Embers of Time - Chapter 4 - konanthehylian (2024)

Chapter Text

Paya stiffened, and she felt her mouth drop open. She was trying to register what Knoaka had just said. She wondered if he was being truthful, but he seemed to be more certain than he had before, but he seemed to also be more darkened, had a more sinister aura about him, but he seemed more balanced and less ominous as he had before. His blue-grey eyes were no longer unfeeling, but showed a lot more depth than before, but they seemed kind. His shortened black hair had a orange hue in the depths and his hands were adorned with turquoise markings that she was definitely unfamiliar with. He seemed to be somewhat uncomfortable with her facial expression and she realized she may have had an unpleasant look on her face.

"What exactly are you, Knoaka?" Paya asked.

"A Twili Royal, of the Twighlight Line, more accurately the eldest son," Knoaka said.

"I've heard of tales of the Twili, but never met one, or heard that they are able to be here without hiding in the shadows or wearing full armor to protect them from the light," Paya said confused.

"Bet you never heard of one who was on par with the champions of old, from 10,000 years ago?" Knoaka asked.

"Heard of a fifth champion from another world, that also ended up marrying into the Royal family of Hyrule, was that you?" Paya stated.

"That was me, 10,000 years ago. I come the Twilight Realm, to be more specific the Twilight Starry Hillside, where my family comes from, though anyone further from me is half or less Twili," Knoaka explained.

"Hey, Paya come to our hut, it's almost time!" Razul called to Paya.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute!" Paya responded.

"You were invited by Link, but I don't know you well," Paya said.

"Invited to what?!" Knoaka said vexed.

No-Nok walked beside Zelda on their way to Lurelin Village which was not far. Shoala had left them behind and it had dropped them at the Spring of courage instead of Eventide Island. No-Nok used his knowledge of the area to get them out of the deep wilds where many monsters were roaming. He never left her side since they had left the spring. Zelda wondered if Link and Paya would be okay since they had been gone so long. She wondered how long they had been gone here because it had only been three months in the Library of the Gods. She felt comforted by the man by her now, he actually spoke his mind and didn't think silence was a way to bear any burdens.

No-Nok saw the road curve and he saw the familiar pass to Lurelin Village. He noticed that the Village had not changed much in 10,000 years except there were a few more huts and docks had been built. The boat however was gone now as Shoala had allowed Imraz and Delsa to sail south taking the boat with them. He saw that Razul was very much looking old now, somehow, he had lived in this village for 10,000 years and still was not dead of old age. He noticed that there was temporary gazebo for a wedding, and he wondered who it was for.

Konan sat to the side of the ceremony to see that it was the other people he had known to be up in the Library of the Gods. They were getting married today, but not all their guests had arrived and the bride was not there yet. He saw Shoala standing over by the entrance to the Village and she seemed to have noticed something. He slowly stood up and put his two scabbards on his back and he saw No-Nok walk into the village with a woman who looked remarkably like Zelda the princess of Hyrule from 10,000 years ago.

"Sorry, I don't know how we got separated," Shoala apologized to Zelda and No-Nok.

"It was fine, we just were sent to the Spring of Courage, who is getting married here?" Zelda asked.

"Link and Paya, though they are waiting for two guests to be seated and waiting for the bride to be ready," Shoala explained.

"How long were we gone?" Zelda asked.

"One year apparently, they only spent a week out of the normal flow of time, so it has been a long time for most people. They announced their marriage apparently three weeks ago. They decided to get married here since they were already nearby, but I wonder if they were waiting for you," Shoala explained.

"Then we should see if we need to attend the wedding," Zelda said going further into the village.

No-Nok saw the people were looking around and Link was wearing a white shirt and pants that were shining in the sunshine. The wind was flowing over the area, but it was gentle and carried the smell of the sea. The sound of the waves was rhythmic and calming to the area that had once experienced the largest battle during the Calamity 10,000 years ago. He saw that someone had raised the center of the Twighlight house here in Lurelin and he noticed that his father was watching him.

Konan watched as No-Nok, and a blonde woman entered the village. He wondered who they were, especially the woman that No-Nok seemed to be relaxed around. He had always frozen around them and would normally be tense. He looked good for apparently having nearly died during the time period of the Hyrulean Civil War that they had travelled back to. He had somehow caught up to where No-Nok had been sent to by an unknown force, to a far future that had drastically changed Hyrule beyond recognition.

Konan's house hand been put in the ground by a powerful Sheikah device to make it submerge and also be able to be called up by the push of a button hidden well in the fence that had been set up to designate the bounds of the house that had been there since it had become Lurelin Village 10,000 years ago. He had been gone on errands much in the Kingdom during the first battle against the Calamity. Now he had finally retrieved his second broadsword that he had not intended to leave behind.

No-Nok took a seat next to Zelda and he finally heard everyone gasping as the bride strolled elegantly toward the gazebo. She was being led by a young man who was definitely a Sheikah with his silver hair. Her white dress flowed effortlessly in the wind and above the sand. as she walked down the aisle. the man then stood to the side of the groom as an aging Zora stood to officiate the wedding. No-Nok noticed that there was silence as the Zora began the ceremony in earnest.

Shoala saw that the ceremony had begun, and she sat next to a rock near the entrance to the village and she wondered where No-Nok and Zelda had gone. She also saw Knoaka sitting there, but on the groom's side instead of the bride's side. She knew he had changed something and seemed to be taking things easily as though he didn't have many cares left in the world. He appeared to always be a person who always had a glow of Goddess power about him. He had did what he had said, he had taken Princess Zelda from 10,000 years ago to be his bride instead of Konan being forced into it, but now he was solo once again.

"I Do," Paya said as she was asked to take Link's hand in marriage.

"I Do," Link said when asked as well.

"Then I pronounce you Husband and Wife in the eyes of the Goddess Hylia," The Zora said.

Cheers erupted from the guests and both Link and Paya walked to greet the front row guests. Knoaka slowly stood up in the second row and congratulated the couple. He then walked off to where Konan was standing.

"Well, I think it was a nice ceremony, don't you say Konan," Knoaka said.

"Not as nice as yours to Zelda 10,000 years ago, though nearly the entire Kingdom turned out for that one," Konan said.

"Yes, a bit extravagant for my taste, but that was so long ago now, even the world you left behind despairs for your power to protect the kingdom," Knoaka said with grave news at the end.

"I'm doing my best, but for some reason we were thrust here instead of the farther past," Konan said.

"Epoch probably did something, but you have a chance to have No-Nok travel with you once again, but I'm not sure if he would want to," Knoaka said.

"Why" Konan asked.

"He feels more at home in the here and now, plus he was moved here by Nayru last moment, otherwise he would have died by his fall into the gorge near Death Mountain during the War," Knoaka said.

"How do you know so much, Knoaka," Konan asked.

"Because as it happens Kovac was wrong, I was the God that was going to awaken during the Calamity. Though I think this last Calamity was much worse, nearly brought the entire kingdom to ruin. It was defeated later, but now without it's eternal shackles binding the curse, it will end in this age. I have ensured that through trials set upon myself and the Goddess of Fate, my wife," Knoaka said.

"Wait! You're married to the Goddess of Fate, does she have an actual name I would know," Konan sputtered.

"No, you have never been then, not when I met her first time. I became the hero when I was tasked by the Goddesses to prove I was good. Now with the help of the Goddesses I have regained most of my lost power, and I also ended the curse of the Demon King, Demise," Knoaka explained.

"So you are a good god, ended the curse of Demise and are married to the Goddess of Fate," Konan stated taking away the most important details.

"The last detail is not quite accurate, I am engaged not quite married yet," Knoaka admitted.

"Ok so still a good person, just not quite married, I hope it goes well for you," Konan stated.

"Konan, be careful throughout time, you don't want to change the course of history too much," Knoaka said.

"I try to keep it all straight, but it is hard to focus once you are having to interact with the people to know when and where you are," Konan whined.

"Here take this pendant, this will alert me if anything changes, that alters the course of history too much. It will also allow you to be less influenced by outside time manipulation; Epoch will have a much harder time taking you back to the future or a different past, though with that note it will be much easier to overshoot a time you want," Knoaka explained giving Konan a small pendant with a yellow stone in it.

"Thanks for this, father. I guess I should also thank you for taking my place as the Princess's husband from way back when," Konan thanked Knoaka.

"For this I only ask that you talk to No-Nok about going with you and listen to him," Knoaka said, "I've got to go, no time to spend here for too long. The upheaval is only getting closer not further."

"Upheaval?" Konan asked.

"You'll learn about it at some point, but it has about five years and I want to help out how I can when it does happen or more accurately after it's over," Knoaka said disappearing in a flash of light.

No-Nok and Zelda congratulated Paya and Link on their marriage and Paya was too bashful to say much while Link stayed silent. She then walked out to where Konan was standing and waved at him. He looked at her and his face turned into surprise as to him she looked exactly like the Princess of his time, but she was much more friendly and open. He started walking towards her when he caught site of No-Nok he looked rested and definitely had grown in some size and there was also more wisdom in his eyes. He did not look as guarded as before though.

No-Nok had a new sword that he did not have before he went missing and it glowed with benevolent light, even in it's scabbard. He wondered where he got it from. He remembered that at one-point Knoaka had told him long ago that there were three light swords that would be given to defenders of the light, and that those who carried one were those chosen, but Konan had not received one. He saw that No-Nok had one and it seemed as though he had always been destined to carry one.

"No-Nok, are you coming back with us on our journey?" Konan asked.

"No." No-Nok answered simply.

"Why not?" Konan asked.

"Because I belong here and now, outside of your shadow on my own path," No-Nok answered.

"Knoaka said this to you," Konan accused.

"No, I came to this conclusion on my own, though he said it would change who I become," No-Nok replied.

"Change you to Whom?" Konan continued asking.

"Change me to be better than I would be following you down your path," No-Nok said scathingly.

"Konan, he had told me had decided this, and he did this all on his own," Shoala said walking up to the group.

"He did, and you didn't tell me, Shoala?" Konan asked in a soft voice.

"I figure you should ask instead of assuming he would be coming back with us," Shoala stated calmly.

"Did you give up on becoming my successor, No-Nok?" Konan asked.

"Yes, but according to Knoaka I am his successor, meant to help this land in this age without the aid of a magical artifact in your possession," No-Nok said.

"What magical artifact does Konan possess, No-Nok?" Zelda asked.

"Don't--" Konan said.

"The complete Triforce as asked by the Goddess Hylia," No-Nok said ignoring Konan's short plea.

"Really? How sure are you about that?" Zelda asked astonished.

"Very as he showed it to me," No-Nok stated leaving no room for doubt.

"No-Nok did I not tell you to tell anyone about that as they could be Sheikah spies or part of the Cult of Demise," Konan sternly scolded.

"This is the Princess of Hyrule of this age, she is not a Sheikah spy nor a part of the Cult of Demise," No-Nok defended Zelda.

"Sheikah spies? Is he talking about the Yiga clan?" Zelda asked.

"Ah, in our time they were not called as such then, but they discredited one of the most daring Sheikah of time: Imraz Yiga," No-Nok and Konan said in unison.

"And the Cult of Demise?" Zelda asked.

"People from Lorule that were eradicated, that followed and supported the return of the Demon King Demise. They killed a far ancestor of yours named DeMaar Hyrule. They tried to kill the Princess of the era and even destroy Zora's Domain, and even kidnapped one of our strongest warriors," Konan explained.

"They still around?" Zelda went further.

"Possibly, though if they are, they are very few in number and very powerful, but would risk death from white magic users," Konan said.

"That line died out shortly before my mother was born so those mages are not here anymore," Zelda said.

"Oh, then maybe perhaps you should stay here, Shoala, as a white mage," Konan suggested.

"No, I'm not losing you again, so we are staying together," Shoala countered.

"Ok but should we solve all these problems now?" Konan asked.

"No, you should continue on your quest, The Immortal Hero, Konan Twighlight," Zelda commanded.

"The Immortal Hero?" Konan said puzzled.

"A hero who has not died from their time and is back alive in the flesh. So I am dubbing you The Immortal Hero," Zelda said.

"Uh...thanks I guess." Konan groaned.

Paya came over to the group and her smiling face fell as she noticed the grim faces of the group. She was about to ask what was going on when suddenly the wind picked up suddenly and a strange portal appeared. From inside of it Swilka walked out wearing a purple coat and purple pants. He wore a rapier on his right hip and his silver hair was short and parted to the right side. He had a short silver beard and his grey eyes shone in the light.

"Konan it is time to go now, otherwise we will have to wait for 100 years 'til the next time we can go back in time according to the Goddess of Fate," Swilka said.

"You planning on wearing that outfit for all time in the next past time?" Konan asked.

"No, just wanted to wear my royal suit and take it with me so when we return to the proper time, I can go home while wearing it," Swilka said smiling.

Konan, Shoala, and Swilka started walking towards the inn when No-Nok shouted, "Don't forget about the pendant that Knoaka gave you. He gave me one as well!"

When they were out of sight No-Nok relaxed and let his shoulder drop. He smiled and Paya's face brightened when she realized the grim faces were because of the man called Konan. She laughed and then Link came over and even he smiled. There was a knowing look shared by them about what the future most likely held, No-Nok felt like he had finally fully broken from his father which meant he was on his own path as Knoaka had told him he needed to be.


No-Nok was cooking in the kitchen when he heard the door open and Zelda walked into the house. The sun was shining outside, and natural light was filtering into the kitchen making it nice and bright. He was cooking seafood paella with ingredients he had collected in Lurelin Village. He was almost finished when Zelda walked into the kitchen and hugged him around the waist. He leaned back and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled and went up to the small second floor to drop off her bag she was carrying in from building the school in Hateno Village in Necluda. They were in a new house in the new Goponga Village in the Lanayru wetlands. They had convinced many adventures to put down some roots there as they could visit Zora's Domain and Goron Village in the same day.

Konan took the cast iron pan off the fire, and he put it on the wooden plates he had crafted a few days ago. He set the table and he got out the white chardonnay wine that Razul had given him. He poured some into both cups and then he waited for Zelda to come back down. He pulled out her chair and pushed it in after she came down the stairs and sat down. He then got in his chair and set the cloth napkin in his lap. He then looked across the table and Zelda was looking at him with amusem*nt.

"What is so funny?" No-Nok asked.

"You don't have to be that proper around me, we aren't in public where that is expected. We are in private away from expectant eyes," Zelda said still smiling.

"Ok then I could be lewd and improper here, huh?"

"No, that is not what I said, You don't have to be very proper but common manners should be expected," Zelda mumbled.

"I have never been lewd, except for when I am fully drunk, which I have only been once and that was according to my cousin's daughter, she was not a full Hylian mind you. Half Hylian and half Zora though that hasn't happened in a very long time. They left Hyrule a long time ago to go to a different Zora's Domain. Though he said if they lived a very long time, they'd come back help the kingdom rebuild after the Calamity 10,000 years in the future," No-Nok explained.

"So they might come back soon, though I'm not sure I would want them as my guards anywhere, they might not be good anymore if they are that old," Zelda said.

"They are like your grandfather Knoaka, strong and still seeming young," No-Nok said.

"How did you know that, No-Nok?" Zelda asked.

"Because this is my second visit to this time though it was before he calamity that claimed your father. It was when your mother was born, over 100 years ago. No-Nok wanted to have me age some more so we were here until the Calamity hit so I am nearly the same age as you, not much younger maybe a few years," No-Nok explained.

"You're over 100 too. I am 119 years old, how old are you?" Zelda asked.

"I am 118 years old, so only one year difference, but I wonder how you look so young if you are not one of us, the long lived people," No-Nok said.

Knocking sounded on the door and No-Nok got up to answer it. He opened it and there stood Junior as if talking about them had summoned him. He was definitely with Ruta still as she was standing slightly behind him. No-Nok bade him inside and they both entered the new house. It was a small place with decorated walls with pictures and a single bookshelf. There was a small second floor that held the bedroom and over looked the main room that also had small kitchenette in it. The walls were mostly opaque blue with a few windows facing East and West.

"Been a long time No-Nok, you sure have grown a lot since I last saw you. Then again that was a little les than 10,000 years ago. I see you aged well and didn't die in all that time," Junior talked.

"Um... not quite, I was with Knoaka for about a hundred years then went back to our time, then came here by sheer happenstance," No-Nok corrected.

"Ah, such a lovely young lady, No-Nok are you betrothed?" Ruta excitedly asked looking at Zelda.

"Not as of yet, though it would be great I think," No-Nok said.

Zelda's face flushed red as he said that and Ruta giggled as she tried to make her face return to a normal shade. She tried to breathe normally, but she had a hard time taking deep breathes. No-Nok turned to see Zelda was still quite red and he started rubbing the back of his head and chuckle slightly.

"I'll take that as she definitely likes you and was just majorly embarrassed by you saying it as you want or need it to be," Junior said.

"I think you boys should talk outside while I talk to her girl to girl," Ruta suggested.

After No-Nok and Junior were outside and had closed the door, Ruta turned around and asked, "How much do you like No-Nok?"

"I uh... don't just like him...I love him, but he isn't the hero of destiny," Zelda struggled to say.

"He is, if you didn't know he is now, because he has the spirit of the hero within, but it is close to who he was before, it hasn't changed," Ruta said.

"How do you know that?" Zelda asked.

"I can tell as a sage of water in a faraway land," Ruta said.

"Ok... but I still would love him that is why we are living in this new village. We are trying to rebuild Hyrule one piece at a time," Zelda explained.

"Living together though? Wouldn't most nobles and royals frown upon that?" Ruta said.

"Normally it would be, but he is my guardian as well my other half as I now know," Zelda said, "Did you know I was a Royal at first glance or did the sage ability tell you?"

"You look like the Zelda from 10,000 years ago. So I figured you were this era's Zelda," Ruta said.

"Why are you at this village, Ruta?" Zelda asked.

"We were escorting Sidon's fiancée from where we were, as it is she my distant relation. But on our way to the Domain, we came across this village and happened to ask one of the townsfolk who lived in the house in the center of town. They said a knight of Hyrule lived here along with a woman who was the princess of Hyrule," Ruta said.

"They weren't supposed to tell people that, but I guess it was fine this time," Zelda groaned.

"Well I think you should let No-Nok know about your feelings, he seems to share them with you," Ruta said opening the door.

No-Nok and Junior were sitting by the well in the village and seemed to be sharing something interesting that they were laughing about. Zelda wondered what they were talking about, but Ruta squeezed her shoulder reassuringly and Zelda felt that sometime soon she would need to confess her true feelings to No-Nok or it would eat away at her little by little.

"No-Nok you did much and apparently earned the sword of light from Knoaka. He may have one, but yours is further empowered with the power of benevolence," Junior said.

"He has a sword of Darkness now, though it doesn't control him or influence him much either," No-Nok said.

"If I'm right he had to get it to convince Demise of his evil; leading him into a place where he had to play the balancing act. He would become the divide a paragon of both light and darkness. With his shadow heritage it would be easily as simple as going to a place of darkness and allowing it to fill him up," junior explained.

"I understand. I hope he does well at it to get back to his wife," No-Nok said.

"Indeed." Junior agreed.

Zelda marched over and she tapped No-Nok on the shoulder. He turned his head and he saw something burning in her blue eyes. He stood up and he followed her back to the house. She shut the door behind them, and when he turned to see her, she was posing provocatively. He wondered what her plan was, she seemed to have turned more aggressive after talking to Ruta. He looked around and he realized that she had apparently lit candles on the table. He hesitated and then he sat down at the table and she quickly sat on the far side of the table.

"No-Nok, I love you and I want to advance our relationship to the next level. I changed it more to make it more romantic," Zelda confessed.

"Zelda, I all you had to do was say so, though your provocative stance really made me want to go all the way with you," No-Nok said.

"That was the idea, No-Nok. Should we go to the next thing after we finish our dinner?" Zelda asked.

"Yes," No-Nok said.

Junior wondered what had just happened, but Ruta just smiled, and they began to go out of the village towards Zora's Domain.

"Junior? Who are you to me?" King Dorphean asked.

"A friend to the Zora, given by a King from long ago the title of Zor-Gleek," Junior stated.

"Which king gave you such a high title?" King Dorphean asked.

"King Daphnes III from 10,000 years ago," Junior said.

"The Warrior King of the Zora? He must have been really impressed to give you such high honor," King Dorphean said.

"He even gave me his blessing to marry his daughter princess Ruta who is here with me now," Junior added pointed to Ruta standing beside him.

"The famous princess Ruta has returned to be among the proud Zora of Hyrule once again. She was beloved 10,000 years ago and had surpassed even her brother in power even though he was the champion of the Zora. She did however effortlessly defend the Dueling Peaks pass from invading monsters with her husband by her side. You are both very welcome here as well we thank you for granting safe passage of Princess Yona of the Zora of Subrun," King Dorphean proclaimed.

"We even met Princess Zelda and her new protector knight No-Nok on our way here," Ruta added.

"She has new protector knight is Link no longer in her service?" King Dorphean asked.

"Link is no longer in her service he has wed Paya of the Sheikah. Apparently, they had been separated during a trip to the Library of the Gods, and Zelda and No-Nok had been missing for a little over a year. The two became close and Link and Paya tied the knot," Junior explained.

"Does he still have the ability though to wield the sword that seals the darkness?" King Dorphean asked.

"No, he no longer possesses the hero's spirit as it has moved on to a different person," Knoaka said walking into the throne room.

"How dare you intrude on this audience, uhh..." Dorphean trailed off.

"Knoaka. My name is Knoaka Twighlight of the Twilight Realm," Knoaka said introducing himself.

"What is the Twilight Realm, I also have never heard of you before," King Dorphean said.

"I was sent here by the Goddess of Fate 10,000 years ago and aid in the defeat of Calamity. I was eventually a most trusted knight to protect the princess of Hyrule when the Calamity attacked. I was then asked afterwards to help restore the Kingdom from then on and since then I have defended Hyrule and by extension my home from the Calamity," Knoaka explained.

"Not last century, the kingdom was nearly annihilated by the Calamity," King Dorphean stated.

"Indeed I was tasked with ending the curse of Demise placed upon the land of Hyrule, and I achieved that goal," Knoaka replied.

"So you couldn't help because you were tasked with a goal by whom?" Junior asked.

"By the three Golden Goddesses, they were unsure if I would be successful, but they now know I was and will now let me live my life instead of going back into a magical slumber," Knoaka explained.

"A great honor then for us in the Zora's Domain and Hyrule in general," King Dorphean said.

"King Dorphean this man hails from the Twilight Realm that is always in Hyrule's shadow and is place for the worst criminals the land has ever known. Though that was long long ago, and none can return to the light, but apparently, he can," Junior explained.

"How can you be here, Knoaka?" King Dorphean asked.

"I am an oddity one that can pass as Hylian and can live in either world," Knoaka explained.

"So are you a criminal, or related to one?" Junior asked.

"No, I was from there before it was changed, so I am not related to one and am not one," Knoaka replied.

"I remember what my father once spoke about, before when the King of Hyrule built the East Reservoir Dam. He told me he was once a King of this country came from another land, but the princess of the time actually became romantically involved with a knight who was recommended to protect her by the Goddesses chosen knight. Is it possible that was you," King Dorphean asked.

"It was indeed me. I was king here a very long time ago, and in recent time prospective king of my homeland, but as of yet I am unable to go back quite yet, I am here to ask something of you. I need you to give me a single King's scale from you," Knoaka answered and requested.

"Why? Why would you need one?" King Dorphean asked.

"I need it to complete something to help Hyrule within the next few years, but it helps the new hero to empower them to the power level that is required of them in the coming years. So can I have just one?" Knoaka asked.

"Yes, I know that you will be helping us from now on, you can have one and please make sure to make him much stronger. Sounds like we will need him to be stronger than last time," King Dorphean agreed.


"Welcome back Knoaka, it is still odd for a voe to be allowed in Gerudo Town, but with your special case I told the guards and Buliara to allow you in, but disappearing into the desert is unsafe. Where do you go?" Riju welcomed Knoaka.

"Explaining would be difficult, showing you would be easier, if you want to know where I am going now that I am ready to go home," Knoaka invited Riju.

"Without guards or with guards present?" Riju asked.

"Only if you believe that you cannot make it back safely to town without my aid," Knoaka said.

"No, I believe a sand seal will do well," Riju decided.

"Yeah, otherwise it'd take at least a day to reach there," Knoaka agreed.

Knoaka walked to the sand seal rental shop, and he rented a tamed seal to get going. He saw that Riju was waiting by the gates of town, and he was happy to not be in the town that tolerated him because of his efforts to save the Gerudo a long time ago. He felt the hot wind on his face and he felt a rush of happiness of the thought of going back to what he told people was his wife. He really hoped she would understand why he didn't want to endanger her when the darkness had taken hold of him.

He got ready and he started going out into the Gerudo Desert. He passed by Riju and she was laughing and enjoying herself not being in Gerudo Town. She began swerving around behind him and he noticed that she was smiling, and he remembered that even though she was chief, she was still a child at the age of fourteen. He wondered once he showed her power he had never displayed if she would ask him to come to her later when she was finally an adult.

He slowed as they came to the edge of the ruins of the Arbiter's Grounds Ruins and he let his sand seal go and he stood at the edge while Riju came up behind him and stopped and looked at the central pillar that stood there since long ago.

"Knoaka you come here to an ancient prison that was once a prison for the Gerudo a long time ago?" Riju asked.

"Not quite right, but stand beside me not in front of me," Knoaka ordered.

Knoaka held out his left hand and suddenly the ground began rumbling and in front of both of them, the Arbiter's Grounds began taking shape once again and they were on the upper level where the Mirror of Twilight was resting across from a giant rock that was slowly eroding away. He let his hand drop to his side and Riju looked around in amazement. She noticed the sage symbols above the area were all cracked, but were still visible, but one was missing a corner, but she didn't remember the symbol to which sage it belonged.

"Knoaka, how did you regenerate the structure?" Riju asked.

"The power of time and it is only here until I deem it still needed, but it will disappear if I leave the range of the power which I intend to do," Knoaka explained.

"But this is high level time manipulation isn't it?" Riju asked.

"Yes it is high, but I still have a lot of magic power to expend while keeping this up," Knoaka said.

"Knoaka if you were not set to be married to someone else and I was older, I would ask you to be mine," Riju said.

"I would probably still turn you down, I have lived many lifetimes and seen much, including your most ancient of ancestors who were great protectors of your people and others as well. I hope you know that it is not who is the problem it is my lifestyle and experiences that make me not want you even if you were older," Knoaka explained.

"Oh, so I had no chance with you at all?" Riju asked hurt.

"Maybe in the era with Rilsa you could have had a chance, but not in your own era," Knoaka expounded.

"Rilsa was my ancient ancestor from a long time ago, even my great grandmother was a champion as well, Lady Urbosa was her name," Riju said.

"Lady Urbosa was a dear friend of mine and of my daughter, she was one of the few champions I knew quite well. She once asked me to let her see where her good friend was born, but I told her my little bird came from another world entirely., which was true as well," Knoaka explained.

"Her friend was the queen of Hyrule, Zelda's mother. I did not know of another voe in her life before she became cheiftan, espicilly such a powerful one," Riju sputtered.

"A friend or comrade in arms if you like, we both drove the Yiga most of the way out of the desert, but the valley at that time was swarming with monsters. She nearly was cut down, but I saved her and that when she asked me to be hers, but I was already with someone who I am to be joined with again soon," Knoaka explained.

"So another Gerudo cheiftan wanted you as well making it the second time you have said no," Riju said despondently, "Exactly what was the world she came from and was born in, the queen of Hyrule?"

"My world, the Twilight Realm, but she only had the light world aspects from me, along with the powers of Hylia that had been dormant in me. Dormant since I was her grandfather from even longer ago where I originate from, along with Goddesses who created the world; I am on thier level as is the Goddess of Fate, the one whom I am going back to, in the Twilight Realm," Knoaka explained.

"Dormant Hylia blood or blood of the Goddess, Twilight Realm, and another world entirely seperate from this one," Riju quitely repeated.

"Don't worry about it too much, Riju; you are the pride of the Gerudo the one who's name will be important for ages to come," Knoaka said.

"How about I come with you for awhile, Knoaka to your home and see how it is," Riju suggested.

"You shouldn't, it can be dangerous for those with light world only in their blood; you could turn into a spirit and not be able to come back here," Knoaka informed Riju.

"Thne you should probably go, Knoaka. Go and be unwelcome in Gerudo town later," Riju said.

"You are invited to the wedding though, Riju," Knoaka explained, "My future wife has invited you, as the maid of honor."

"What?" Riju exclaimed turning around, but Knoaka was gone and there was only a wisp of his presence left. She looked down and she shuddered at the height she was up from the ground when she felt the ground shift beneath her feet and she was suddenly falling to the ground at incredible speed, but was still standing on the top of the building. She then felt sand beneath her feet and she realized that Knoaka had been right about him leaving the range of his time ability. It had gone back into the ground and the sand seals were still waiting where they had been before.

Riju went back to Gerudo Town and there she found Buliara standing near the East entrance to town. She had a furrowed brow, but her face softened some when she saw Riju coming back into town.

"Lady Riju I was worried when I saw a large structure appear in the desert and also as suddenly disappear. It had shook the ground and made us wonder if something truly terrible was about to happen. Then you came back unharmed, but it seems that Knoaka didn't make it," Buliara said.

"No, he made it to where he lives, just outside our reach in the Twilight Realm. He is far more powerful he said than he was during the time of Cheiftan Rilsa. He was the God who awakened and he has been doing other things since. He said his future wife has invited me to the wedding of his to be the maid of honor, but I don't even know her," Riju explained.

"Lady Riju, perhaps you have met her, just didn't realize it at the time," Buliara suggested.

No-Nok opened his eyes and he felt heavy and he wondered what had happened before he fell aslep in the bed last night. He looked over and he saw Zelda still fast asleep and he wondered what had happened last night. He heard knocking on the door and he got out of bed and he noticed he was fully clothed and he went towards the door and he slowly opened it seeing hardly anything in the partial light from the newly rising sun.

"Ah, No-Nok is Zelda still here or is she already out in Hateneo Village?" A villager asked No-Nok.

"She hasn't left yet, why?" No-Nok asked.

"Well, a Sheikah is asking for her, but she is quite old at this time," The villager explained.

"Most likely is Impa, let her come to the house, please," No-Nok bade.

"Will do," The villager said walking towards the Sheikah.

No-Nok went up to the small second story and he saw Zelda's blue eyes open up and she slowly rose in bed. He noticed that she was bare and he turned around. She looked down at herself and she consciously covered herself again, but then she realized that she atually felt comfortable with No-Nok seeing her like this. She took it off and he noticed that her clothes were nicely folded on the bedside table and she wondered if she had done anything she would regret later last night.

No-Nok sat down at the table in the room and he noticed the fully eaten meal had not been taken care of last night. He decided to take care of it before they had a guest in a few minutes. He noticed that they had drank the entire bottle of wine and he guessed that they had both drank too much last night. He noticed that the stove was empty of fire wood and he put some in the bottom and he lit it on fire. He decided he would cook some porridge and he got a pot and went out the door to get some water from the nearby well.

"Ah the man who now protects the princess," Impa said to No-Nok.

No-Nok turned to see Impa walking into the town, but her hat no longer had the metal hooks, but rather had soft clothes on three directions. She was still short, but she was standing more upright than the last time he had seen her. She was smiling and she realized that he was probably expecting him to confirm or deny that, but she was still smiling widely. He wondered why she was smiling until he realized that she knew that they were living together in the new Goponga Vilage.

"No-Nok Twighlight, please take me to where Zelda awaits," Impa said.

"Not sure she awaits you, but I'll be making porridge if you'd like some I'd be happy to give you some," No-Nok said.

Zelda remembered what they had done last night finally just hours of kissing and later snuggling under the covers as the night had gotten colder than they expected. She had thought they had gone further but only she had tried to, but No-Nok had not gone that far. She was wearing her clothes when she heard the front door open and No-Nok came inside followed closely by the aged Impa. She saw that he was going to be cooking soon and she slowly went down the stairs to meet with Impa.

No-Nok brought the water to a boil and he added the rice, milk, and hylian herbs to it. He wanted to try a different herb, but most gave effects that neither on of them needed. He stirred the mixture until it was half way thick and he got a couple bowls and he poured some in each bowl. He sat one next to Zelda and then he gave one to Impa who nodded her thanks. No-Nok got himself a bowl and he poured the remainder in his bowl and he pulled another chair to the table.

"Zelda, I believe that the spirit of the hero has a new vessel. Link no longer has the qualities to wield the sword that seals the darkness," Impa was saying.

"I know, No-Nok has it according to Ruta as her sage-like ability allowed her to see that he now possess it, though I'm not sure what type of sage she exactly is," Zelda replied.

"Sage-like? You mean she is a sage wherever she went after the battle with the Calamity over 10,000 years ago?" Impa asked.

"She was awarded it at the other Zora's Domain that they left to a long time ago; now they brought their daughter to this Zora's Domain for this is where Sidon her fiancee lies," No-Nok said.

"Really prince Sidon's fiancee, I heard her name was Yona, but is Ruta and Junior's daughter?" Zelda said.

"Yes, I met her when she was born, here in Hyrule, she probably didn't recognize me, but she looks more or less the same, but happier and definetly much more grown up," No-Nok said, "But she doesn't know that Junior is actually her father as far as I know."

"Seems your new knight knows much about the past, which I came to tell you that the Immortal Hero was here before," Impa said.

"Yeah he seems like he has too much on his mind, and is on some sort of mission from 10,000 years ago," Zelda said, "But I learned something about him from No-Nok, he carries in his possession the entire Triforce to protect it."

"Interesting, but Zelda I wonder if you noticed you hesitate slightly when you say No-Nok, it's as if you love him more than you did Link," Impa pointed out.

"Well, I do I mean even before he was the knight who could wield the sword that seals the darkness. We were up in the Library of the Gods for well over a year as you know. He has no problem expresing himself and helps me even when we are apart," Zelda explained.

"Well I'll look into Ruta and I'll let you know if anything else develops," Impa said before standing up.

"Impa good luck on no longer being the village elder," No-Nok said.

"How did you know? Did someone let slip about my new dress?" Impa asked.

"No, I just remeber when Ta'loh stepped down that he no longer wore such a hat like you did," No-Nok explained.

"Ta'loh? Who was he?" Impa asked.

"Became a Sheikah monk, was enshrined in the Ta'loh Naeg Shrine that was above Kakariko Village not too long ago," No-Nok said.

"Oh, well I had never heard of him being elder of my village, but it is quite possible that it never made it into history texts," Impa said.

Impa walked out the door and quietly shut the door. No-Nok breathed in a deep sigh and he looked at Zelda, who seemed to be looking at him. He held her blue gaze with his own blue eyes and he smiled. He then realized he was going to say something he had never told anyone else. "Zelda, just to let you know I do love you as well, more than I have anyone else in my life. I won't leave you even if I must fight to not leave you."

"No-Nok that is now apparent to me that you will defend me without question, but I only ask you do not take unneccesary risks," Zelda said.

"I'll try not to, especially since I am not as familiar with this time of Hyrule as I am my time," No-Nok agreed.

No-Nok stabbed the bokoblin in the eye and he retracted his sword and he looked in the forest for any more uncoming monsters. They had tried to ambush him and Zelda on the way to Hateneo Village in Necluda. He had caught wind of it before it happened and he had dealt with the larger moblins first before dealing with the bokoblins that had appeared behind those. He was easily managing the sword that Knoaka had given him. At first it had been somewhat heavy, but it got lighter the more he used it and he wondered if he was getting stronger or if the sword was designed to be lighter once it was used more against the darkness of the land.

He signaled to Zelda that it was safe to go and she came out from the small cottage that was just inside of Fort Hateneo. She looked him over and she smiled when she saw that he was not injured in any way. She then let him lead the way towards Hateneo Village again when they heard an uproar happening behind them. They turned and looked and saw a large group of people battling more monsters.

No-Nok turned toward them and meant to help them. He pulled his blade again and he readied his other hand with lightning magic. He charged into the closest moblin and he knocked it down before stabbing it through the nose. He then sent out half of the lighning into a bokoblin that was ready to strike down a farmer. He then used the rest and put it on his blade and he swung it hitting only the monsters in the area. They all either died or were knocked to the ground where the obvious soldiers people ended the monster lives. They cheered and they looked at No-Nok who was sheathing his sword.

"Thank you, stranger," Hoz said to No-Nok.

"I'm No-Nok Twighlight, guardian knight en route to Hateneo Village," No-Nok introduced himself.

"Okay, No-Nok Twighlight, wait... as in Konan Twighlight's son?" Hoz said as he recognized the name.

"Indeed. Though he is no longer here in Hyrule," No-Nok added.

"Well we have heard that you are the new guardian to princess Zelda. Let me express that we were unsure if you were capable of that job, but you just demonstrated that you are definetly up to that job," Hoz replied.

"These men and women are part of the monster control crew that I made shortly before you arrived near Kakariko Village over a year ago," Zelda came up to stand next to No-Nok.

"Ah the best of Hyrule that are not Sheikah or knights at the moment," No-Nok said.

"Best? No we are the most willing to put our lives on the line to defend our beautiful land of Hyrule," Hoz replied.

"I say best meaning the best I have seen, I did not have the fortune of seeing many that were not family members," No-Nok said.

"Family members other than Konan?" Hoz asked.

"Yes, I had many. Konan the hero of the time, Shoala the sorceress, Junior the water warrior, Hersia the sea priestess, Delsa Sandswift the Gerudo, Imraz the Sheikah master, Iskanu the dark warlock, Gahbaldi the Old Axe, Knoaka the knight, and finally my half-brother Swilka," No-Nok saod all those he remembered.

"Wow lots of important names from 10,000 years ago, though most we wondered who they were," Hoz said, "But most of these people are dead how did you know them?"

"I am from 10,000 years ago, but I was sent here to help Hyrule in this age of rebuilding," No-Nok answered.

"Okay, I understand then, I think we should let you both go before monsters show up or before it gets dark," Hoz said understanding he was from long ago.

Zelda gave No-Nok a look at all the names he had listed off as family members, she wondered if they were all still alive like Shoala, Knoaka and Konan were. She let her mind mull ove things until she realized that they were back in Hateneo Village shortly before dusk. She let No-Nok go to the inn and she felt as though she had just stepped back in time since this was the first time her and No-Nok had returned to Hateneo Village. She smiled as she reminisced about a time she had come here the first time. She looked to where her temporary housing had been with Link, but the house was definetly vacant looking now.

"Knight of the princess, ha, then I am the King of Hyrule," A man yelled walking towards No-Nok wielding a pitchfork.

"He is, and you are defintly not my father," Zelda shouted.

"Huh? Princess Zelda you have returned, I am sorry my lady," The man apoligzed bowing his head.

"He is my knight and has helped Hyrule prior to becoming my new guardian knight," Zelda said.

No-Nok went back to the inn and Zelda felt some deja vu as she saw him look tired again. She tried to decide weather she could use her house in Hateneo when No-Nok came back and dropped this on her, "Link has left this house to Zelda Hyrule and anyone she deems worthy to spend time with."

"So I don't need to decide weather or not to ask you to come, you can come since it will be free," Zelda said.

"Okay, Zelda I will be there in a minute," No-Nok replied.

No-Nok walked in the door and he placed a bag next to the door and he slowly went up the stairs. He took off his shirt and he folded it neatly on the table near the bed. He decided to sleep on the floor and he laid on the floor to try and get some sleep before the busy day tomorrow. He heard Zelda's slow rythmic breathing and it put him at ease. He relaxed and he slowly drifted to sleep.

No-Nok awoke in the middle of the night and he heard the wind howling outside and thunder shook the floor. He sat up and he saw Zelda shaking beneath the covers. He lent her his hand she she grasped it tightly. He figured she needed consolement in the bad weather and he let her hold him close to her, but his face started to turn red in embaressment. He felt strong emotions washing over him and he wondered if Zelda felt the same as he did. As another crash of thunder rumbled Zelda's face got really close to his and he gently kissed her on her forehead.

Zelda felt the kiss from No-Nok and she opened her eyes to see he was shirtless and he was caring for her while she was having a hard time in the heavy rainstorm. She grabbed him more tightly and she knew that he was feeling something strong because his heart was pounding when he ear was pressed against his chest. She looked up into his blue eyes and she planted a kiss right on his lips, and he returned the kiss just as hard. She felt safe that he was there and he didn't have the blank expression that Link usually wore, but he was a comforting presence even though he didn't speak right now.

No-Nok heard the wind dying down as well as the severity and frequency of the thunder and he noticed Zelda was not shaking as terribly. He laid her down on the bed and he decided to stay in the bed until she was back to sleep. He still felt flustered by what had happened and he laid beside her and once it was quiet outside besides the pattering of rain, they both drifted off to sleep.

No-Nok woke up to see the sunshine shining underneath the door and Zelda was still asleep. He sat up and Zelda slightly stirred. He noticed he had slept in the bed and he felt like he had done something wrong. He got out of the bed and wondered why he was only in his underwear. He found his trousers off the side of the bed and he hastily put them on and he got up and he went down the second full level to have a seat at the small table under the staircase. He tried to remember what happened after the storm last night, but he coudn't. He felt like he had crossed the line as a guardian knight, but he did know he cared for her more than he even did himself. He wondered if Impa had known something like this was going to happen since she had already been smiling almost all the time she spent with them a day ago.

No-Nok felt soft hands reach down his bare chest and the feel of soft golden hair brush against his shoulder. He felt the brething on the nape of his neck and he felt reassured and his dark thoughts melted away. He turned around to see Zelda standing close behind him fully naked and he instantly felt flustered. He felt his face turning red, but he could not take his eyes away from the woman he knew he loved. He stood up and looked into her eyes and he gave her a deep passionate kiss and he she returned it before she gently pushed him out to break the embrace.

"No-Nok thank you for comforting me last night, I never got over my fear of thunderstorms and I always had trouble with handling them since. I hope you aren't too embarressed to see me like this; I felt empowered to do more after I talked with Ruta the other day to do more of what felt right, not what was expected of me," Zelda explained.

"I...uh...ple-please p-p-ut s-s-some clothes on," No-Nok stammered.

"No need to feel awkward No-Nok, my love," Zelda said bringing No-Nok closer.

"I...I... can't... as your guardian kn--," No-Nok tried to say.

"No longer just a guardian knight to me, sweet No-Nok. You are so much more than that to me," Zelda interupted.

"What did I do after I fell asleep?" No-Nok asked.

"We shared the bed and let the rain put us both to sleep. I do thank you for consoling me from my fear last night, just wish you would do it more often of sharing the bed from now on," Zelda proposed.

"Uh... you sure we didn't do anything else last night?" No-Nok protested.

"Maybe we did, but if you don't remember what you are thinking about didn't happen," Zelda smiled a knowing smile.

No-Nok let his gaze fall and he wondered if he just couldn't remember most of the night last night except he felt much more tired than he had before even with spending so long awake in the Library of the Gods. He heard a light knocking on the door and a woman called, "Are you awake?"

"Yes we are thank you Clavia, for checking on us," No-Nok said.

"Good it is a little late in the morning to be sleeping, and you have a visitor waiting for you on the opposite side of the bridge," Clavia called back through the door.

"Thank you Clavia," Zelda said.

No-Nok got up the stairs and he gave Zelda her clothes and he put on his tunic. He grabbed the bag next to the door and he opened the wooden door to see Clavia talking to the visitor, but the sunlight was making it hard to see who it was. He let his eyes adjust to the light and it was Symin who had once studied under Purah until she had decided to have Robbie move back to Hateno to create a new device for Zelda. He wondered why he was visiting and he wondered if there was something wrong with the school.

Zelda came out with her hair nicely tied behind her back and she teased No-Nok with a flick of her hair. He felt a flash of annoyance, but it was replaced with joy. He walked behind her and Symin stood up when they got closer.

"A late start, for both of you," Symin remarked.

"Uh... yeah sorry for making you wait," No-Nok said.

"Not at all, the reason for my visit is that the school is finished and Purah and Robbie have something for you up at the tech lab," Symin said.

"That's great what about the storm last night?" Zelda asked

"Storm last night? There was no storm last night, it was a clear night with a full moon," Symin said.

"But we heard thunder and rain last night," Zelda said.

"Maybe it was the strange orb of unknown origin that was near your house last night, but once we got close enough to investigate it, it disappeared as though it had never been there," Symin said.

Hmm...how odd, can you tell the color of it," No-Nok asked.

"Black and yellow with an amount of turquoise outline around it," Symin said.

"A Twili Ball. Those are communication devices, but are unstable if here without someone holding it. It could sound like howling wind thunder and rain, but in some rare cases can actually cause localized weather around the inteded recpeients area," No-Nok said.

"What could it mean?" Zelda asked.

"Someone wants to talk, but I don't remember where in Hyrule the entrance used to be to the Twilight Realm," No-Nok said.

"Maybe your grandfather will come to talk again?" Zelda suggested.

"That makes sense, but I wonder what the Twilight Realm could possible want with either on of us," No-Nok said.

"Hold up the Twighlight Realm. As in the antithesis of Hyrule rumored to be an era when Hyrule was at its most damaged by an outside threat," Symin asked.

"Yes, one and the same, but peace was returned to both by the Twili princess of the time, Midna," No-Nok said.

"How do you know?" Symin asked.

"Because my grandfather is from there before it became as it is now," No-Nok explained.

"Your grandfather is whom?" Symin asked.

"Knoaka Twighlight is my grandfather, and according to him I am a possible heir to his legacy," No-Nok explained.

"And he's here coming from the Gerudo region," Knoaka said walking up from behind Symin.

"You are Knoaka? You look very odd for a Hylia-- I'm sorry forgot you weren't," Symin apologized.

"It's fine I mean I played the part for better part of 10,000 years," Knoaka said.

"!0,000 years? Exactly how old are you?" Symin asked.

"Old, so old I don't remember when my son Konan was born, though I guess he is now known as The Immortal Hero even by this time," Knoaka said.

"Yes I remember the name refering to the Immortal Hero that saved us from the Calamity when it first appeared, but that was over 10,000 years ago," Symin eplained.

"For No-Nok it was only a few years ago or when the name was first used about two weeks ago, by princess Zelda here," Knoaka said.

"Really, what have you travelled through time to get here?" Symin asked.

"No, this is my time every moment," Knoaka then spoke to No-Nok and Zelda, "I am here to invite you to my wedding, though I believe Midna already tried with the ball to contact you."

"Midna as in the Twilight Princess in the era of Twilight?" Symin asked.

"You don't require an answer to that, but would you please come to my wedding in two weeks?" Knoaka asked.

"I would be delighted and honored," Zelda responded to Knoaka.

"Then might I suggest you go to the Gerudo Desert and wait in the Southern Oasis, before two weeks time is up. You will know where to go once the sun rises on the day before," Knoaka explained.

"We'll make sure to be there, plus I would like to introduce No-Nok to Riju," Zelda said.

"Be somewhat careful, she is looking for a voe though she hasn't started in earnest yet," Knoaka warned.

Knoaka then turned to the side and held out his hand a a small portal appeared. He then stepped through it and it vanished from sight. Symin examined the area around where it was, but he could not find anything he kept puzzling it. Zelda turned then turned and faced No-Nok and he grinned at her. The school had been finished, and they were going to head back to Goponga Village, but now they were going to head towards the Gerudo Desert.

"Zelda, Purah and Robbie from the hill have something for you," No-Nok told Zelda.

"Oh, they have something for me? I don't remember what Purah called it, but she said I'd need it in the future," Zelda


Riju tapped her fingers on the armrest of her throne she wondered if Zelda was going to visit soon when she hadsent the messenger. She had a special guest who was a voe so she had decided they should meet at Kara Kara Bazaar so she could meet this special guest. She was waiting for the sun to break in the sky and she finally saw the glow creep up into the horizon. She slowly stood and left the throne room and went out through the front entrance. The town was quiet at this time, but she really wanted to head to Kara Kara Bazaar to meet Zelda before travel got to trecherous during the day.

Zelda opened her eyes and remembered that she had asked Riju to meet her here in Kara Kara Bazaar that was having some renevations done to the lone rock formation fitted with a light so it would be easy to see where it was if the sandstorms persisted in the future. She sat up on the side of her bed and she didn't see No-Nok she wondered where he had gone. She then felt her stomach lurch and she rushed outside to vomit and she kept going until she finally felt better.

She had was doing it every morning for about two weeks and she realized that she had been feeling particualary famished and had cravings for swift carrots. Zelda knew why she was pregnant and maybe that was why No-Nok had been particularly making sure she had ample time to rest. She looked around and saw him standing not too far away he was looking in her direction and she realized he knew what was going on. He was smiling though and he seemed to be genuinely happy most of the time. He wasn't wearing his traditional shirt, but was wearing the voe clothes that Zelda had recieved from Rhondson from Tarrey Town a year ago when she had visited with Link.

No-Nok felt the wind pick up and the sun started rising with a red line on the Horizon. He finally stopped his standing guard and he went to the flat area near the pond in the area and he set up a cooking pot and placed some wood below it to begin warming up the cooking pot. He sat down on the sand and he unpacked quite a few swift carrots and some milk and once the pot was hot enough he added the milk first until it started to boil then he cut up the carrots and added them to the milk and once it turned orange he doused the fire and put the soup into a wooden container he had made a week ago and he saw Zelda sit down beide him.

"Zelda this soup is for you, I hope you won't be craving so many carrots as they are harder to come by out here," No-Nok whispered to her.

"No-Nok I think you're overdoing taking care of me. I'm not broken as you seem to believe, but you must know that I am definitly not upset about what we have together," Zelda whispered back.

"Zelda, I care deeply for you not just because I was your guardian knight, but because I loved you after we had spent three months together learning about each other, and me being able to teach you how to read Zonai runes. I will protect you more now so you do not beome to exhausted or in harms way," No-Nok explained.

"Just remember that I realize that your comforting me had led to both of us deciding on this shortly before leaving Hateneo Village about six days ago," Zelda said.

"Yes, it was after Purah had asked you if you wanted a new device similar to the Sheikah Slate. Though I remeber those being prevelant during the time of the first Calamity. I know that both Purah and Robbie wil be able to do well at making it together," No-Nok said.

No-Nok gave Zelda the container and a spoon and he let her eat the soup early in the morning. He sat there and he thought about what his father would think now. He had never approved of No-Nok spending time with normal Hylian women, but now he was with one that was now very special to him. She was the first one he had felt a deep connection with, and now she was definitly more special to him and he wondered if she would be willing to become his wife if he asked her to.

Riju saw a man sitting next to Zelda and she figured it was a guardian knight, but she seemed to be sitting much too close. She wondered if she loved the voe sitting beside her though she seemed to be relaxed beside him. She was looking toward the pond in Kara Kara Bazaar and not looking the way of Gerudo Town. She was facing the same way as him away from the rising sun. She was handed something and she seemed to say something that seemed joyful. Was this the voe that she had said she wanted Riju to meet, the one who was around the same age as Zelda was; he was over 100 years old too.

Riju walked past the barrier of the bazaar and she walked confidently in not making much sound on the sand. She walked towards where the pair were sitting when the sun started to really shine behind her and her shadow was along the ground. She looked to see her shadow nearly touched whee Zelda and the man were sitting. She looked and realized that the man was looking at her now and she wondered why his eyes looked so familiar. She wondered why his eyes were strong even though they were a pale blue.

"Greetings, Gerudo Cheif Riju," No-Nok greeted Riju.

Riju froze, his voice was deep and reminded her of Knoaka, but so did his jet-black hair and his manner of speaking. She felt fear even though he had made no threat to her, and he seemed to have kind eyes.

"Ah, Riju is here No-Nok?" Zelda asked breaking Riju's fear.

"Yes, I am here, Zelda. I am at dawn as I said I would," Riju reponded still shaken.

"Let me finish eating, but you should talk to No-Nok a bit until I finish," Zelda said cheerily.

No-Nok stood up and she realized he was wearing Gerudo voe clothing. His right shoulder was covered with a gold spaulder and his head band kept his hair from blowing in the breeze and his pants allowed him to walk freely. She saw his bare chest was well toned and he had many muscles that made him seem imposing. She felt her face flush and she wondered if he could see it in the sunlight and her darker skin. She looked down at the sand and she heard him take a step forward. She jumped and he stopped and she looked back at him barely, but felt her face flush even more. Her mouth felt dry and she was too unsure of how to even talk to a man who looked like a powerful Gerudo without being one.

"Riju, I am No-Nok Twighlight, Zelda's guardian knight," No-Nok introduced himself holding out his left hand.

"R-right, I am t-the Ge-Gerudo Cheif R-R-Riju," Riju stammered, "Are y-y-you by chance related to Kn-Kn-Knoaka?"

"Yes I am," No-Nok simply replied bringing his hand back to his side.

"No-Nok you simply spooked her with your muscles, maybe might spook her again if she tasted your exqusite cooking," Zelda said standing up.

Riju saw Zelda and she suddenly started to fall down but in that instant No-Nok moved and supported Zelda to keep standing up. She noted that she hadn't even registered that he had moved, but Zelda was mumbling about being okay she just stood up too fast. She noticed Zelda was blushing at being held by this voe, but didn't seem to mind showing him.

"Zelda, you need to be more careful. You don't need to stand up so quickly," No-Nok anxiosly scolded her.

"No-Nok is there something wrong with Zelda? She never had this problem before," Riju asked.

"Oh, Riju you may not know, but I just need to take it more easily than I used to due to some recent changes," Zelda said now standing on her own.

"What changes?" Riju asked.

"I'll tell you once we are in the Southern Oasis," Zelda promised.

Riju looked up at the cliffside that housed the Southern Oasis. She wondered how Zelda was going to climb it until she suddenly felt the air shift around her and she was floating up to the edge of the cliffside. She looked down and saw nothing below her feet, but she continued to rise as she came up to the level she walked foward and she felt more comfortable with solid ground beneath her feet again. She saw that Zelda was there along with No-Nok. She was smiling still and didn't seem the least bit surprised. She looked and she saw a heavily shaded spot and she decided they should rest there while they waited.

"No-Nok what exactly happened how did we not have to climb the cliffside?" Riju asked.

"The magic of wind allowed us to rise without the need to climb up the cliffside," No-Nok said.

"Wind magic? Zelda is he a mage or a knight?" Riju asked confused.

"Both actually, Zelda said going into the shade.

Zelda slowly sat down and Riju noticed that she seemed to get tired more easily and she wondered if there was something seriously wrong with her. She turned to see No-Nok getting his bag off his shoulder, and he placed it behind Zelda's back and she wondered why he was going to absurd lengths to make Zelda more comfortable. He sat down beside her and Riju decided to sit opposite from them still in the shade.

"Okay Zelda spill the secret, why are you easily tired? and why does he pamper you so much?" Riju asked once Zelda was resting easily.

"I don't want most people to know yet, but I feel you should be the first to know, Riju. I am with child, but it has only been a couple of weeks," Zelda explained.

"Link's child?" Riju asked.

"Huh? No he is married to Paya of the Sheikah, this is No-Nok's child," Zelda said smiling.

"Why?! He is only a guardian knight not worthy of you," Riju said exasperated.

"No, he is not. He is more than that to me and has been for at least half a year," Zelda said firmly.

"You wanted to introduce me to your voe, not one I could possibly have?" Riju asked.

"Don't get so upset about that, I thought you wanted to wait till you were at least 16 before you started seriously looking for a voe of your own," Zelda said.

"Well I'm jealous if you haven't noticed, Zelda. he embodies what the Gerudo would look like all voe to look like," Riju said breaking into frustrated tears.

"Riju, please calm down. I understand you are an adolescent and you're discovering more about how you feel about voe than you did before," No-Nok said.

"How... How did you know that?" Riju asked calming herself.

"Because I remember feeling like that when I was younger, though in my case it was vai not voe," No-Nok responded, "I didn't get to feel actual love until I came to this time. Now I have made it my own and will never leave."

"No-Nok's not from now Zelda? When is he from?" Riju asked.

"From 10,000 years ago, when the Calamity first hit Hyrule. He has a lot of skills besides magic that sets him apart from others now. He can read Zonai runes and even older texts, that are completely indecipherable by modern scholars," Zelda explained.

"Exactly how did you both meet?" Riju asked.

"I was traveling to Hateneo Village to meet with Purah originally, but it changed once we reached Hateneo because Zelda had realized I was a magic user she wanted to travel to the Library of the Gods," No-Nok said.

"Yes that and once we were there, we got stuck in a part that was unconnected from the surface that made us alone together for what there was three months, but down here it was shortly over a year. A now good friend Knoaka helped his mother get the power to help get us out of there," Zelda explained.

"Knoaka helped you out how many times?" Riju asked.

"Once. He didn't want us to go back the way he came last because he said it was going to be far too dangerous, especially for me," Zelda said.

"Where was it the path back," Riju asked.

"He called it the depths below Hyrule. He said it was a place filled with darkness and evil of a terrible origin, and he said we could awaken it causing devastation to Hyrule on an unimaginable scale, so he did not allow us to go," Zelda explained.

"So you met my crush, in a much more intimate setting," Riju proclaimed.

"Your crush is getting married; we are here since we were invited. We are here for that and to talk with you, because I wanted you to get your first impression of No-Nok," Zelda said.

"My first impression, he gave me fear that I've never felt before, not even Knoaka did. It ended once I saw him in better light. He seems very strong and imposing able to most likely have no real issue with monsters of any variety. He could probable even beat Link in a one-on-one fight since he can wield magic," Riju said about her first impression.

"I scared you?" No-Nok asked.

"Yeah your eyes carried intensity that I've never seen in Knoaka, but then again you are related so he probably looks similar when he is in that state of intensity. I can tell he is strong just by seeing that intensity since no other intense stare from anyone has ever caused me fear. It shakes me and I think that is why Zelda feels so safe by your side," Riju explained.

"Thanks, but I love him for what lengths he will go to keep me safe and even ensure he is still able to defend me without injury. We had run into the Hyrule monster control crew out near Hateneo Village, and he demonstrated to them that he was much more than just a regular knight. He truly cares about the people as much as I do which really warms my heart," Zelda explained.

"Uh... this is kind of embarrassing Zelda to have you gush about what anyone who has power should do," No-Nok said somewhat flustered.

"No-Nok apparently she really does love you because you help her feel empowered, and help her protect the kingdom she holds dear," Riju pointed out.

Suddenly the ground began to shake and then out of thin air a colossal structure appeared from the sand from the south which Riju seemed to be somewhat expecting. It didn't disturb the sand below where it appeared and No-Nok recognized it as what Knoaka had described to him as the Arbiter's Grounds. He saw that someone was standing on the upper level and he figured it was Knoaka since it was broad daylight and he seemed to not care about if he was seen in the sun or not.

"Well that's the signal shall we go?" Zelda asked.

"Yes," Riju and No-Nok said in unison.

"Riju felt more at ease with the magic that No-Nok used, and she felt like she was in more control as he raised them from the Southern Oasis to the top of the arbiter's ground though they didn't arrive until it was near twilight. He set them down and she noticed he seemed quite tired and she realized he must have been nearing his limit of using magic. He breathed heavily and knelt on the ground trying to catch his breath when the wind stirred and out of the shadows Knoaka emerged.

Knoaka was wearing odd clothes. They were long flowing black robes with ornate Twili designs covering them. He was now sporting a more glowing orange and black hair then before. His eyes were now a pale blue and he seemed to be completely other worldly, and his arms were etched with turquoise markings. He smiled when Zelda gasped and he said simply, "Thank you for coming; the wedding is in two days, but I was unsure if you all would come."

"Knoaka what happened to you," Zelda asked.

"What this is what a Twili royal wears and looks like, do I look so foreign that I do not seem like the person you know," Knoaka asked.

"Would I share that fate along with you?" Zelda asked.

"No, as you were born here and have spent over a century here, you will not look the same way; unless you spend a thousand years here," Knoaka replied.

"Why would she change?" Riju dared ask.

"She is my Little Bird's little bird, though she has grown much since I last saw my Little Bird," Knoaka said.

"Urbosa had friend that she wrote about in her diary who called Zelda 'little bird", but that was the queen of Hyrule from over a hundred years ago. Did you possibly know Lady Urbosa?" Riju asked.

"Yes, and I am a blood relative to Zelda, but not of No-Nok's. How it works is odd to explain to outsiders that are not from where I come from, but suffice it to say that he is only family in name not blood," Knoaka said.

"You seem more heartless than before," Riju protested.

"No, I just don't feel like explaining it before my wedding," Knoaka said turning to the same mirror that he had before.

Knoaka cast some force on it and it shone with a magical light and it projected an image onto the rock and it almost seemed to bore a hole into it, but a staircase appeared into a path from the light of the mirror. He calmly walked up the staircase as did No-Nok and Zelda. Riju gritted her teeth and followed Zelda up the stairs. She wondered if this was safe, but he had No-Nok go first followed by Zelda then her. He had her go then she saw him walk up and she then noticed that everywhere she looked the sky hand changed along with the architecture and how the land looked. She then noticed there were people lined up before where the stone area started, and they were all staying stoic by the newcomers.

Knoaka came through the portal and he continued walking casually as though the landscape did not astonish him. He then went to the left wing of the large structure and No-Nok was ushered that way by the onlookers. She then saw that the remaining people were women and they wanted Riju and Zelda follow them to the right wing.

No-Nok kept up a brisk pace and No-Nok struggled to keep up since the world made him sluggish and gave him a strong feeling of anxiety. He was then stopped when Knoaka opened a large door and guards barred his passage into the room.

"No-Nok of the Twighlight Clan your room is the left down the hallway, you are not to disturb his future highness until the wedding has completed tomorrow," A voice boomed behind No-Nok.

No-Nok turned to see a Twili who wore robes similar to Knoaka, but they were less ornate and were much shorter. He had shadowy black hair that was short and almost seemed to burn atop his head. He seemed to be in command here and he realized he was walking towards No-Nok with directed menace. No-Nok felt fear for the first time since he had come to this Hyrule, and he felt himself losing his grip on his calm. He then saw that the man was holding something and No-Nok readied himself for an attack when he handed him the small bundle and said, "While you are here master No-Nok please wear these clothes as they will quiet the shadow magics around you and also denote that you are an honored guest of his future highness Knoaka Twighlight, and her Highness Queen Midna Highsen."

Zelda felt a bit distressed at being separated from No-Nok but knew this would happen at some point anyway. She then let the ladies lead her down a hallway away from Riju and knocked on a door before it slowly opened, and Zelda was ushered in. The door was shut behind her and a woman voice sweetly said, "Come inside Zelda princess of Hyrule. I want to meet you before I talk to my maid of honor who decided to come along with both of you."

"Are you Knoaka's bride-to-be?" Zelda dared to ask from the doorway.

"Please come closer and ask it to me directly," The woman bade Zelda to come further into the room.

Zelda felt confidence surge through her and she tried to look dignified as she entered the room. She looked over and saw a tall woman looking out the window into the shadows that covered the land. She turned and looked at Zelda and her red and gold eyes caught her and she felt as though she was looking at the beauty of a goddess that had been forgotten. She had long orange hair that was braided down both of her shoulders, and she wore a long skirt and a cloak that barely hid her feminine features. She seemed confident and she was taking a long look at Zelda.

"You look so much like my light bearing daughter, and I see you also have that power within you as well," Midna said to Zelda.

"Your daughter?" Zelda gasped.

"Yes, though she was doted on by her father, she always asked me why I looked so different and did not like direct sunlight in Hyrule. She noticed I was fine with the night and twilight and dawn hours in Hyrule. I told her it was because I was a shadow of Hyrule and could only remain as such. I told her as her father called her Little Bird she would always be my ray of the light. She then eventually left with her father never to return here and I found out from her father later that his Little Bird had given birth to a daughter who looked so much like her mother," Midna explained.

"Wow sounds like what Knoaka said about his daughter. Were you his mistress at this time, Midna? Does that make you, my grandmother?" Zelda asked.

"Yes it does, and Knoaka and I were not married yet, so was an illegitimate child of this realm. She was destined though to reintegrate the power of sealing back into the royal family of Hyrule, so I bear no grudge for it," Midna answered.

"So this is like seeing your child back from a long while ago, I guess." Zelda said.

"No, I get to see what my child left, and get to see her grow from meeting her other family while she starts hers since you are already with child," Midna said smiling at her.

"How could you tell?" Zelda asked.

"You have the look of a mother expecting her first," Midna said.

Riju was let in the room where she saw two more women waiting and both were holding clothes that she was supposed to wear. She at first was hesitant, but she relented in wearing the clothes that they were ready for her. She took off her clothes and folded them before they dressed her in the garb of the Twili. She felt foolish is such large clothes, but when she was allowed to stand up fully again it barely even touched the floor. She wondered how they had gotten her size right, but she figured that somehow Knoaka had known her size before he left.

Knoaka stood looking out the window, and he wondered how Midna was doing in the opposite side if she was talking to Zelda like she had planned. He had noticed something in eyes when they had met again, but he wasn't sure about what it was though it seemed familiar. He turned to the door, and he wondered if he should talk to No-Nok about the situation. He knew he had left orders to not be disturbed until after the ceremony, but he decided if he needed to talk to No-Nok he could wait until after the ceremony.

No-Nok felt ridiculous wearing the robes he had been given, but no one really spoke to him and always offered him special services rather than the standard ones that most people seemed to offer the others who were staying in the section of the palace. He tried to keep it out of mind, but it starts to bother him when he would get dirty looks from the others. He stayed in his room more and he tried to calm the anxiety and sluggish feeling this land gave him. He decided meditating would most likely be the way to go.

Zelda let herself be dressed by the maids that had awaited her in her room. She felt like she had just been given a fact that shook her world. Not only was Knoaka her grandfather but Midna was also her grandmother. She wondered why Knoaka had left that detail out when he had told her about who he was. She had felt some inner peace since coming here and she wondered if it was because she was where half of her lineage came from. She then recalled that Midna had asked to talk to her again once she was dressed, but she was really starting to feel famished again.

"Can I have some food?" Zelda asked one of the maids dressing her.

"Yes, milady after you are dressed, we were told to wait on you with the other guests," A maid explained.

Riju felt exposed in here new attire. it was loose fitting and barely covered her private areas. She felt as though she was purposefully being underdressed, but when she walked out into the hall she saw several ladies dressed similarly and she wondered if this was how they normally dressed or if this was the way they dressed for this particular occasion. She followed the ladies to a banquet hall, and she tried to see if she could see Zelda in the crowd. She then saw the ladies milling around the table and some sitting down once they had found something next to their seat. She decided to look for her seat first and she found it near the table end on the left side.

Zelda walked into the banquet room, and she looked up to see multiple chandeliers hanging from the ceiling with unlit candles that were slowly being lowered towards the table. She saw Riju take her seat and she wondered if they would be sitting close by or very far apart. She saw ladies were getting sat at the table once they found their seats and when Zelda came to the first spot not at the end it read, "Zelda Hyrule". Zelda sat down and realized she was not too far from Riju who seemed to be looking around at the table.

Once Zelda was seated a servant came to her gave her a push into the table and a glass of some liquid that was turquoise and a napkin which was placed next to her glass. She wondered what the liquid was when she heard the chatter of the ladies fall silent. She looked up to see Midna walking in looking the same as she had before except, she looked more dignified. She strode confidently to the empty chair at the end that Riju and Zelda sat at and she simply sat onto the chair and was pushed in and was given a gold liquid in her glass and once she was tucked into the table the chandeliers stopped and a bright light flared to life on all the candles and Zelda wondered why they were brighter than the entire other lights where she had been earlier.

"Ladies, thank you for coming here to witness a marriage between me and Knoaka tomorrow. I have had to wait for nearly 100 years since he had asked me, but the wait has been well worth it, because now I have good friends with two of my new guests within the castle. I invited my close friend Makeela Riju Chieftain of the Gerudo as the maid of honor," Midna announced.

Riju wondered how this woman knew her full name and was surprised to hear a lot of applause in the room from the other ladies who had all turned to see Riju. There were at least a hundred women at the large banquet table and only a few who looked older were not clapping but were giving her nods of assurance. It slowly died down and she looked at Midna and she wondered how much this woman had planned the gracious welcome from the assembled people.

"I also have my granddaughter here to my right," Midna announced, "She hails from Hyrule and is the current princess and as I have been told by herself has chosen a man to be with for a long time. She is also carrying my first great grandchild and is here to see how her other side of her family lives."

There were cheers and applause that accompanied that with some of the ladies shouting congratulations. It took longer to settle down then Riju's welcome and once it did Midna clapped, and servants came streaming out of a hidden kitchen and began setting the first course on the table in front of the ladies. One everyone had their food they all opened it and Zelda realized it was a swift carrot stew like the one No-Nok made her often times. She was ready to eat and she grabbed the only spoon in front of her and she hesitated until she saw that everyone else was already eating.

"Zelda just so you know they gave you water, so you don't have to worry about drinking it," Midna said when she hesitated.

"A relief, but this looks exactly what No-Nok makes me often times, though it usually is a little bit smaller," Zelda said trying not to cry.

"Zelda, I love swift carrots even though they are hard to come by here, but Knoaka had made sure to buy many when he had visited Kakariko Village before he invited both of you, just try to eat as you need it as much as your baby does," Midna replied.

Zelda started to eat the stew and she enjoyed how it tasted so good and once it was nearly gone she drank the water and it felt good wetting her now drying lips. She saw a few servants coming around refilling drinks when a sole waiter came up and filled up Zelda's glass. She guessed the other ladies were having alcohol in their drinks except for Riju who was also drinking water. Once she had finished the stew her bowl was taken away and she felt so good at the good stew she had just eaten. She slouched some and a plate was set in front of her and she wondered why. She could scarcely eat more food, but she sat up more and a small piece of what looked like chocolate was on her plate.

Midna watched Zelda eat, but she knew once the chocolate pie was brought out she might wonder what it was. She saw her looking at it and she used the fork that came with it and tried a bite. She was smiling and Midna sighed as she started to eat her chocolate pie piece. She ate it from the back to the front as she liked the inside most and once she finished it she finally drank her gold drink.

The drink was made from rare flowers that grew only in the Twilight Realm, they were called bluefires and were a blue and red flower that when made into anything became gold and healed most ailments. It also was worth all the days' worth of drinking in one cup making whoever drank it feel fulfilled and not thirsty at any point. She looked at Zelda and noticed that she had eaten the entire pie slice and seemed fully sated. She had some tears streaming down her face and she figured the first dish had made her miss No-Nok profoundly. She had talked about him often when they had spoken before, and she realized that Zelda was having a hard time being separated from him.

Riju really enjoyed the pie as it was something she had never had before, but it tasted so sweet but was not fruit such as hydromelons that they grew in their region. She saw that Zelda's eyes were streaming, but before she got up to help console her friend Midna stood up and wrapped her arms around her granddaughter. She wondered why she had been chosen as the maid of honor as she was not an adult yet, but figured that Midna knew that. She saw many of the ladies eating much more slowly and when she looked back to Midna she was walking out of the room with Zelda.

Later Riju sat on a chair in her room that faced the yellow and black sky outside. She heard her door open, and Midna walked in quietly. Riju stood up and bowed to her.

"Makeela, please don't bow to me. I wouldn't want you to treat me differently than you do Buliara," Midna said.

"Please, I want to know how you know me so well," Riju asked.

"I know you from a few years from now, not the here and now. It might be a bit confusing, but we haven't met until now or in my case a future I have both lived and seen," Midna tried to explain.

"That is confusing, but Knoaka said he was a god who had awakened 10,000 years ago which means he will outlive you doesn't it," Riju said.

"No it doesn't anymore I have reawakened as the Goddess of Fate and also the Goddess of the Twili. Knoaka is the perfect choice for me as he was here before my people ever did and he knows the entire history of the land. He was a god long before, but he was called the God of Gods meaning he had a lot of the powers of the others. He recently became the God of balance as he did something he was unsure he would have to do. But more to the point some time aberrations appeared making my time as Goddess in the same span as his reawakening from a magical slumber," Midna explained.

"So you know me from when I was older, how much older was I?" Riju asked.

"You were nineteen and well-loved chief by your people and invited me even though I was definitely an outsider. But then again, I am a vai so it presented no issue; however you also allowed one voe inside the Town walls because of a debt you owed him for helping save your town and people. I don't know his name only that he was allowed in and you had a respectful relationship and understanding. You later risked your life to save him at Hyrule Castle and came to understand that circ*mstances were not as they seemed," Midna elaborated.

"Did I have a voe in my life besides whoever that was?" Riju asked.

"Not until after the Demon Dragon was destroyed, but yes you found a voe who was worthy of you at the age of twenty-one," Midna specified.

"So I just need to wait for that, but in the meantime, it looks as though I have things to look forward to," Riju said.

"That is why I wanted you to be my maid of honor, before Knoaka won't endanger this realm to face terrible things that could happen. He told me that trying to prevent futures makes them even more likely to happen. He knows this and still tries to make them not so terrible, which does work so he and I may help if things go poorly," Midna explained.

No-Nok finally felt peace from his anxiety, but he still couldn't shake the sluggish feeling. He felt as though he did everything slowly and he then heard knocking on his door. He rose from his sitting position and he opened the door slightly. He saw one of the men who gave him a dirty look, but he seemed to be worried about something so No-Nok let him in.

"Is your name No-Nok Twighlight like the whispers have said?" The man asked.

"Indeed that is my name has been all my life," No-Nok confirmed.

"Then let me apologize on behalf of us all for distrusting you, we did not like the fact that Knoaka had brought an outsider here, but being his family makes much more sense why the servants afford you such special treatment," The man said.

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself since you now know who I am?" No-Nok queried.

"Ah, yes I should have introduced myself first," The man introduced himself, "I am Zeroc Heshin of the noble line Heshin, the current leader of the house."

"No. I actually know you, does Knoaka know or have you hidden it from him. You are Iskanu Twighlight my elder brother," No-Nok said.

"You didn't miss that huh. How did you know exactly?" Iskanu asked.

"Zeroc the name of your magical blade, how could anyone have missed that, especially with someone you trained with that very blade," No-Nok explained.

"Konan thinks I'm gone and dead, but Sheikah ended up saving me before I fell to my death," Iskanu said.

"You don't have any blood of Twili in you either, Krunak did, but he is also missing," No-Nok said.

"He was the man who spoke to you before, he has spent a long time here from the Twilight invasion when a usurper king was in charge," Iskanu continued, "He is now Knoaka's advisor, and I think Knoaka knows exactly who he is since he was here long before even the vile usurper king Zant came into this world. He is surely strong and definitely fits in here since he is an old friend of Knoaka. He was here along with Knoaka before it changed but when he came back the place changed to what it looks like now."

"He was one of the interloper mages that means, but he looked like a Hylian before, but of course he was one of us, a Hemecho from the other world," No-Nok concluded.

"Yes, but he is back where he believes he should have stayed even when his friends went out to conquer the Sacred Realm. He now doesn't display great power as he did before. I know he knows me and knows who I am, and he definitely knows you but he feels as a possible successor you have more right to be here, than I do. Though he doesn't know that Knoaka gave me my sword and said that I should protect Konan as long as I could stand apart from him. Now without Konan nearby I stand much stronger alone and Knoaka brought me here now years ago. He was there during the Hyrulean Civil War ages ago, when you all were there, but he had more pressing issues then; he--," Isknau explained.

"Ended the curse," No-Nok said.

"How--," Isknau was interrupted again.

"Because I knew what his plan was, and I even helped him during a short time to put some of the finishing touches on it. It will now end the next time it tries to emerge and destroy Hyrule. i think that was the cause of Knoaka becoming a dichotomy of light and darkness," No-Nok said.

"Makes the Twilight Realm suit him then since it is shadow of light not darkness either," Isaknu said.

"Well I believe I should turn in before the wedding tomorrow," No-Nok said.

"We all will do so, but the time never changes so I or Krunak will make sure you are ready for tomorrow," Isaknu said as he left.

No-Nok finally didn't feel sluggish, and he wondered why. He looked at the bed and he realized this would be first night in weeks that he would not be able to sleep near Zelda. He decided though he should at least lay down and try to sleep before the ceremony tomorrow. He heard knocking his door again, and realized he must have been talking with Iskanu through the night. He got out of the bed, and he made sure he looked very presentable.

No-Nok answered the door and he saw Krunak once again. His short black hair his nonexistent facial hair and his now red eyes. His eyes were once grey but were now red like most people of the Twilight Realm's were. His body was now white and pure black, and he had shortened somewhat from what No-Nok remembered of him, but maybe it was because the last time he had seen him he had been shorter too. He was looking at No-Nok as though he didn't belong, but he pointed to No-Nok's left arm and he saw evident turquoise magic was on his left arm.

"Looks like your meditation I could feel did that to you. I didn't know you had dormant Twili powers since you are technically not the biological grandson of Knoaka, but maybe he knew you had dormant powers or that you could get some more power as you were not wholly awakened when I saw you last," Krunak explained.

"How about you, you were travelling with my father, when did you leave?" No-Nok asked.

"When we went far back to the Era of Twilight a long, long time ago. I heard he had seen you, but did not go back to travelling with us, which I completely understood. You wanted to belong somewhere outside his shadow as did I. I left before he even realized I was gone and when I got back to this realm before Konan led Midna here along with the princess and hero of that era, I entered and became my actual form from here," Krunak explained.

"I was forcibly removed as it seems others were as well, I have seen Iskanu, Junior, and a few others as well," No-Nok said.

"Well Junior said no, Iskanu is here by invitation from Knoaka, and who are the few others?" Krunak asked.

"Swilka though he probably didn't notice me; he was busy talking to some Sheikah when I was visiting Kakariko Village," No-Nok stated.

"Ah, he declined as well, but he does not live in Hyrule or the Twilight Realm he lives in Lorule which should actually be impossible to travel to and from unless he knows the secrets of how to get there," Krunak mused.

"You should know Krunak that Midna is your friends' daughter by the way," No-Nok threatened, "Zeerth and Selna's specifically your allies who changed this world into what it is now along with you."

"How did you know this?" No-Nok asked.

"Knoaka had told me when I was with him working on ending the curse he tasked himself with doing," No-Nok elaborated.

"Well the reason I came by was to tell you should be ready, but it looks like you were by the time you came to the door," Krunak changed the subject.

"Thought it may have passed that fast, I am ready to see him married or I guess this a the second time it would be, but the previous time was eloped with someone else," No-Nok mused.

No-Nok took his seat on his grandfather's side and once he sat down he saw Zelda coming down the aisle and she sat next to him. She leaned on his shoulder and seemed to be trying to get as close as possible without sitting on him. He smiled and he felt that being apart had been much too long, but she was happy to be here. She was sitting on his right side and he moved his arm and put around her other shoulder and let her be closer. He then saw Riju was dressed in an elaborate dress, but she stood up near he alter instead of sitting down on either side of the chapel.

"She is the maiden of honor, as Midna said at the banquet we had," Zelda said, "She didn't like the temporary robes either, too revealing she said."

No-Nok looked at Zelda and realized it was quite revealing of her body, but still kept her modesty intact. He had a hard time looking away when he saw many people now getting seated and a few waiters standing up at the top and Knoaka was wearing very nice Twili robes, and his hair was parted to the side making him look much younger than he actually was. No-Nok looked back at Zelda and noticed that her stomach was poking out a bit and he knew that he would probably ask her once they were back in Hyrule about becoming her actual husband not just guardian knight.

He heard gasps and he turned to see Midna walking own the aisle. She was in blue-grey robes that were emblazoned with magic runes that were in Zonai. They read, "Queen of the Twili and Goddess of Fate." He let Zelda sit up more and he leaned a bit closer to her so she knew he still cared deeply about her. Midna stopped at the altar and she turned to Knoaka, who actually smiled a big grin instead of his usual smirk. An old Twili appeared behind the podium and said, "Do you Midna Highsen take Knoaka Twighlight to be your Twili King and lesser God of Fate?"

"I do indeed take him to be both, and to also protect our realm from all harm," Midna affirmed.

"And do you Knoaka Twighlight extend your lineage and support to our honored queen and goddess to do all you can to protect our home," The officator asked.

"I do indeed accept my reponsiblities and will protect all that the Twilight Realm needs," Knoaka said solmenly.

"Then I allow you both to be married and would like to wish you both martial bliss and a long peacful time of ruling," The Officator finished.

Knoaka took midna's hands and clasped them with both his hands encompassing hers and they kissed and No-Nok saw that Riju was tearful. He looked at Zelda again and she was also teary and No-Nok noticed he was starting to as well. He then saw them go down the aisle side by side and as one evryone else rose to their feet. He had Zelda stand with him and they looked at the departing couple. He then saw Knoaka and Midna look back and they locked eyes with him and nodded. He realized he was being summoned and this time the others were looking at him. He began to move when Riju came behind him and started having him move where they were going.

No-Nok and Zelda follwed them to the edge of the plateau in the main area of the palace. They stopped at the edge and No-Nok stopped a polite distance away and waited for what they had to say. They didn't say anything and let the wind billow their robes around. No-Nok waited and the wind suddenly died and he heard from Knoaka, "How did you harness the power in your left arm?"

No-Nok then remembered that he had just covered his arm, but apparently others could possibly tell, but even Zelda looked surprised at what was said.

"I felt anxious and sluggish ever since I came here the anxiety I got rid of by meditating. The sluggish I don't know how," No-Nok replied.

"I guess I should have told you meditating here can cause latent or dormant powers to become exposed. Because you meditated the anxiety left and the sluggish took a bit longer because it means your power in the Twili magic was being restrained before. Now with it unleashed you should stay, but if you don't want to you can go and it will convert it to your wellspring of magic making it much stronger," Knoaka said.

"I have to go, I will not leave Zelda's side for any reason. I have to think of the future more than I did before, because I have changed it by my own volition," No-Nok said.

"Good that you decided to grow No-Nok, I am proud to see that you will continue to grow without my guidance. Maybe once you have a child to care for I'll see you both once again, but not alone," Knoaka praised No-Nok.

"Not alone is right, I would dislike you seeing our great grandchild without me," Midna said hotly.

"Too right, No-Nok, Zelda, and Riju there will come a time in about four to five years that will see us again," No-Nok said.

"You will always be welcome in Gerudo Town as long as you have the cloak Knoaka, and Midna you are always welcome as you are a vai," Riju said standing by her friends.

"Thank you, but we need to put our own realm back in order. I would ask that you decide to leave or stay, but do so quickly," Midna asked.

"We will all leave, we need to return to Hyrule and our normal lives," Zelda said.

No-Nok was the last one to leave the Twilight Realm and once he was out the realm, the place started descending into the ground and once it was finished it became as a few scattered ruins on the ground sinking under the sand. He wondered why Riju didn't seem upset, but she must have experienced it once before. It was night time and it was cold out in the winderness of the desert. There was a Gerudo search party out looking around since the buidling had simply travelled quickly back to the present.

"Lady Riju you've been gone a couple days, we were getting very worried. We are earching the desert for you, but apprently you are safe as well as these people though... the princess is here," Buliara noticed, "And who is the voe? Is he someone you're intersested in lady Riju?"

"No, Buliara he is the guardian of Zelda, he goes where ever she goes and he does speak unlike Link did," Riju said.

"Greetings Commander Buliara, greatest Gerudo guardian of the Gerduo second to only the Seven Heroines and Lady Urbosa," No-Nok greeted her.

"I would not say that, Lady Riju has become quite accomplished in a few short years," Buliara sternly said.

"Where had all of you gone since apparently you were all together?" Buliara asked.

"Knoaka's wedding, in the Twilight Realm, we were there only for two days. There was no cause for concern until a third day had passed then you should have," Riju explained.

"Uh, why are both you ladies not well dressed exactly those robes espcially on the princess barley keep her modesty intact," Buliara asked.

"These were the robes that we were in for the ceremony, and I found out that once their realm is back together; they'll try to be here to visit in about five years time. But maybe visit only once their granddaughter has her first child," Riju said not saying anything about the revealing clothing.

"Who is their granddaughter? I don't know any Twili living in Hyrule anywhere unless it was inside the Thyphlo ruins, though they are no longer dark all the time," Buliara asked.

"It is me, my mother was a fair skinned Twili with the power of light instead of shadow, so she came her with her father and bacame the queen of Hyrule with King Rhoam my father," Zelda explained.

"So you were invited by your grandparents to go to their wedding or was it singular one until they were married," Buliara asked.

"Both of them are though I didn't know that until my grandmother told me this, I knew Knoaka was but not Midna. She told me about how her daughter had the power of sealing magic and the blood of the goddess to seal away the evil that seems to plague Hyrule. They were unmarried at the time, but both are from two royal families so they are still royalty even though we may not recongize it," Zelda explained.

"So an illegitimate child of theirs was your mother, but either the King didn't know it or care," Buliara reasoned.

"Or it was in a temporary kingdom that has since vanished from memory because it was so small and was consumed by Hyrule shortly there after. If I remember correctly the Kingdom was called Frogona which encompassed the Digdogg suspension bridge and the area just South of it," No-Nok said.

"That could be possible, and likely it was forgotten if it was that small and only temporary," Buliara conceded.

"Well, Buliara we should go back home, but we would like a respite at least at Kara Kara Bazaar," Zelda said.

"You shall have an escort, as the nights are always dangerous out here," Buliara replied.

Junior slapped the flat of his broadsword onto the face of a Yiga footsoldier that had invaded Kara Kara Bazaar during the night. There were still plenty, but he was able to fight five to one. He dodged a wind slice from a Yiga blademaster and then he jumped backwards as they used the earthwake technique and tried to hit him with the small rock explosion. He put a finger to the ground and he caused the ground to bury the entire blademaster into the ground.

Ruta thrust her spear and broke a Yiga footsoldier's defense and then hit again making the Yiga footsoldier retreat from there with a three holed wound. She spun and sent a couple more flying into the outskirts of the Bazaar and then she turned to see a large patrol of Gerudo warriors appraching the Bazaar and was glad unforseen reinforcements would arrive soon. She then saw a sudden burst of shadow magic burst forth from the patrols direction and it hit a leading blademaster and he fell over apparently dead. The rest of the Yiga retreated and Ruta wondered where it had come from.

No-Nok let the remaining traces of turquoise magic subside off of his left arm and he felt himself getting tired from the exertion of just using the magic once. He kneeled on the sand trying to catch his breath from the exertion of using it and the Gerudo patrol broke off and went into the bazaar. Zelda stood behind him and once he had enough breath and strength back he took her hand and she helped him up. They got to the bazaar and No-Nok saw Junior and Ruta standing with weapons drawn and some of the guards of the Gerudo were lightly wounded.

"Ah, was wondering where you all went, we went to Goponga village and the villagers said you hadn't returned from Hateneo, but Purah told me we wouldn't find you there either as you had come all the way out to Gerudo Desert. We hadn't seen you yet, but the Yiga attacked the bazaar recently and it had been when most people were sleeping. We weren't sleeping and we raised the alarm when I spotted them heading this way," Junior said to No-Nok.

"Heh...huff...whew, sorry about that, I used magic I'm unacc*msted to, Junior," No-Nok said still breathing heavily.

"That shadow magic bolt? That came from you? That is high level Twili Magic that Konan couldn't even use," Junior said.

"Apparently I can only use it once before it nearly depletes my magic wellspring," No-Nok said.

"Yeah, only a true mage could do it more than once, but even Shoala could only use it three times and she was a mage not a a paladin like yourself," Junior said.

"Paladin as in a warrior first with magical abilities?" Zelda asked.

"Uh... um can you wear something less revealing, Zelda it makes it hard to talk to you," Junior said turning around.

"No-Nok has no problem so you shouldn't unless you don't really find your Zora wife as attractive as me," Zelda scolded Junior.

"Uh... I used to like the princess of 10,000 years ago, but it was to be unrequited and I still love Ruta far more than looks go," Junior said turning back to face Zelda.

"Why are you wearing Twili royal robes, Zelda?" Ruta asked.

"We just came from a wedding between Knoaka and Midna of the Twili. I was given this to wear specifically for being a guest of both the groom and bride," Zelda answered.

"Well even No-Nok's aren't as nice you must have a direct relation to either one or both of them to recieve those," Ruta said.

"No-Nok exactly why didn't you recieve royal robes," Zelda asked him.

"Because in No-Nok's and my case we aren't actually directly related to Knoaka, he is what is called an original which means the first of a line, they usually don't have kids and they adopt the next generation into their surname, but Knoaka does have actual children now so it can get a bit confusing who really has succesion rights to his place once he does die," Junior said.

"Junior you were told not divulge that to outsiders, but I guess she should know since she is definitly a part of your family now," Ruta scolded Junior.

"What do you mean she is part of the fam..." Junior trialed off.

"My grandparents are Knoaka and Midna, and I also am pregnant with No-Nok's child," Zelda said.

"Congratulations Zelda, I knew No-Nok would have a hard time resisting you if he truly loved you," Ruta said.

"No-Nok tell me you didn't, she is a distant relative as it is, but you don't belong here in this time. I found out who drew you here at Knoaka's request and I am to send you back if at all possible," Junior explained.

"You won't be sending me back, if you haven't noticed your tome their is no mention of me in the past," No-Nok said indicating the magic tome Junior had on his waist.

"Not everyone gets their name in history, many don't even make a mention of everyone. You must not have been important when I send you back in a few minutes," Junior stated nonchalantly.

"You can't send him back, I need him and so does this world and time now, he has the spirit of the hero!" Zelda shouted.

"It will go back to whoever had it before so there is no need to panic," Junior said beginning to cast a spell.

"Dear, she needs him and wants him more than Knoaka needs him to be sent back in time," Ruta said and he stopped the spell casting.

"Ok No-Nok if Konan is still here you need to travel with him. He will need your aid," Junior said.

"The Immortal Hero is gone back somewhere in time and has lost stronger allies not just Gahbaldi, but even our elder brother Iskanu and his good friend Krunak Kraza," No-Nok said.

"The Immortal Hero? I have never heard of that before, who is that?" Junior asked.

"The name is what I bestowed upon Konan Twighlight before he left for the past," Zelda said.

"Well he is then the Immortal Hero, Konan Twighlight, and I suppose since he is gone I will not do as I was asked when I was taking Lady Yona to Zora's Domain," Junior said.

"She is your daughter isn't she," Zelda said.

"Puh...huh... h-how did you guess?" Junior said.

"It is true she is ours, but we had her believe that her parents died and we raised her. So now since she is here in her arranged marriage with a royal zora named Sidon," Ruta said, "Until he knew who I was he seemed to like what he saw of me, his eyes woandered over my body, but Junior told King Dorphean who we were and Sidon finally realized that we had brought her from apparently what was called old Hyrule."

"Old Hyrule? What is that?" Zelda asked.

"Old Hyrule was where the Triforce was first located before it was moved to what became the Temple of Hylia," No-Nok said.

"I thought it was always there, once it came down from the sky," Zelda said.

"No it was moved ahead of the demons of the demon war on the surface, then sent skyward with the remaining humans by the goddess," No-Nok elaborated.

"Just like originally the Zora ancestors ages ago were called parella and lived in the vast forest of the Faron region of Lake Floria, and that was part of the surface that became Hyrule later," Zelda said, "So old Hyrule was even further away and was called Hyrule as well, was it a kingdom too?"

"Old Hyrule was nearly washed away by flooding, but somehow it was revealed by a long dry spell; allowing people to move down from the mountain peaks. It was Hyrule from long ago, but was the outskirts from far away from the castle that has stood for ages in the same place. There was a copy of the master sword and a shadow of Ganon there too," Junior said.


No-Nok started to plow the small field behind Zelda and his home. He had told her to take it easy during these hot days and instead read up on what they would need to eat to help her stay healthy. He had also started to take over more of the responsibilties of planning trips to anywhere. He had helped recently with the plans of building a place near the castle called Lookout Landing. It had been funded by some scattered nobles and and was being built by Hudson Consruction from Akkala. He had even funded part of it with his large amount of yellow rupees which were considered gold ones that were worth 300 rupees each.

Zelda was starting to not have problems in the morning, but No-Nok was really babying her and treating her really well. She was not allowed to go very far without him, but she would allow her to cook and do things in town, but leaving was not a good idea even though she wanted to go to lookout landing to see how everything was going. She sat up when her door opened to see someone she definitly did not know entering her and No-Nok's home.

"Well, honey I believe No-Nok should let her out more, but he is almost going to absurd lengths to protect the princess. He has made a cart and has a horse so he plans on taking her to lookout landing later today," The man said.

"I believe that was supposed to be a surprise," Zelda said to the man.

"Eh? Um... this is the wrong house, so sorry princess Zelda," the man apologized.

No-Nok finished plowing the field and he knew that he should get ready to take Zelda to Lookout Landing. He put the hoe up against the house and he opened the door. Zelda was sitting up and he waved to her.

"Zelda I have a surprise for you tonight, I am taking you to Lookout Landing in a little bit," No-Nok said, "I will also be allowing you to do more, but far excursions on foot will not happen, you will have a wagon to go far away from here. I built it myself so it may not be pretty but it functions better than a standard wagon. It will allow access over rough terrain to allow freedom of movement."

"Thank you No-Nok, I was going a bit stir-crazy being stuck in a small village," Zelda affirmed.

"Well that is why I made sure to prepare for that so I got plants growing, I got a ministable for the horses, yes multiple, and I have a few of the monster control crew to serve as your guardians in case I am absent from being able to go," No-Nok explained.

No-Nok finished loading up the wagon and he got in the driver seat while Zelda was in the back in a covered portion. He set the horse to start going and a few villagers waved at them as they went past. He set the horse to an easy canter, and they went over to the road that connected Kakariko Village to central Hyrule. He let the horse follow the path and he let Zelda tell him what she hoped to achieve before the baby was born in about eight months.

"Who goes there?" A man at the new walls of Lookout Landing asked Knoaka.

"Hoz me and Zelda are here to see how things are progressing," Knoaka said to the grizzled knight.

"Ah, then welcome open the gates," Hoz called out.

No-Nok had the horse slow down and slowly walked into Lookout Landing. He knew they had no stable done yet, but they had a place set up for those who rode horses into Lookout Landing for the moment. He let the horse go to the waiting troughs of food and water and he opened the wagon and extended his hand and helped Zelda out of the wagon. He then followed by her side to the building that housed a large telescope and a few other scientific tools.

"Purah has something to give you Zelda, she is up on the second floor, I want to talk to Robbie about something else, but I'll be nearby," No-Nok comforted Zelda.

"Hey Robbie I have a question to ask the genius behind Shiekah tech of the age; what could I do with some of the left-over ancient parts I have that Zelda can't find a use for," No-Nok asked Robbie.

"Ah give them Purah, she will use them in the new towers we are constructing throughout Hyrule," Robbie rasped.

"Ok, just let me know if you require more funding, I still have plenty of disposable income to facilitate research and reinforce the new fort," No-Nok said.

"Just how much do you got, you didn't seem to mind parting with 100,000 rupees before and most of them you gave us were gold rupees," Robbie said.

"I'd call them yellow, but apparently those don't exist now so they are counted as gold ones, but that was just what I could grab easily. I was part of nobility from my time," No-Nok explained.

"Nobility? Your time is now and there haven't been nobles in about an age," Robbie said.

"Did Purah forget to mention that I am not from this age, and that my surname is Twighlight?" No-Nok asked.

"She did, but maybe that was because we were both working hard on what she decided to call the Purah Pad though I put a lot of work into it. I also came here to help set up this area and she has been having a hard time not studying what we do see, she is too easily inspired to do many things," Robbie complained.

"Well I believe that is how she has been, but do you know anything about having a child since I don't have much experience with that," No-Nok said.

"Thank you for changing the subject, but I don't have as much as Jerrin so maybe you should ask her she is in the underground shelter here," Robbie said.

No-Nok waited on the platform on the second floor and looked out towards the castle. It seemed more like a citadel or fortress rather than a castle. It lacked large spanning wings and really high towers that stood above the rest. He heard excited whispering from behind him and a short girl that had silver hair stood on the stairs.

"Hi! Are you part of the Monster Control Crew," the girl asked.

"No, I am the guardian knight to princess Zelda, No-Nok," No-Nok answered.

"I thought that was Link, or is he still on his honeymoon with Paya so you are filling in for him," the girl asked.

"No, he has been retired from that job, and I inherited it and have been doing it for well over a year," No-Nok explained.

"Are you strong then, because you should know the Yiga clan are still hunting her," the girl said.

"I know they are, they don't really worry me much, only Kogha might give me grief," No-Nok said.

"Oh, so you are strong, but I don't know you well, oh by the way I'm Josha of the Sheikah," Josha said smiling a big smile.

"Well, if you want to speak to Purah you will have to wait as she is talking to the princess inside," No-Nok said.

"So you are here because she is. You should talk to goggles down below he always says things that are far out there but very out there," Josha said still smiling.

Suddenly, a group of Yiga foot soldiers entered Lookout Landing and No-Nok sprang into action. He drew his blade of light and his eightfold blade. He blocked a hit coming in from his right and sent the sword into the stomach of the soldier to his left. He then reversed his thrust and stabbed a Yiga clansman behind him. He ducked and disengaged from the Yiga clansmen to his right and drew his short bow and shot a Yiga who was about to fire his arrows at Josha. Robbie came out of underneath, and he sent a wave of fire from a small contraption he had on his back.

Hoz blocked another thrust from the Yiga clansmen who had a curved sickle. He was about to block again when a wave of earth started moving quickly towards him. He was about to move when suddenly it stopped, and a man had deftly defeated the Yiga blademaster. He sighed and went back to fighting the foot soldier.

No-Nok kept his area free of the Yiga and when he looked down below, he saw that Link had come to Lookout Landing and was helping mop up the rest of the Yiga who were not gaining any ground. There was a shriek from inside and No-Nok sent another Yiga flying before he went to the door, and he burst in seeing blood coming from a small wound on Purah's arm. He saw Zelda was behind her and a blademaster was preparing to strike. In a single moment No-Nok launched a bolt of electricity at the blademaster making him fall to his knees. He put his hand to the floor trying to use the Earthwake technique. No-Nok stopped him by putting a deep slice into the arm of the blademaster.

"Curse this knight he always causes us to lose like the champion does," the blademaster said before leaving.

"Thank you, No-Nok," Purah breathed.

"It would be a problem if we lost anyone as we still have not recovered from the Calamity fully," Zelda said.

"Before I came in here I saw Link being here helping the guards with the defense of Lookout Landing," No-Nok said then said to Purah, "I can heal your wounds if you need me to."

"You can heal wounds are you a warlock or a weapon master like Linky?" Purah asked.

"He is a paladin a weapon master with magical abilities, he is stronger than Link is by far just doesn't have the renown of Link," Zelda said.

"Lady Purah the attack is over and a portion of the monster control crew has returned from the Hebra region and ran into Link who was on his way here," Hoz reported.

"Well thank Hylia for that we need to get more people here to help defend a now important location for the future of the kingdom, Purah said exasperated.

"Are you injured," Hoz asked.

"Barely, but apparently this man can heal wounds," Purah said.

"Really a knight can do that?" Hoz asked amazed.

"Yeah, watch this," Zelda ordered.

No-Nok walked over to Purah and he closed his eyes and then he glowed for a moment and Purah looked down to see the cut on her arm was gone and she felt better than she had in a little while. He then opened his eyes and Purah was amazed that he didn't even have to touch her to heal her wound. It was well above what most people had to do cause healing magic usually required very close contact. He looked like he was tired and she wondered if healing was something that really hard for him to do.

"No-Nok you shouldn't heal if it is that hard to heal something simple," Purah said.

"It's not that, I didn't just heal you, but then entirety of Lookout Landing," No-Nok breathed.

"That explains why my scrapes no longer hurt," Hoz said.

"Zelda exactly where did your guardian come from, he is just the kind of person you need to defend you and keep you healthy," Purah asked.

"He comes from Lurelin Village, but from 10,000 years ago. He is a person of great potential, but also doesn't desire to return to his time. He says he feels more at home now then he did then," Zelda explained.

"Hmm seems like my kind of man," Purah said looking at No-Nok with interest.

"Not for you at all, he is mine," Zelda said.

"Relax Zelda, I wouldn't take your defender unless you find an even better one," Purah joked.

"Uh...no even if I found a better one, he would still stay mine," Zelda said picking her words.

"Why would he remain yours? You would be protected by someone better, so why remain yours," Purah asked more seriously.

"I will tell you a little later. Probably tomorrow since it is getting late for today," Zelda avoided answering the question.

"Yes the night watch is now on duty so I will sleep and be up in the morning to take over for day watch," Hoz said before leaving.

"Where do the rest of us sleep?" Zelda asked.

"You can sleep here as for everyone else they sleep in the emergency bunker down in the square below," Purah said.

No-Nok sat outside of Purah's new residence, and he let himself meditate and knew he would most likely not sleep anyway since his dreams were always filled with dark nightmares since he had visited the Twilight Realm. He had laid next to Zelda to keep her company, but he never had slept but had laid down. He also wanted to ensure that if they were attacked again, he wouldn't have a problem with not being close by. He let his mind wander and he soon fell into a deep trance.

"I'm telling you Ruta there is something amiss, but I can't quite place it. There are still many monsters about and No-Nok at his residence here in Goponga Village again. I wonder where he went this time hopefully not back to the desert again it was too dry for you and me," Junior said.

"Visiting again Junior," A villager asked.

"Was trying to visit No-Nok again but not here again," Junior stated.

"They went to Lookout Landing in central Hyrule before dusk settled around here. Him and the princess is they if you didn't know who they were," The Hylian said.

"They seem to travel together a lot is that because he is Zelda's guardian," Junior asked.

"He may be something more, they do live together but it may be platonic as he does not have a home in Hyrule," the man said.

"He is to her at least, Junior. She truly does love him, I just don't know if he feels the same way that she does," Ruta explained.

"He does seem to be more than willing to die for her so I believe there is mutual love between them," Junior said.

Link was standing next to the ladder that led up to the square and he wondered if day was breaking yet. He then heard the gears move and the bunker cover opened. He saw a little sunlight hitting the high walls of the walls of Lookout Landing and he saw many of the knights and other Hylians were getting ready to head up to man the areas they needed to. He climbed the ladder, and he stepped off and out of the way. He wondered where Zelda was since he was supposed to protect her, and he figured she may still be in Purah's study.

Link walked towards the wooden steps to the second floor and once he turned towards the door. He saw No-Nok who was standing with his back to the door. He seemed to be very intimidating to Link. He seemed as though he had grown taller, and more muscles and he had heard stories from the monster control crew about his feats in combat. He seemed to be unfocused, and he walked towards him and his eyes locked onto his and the look sent a chill down his spine. He had felt that way only when he had faced against the traveler Knoaka, but never had No-Nok given him such pause. He had learned that he was able to use magic at a very high degree and was masterful at least with swords and even spears.

"Hey, No-Nok I am here reporting for duty to protect her highness princess Zelda," Link mustered his courage to speak despite feeling fear.

"Purah is trying to determine if she needs one or two protectors, as I am currently Zelda's first choice as I have no familial attachments here," No-Nok said crossing his arms across his chest.

Link felt like he had been hit by a tidal force and he wondered why No-Nok was wearing a bandage on his left upper arm. He wondered if he had been injured but everyone had been healed by some powerful magic. He then noticed it seemed like it was glowing, and he wondered if he had to use medicine to heal rather than the magic.

"You injured No-Nok? You are wearing a bandage on your left arm," Link dared to ask.

"Magic scars, from a new magic type I got. It looks malevolent so I keep it covered to show people I'm definitely on their side. Though it is benign magic as it is not evil or even dark. It is in between light and dark known as shadow magic, but the magic takes it toll on me when I use it," No-Nok explained.

"I guess healing magic doesn't cut it to heal it then," Link surmised.

"It can't be healed not even by one who has the light magic to heal the wide area like I did yesterday," No-Nok answered.

"Wait, that was you?! That makes you a powerful mage class, but you also have a mastery of most weapons I'm guessing. So the ever so rare paladin class is your specialty, a weapon master with the ability to use magic. I can't use magic and I specialized in swords mainly, but I am able to use other weapons, but I am strongest in swordplay with a shield. Though Knoaka made even my skills quite inadequate," Link explained.

"He would make anyone feel inadequate as he is god and is possibly more powerful than a single golden goddess," No-Nok said.

"You quite sure about that?" Link asked.

"Very sure, considering even Nayru called him the Reawakened God 10,000 years ago," No-Nok concluded.

"Zelda, why is it that even if he was not your guardian would you not choose another is there really no other reason," Purah interrogated Zelda.

"I am certain this may shock you, but I convinced him after months to lay with me and I am now with his child, though he has become even more protective of me since then. He will probably go much further beyond what Link would have to ensure my safety," Zelda explained.

"You had to convince him, but why him and not Link who you loved before?" Purah pushed.

"Because we were together for a year, but for us it was three months in the Library of the Gods. For some reason when I met him when Link was escorting me I felt something I realize may have been infatuation but developed to love in the span of months. He showed me empathy, gave me support and did talk to me about things he had seen and witnessed. He has seen much and experienced more than even I have ever thought possible. He was always expected to become a knight, but his grandfather saw his potential instead and gifted him with that blade of light he has," Zelda explained.

"Well, that still doesn't explain why not Link, you don't know do you?" Purah asked again.

"Link was ripped from me by what No-Nok called the curse of Tuft Mountain, which causes heartbreak or bond breaking rather than he says the curse of the Lover's Pond. He says that going there may possibly cause unforeseen circ*mstances. He was right and he has helped me be able to be more open to other ideas to further help the kingdom," Zelda explained.

"That actually makes a lot of sense, but he can do more for Hyrule as a leader rather than just your protector," Purah followed the logic.

"He seems to be doing something at night, but he won't tell me, but he stays close even then. I wonder what it is but pushing may not be the right approach at least not from me," Zelda said.

"Do you want me to ask him?" Purah asked.

"Only if you think he may tell you and not me," Zelda answered.

Zelda opened the door and she saw Link talking to No-Nok. Link looked quite well rested and genuinely happy and even less concerned. He was smiling and was actually openly talking without it being short and to the point. He must have been up since dawn, but he was here in Lookout Landing apparently here for something. He was wielding a knight's broadsword instead of the Master Sword. He had no shield as per his usual, but his quiver was full of arrows, and he had a golden royal bow. He was decked out with equipment, while No-Nok was barely equipped with a couple swords, but he did have magic to bolster his weapon mastery.

"Hey, No-Nok I want to talk to you," Purah yelled out of the open door.

"Hey good luck No-Nok she really is quite intense when she wants to be," Link said when Purah called out.

"Well Zelda I am back for your protection, I don't think a paladin can do enough to protect you from harm," Link said smugly after No-Nok was out of earshot.

"He has done it for over a year, and he actually talks to me quite often and about what he plans to do. He even brought me to Gerudo Desert to talk to Riju and attend a wedding," Zelda said.

"Riju got married?" Link blurted out.

"No, my maternal grandfather did. He was the one who beat you in Hateno over a year ago. He was using wind magic that made you miss and get blown away," Zelda explained.

"That was, but he seemed to be so underpowered, but he reminded me of No-Nok in the way he used a sword and magic too," Link reasoned.

"No-Nok is his successor, as evident by the sword of light he wields. It was a gift and apparently it is a second forge bathed in sacred benevolence though he never did say where, just that we can't get there," Zelda said.

"Successor, I wonder why I wasn't chosen," Link said.

"You are as he said far too young to be so, as am I and most others of the age; No-Nok on the other hand is from 10,000 years ago during the first Calamity and was sent here after having spent 100 years securing the land of Hyrule, though I don't know where or exactly when," Zelda expounded.

"He never told you?" Link asked leaning in.

"Never really came up again, but he says once we were done here we are going to Zora's Domain to know if anything is going on there. He really knows how to spoil a girl," Zelda said.

"Hey link can you help with something," Robbie called up.

"Eh... I will finish this conversation later," Link said descending the wooden stairs.

"So Zelda said she got you to agree to something I never thought she would get anyone to agree to until she was old," Purah said.

"She is old by Hylian standards, well over 100 like myself though we don't look like it. But as far as agreeing to it yes, I did," No-Nok admitted.

"You realize this is unprecedented, no royal has left their line go into impure territory of noble or royal blood at least in Hyrule. Are you part of the nobility from when you are from?" Purah asked.

"I don't know if it is considered that, but my surname is Twighlight as in the Immortal Hero from long ago," No-Nok answered.

"Yes very high nobles, at least 10,000 years ago, though nobody has heard of the name for over 5,000 years," Purah said.

"The line even intersects with Hyrule royal blood 10,000 years ago, though it was someone I know well from then, they still live today," No-Nok said.

"Who exactly? Is it someone I know?" Purah asked.

"No, you haven't met me Purah, though I think you may have seen or even heard my name by now," Knoaka said appearing from the shadows in the corner.

"Who and what are you?" Purah asked.

"Who is simple but what would be even less believable to you," Knoaka said walking forward, "I am Knoaka Twighlight, my granddaughter is here in Lookout Landing. I am here to tell you not to scrutinize them too closely, by that I mean No-Nok and Zelda or you may incur my wrath."

"What are you again?" Purah asked pressing further.

"The God of the Goddesses, though I admit it is a pretty ostentatious of a title. I prefer to just be called Knoaka though.

"God of the Goddesses, I have never heard that title. Is that really the title you have?" Purah asked being skeptical.

"Yes, though I believe I have told only my wife and not even No-Nok knew my title; until now," Knoaka said.

"I don't know it at all, I really don't believe it either, it is absolutely outside what I can believe," Purah said exasperated.

"Know that I care about my granddaughter a great deal as does my wife," Knoaka said.

"Exactly who... wait Knoaka as in Zelda's grandfather? I am so sorry about the rude behavior I just dumped those negative feelings on you," Purah apologized.

"Don't worry too much about it but let me give you some advice; don't interfere in Zelda's choice of partners, she is an adult and isn't naive so much anymore," Knoaka said.

"Ah, how did you know what I had asked Zelda about?" Purah asked.

"Midna was watching and asked me to interfere if you asked No-Nok about her qualifications of being a noble or royal," Knoaka explained, "I did as you did do that and know that he is a royal by standards of Hyrule."

"Ok, then there's no more need to...and he is gone," Purah trailed off.

"Thought he was going to stay back there until their tasks were done, but I know Midna didn't promise that," No-Nok said.

"You know them both I take it?" Purah asked.

"Knoaka very well, Midna not so much but I know that they are married and were already Zelda's grandparents before that," No-Nok affirmed.

"How well do you know Knoaka, and how does he possibly know me?" Purah asked No-Nok.

"I know that he would do anything to help defend Hyrule and its people from outside influence but has had a hard time of what he says is doing enough. I mean he was here 10,000 years ago during my time and recruited me for 100 years to help defend Hyrule during a turbulent time. Later I found out that the time was shortly after the Great Calamity happened 100 years ago. We stopped guardians from threatening Rito Village and Kakariko Village. We even ensured some other places would not have any guardians that were working, like most of Northern Akkala," No-Nok explained. "We were not to change the main outcome just some people deaths and. I know I saw you near Akkala Citadel shortly before the remaining army went into the last stand of Hyrule."

"You were here then, but did not change the major events why not?" Purah asked.

"Because Knoaka and I were helping to end the curse that has plagued Hyrule for almost all time even before the kingdom was established," No-Nok said.

"Are you talking about the curse that is in legends about the demon army and their king Demise?" Purah asked.

"That one. That still will happen once more, but then there will be no more of the curse, and it will finally end," No-Nok assured Purah.

"Then I am happy to have met someone who knows about it and has helped put it to rest," Purah said, "Also I believe someone who has helped that much should be able to protect the princess much better than only a hero could. By the way, what type of sword is that on your right hip?"

"You mean the sword of benevolent light?" No-Nok asked touching the hilt of the sword.

"Yes. Why did you call it benevolent light sword?" Purah pried.

"Because that is what it is the Benevolent Light Sword. A much stronger sword than the Master sword even against the Calamity, but it is only able to be wielded by me because it was gifted to me. Not even a descendant would be able to use it," No-Nok explained.

"How can it be stronger..." Purah trailed off.

"Because it is, but I think I should go," No-Nok said leaving Purah's home.

No-Nok let his eyes adjust to the light outside. The sun had risen, and it was shining in a clear blue sky. He then looked at Zelda standing by the side of the railing by the front of Lookout Landing. She was resting on it looking out to the castle and she seemed deep in thought. He walked to where she was standing and looked at a place he had once called home in the castle town, but most buildings were completely demolished. He knew she probably felt more loss than he did as she had been near here when the Calamity had hit over 100 years ago. He stood by her side, and he let their hands touch. He smiled and looked at her and she smiled back.

Link saw No-Nok and Zelda holding hands looking out towards the castle and he wondered why they seemed very connected, but then he remembered that they had spent an entire year together in the Library of the Gods. He noticed that the man was certainly taller than he was. He was at least six feet tall, and he was well muscled and that was evident through his clothing. He was what Link considered an impossible ideal to be alive, but here he was standing with Zelda, and he was definitely what people had not been in quite some time.

Purah watched from the shadow of her door to see that Zelda was definitely relying on this person from history, but he seemed to belong. She heard a commotion happening and she slowly opened her door to see multiple guards pointing their weapons at an odd pair of people. One looked similar to No-Nok while the other was a red-skinned Zora who looked similar to the Prince Sidon of Zora's Domain. She was wondering why so many people that were arriving were unknown to her.

Zelda turned around with the murmuring she heard, and she saw Junior and Ruta. She smiled and waved at them, and she let go of No-Nok's hand to head down the stairs and greet them. As she got to the bottom, she noticed that Link looked at her and smiled but he was still listening to whatever Robbie was talking about. She saw that there were many people from Goponga village and most of them were slightly injured.

"What happened at New Goponga Village?" Zelda asked the leader of the village.

"It was attacked by many monsters, including at least four lynels that were blue-maned and one white-maned then a few boss bokoblins that were with a lot of bokoblins of different colors," The leader said, "It was completely razed, but Junior and Ruta helped us escape with minimal injuries."

"Well, that is good news," Zelda said then turned to Junior and Ruta, "thank you for protecting citizens of Hyrule from monsters."

"Not entirely, there were some of those people from the cult of Demise behind this, they must have been biding their time to become strong enough to cause more problems for Hyrule again," Ruta explained.

"No-Nok told me about them, and we no longer have an order of light mages, or really any mages of any kind," Zelda said.

"I know, but without them not much can be done against them then, Swilka and Kovac had nearly eliminated them all, but apparently a few higher ups managed to escape," Junior said.

"They did, but not before we came back to this point in time, Zelda," Konan said walking into the lower area.

"How? didn't you go back in time?" Zelda asked.

"Been there and finished what we wanted, now I am back to this time where I have seen and done much in the time in between when you saw me last and now," Konan said.

"How long have you been in Hyrule, the Yiga have been attacking people and the Cult of Demise are back in Hyrule too," Zelda explained.

"Been in Hyrule the entire time, just deep into the past though I guess we did leave once in our travels," Konan admitted.

No-Nok heard his father's voice, and he slowly went down the wooden stairs. He saw him with a new light blade, but it was slim and was adorned with the same ornate design as the master sword's scabbard. Shoala was wearing new white robes except these were more open to allow her to move better. Shina one of his older sisters was there in a Sheikah outfit and had a pair of kodachis on both hips. Isaha Kraza was there with one of her eyes missing and a scar that ended just below her missing eye. She was an odd person in the group of six as she was not an expert with any weapon but was an expert at transformative battle. Kovac was still wearing his goddesses' armor but lacked the glowing quality and finally Swilka seemed to be in a good mood which struck him as odd as he usually looked dour all the time.

"Who are the six of these people?!" Purah yelled from the second level.

"We are the Hylia's chosen heroes through time," Konan replied, "We are Konan Twighlight, Shoala Twighlight, Kovac Hemechi, Nonak Swilka, Shina Mouski, and Isaha Kraza."

"The Immortal Hero here? I would like to speak to you," Purah said.

"Sure, I think my friends would like to speak to the people here," Konan said.

No-Nok looked at his father as he passed him, and he seemed as though something was wrong but couldn't place it. He just looked very worn out, but then he noticed that he was also quite wounded, and he wondered what from. He then looked back at the other five and Shina fixed her single remaining eye on him. Her brown hair was neatly and shortly trimmed, her eye was a light red, and she had many fine scars on her face. She had a bow over one shoulder in addition to the two kodachis she carried. She had lost her eye long ago before she had even met him. She left her group and came up to him.

"You look well, No-Nok. I can't believe that Konan thought the other you we found was you. I felt that he was off from the start. He did try to kill me too. He tried to take my eye that was already gone. I am glad that you are alive, and we came to this area to find you," Shina explained.

"You lost a few people it seems, Gahbaldi, Iskanu, and Krunak," No-Nok said.

"Gahbaldi was slain during the siege of Kakariko Village when you were with us. Isknau had to help us escape that era, then Krunak disappeared during the era of Twilight we travelled back to after departing this era where you ended up after being separated from us. Konan said you did not want to join us. Why is that?" Shina explained.

"I believe I am needed here more as I have actually affected change to the land. I am going to never regret that decision, because due to me being here now I can actually tell you I have seen both Iskanu and Krunak," No-Nok defended himself.

"Wait you've seen my husband, how long ago and where?" Isaha asked.

"About a week ago, and a place you cannot get to for at least five or so years, unless you are invited by the Twili of this era, but for now the way is closed except for in the past," No-Nok said.

"The Twili of this era that means he is in the Twilight Realm, but its dangerous in there isn't it," Isaha asked.

"Not so anymore, I was invited there for a wedding of Knoaka and Midna both new gods of the Twilight Realm. They are trying to repair all the damage that was caused by many years of infighting. Knoaka and Midna said they'd visit though in about eight months when their first great-grandchild is born," No-Nok assured Isaha.

"Thank you for easing my worries, No-Nok," Isaha thanked No-Nok.

"Who is their grandchild here then?" Shina asked.

"The current princess of Hyrule Zelda of this era," No-Nok stated.

"I wonder who she married to have a child of her own and wouldn't that make her now Queen Zelda?" Isaha and Shina asked No-Nok.

"Unfortunately, she is not married yet, though she has already chosen to have a child of old nobility in Hyrule," No-Nok said not letting on it was him who she had chosen.

"Oh, so you don't know who it is," Isaha concluded.

Zelda wondered why she was starting to remember this strange assortment of people when she noticed No-Nok talking to two women. She noticed he seemed uncomfortable, and she wondered if they were hitting on him which made her feel jealous of the women. She was about to go over there when they left him alone and started to talk to the guards of Lookout Landing. She let the feeling go away and she saw him making his way towards where the cart and horses were.

"Going somewhere without me No-Nok?" Link asked.

"Not quite yet need to get ready to go though, the journey is long to Zora's Domain," No-Nok stated.

"You and I both are protecting Zelda now as I was ordered by Paya to ensure the Princess was well protected," Link explained.

"Ok, just make sure you know that she is now with child so it will be much more important to protect her," No-Nok said.

"Wait she is, its not mine right, but if not whose is it?" Link asked.

"Why don't you ask Zelda, I'm sure she might like to clear the air between the two of you since your wedding months ago," No-Nok suggested getting the wagon harnessed with a horse.

Zelda watched Link apparently emoting more and he seemed to be panicking a bit with whatever No-Nok had just told him. He turned and looked at her and she saw him looking kind of sheepish and somewhat flustered. She wondered what No-Nok had said to Link, but she figured he hadn't told him something too serious. She walked over to where No-Nok was when she was suddenly blocked by Shoala. She wondered why Shoala was blocking her path until she saw genuine concern on her face.

"Zelda, when were you going to tell us you were with child?" Shoala asked quietly.

"It hasn't been that long and most of the time I feel as I did before," Zelda said.

"Do you know who it is? The father of your child I mean," Shoala asked.

"Yes, I do. He is here and was whom I was going towards," Zelda said.

"No-Nok's? How did you convince him to participate in such an intimate act?" Shoala asked.

"It didn't take too much, but it happened shortly before we were invited to my maternal grandparent's wedding a week or so ago," Zelda explained.

"You probably mean the world to him, and I wonder why Junior didn't send him back to us like Knoaka said he would if he was ever lost to us again," Shoala said.

"Probably because Knoaka had taken him before, but this time it was not his fault he said it was someone else and that is why he gave Konan the pendant," Zelda explained.

"I'll have to ask Epoch what exactly it is then," Shoala sighed.

"Epoch? A large stretch of time?" Zelda asked vexed.

"No, a time mage who helped us get past the barrier to the time of the goddess Hylia," Shoala said looking thoughfully into the air.

Zelda was puzzled as to why a time mage had somehow appeared because she had never heard of one before. She saw Shoala wandering off still looking in the sky and she went the rest of the distance to where Link and No-Nok were standing waiting for her apparently. She saw that No-Nok was kind of scowling, but he seemed also to be a bit uncomfortable about having Link around. She wondered why he was back, but she figured that he might tell her on the way to Zora's Domain.

No-Nok sat up on the outside and Link decided to sit next him outside. He beckoned to Jnuior and Ruta and Junior sat on the back of the wagon while Ruta clambered into the compartment where Zelda was sitting. Zelda smiled weakly, but she noticed that the Goponga Villagers were setting up themselves in Lookout Landing and she hoped that they were okay with being displaced by some really strong monsters. She saw Ruta looking expectanly at her and she wondered if she was asking her who the father of her child was or if she had taken her advice.

"Is it his like I advised you about No-Nok?" Ruta asked.

"Yes, but it was actually another event that actually worked and got him to do so, but I think your first advice opened up his mind to the possiblity," Zelda answered.

"Well, I am happy about this outcome, but I wonder what happened to cause you to get him to actually do it," Ruta said.

"A bad loud storm at night. I have troubles with those since I spent much time in the castle that shielded and muffled the noise. I have a hard time with it being loud out in the wilds or even another town. He comforted me at first and I felt his presence and felt his strength flow into to make me calm. I used it to kiss him once again, yet this time he returned it even better than before. He had gotten himself closer and I think when I made myself too visisble he couldn't hold back anymore. It happened and it was wonderful and awful all at once. He made me feel very satisfied and desirable again," Zelda explained.

"Wow! I never would have thought you could describe someone like that. I think he does really care for you," Ruta exclaimed.

"Hey, Ruta would you please keep your voice down here?" Junior scolded, "We are near the Lanayru Wetlands near Goponga Village ruins."

No-Nok slowed down the carriage and all he could see was few burnt planks from houses that had been there. The only structure still standing was the well, which had been there when they had started to rebuild the village. He noticed that there were many dead monsters laying strewn across the landscape. There was one dead lynel that had terrifying horns that were both jagged and really long and sharp. It was a silver lynel the most agressive and powerful of the powerful ancient monsters. He had fought a few white-maned ones during his battles during the Calamity; but he had fought them during the destruction of Castle Town. He had found the three just outside Castle Town eliminating any Hylians who actually escaped the onslaught from the guardians. He had saved a small group of refugees that were fleeing and he had to kill three white-maned lynels at once. He had used mostly light magic then to stop them since they had high resitance to most elemental magic.

"Truly tragic that this settlement fell again," Link said.

"Indeed, but No-Nok we need to hurry someone is folowing us," Junior warned from the back.

No-Nok had the horse begin going again, when an arrow whizzed right by his face. He looked to see that a lynel had noticed them. He wasn't sure he could protect evryone when suddenly the water below receeded and a wall of water hit the lynel and trapped in a ball of water. Then it was lifted high in the air and the water dropped with the lynel and covered the land with waves as the water began to spread to where it had been. The Lynel was dead and was lying in a heap on horns and weapons. The horse was unsettled, but he got it to go again and this time faster.

Link was amazed at what had just happened, but No-Nok seemed unmoved from the spectacle that had just happened. He wondered if No-Nok had seen much more wonderous feats that defied logic. He noticed that the ladies were quiet and Junior was mumbling something. He realized that these were probably the most eccentric people he would ever meet. The power displayed was not No-Nok's apparently, but it could either be Ruta's or Junior's power over water that even rivaled any Zora of the age. He noticed that they were moving more quickly now and they were going around bone pond. This place was notorious for having plenty of water octoroks and lizalfos.

Link kept look out when he noticed that No-Nok had taken off the strange blade that looked archaic. The pommel was wrapped in beige fabric and the hilt was composed of on odd material that he couldn't place. There was a small guard and the blade appeared to be double edged. He tried to look at it closer but he couldn't even budge it slightly out of the scabbard. He wondered why he couldn't but it didn't matter much to him. He noticed that there was a Zora guard stationed at Inogo Bridge which was the first bridge to cross to reach Zora's Domain. The guard readied their spear until No-Nok stopped the cariage and swiftly disembarked showing he wawas taking people with him.

"Who comes this way?" The guard asked.

"I bring princess Zelda, to Zora's Domain as well as a few good friends of the Zora," No-Nok stated firmly.

"Ok leave the carriage here and follow me to the Domain," The guard ordered.

No-Nok grabbed his sword and attatched it to his belt. He then opened the carriage and etended his hand and Ruta came out first, followed by Zelda. He then closed it and and Junior came off the back. and the guard realized that they had a zora among their group. He nearly dropped his spear as he recognized both Junior and Ruta.

"Princess Ruta and Zor-gleek Junior I was not expecting you soon after your last visit," The Zora guard said.

"We came to help princess Zelda and both of her protectors," Ruta said dryly.

"Ok, well to let you know currently during the day travel is quite safe, nighttime however is quite trecherous," The guard continued.

"There was supposed to be a welcome from two of Yona's fellow Zora's," Ruta said.

"Yes, they are running a bit late as per their usual," the guard explained.


Ruta finally saw the two Zora who had followed a week later when they brought Yona. They were both Maroon on their scales rather than Ruta's light red. They were both unfamiliar with this area, but they should have been here at least an hour ago. They were walking quite slowly, but it appeared one of them was actually slightly injured. Once they came up Ruta was the first to approach the both of them.

"Now how did you get injured this time?" Ruta lectured.

"Took a bad step and got my ankle caught in a couple of rocks. Had a hard time walking afterwards, but at least we could still make it," Laflat explained.

"Well you should hope that Yona did not miss you much," Ruta went on lecturing.

"She has been with Sidon all day so she won't miss us much. After all they have finished the new statue for the two new saviors of the Domain," Laflat said.

"You mean Link and Prince Sidon which Link is here if you didn't notice," Ruta said.

"Ah, I just noticed him. I'm sorry sir Link, we didn't notice you," both Zora apologized.

"Well you should take our group to Zora's Domain, we have princess Zelda too, so please take us," Ruta implored.

"Sure thing; follow us," Laflat said.

No-Nok had never been to Zora's Domain before and this was his first time. He looked to see a glowing scupture situated below the high cliffs of Upland Zorana. The place was a tier circular structure with a giant fish looking out over the large ridge that spanned a two lakes connected by a waterfall. He saw that it was also connected to both the right and left cliffs by more waterfalls and an enourmous lake that looked morel like a dam that he had seen being finished during his original time. He had been down in Horon Lagoon to see it over 10,000 years ago. He was astonished to see so many Zora here that were not wearing armor or holding wepons.

Link strode into the Domain and he knew he would need to find dento the weponsmith to ask if he knew about the staus of his Zora's Tunic that had been made especially for him by the past Zora princess Mipha who had died over 100 years ago during the Calamity. She had made it for him as she had inteded to marry him after Ganon was sealed once again. He bumped into a zora he didn't know and he looked up to see her grin and she was a light green scaled zora with two protruisions coming from just above her eyes. She looked like the Zora that he had seen when he had turned in his tunic to be repaired a few months prior.

"So it is my love's best friend again. What brings you here?" Yona asked Link.

"Protection for someone and I was wondering if my tunic was fixed yet," Link said.

"No, we still have yet to find ancienct arrowanas to finish repairing it. Most of the time has been devoted to building a new statue while we also prepare to take down the Lynel on Ploymous Mountain to build Mipha court," Yona explained.

"Well should have asked me to take care of it, I would have happily have done so earlier," Link replied.

"You can't do it Link, you don't have the power of water at your disposal and climbing there would tire you out too quickly," No-Nok said walking up to the two.

"Who are you, young man?" Yona asked.

"No-Nok Twighlight, the principle protector to princess Zelda," No-Nok introduced himself.

"Same name as the leader of the "Heroes of Hyrule" Though I don't know who any of them are," Yona said.

"From Hyrule here, not where you come from which by most scholars or by some people who have been there call it old Hyrule," No-Nok said.

"Old Hyrule? I thought this place was Hyrule first," Yona said vexed.

"It was where the Triforce actually first but it was moved to here before the demon hordes could claim it," No-Nok said, "I know the "Breach of Demise" is here, but that is when he made his reappernce in Hyrule when he was getting close."

"More than a protector, but a scholar too," Yona said.

"Yes I am, but my scholarly past is behind me. I am now a guardian knight to princess Zelda," No-Nok said.

"From what I have heard from some visitors from the Monster Control Crew, you are a warrior of great power and conviction," Yona said.

Zelda walked over to where No-Nok and Link were talking to Yona, and she turned with a smile and Link left to go to the smithy. She wondered why Link left to go to Dento's workshop, but she felt that she should let Yona know about the secret that Link seemed to be avoiding.

"Princess Yona would you come with me and No-Nok to the throne room?" Zelda asked.

"Well Sidon should be there, and I think that he should probably be made aware as well," Yona said.

Zelda walked up the elegant staircase and then up the second staircase to the throne room. She had met King Dorphean many times and he was still sitting on the throne. She was followed by No-Nok who was taking in the sights, but made sure to stay much closer than Link was doing. Once they had assembled in the throne room Bazz was asked to bring both Ruta and Junior to the throne room as well.

"I believe I should tell you a secret that only a few people of Hyrule know," Zelda began.

"A secret that won't be is then sharing of information," King Dorphean said.

"Secret to most everyone then," Zelda agreed.

"So what did you wan't to tell us all exactly," Sidon asked.

"I wanted to tell you all that I am expecting my first child, from my primary protector No-Nok Twighlight," Zelda said.

"Protector though not lover, huh? Did he force or was it a mutual agreement?" Yona asked.

"Very mutual agreement. I was unsure at first, but I came to understand him more and he made me feel more important and unique the more time I spent with him," Zelda explained.

"Wow, that is actually unexpected!" Yona exclaimed.

"Zelda do you fully understand the ramifications of having a child from a commoner?" King Dorphean asked.

"Actually according to history he is a high noble without all the personality traits of a entitled high noble," Zelda answered.

"That explains his father, Konan Twighlight, though he said his title was the "Immortal Hero"," Sierdon said.

"I gave him that title since he was the hero from 10,000 years ago," Zelda expalined, "I gave it to him shortly after I had the chance to meet him when he was here a number of months ago."

"The group around him call themselves the "Heroes of Hyrule." Did you give them that name?" Dorphean asked.

"No maybe the goddesses called them as such, or the people, but I definetly did not," Zelda concluded.

"Ok back on topic, No-Nok is the father of your unborn child, and he is respected greatly by the people of this era. Exactly how old is he do you know?" Sidon asked.

"I know I do not look it, but I am 126 as of today. My birthday is today so a little over 10,000 years ago my parents arrived in Hyrule, I may have been bornback then, but i was moved to this time after I came really close to dying when I was helping my father throughout time. Before this I was asked by the god of all to help during the Calamity 100 years ago. I was present for all of it so I nkow the major points, and I did try to save as many people as I could," No-Nok explained.

"Been here since what a little over a year then," Dorphean asked.

"Certainly, I have, and if I can help it i will stay here until the day I expire," No-Nok finished.

Embers of Time - Chapter 4 - konanthehylian (2024)
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