelda touched one of the lights and the device displayed a text.

"Link. Are you familiar with teleportation?"

He titled his head. How does she know about teleportation? Does this Zelda have a way to transform into a beast too? In his world, the Princess' magic protected her from the consequences of the Twilight; maybe, in this world, it was different.

"I am. But I thought only twilis could teleport."

"Twilis? I don't think we have such thing here."

What? What happened to the world of shadows in this world? Has it been so long it’s been forgotten?

"Then how do you teleport?"

"The same friend who created the Sheikah slate added a teleport function to it."

Link widened his eyes and leaned even closer to the device to take a better look.

Zelda got the device closer to him and explained with care every feature; the camera and picture album, the map, the dimensional pocket, that the hero from this world had filled, which thought impossible; and even the diary, where this world's Link wrote about the world, the creatures he encountered, the people he met and what he had to do on his journey.

“Link had to get to know this world from scratch too… It might be of help you if you read his journal.”

She extended the Sheikah slate.

But Link doubted for a second. To take something so personal, for both Zelda and this world’s Link… He did, in the end. It might have useful information, maybe something this Link took, or a deal he made, to make them change worlds.

“I’ll teach you how to teleport.”

Zelda pressed the “map” section, moved the map from the south to the east, Necluda.

“The blue symbols are the points at where you can teleport, press it twice and you’ll be transported right there.”

“Huh. Seems easy.”

“Try teleporting us here.” She pointed at a blue light surrounded by cliffs, next to another one with a different design.

Link pressed it once, then Zelda entwined her hand around his arms, and he pressed it twice.

The air around them stood still, Link's stomach twirled in his body and the floor disappeared for a second, before reappearing slightly below. Like missing a stepladder and falling to the next one.

It was a lot better than travelling with the twili magic. Midna always made sure to make it worse each time, just so she could laugh a little. Except the last time they teleported; he didn’t even feel it. Though it could’ve been the nerves.

The bright sun that illuminated his return was now covered by dark clouds under the threat of a storm. The coldness of the cavern was replaced by heavy winds that could’ve pushed them off the cliff, all the way down to a village. And it carried within voices from the closed doors behind them.

“Welcome to Hateno village.” Zelda said. “This is where my Link grew up, and where we lived together for some time.”

“Oh. You lived together?”

“We’re really close friends. After everything we went through, how could we not?” She chuckled. "Another friend of our lives here. Right inside that laboratory."

Zelda pointed at the tall building behind them; where six voices chatted. She walked up to the doors, but stopped by Link's hand in hers.

"Wait, Princess. I think they're occupied."

Zelda turned her head slightly to get her ear closer to the door.

"We'll have to interrupt, then."

"Maybe it'll be better if I wait outside." He rubbed the back of his head. "I wouldn't want to startle them as I already did with you."

"Nonsense. I'll explain everything to them... I apologize for how I acted earlier, though; I thought you were an old foe."


"Yes. The Yiga are a clan of Sheikah who despise the throne and harbor the Demon King."

"Sheikah? They still exist in this world?"

Zelda choked a gasp and opened her mouth to speak. But the door burst open and covered her voice.

At the other side stood a huge woman, the tallest he’s seen, with hair shining red, tanned skin and gold and pink garbs.

There were stories about the Gerudo, but they all failed to portray their beauty.

He didn't realize he left his mouth opened until Zelda chuckled.

"Capitan Buliara." Zelda greeted. "What are you doing here?"

The Capitan locked her gaze at Link, and stepped closer.

"Is it really you? How could you have recovered so fast?" She murmured.

Zelda stepped in between them and covered Link behind her arm.

"I'm afraid Link's awakening has had inconveniences. I'll explain everything."

The Capitan nodded and moved to the side to let Zelda walk in, but was shoved aside by a woman with white hair tied in a high roll-like bun with a gold mask.

“Link’s awake?” She yelled and rushed towards him, held his face in her hands and moved it to scan it with her shiny red eyes. Then curved her lips and turned to Zelda. “This is not Link.”

"This is Link, just not our Link. We believe he has travelled from another time."

The white-haired woman stayed silent for a moment, looked at Link again and sighed.

"If you hadn't travelled through time yourself, Princess, I wouldn't believe a word." She placed her hands on her hips and hummed. "Well, Link from another world, let's discuss this inside."

The wood of the laboratory was tainted with dark stains of time, the air was filled with dirt and there were papers spread everywhere. As if a hurricane had ran through the place. A reminder of Old Kakariko, a place abandoned, in a state that told a story about a rush runaway, where all the Sheikah from his world perished.

"Apologies for the mess, Princess, I hadn't had time to clean since we ran here."

"Don't worry about it, Purah. I understand."

Purah offered a seat to Zelda around a wood table. Next to her, sat a Zora with a unique black skin, a silver helmet and some pieces of armor that didn't covered him much; an old goron and a gigantic bird with dark feathers, braids and a body almost human; they all looked at him with their eyes open wide.

The zora opened their mouth to speak, but were interrupted by Purah.

"Princess, what happened to our Link? Is he still at the chamber of resurrection?"

Zelda shook her head.

"There's been no sign of him ever since this Link arrived."

Purah stood in between Link and Zelda and eyed him in suspicion.

"How do we know he's not a Yiga pretending to be Link?"

Again with the Yiga. Do they tend to dress up as the Link from this world?

Zelda eyed at Link's left hand and he cached what he had to do.

He raised his hand and the triforce shone through his skin upon the mental image of Ganondorf and the desperation when he broke Midna's helmet, just minutes ago...

Purah held his hand and moved it to examine it.

"The blessing of the goddesses?"

Zelda stood next to Purah and moved her hand closer to Link's. Her own pieces of the triforce shone.

"He's blessed with Farore's courage."

Purah nodded.

"Fitting for a hero."

She let go of Link and took a few minutes to find a notebook. They all watched her silently.

"Now, Link from another world, how have you ended up here?"

Link shrugged. "I have no idea."

Purah opened her mouth to say something but Link continued before she could speak.

"I was losing conscience, in my own world, and next thing I know I was here, in a shining bathtub."

Those present stared at him in silence, everyone except for the Princess. Purah even let her jaw drop wide open.

Link leaned back, almost attempting to run away. He had always hated being watched too much.

The Gerudo Captain burst out laughing.

"He truly is another Link." She said.

"But what has happened to our Link?" The Zora spoke, worry in his voice.

The giant bird nodded.

"The fight against Ganondorf will be hard without him... and we can't lose him again."

The bird's beak curved downwards, like a sad expression.

The Zora nodded.

"My Prince will be devastated if so. We need to find him."

Purah jumped on her feet and slammed the table.

"Then this meeting is over. I'll try to find a way to send this Link back to his time, and bring ours back. I'll gladly accept every and any help."

"I can help," Link interrupted. "with Ganondorf... in the meantime. I've fought him and his forces before."

Purah pat his back with a grin.

"As expected from a chosen of the goddesses."

"No." Zelda intervened. "It's too dangerous. I will not risk someone from another world."

"He won't be alone, Princess. He has help: you, my sister and the champions... sages, or whatever they are."

Purah hugged him with one arm and agitated him to encourage him.

Link nodded.

"I can't just stand by when people are suffering, especially because of him."

"Then, we can introduce him to the champions." Purah said.

The Zora jerked their head up and almost jumped from their seat.

"My Prince will need more time to process the news and we're dealing with problems ourselves. It would be better if they don't meet right away."

The human-size bird stood too.

"Same for the Rito elder." It said.

Zelda also stood up and placed a hand on Link's shoulder.

"We, either way, need to meet with Impa. She might know more of the matter than us. Then we can meet the sages.”

“Okey dokey, Princess. But I’ll need the Sheikah Slate, it might hold information of what has happened.”

“Of course, Purah.”

Zelda extended her hand to Link. He took the device out from its pocket and gave it to her.

“I couldn’t find much, but you know where to look better than I.”

Purah took the device and turned it on right away, with her eyes on the screen she walked to the back of the laboratory.

“Well, that ends this meeting. We’re not getting her attention for a while.” Said the Gerudo Captain and turned to Link. “I hope you find your way home, hero. If you ever have time to spare, we could use a hand or two.”

“If I find my way to the desert in this new world.” He chuckled.

The captain slammed his back. “With the Princess by your side, you’ll have no problems.”

She bowed to the Princess before heading out, followed by the bird and the zora, who stole a glance at Link with hurt eyes.

The Princess followed them outside and took a moment to stare at the sky outside of the laboratory. She took a breath of the fresh air of the mountain and turned to face Link.

"The journey to Kakariko Village is not long. It shouldn't take more than half a day... if we ride horses, that is. We will have to ask for some at the stable."

"I would hate to waste your time, Princess Zelda, if you have more urgent matters to attend to, I understand. I can find my way to Kakariko Village with a map."

"I will not let you alone in a world that you don't know, Link."

"I insist, Princess. If the world is as dangerous as you say it is, I'll be better off alone."

She bit her lip and interlocked her fingers together, then released it with a sigh.

"I won't be able to change your mind, will I?"

Link chuckled. "I'm afraid, no, Princess."

"It seems stubbornness comes along with being the chosen hero."

"May I borrow a sword and a shield, Princess?"

Zelda placed her hand on the Master Sword's handle, as if covering it.

"I mean no offence, Link, but I'll prefer it if the Master Sword stays with me."

Link raised his palms in a sign of surrender. This was her world and kingdom, after all. She has been kind enough to let him wander off by himself.

"I understand, Princess Zelda. It's not my Master Sword in the end."

"I have weaponry spare at my house. Do you know how to use a bow?"

Link nodded.

This world must have much difficulties if the princess of the kingdom not only lived in a tiny house from a Village far away from the castle, but also had a warehouse full of weapons; four of them, each with an entirely different crafting, displayed in the wall.

The Princess unsheathed the swords with the normality and expertise of a swordsman. She must be familiar with sword fights, like his Princess.

In the end, she picked a sword much similar to the Master Sword in shape, a silver shield and a wooden bow with feathers on each end.

Then, Zelda took him to the stables to find him a horse. In the middle of the grass surrounding the building, were brown flowers with the shape of a horseshoe. Those that grew in his Hyrule.

Link stopped Zelda from entering the stable with a hand on her arm, barely grabbing her.

"Princess Zelda, do you mind if I try something first?"

"Not at all, Link. You don't have to ask, do what you must."

He cut the flower right where it would allow it to grow back again, placed it on his lips and blew the melody only his girl would recognize.

For a moment, nothing happened, so Link tried again; while Zelda waited silently, attentive to any change in their surroundings.

The unmistakable neigh of his longest and most legal companion cut the air with the grace only she knows. Her familiar hooves echoed with every stump until she, the mare with red-ish fur and white mane, unchangeable through time, appeared in the distance.

“No way.” He muttered, but ran towards her before he could question it further.

Epona stumped her hooves on the floor like she always does when she’s excited. Link extended his hand and let her smell it before petting her.

Zelda stood behind Link, with care to not frighten Epona.

“Do you know this horse, Link?”

“I’ve known her longer than anyone. Her name’s Epona. She’s been with me longer than I remember. I don’t know how she’s here, but I’m glad.”

Epona closed her eyes, relaxed by Link’s petting, with a trust not seen in many horses. But Epona trusted Link with her life, and Link trusted her.

“If you trust her,” Zelda said. “then I have nothing to fret when you’re gone.” She walked a little closer to Epona and extended her hand for her to smell. “I trust you to bring Link back in one piece. And don’t let him do any crazy stuff.” She whispered, just loud enough for Link to hear. “I’ll go fetch a map.”

After a few minutes, Zelda came back from the ranch with a scroll.

The map of this Hyrule had a lot of similarities to his own, the place of the main areas was the same, except for Zora’s Domain, closer to Kakariko than Eldin.

The Princess pointed a path to follow to get to Kakariko. It didn’t seem a long trip. But Link didn’t know much about this world, so he shouldn’t rush, no matter how much he wants to go back to his world. Only the Goddesses know what’s happening there. Hopefully this Link is not dying there, that would be a problem.

Zelda gave him three bags filled with food, wood and flintstones, even a bag with a hundred rupees, for emergencies. Despite Link's complains, she tied the bags to the saddle they bought for Epona, and Link didn't complaint further, she was doing a lot for him, the least he could do was give her peace of mind by taking her gifts.

Riding Epona felt as right as it did in his world, the familiarity of his girl embraced him. Finding out how in Hyrule his Epona is in this world could wait, he didn't need to know, for now.

He rode away from Hateno right away, only saying goodbye to the Princess and Purah, who came all the way down the hill of the laboratory to talk to Zelda, right on time to catch Link on his way out.

As soon as they crossed the gate at the entrance of Hateno Village, Link rushed Epona to feel the never changing breeze that carried the scent of grass and dirt. Epona huffed in happiness as she ran through the trees, tall enough so Link wouldn’t have to duck the branches.

He rode for hours, yet, he didn’t encounter a single passing traveler or merchant, of any race. Not even those giant birds in the sky. He began to wonder how different the nature in this world was to the one in his, and there was no better way to get closer to nature than in by being a wolf.

He got off Epona, and pat her before grabbing the shadow crystal.

The world extended, the trees became even taller and Link was forced in a crouch. He stretched his front paws and arched his back as much as he could until he heard a crack, then he shook his body to finish stretching his back paws.

From below, the world was noisy, louder than he’s ever heard it as a human. A pair of wild squirrels he failed to notice, tagged each other and climbed the trees surrounding the path. One of them noticed Link and screamed.

“That human become a wolf!”

“Or that wolf stopped being a human?”

The squirrels went down the tree and slowly walked closer.

“I’m a human.” Link barked.

The squirrels jumped back scared.

“You’re a wolf.”

“I can turn into a wolf.” Link insisted.

The squirrels surrounded Link and ran in circles around him, scanning him and smelling him, twitching their little noses.

“You do smell a bit like human.”

“We only met one other human that didn’t smell much like one.” The other squirrel said.

Link turned to look at the squirrel and it jerked back and squeaked.

“What did he look like?”

“Like you… Your human you.”

“But he was blonde.”

“And its smell was more grass than goats.”

Link huffed at them. He didn’t know if he should be offended at their tone or glad that he still carried the scent of Ordon Ranch with him.

“Can you sense that human’s scent? We last saw him near the Temple of Time.”

One of the squirrels tilted its head.

“The what?”

“I think he means the old human burrow the pigeons wander a lot.”

“Oh yeah! That place left an awful smell some time ago.”

Link recalled the strong scent of gas that overwhelmed his senses when he woke up. To think he suspected it to be Ganondorf’s doing.

“Do you know where that human is? The one that doesn’t smell like smoke.”

The squirrels exchanged glances and shook their tiny heads.

“No idea, wolf.”

“Ask the birds. They know a lot.”

Link nodded. He might find clues to this world Link’s whereabouts while travelling to Kakariko. Two birds with one stone.

As a wolf, Link ran alongside Epona until the woods elevated as mountains. None of the birds on the path knew anything; they just recalled the horrible smell left after they switched times, but no clue of what happened to this world’s hero.

After hours of playing with Epona, the matter could not be delayed. And it was the mare herself who brought it up.

"You have something to ask, don't you, Link?"

He avoided her gaze.

"I was hoping to push it aside a little more."

Like indulged by the Goddesses, a roar resonated just ahead the path. Epona neighed in fear and backed away, as a strong scent of meat approached.

Link showed his teeth, awaiting for whatever monster was about to attack.

A red small creature with long pointy and flexible ears jumped from a bush. Link jumped over it and bit it until its flesh torn apart. The creature cried until the very end and came at its rescue another pair of those creatures, along with a much taller, skinnier one, with a long nose and limbs.

Link went after the two little guys first.

Just after he bit the second small monster, the large one punched him and sent him rolling away. It used the dead monster's disappearance in a cloud of smoke, to disguise his next punch.

Link whimpered on the ground and bit his tongue to force himself to stay awake. He roared at the monster, jumped at its arm and ripped it apart. It swung its arm and sent Link flying, with its hand in his mouth.

It cried in pain, but was interrupted by Link, biting at his neck this time. It grabbed and clung its nails in Link's back to rip him away from it, but Link bit harder until the monster collapsed in the ground.

Epona rushed to Link and stumped repeatedly in the ground.

"Go! Humans!" She yelled.

Link's ears twitched at the sound of footsteps, running at their direction.

He ran away and hid behind a rock.

"Where's the beast?" One human yelled.

"I swear I just saw it!" The other one replied.

"Are you sure you weren't imagining it?"

"No! It was fighting the bokoblins, I swear!"

Link flinched. They were talking about him.

He hated being called a beast.

His back straightened, the noisy environment of the nature quieted until it was just the voices of the two humans, and the Shadow Crystal hung again from his belt.

He showed himself to the adventurers and walked to Epona to calm her down.

“Sorry. A group of monsters attacked us and she ran off scared.”

“See? I told you there were monsters here!” One of the men yelled.

The other huffed in disbelief and turned to Link. “You haven’t happen to see a wolf defeating those monster, do you?”

Link tilted his head in confusion.

“The monsters ran away as soon as you showed up, but there was no wolf.”

The man with a gigantic backpack flinched.

The other sighed and pressed a finger in between of his eyes.

“I told you it made no sense for wolves to be in Necluda.”


The older man continued his way, leaving the other behind, who rushed to caught up to him.

Link looked at Epona and chuckled.

“I gotta be more careful.” He sighed. “Just when it was gettin’ interesting.”

Epona huffed.

In between the mountains, Link reached the village occupied by people with white hair and red eyes, like Purah… and Impaz.

As soon as he stepped in past the poles that hung red papers, the people from the village looked at him with eyes wide open and whispered between them.

Link hop off Epona, exchanging glances with her, then he shrugged and Epona shook her head. Why were the people watching him like he was a ghost?

When Link's eyes found those of a little girl, playing near a tree, she flinched and hid behind a stand with a chaplet displayed.

The people of the town avoided him and looked somewhere else when they locked glances. So, he approached the two guards standing in front of a set of stairs that led to a house. Most likely the house of their governor.

As soon as he stepped closer one of the guards apprehend him while the other pointed a spear at him.

"Surrender, Yiga. We know it's you." One spoke.

"You're either really stupid or overconfident to walk among us, traitor."

Epona reared to scare the two guards. She was always willing to put herself in danger for him.

Link smiled and raised a hand to calm her.

The guard with the spear flinched and pushed their weapon against Link's neck.

Calming Epona was much more important, so Link didn't mind and kept his hand up until she calmed down.

"It's alright, girl." He whispered.

The guard apprehend him even harder, compressed his chest until Link groaned.

"I'm not a Yiga." Link managed to let out. "I'm not even a Sheikah, for Hylia's sake."

The two guards pressed him even harder.

"Don't you dare use the Goddess name; you scum."

Link let out a heavy sigh and raised his left hand. It wasn't hard to recall the feeling of danger with two guards willing to execute him.

The spear crashed in the ground as the guard stepped back with their mouth open.

The other guard loosened up their grip and mumbled: "The blessing of the Goddesses."

"How do you..."

"I need to speak to Impa." Link interrupted.

The guards exchanged glances. And they finally let him go.

"You will find Impa and the Leader Paya at the top of the stairs."

Link bowed and turned to pet Epona.

"You don't have to wait for me here, I'll probably take long."

Epona huffed and stumped her front hoof on the floor.

"I'll call you when I'm done, girl. I promise."

She robbed her nose against Link's neck. Then she shook her back to throw away all the bags of food Zelda gave them and ran until she disappeared in the distance.

Link chuckled and placed the bags next to the stairs.

"Take care of that, for me, would ya?"

The guards exchanged confused glances, but before any of them could reply, Link rushed up the stairs.

Inside the house, two women chatted at a table with piles of documents and maps.

"We should send some soldiers to Tarrey town and Lurelin village..." The young woman muttered.

"We barely have to protect Kakariko, dear. We must protect our people."

"They don't have soldiers at all, it's the least we can do."

They both quieted down and turned to look at Link as the door cracked.

The young woman gasped and tried to step back, tripping over the table.

"I'm not a Yiga." Link said, raising both his palms to show he had no weapons at hand. "I'm not impersonating Link, I promise. I just need to speak to Impa."

The old woman pulled a chair from the table and took her time to climb up and sit.

"Speak then, child. I'm all ears."

She's Impa, then. She looks so similar to Impaz it’s ridiculous.

Link nodded and closed the door behind him.

"My name is Link, but I'm not your Link, neither I am disguising as him. I come from another world, one similar to this one, and also under danger. I was... hoping you'd know a way to get me back to my world or how I am here in the first place."

Impa laughed and pat her leg.

"Yes, you're definitely not our Link. He doesn't talk as much as you do."

That explains the reaction of the Gerudo Captain.

"But you're wrong, hero. You don't come from another world, but another time."


Impa eyed the Shadow Crystal.

"'A power sealed and controlled by a crystal, black as the darkest nights of Hyrule; wielded by a hero who lived both in light and shadows.' Says an old legend."

He's become a legend in this world... No, time. How long in the future is he? How far from his home, his friends?

"Is there a way to go back in time?"

The young woman next to Impa stepped forward.

"Princess Zelda travelled back in time. She might know how to send you back."

Impa raised her hand and pat the young woman's shoulder.

"We first need to know when we need to send him, dear Paya." She turned to Link. "Tell me, hero. Is there any clue as to when in time you're from?"

Link opened the map and pressed his lips together. Some locations were the same, yet the representation of the landmarks was entirely different. And, in his world, neither the Sheikah or the giant birds existed.

Yet there was Impaz, with the known characteristic white hair and red eyes, the only and last one he's seen with such appearance.

"Gerudo desert, Hyrule castle and Faron Woods are in similar locations, but Zora’s domain and Eldin mountain are switched. The Sheikah, in my world, have disappeared; the Temple of Time was located in Faron Woods and the... giant, intelligent birds, don't exist either."

Impa nodded.

"Not too far in time, but enough for two new races to exist..."

She stood up to search through shelves filled with scrolls. "What is your title, young hero? I might be able to find records of your time."

His title? He was always called the chosen hero, as every other in the legends… He had been named something no one but the Spirits of Light had used…

"Hero of Twilight." He muttered.

Impa nodded and buried her face in the shelves.

Paya moved a chair from the table.

"Please take a seat, um, Hero of Twilight."

"Thank you, Leader Paya."

She twitched her head and opened her eyes, taken aback by the title.

Link leaned forward.

"I'm sorry, did I mistake you for the Leader? I was told they were named Paya, too."

She moved her hands in the air.

"No, no, it's alright. I am the new leader; I'm just getting used to the title."

Link giggled.

"I get you."

She sighed with a smile and walked outside, almost running.

"Paya used to have a crush on our Link." Impa added, then faced him. "Now, I think the crush is on Zelda." She laughed.

"And you're... okay with that?"

Impa stopped checking the documents to look at Link wide eyed.

"Why would I not be? Even if Paya is the leader of Kakariko, she's still a young woman, she's to have crushes and fall in love."

"No, I mean, are you okay with her liking women?"

Impa laughed.

"I like women myself, young hero. But yes, a long time in the past, it wasn't accepted.

»After the Calamity, the people realized it wasn't so important who you love."

Link leaned against the backrest of the chair and smiled.

Impa went back to check the shelves. "This is going to take a while." She murmured.

At that moment, Paya came back with a plate to serve hot tea in a set, decorated with the Sheikah eye, and food in the table.

"You must be hungry, Hero of Twilight. Please, drink and eat as much as you want."

She didn't have to say it twice for him to devour the food.

After a while, Impa joined them in the table.

"I found a legend about the Hero of Twilight." She said.

Link dropped his spoon and looked at her.

"Sadly," she continued. "it doesn't say much... Nonetheless, there have been consistencies throughout Hyrule's history, perhaps there is something, common to both our times, that you can turn to."

Besides the location of the main nations, there was nothing else... Unless...

"The four Light Spirits." There was nothing more consistent than spirits, divine ones, overall. "They could be found in ponds with the property to heal wounds."

Paya jumped up from her seat and clapped her hands together.

"The Springs of the Goddess! Wisdom for Nayru, Power for Din and Courage for Farore."

Impa nodded.

"Let me point them in your map, Link."

The Spring of Power, was located behind Death Mountain in a region called Akkala; the Spring of Courage, at Faron Woods and the Spring of Wisdom, just north of Hateno, at Lanayru Mountain.

The Spring of Wisdom will be his first stop, he'll have to stop at Hateno to talk to Princess Zelda before heading to the Spring.

Hopefully, Lanayru will know how to get him back to his Hyrule, to defeat Ganondorf and save the Princess... and Midna.

For now, this night, he could stay at Kakariko. He's missed a warm bed.

A Hero yet again - Chapter 1 - Good_Coffin (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.